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Forum Rules (read this!)

Started by randyripoff, December 22, 2008, 11:56:40 PM

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Forum Rules:

These rules are intended to keep the forums a fun and friendly community for all of us. All members are responsible for upholding these rules.

All potential violations will be handled on a case-by-case basis. Failure to observe the following guidelines may result in temporary suspension of a user's account, banning or other punishment without warning, and solely at the discretion of the administrative staff based upon the severity of the offense, prior conduct and history and any other external and unforseeable factors.  


1. No flaming. Any comments seen as attacks or accusations of a personal nature may result in editing or deletion at the moderators and/or administrators' discretion.

2. No airing of dirty laundry. All disagreements with the rules or decisions of the moderators and administrators should be discussed via private message. Further appeal of moderator decisions must be made to non-moderator titans.

3. No posting or advocating illegal material or practices, including but not limited to warez, cracks, CD Key requests or links to sites or file sharing software with the intention of distributing copyrighted material.

4. No posting of or linking to pornographic material or material that may not be legally viewed by US citizens under 18 years of age.

5. No abusive language.

6. All comments and requests intended for specific individuals must be sent via private message or email. Any and all posts addressing one user will be deleted immediately without warning.

7. Private messages are exactly that, private messages, and as such should not be shared with other users or posted to the forums without the author's permission. Acceptance of the rules of this forum gives the forum moderators and administrators the right to post PMs to their administrative forums for administrative purposes.

8. Personal avatars have maximum dimensions in pixels of 185 tall by 128 wide and a maximum file size of 30K (this applies to animated images as well).

9. Signatures are text-only and may not exceed 300 characters. The size of the signature text must be no larger than the default board font size. Use of blink, glow, and marquee formatting is not allowed in signatures. Formatting that results in large or overly distracting signatures is subject to editing at mod discretion.

10. This is not an appropriate venue for discussion of religion or politics. Posters will refrain from making comments on those topics and care should be taken that humorous comments don't seem like sniping to those with different viewpoints.

11. This is a family-friendly forum. Do not post messages with adult content or links to other sites with adult content. Do not post using coarse language or swear words. This includes swear words misspelled or spelled with alternate characters (for example @ instead of a or $ instead of s) to skirt this rule or fool the posting software.

12. Since it has caused problems in the past, do not post indignant "I'm leaving!" messages. Such messages may result in suspension or ban. This does not apply to announcements of temporary absence from the board (for example, "I will be on a hiking trip next month and will not have internet access.").

13. Direct linking of images others are hosting for use on their sites without permission is known as "bandwidth theft" and is a violation of our terms of service. Make sure that any images you use in avatars or signatures as well as any you include in messages are ones that you host on your own site or on one of the many free image-hosting sites.


Input is welcome and best sent via Private Message to either the Administrators or Moderators. All input will be considered, but not all suggestions will be implemented.

Remember, these boards are for fun and recreation and the Rules and Guidelines are intended to help further your enjoyment of this site.

So the bottom line is have fun.


Rule #9 on signatures has been updated. Please take a look.
Courage is knowing it might hurt, and doing it anyway. Stupidity is the same. And that's why life is hard. - Jeremy Goldberg


Folks, we got signatures back a little while before the board went down and probably not everyone had a chance to make any needed adjustments. Since we are back up again, it's as good a time as any to check out #9 above and make sure things are ship-shape.
Courage is knowing it might hurt, and doing it anyway. Stupidity is the same. And that's why life is hard. - Jeremy Goldberg