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What've you skoped lately?

Started by Blkcasanova247, December 24, 2008, 08:01:23 PM

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I hope it gets released. I love your skopes, hoss. They're just so amazing.

Amazo Version 2.2

For anyone, and everyone, who has ever done anything to improve the FF/FFvs3R gaming experience, I want to say thank you. Life is so short, and you have all brought me so much joy. I hope that one day, I am somehow able to return the kindness and generosity that all of you have shown.

Cyber Burn

Cyber Burn

Bored. Each character is animated with the main mesh's animations. I just haven't gotten the guns worked out yet.

laughing paradox

Who are these guys, Cyber? Are they your avatar?

They look pretty cool.

Cyber Burn

This was just a proof of concept of something else I was doing. Skins are by Flash_22798.


some previews of skopes to come:

Catwoman, Skin by C6, Meshes used - VX Female by Vertex, catwoman_v2 by Ink, Tiger's Beutiful Daughter by Grenadier.  She has a mix of keyframes from all three to be really feline-like

Vision, Skin by C6, Meshes - VX_Vision by Vertex, Martian Manhunter by Renegade.
Vision has a mix of both MM and the VX Vission keyframes.. this time he really goes transparent when phasing



Get my skins at:
my Google page


Great work on those Skopes JP, Hoss, Cyber and DM!  I've been working on a few things too (click on the pictures to see the videos).


Quote from: cmdrkoenig67 on June 16, 2012, 08:23:47 PM
Great work on those Skopes JP, Hoss, Cyber and DM!  I've been working on a few things too (click on the pictures to see the videos).

"Roads, Where we're going we don't need... Roads"

Cyber Burn


Thanks guys...One drawback, The Tardis is a static mesh (its basically 20 re-skinned/Skoped military crates)...No animations.  I'm not even sure it should have animations...I may continue to work with it and figure a way of pasting animations into it.

BTW, Cyber...I like your thug army Skope...very cool.



Quote from: cmdrkoenig67 on June 16, 2012, 11:35:31 PM
Thanks guys...One drawback, The Tardis is a static mesh (its basically 20 re-skinned/Skoped military crates)...No animations.  I'm not even sure it should have animations...I may continue to work with it and figure a way of pasting animations into it.

BTW, Cyber...I like your thug army Skope...very cool.

Dana, how about skopingthe tardis onto the freedom flyer mesh? I believe it has a lift off/touch down animation, that kind of spirals a bit....   i know the Tardis just kind of appears in the show though,


I'll give that a try...Very nice suggestion, DM. 

BTW, Great Vision Skope!



My Abomination skope, an updated Lizard (with help from Detourne_me), and a whole bunch of other stuff is now available here thanks to my good friend Laughing Paradox.


Lovely skopes everyone.
Cyber, the Lantern corps multi character skope is sensational and my favorite use of the idea since Bearded's dynamic duo mesh.

Cmdrkoenig67, that TARDIS is a dream come true! I wasn't ever able to get mine to transfer from working in nifskope to character tool.

Well done :thumbup:


Well, I added the Tardis to the Freedom Flyer mesh and this what I got (click on picture to see it in action)...

Parts of it vanish unfortunately as it takes off and reappear as it lands...How odd.  It's probably because it isn't one solid mesh, but made up of several parts.



Quote from: martialstorm on June 23, 2012, 11:35:33 AM
Lovely skopes everyone.
Cyber, the Lantern corps multi character skope is sensational and my favorite use of the idea since Bearded's dynamic duo mesh.

Cmdrkoenig67, that TARDIS is a dream come true! I wasn't ever able to get mine to transfer from working in nifskope to character tool.

Well done :thumbup:

I think you sent me a PM about the Tardis you were working on, MS, I'm sorry to hear you couldn't get it to work....And thank you for the compliment.



Its a lovely tardis! Youre right, that is an odd thing for animations, but its such a great tardis! Great work!
"Roads, Where we're going we don't need... Roads"


Thank you, Doc...I think the best thing to do is just probably have the Tardis as a character mesh with no animations (I am going to check out other animation possibilities too), people can add it to maps if they'd like, maybe give it a teleportation power (so it can disappear and reappear at different places on the map) and it can certainly me used in mods or what-have-you.


Deaths Jester

Quote from: cmdrkoenig67 on June 26, 2012, 02:49:24 AM
Thank you, Doc...I think the best thing to do is just probably have the Tardis as a character mesh with no animations (I am going to check out other animation possibilities too), people can add it to maps if they'd like, maybe give it a teleportation power (so it can disappear and reappear at different places on the map) and it can certainly me used in mods or what-have-you.


Why not try an animation of the door opening and closing at least..that way we don't have to worry about it latter on...heh.
Avatar picture originally a Brom painting entitled Marionette.


Good idea if the doors were separate, but they are one piece...Sorry DJ.


Deaths Jester

Quote from: cmdrkoenig67 on June 26, 2012, 03:36:18 PM
Good idea if the doors were separate, but they are one piece...Sorry DJ.


Blast...oh well, was a try.
Avatar picture originally a Brom painting entitled Marionette.


Like I said, good idea.  Thanks for the suggestion, DJ.



any more experienced meshers or skopers want to give me a hand fine tuning this idea



kinda its the seth body but not the character


Shrink Spine1 and the chest will stop clipping.


Finally got around to a skope i was pretty happy with.  Ghazkul released an Agent Venom skin a while back, but i could never track down the skope that goes with it... so looking at what was available in the skin I cobbled together an Agent Venom of my own.  He's got keyframes from Jik's deadpool and spiderman.

I'd definitely love to take another crack at skoping him,  maybe this time with Gren's Super Spy and Texas Jack's Male_symbiote... so he can have the cool tendrils.