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What've you skoped lately?

Started by Blkcasanova247, December 24, 2008, 08:01:23 PM

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My creature Skope and skin are done (I hope the skin is okay, I'm not much of a skinner)...

I'll be uploading he and a few other Skoped meshes soon.



That's...really nice Dana, especially forbeing "not much of a skinner."  Ha, he looks great!
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
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Decided that my skoping addiction was getting the better of me... I hinted that I was going to take the Punisher_TJ mesh and come up with a member of The Purifiers...


Mind that the skin is mostly 90% done and still has elements of the original Punisher skin on it.. but somehow the scowling unshaven face of Frank almost kinda works in an odd kinda way.

I know that the Purifiers have used energy weapons but swapping out weapons in Nifskope is waaaay beyond my talents.. so if someone wants to do that after it's released they are fully welcome to. I'm not sure if I want to keep the weapons backpack unhidden in my final release or not but when the Purifiers and Rev. Stryker went after Xavier's school they were armed to the teeth.. so... let me know what ya think.

- CQ
"He said let there be light... CLICK! It was a lightbulb. And It was good."


Get my skins at:
my Google page


Fantastic work you guys...I'm especially digging "The Creature" Dana...great job!. :thumbup: Here's a little WIP from of another "big bad" Marvel villain....

I'm doing 2 versions...the Paolo Rivera Mythos X-Men Magneto and a more "modern" one with a couple tweaks. He's about 80% there...still working on the keys...gonna give him a couple of different flying he'll be flying on the head of a Sentinel. ;) Also working on my version of the "modern" Ares...and one or two other little things.....

One of several colabs between myself and JP.
More to follow. ;)
I can't help it that I look so good baby! I'm just a love machine!


Wow keep them coming yal. Great stuff is happening here.  :thumbup:


That is a great skinning job Cmdr.

CQ -I Pm'd you before about skoping weapons if your still stuck you can send the skope my way and I do it for you.

Blk- I wish I could think so far out of the box as you with skoping.

As for me, I'm still stuck on the air hose for the Umen (any one want to help let me know) so I'm going back to some of WIP's

I dug out my old Morrison Issues this weekend and noticed Prof X had a collar with his gear so- UPDATE.
Skin is still a kit'd AA's New X-Men with an edited Luthor Head

Val's Nightcrawler with All in one Capabilities. (Ultimate, Reload, New Xmen) still needs AOA and others...
All the Skins are Courtnall's work Kit'd.

Bishop Modern - still working on the parts to go on the over sized arm.
Bishop's head is AA's Cage and the Body is Court's Wildcat Kit'd.

I still have my Winter Soldier, Aquaman Hook and Hellfire Goon in the queue but I don't have screen caps on hand.


Thank you, guys...Those are some really great X-related Skopes too.



Sweet work Area!! I was wandering, do u feel like doing 2 requests, if you have the time that is. I really, really, REALLY need Black Alice and Jeantte meshes to finish my Secret Six squad!


man...EVERYTHING looks awsome guys!really looking forward to the beast.he's always been one of my favorite characters! his blue furred ape looks still my favorite. the team needed some muscle.glad  he's been made. also, cant wait to get the lost hellions too. theres just to much to name with all the heroes,villians, and monsters being made.just hope they can have  releases soon. thanks guys!!!


This took all of ten minutes today.

I liked Area's Beast I felt it didn't look like Frank Quitely's work (kitty ears and face!) so I finished up a skope I started many, many moons ago. I also redid some of  Area's kitbash skin's details:

I'm going to release him and an update to Area's Professor X but I see he released him and did another skope. Side note: that's all C6's Luke, not mine.

Cass, that Magneto is insane.


AA, your on the money as usual bud! beast is excellent! thanks!


Quote from: herodad1 on January 15, 2010, 05:22:26 PM
AA, your on the money as usual bud! beast is excellent! thanks!

Yeah, exactly what he said  :thumbup:


That is awesome.

All I did with Prof X was add a collar. I didn't mail you him since I thought your new schedule keeps you busy and I didn't want to bother you. He's still just the wireframe and the KB'd skin I sent you works with it. All it needs is the jacket collar alpha'd and the center of the jackets alpha increased. I can't wait to see how you tweek it. (I'll yank it off the Yahoo Group when yours is released)

CQ was having problems with the weapons on his Purifier and sent it my way to give it shot- I still need to optimize and combine the textures but if he likes the design I'll send it his way and I'm sure he'll have him released soon.


It's ok. I actually prefer this design for Xavier -

So I'm going to do a skope with his Quitely design wheelchair.


Quote from: Blkcasanova247 on January 13, 2010, 02:36:00 PM
Here's a little WIP from of another "big bad" Marvel villain....

I'm doing 2 versions...the Paolo Rivera Mythos X-Men Magneto and a more "modern" one with a couple tweaks. He's about 80% there...still working on the keys...gonna give him a couple of different flying he'll be flying on the head of a Sentinel.

Holy #$@#$!!!! I figured one day someone would make the uber Magneto skope with all the bells and whistles..  :eek2:

Quote from: AfghanAnt on January 15, 2010, 05:18:49 PM
This took all of ten minutes today.

I liked Area's Beast I felt it didn't look like Frank Quitely's work (kitty ears and face!) so I finished up a skope I started many, many moons ago. I also redid some of  Area's kitbash skin's details:

Wow, AA.. Fantastic work on Beast  :thumbup:  Can't wait to get him smashing up some bad guys.

Quote from: area34 on January 15, 2010, 05:54:38 PM
CQ was having problems with the weapons on his Purifier and sent it my way to give it shot- I still need to optimize and combine the textures but if he likes the design I'll send it his way and I'm sure he'll have him released soon.

That's perfect Area.. just send him to me just like that and include the wireframes (would be very useful for skinners who want to take a shot at it).

I swore that someone said that Nifskope could create wireframe skins just by doing a few steps but for the life of me can't remember how to do it. What do I need to do?  :blink:

- CQ
"He said let there be light... CLICK! It was a lightbulb. And It was good."


Very nice AA, Area, CQ, Cas, and Dana. This thread is picking up some steam lately :thumbup:
I'm very much looking forward to getting my hands on these. ^_^


CQ - To get the wireframe. You go to the part you want and select click on the Trishape then left click and select texture then select export texture.

I just sent him your way. I renamed some stuff and combined different parts so there would be less files but I did label everything in the  the wireframe so it's not confusing.

AA - A Quielty wheelchair version is way beyond what I could do so I never even thought of it.


Oh god that Beast AA is beautiful. I love it.

area34 those are some cool skopes. If I ever skin Nightcrawler again I'll have to check it out.
And more Purifiers, those NEED to get finished. The Purifiers are my favorites.
Get my skins at:
my Google page


Y'know....I really have always disliked this version of Beast...but as per usual've made costumes I don't like absolutely sing with your fantastic skin work! :thumbup:
I can't help it that I look so good baby! I'm just a love machine!


Thanks - turns out the wheelchair action isn't going to happen (at least by me). So I just updated area's skope with Professor X's costume from Riot at Xavier's (when he was walking).



Get my skins at:
my Google page


Awesome Chuckie! :thumbup: I think you should update the rest with your signature style as you've clearly done here with the Prof instead of the "Quitely" look . Hey...did ya ever use those "updates" I did for Cyclops and Xorn?
I can't help it that I look so good baby! I'm just a love machine!


Putting the last touches on some of my skins... but I wanted to show off that I will have more then one version of the Purifiers.

And I think I have one more skope brewing in my head after thumbing thru X-Force issues.. Mmmmmm...

- CQ
"He said let there be light... CLICK! It was a lightbulb. And It was good."


That Prof X rocks AA!! Though when I see it I cant help but think it needs a Danger to go toe-to-toe with.


Okay, I've skoped on all the pieces I want, so now I need to make a skin, but I can't get the "teeth" to link to the male_extras file in the standard directory.  Any thoughts as to why whis would be?


Johnny Patches

mr. aa you have a ref pic of that wheelchair?.. id like to take a crack at it :thumbup:


Quote from: Johnny Patches on January 18, 2010, 03:11:30 AM
mr. aa you have a ref pic of that wheelchair?.. id like to take a crack at it :thumbup:

I quickly flipped thru my New X-Men collection to find a good example of that wheelchair and found this:

This should give you a pretty good idea JP.. both arm rests of the chair have joysticks and the back of the chair doesn't go any higher then it shows in the picture. However the design kinda varied a bit as some issues show the chair with the big wheels in front and the next would have the big wheels in the back. Considering that the chair only lasted several issues before his ability to walk returned it probably wasn't very important and could be passed off as different models of the same chair.

And I found this picture of the chair being knocked over which shows off the details of the bottom of it..

Hope these images help..

- CQ
"He said let there be light... CLICK! It was a lightbulb. And It was good."