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Laughing Paradox's SIte

Started by Randomdays, November 11, 2021, 11:45:12 AM

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I tried to download LPs Crusaders from his site and they all went to a Google Drive link with a forbidden error afterwards.

It looks like most, if not all, of the Google Drive links I tried are bad, while the one's that go to the Yolasite links still work.

Can someone else confirm, and also, importantly, has someone backed up everything ffrom LP's site?

Wayback didn't have much, and I'd hate to have the files on his site go missing. I know he had an older site that might have some files on it, so I;ll look and see if I can dig that up.


I just got the same error when trying them. I believe I have everything from his site and can send the crusaders to you if you still need them.
For Freedom!

FF Museum Website:


Send away. Thank you.

I'll have to go thru the site and update on what else is broken.

Checking, LP hasn't been on site for over 2 years, so I don't know if a PM would help.


Oh no!  I've been worried about something like this.  That's great that you've got it backed up, WF!  I've got LP's email, so I'll send him a message and give him a heads-up.   Well, I thought I did, but apparently not.  A PM is a good idea, then, even if a longshot.
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!


Seeing that. Rest of it works but Google. More the reason I try and steer people from those hosting sites. They never stay up. My own Google drive and it was more a matter of I had changed my username and pass due to an email hack then. So the connected drive access went with. Same with OneDrive. Old hard drive so all the OD stuff with it. I won't be of use with the rest sorry, I only have Grens stuff on my drive. I try and keep my space light for program performance these days.


For Freedom!

FF Museum Website:


You always think you have all the time in the world to grab things from a site, and then its gone, or in this case, partially gone.

I went ahead and grabbed everything I could, without checking if I had it or not.

I had planned to leave the actives sites like this, Alex and Heroforce till later, but looks like I' might have to at least grab everything and index them later.

Below is a list of things not available on LP's site, minus the things I checked and saw that I had.

Hopefully Wyldfyre or someone will be willing to send them my way.


Masters of Disaster - Heat Stroke, Shakedown, Coldsnap, Windfall

Crusaders - Captain Wings, Thunderfist, Spirit of 76, Ghost Girl, Tommy Lightning


Okay, I've got some of this stuff.  Let me look.

So, I've got:


Birds of Prey - Black Canary

Infinity Ink - Brainwave Jr

Squadron Supreme - Amphibian, Black Archer, Skylark, Nuke, Skrullian Skymax


Foot Clan - All

Hydra Goons - All (Some, I don't know how many there were)

I'm packing them up and sending them your way.

Also, thank you for fielding this, RD.  We appreciate it.
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!


I have a bunch of those. I will check after work so i can list what i have. Let me know where to send them.



Thanks guys.

Fronkenhonk - PM sent.

Updated the list above with Benton's contributions.

Hopefully I'll be able to get a complete copy of the site. With Wyldfyre, that'll be at least 2 members who are preserving it.

I'm going to go thru the site again later and try using the wayback to back it all up online if I can.


I'm going thru the files and notice a few things.

1) LP's Crusaders are the same as Gren's, but perhaps with slight differences in the screen shots. If they're the same but posted twice that would help with the archiving. Its also possible that one set is an updated version of the other. This might be true for other characters as well.

2) Many of Gren's meshes state that the skin is by C6, while others say the "base skin" is by C6. I'm assuming that Gren himself took a base skin and went from there.
   How much of a skinner was Gren?

3) So far, a few Gren meshes have no readme at all, and doing some searching hasn't turned up any info on these so far. While I hate not giving credit, these will be "Unknown" in the list I'm doing.


Yeah, a surprising amount of stuff from major contributors is floating around without readmes.  I'm sure I've got several Gren meshes I got straight from his sites that don't have 'em.
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!


Listing the things i have that ive found so far.


I ran into abit of an issue with Lps Alpha flight. Before i send them and you knock them of the list. LP did 2 versions of these. The others were in his Yahoogroup. And i think i only saved the ones of his that represented how i remember some of the characters. So i can say for a fact i have an LP aurora. But its not that one. Silver, talisman im very unsure if its exacly the one on his site or not. Let me know if you want me to send them anyway.

Avengers - Ms Marvel

Marvel Villains - Whirlwind this is called Whirlwind_Jp

Some of his stuff dont have LP in title wich make them abit harder to locate. But i will keep looking. Im sure i have more somewere even if ive had several compcrashes.


Marvel Heroes Shang Chi, Iron Fist, Punisher, Ghost Rider 2099, Black Panther

Marvel Villains - Tombstone, Steel Serpent

Have these and probably nothing else for DM


Send whatever you have and thank you.

If I already have it, no harm. If I don't have it, even if its not the one from his site, its still good to add to the archive list.


Sent.( I hope :D) will send the alphaflight stuff later.
Edit. Not sent yet. Its doing the atatching thingy still. But soon.



Frinkenhonk - Files received! Thanks

Almost done going thru Gren's Stuff. The link to Lilandra is bad, and apparently has been for a long time (SA found it back in 2015)

Luckily, he asked for it, and Cyber was able to send it his way. The mediafire link is still good as of today;

Wyldefyre - I think the Crusaders you sent me are Grens, and are probably different from LPs. IE Grens Ghost Girl has a skin by Gren himself. Can you look and see if you have LP's and if they are truly different from Grens?


I thought I remembered LP doing the standards. Must have been wrong on that. I am continuing to sift thru my collection.
For Freedom!

FF Museum Website:


Updated the missing list above. Thanks Fronkenhonk and Benton


Okay, so apparently the hard drive which failed me last year had the original files on it. My two backups do not have the Crusaders on them. I thought I had them in one other place, but have not found them so far. So if anyone else has them, I need a copy as well.
For Freedom!

FF Museum Website:


I had several of the LP and a few CB ones (I think):

LP: Hawk, Dove, Hawkgirl, Nuklon, Persuasion, Talisman, Tempo, Turbo

CB: Rocket_Racer, Grand_Director, Quill (I think this is the one). Plus some of the original Nazi soldier variations.


Thanks Goggles!

Updating the missing list. Added the Crusaders back on.

Also, I did send LP a PM the other day - no replies as of yet, and the files are still bad.


Could someone hook me up with the LP_alpha Flight stuff, or just anything that can't be retrieved from the site for whatever reason


Most of the originally missing files are backed up on detourne_me's (Tobin) back up sites, though you'll have to dig for them.

Updated the originally missing list at the top, removing new found items.