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What've you skoped lately?

Started by Blkcasanova247, December 24, 2008, 08:01:23 PM

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Thank you guys, glad you liked it :)

Quote from: Podmark on May 18, 2014, 11:39:28 PM
Bachalo does occasionally make some lame costumes. He repeats a lot of design elements and some of his looks can lack uniqueness. Still he's one of my favorite artists.

I really like his art too, but it's true that he repeats a lot of elements (for example the front part of Lady Mastermind, Emma Frost, Warbird, AoA Dazzler... costumes).


A simple Flash villain that I tried to create:

His name is "Tar Pit".

Here's an actual picture of the fella


Cyber Burn

Very nice Spyder, but I have to know, what did you use for the tar bubbles?


Quote from: Cyber Burn on June 12, 2014, 08:13:10 PM
Very nice Spyder, but I have to know, what did you use for the tar bubbles?

Those are just static mesh pieces already found on Clayface.

I not good enough at skoping to make dynamic bubbles :P

Cyber Burn

Hmmm, I've never tried it before, but what about using a Particle Emitter, like what you did with the flame effect? Maybe copy and paste the Emitter, then re-name the (.tga/.dds) file that it's attached to?


Quote from: Cyber Burn on June 12, 2014, 10:56:22 PM
Hmmm, I've never tried it before, but what about using a Particle Emitter, like what you did with the flame effect? Maybe copy and paste the Emitter, then re-name the (.tga/.dds) file that it's attached to?

I was thinking about that.  I was going to toy with the FX to see if I can get the bubbles to stop at his chest.

We'll see :P

Cyber Burn

Maybe if you put the Particle Emitters on his legs/feet, they would stop before reaching his chest.


These guys have been on my "to do" list for a long time, and I finally found all the parts I needed:


Cyber Burn

Very cool JKC.


For Freedom!

FF Museum Website:


Deaths Jester

Quote from: JKCarrier on June 14, 2014, 08:49:14 PM
These guys have been on my "to do" list for a long time, and I finally found all the parts I needed:

Wait...or those the lawyers from Top Ten?!?!?!  Nice!
Avatar picture originally a Brom painting entitled Marionette.


Quote from: Deaths Jester on June 17, 2014, 02:06:59 PM
Wait...or those the lawyers from Top Ten?!?!?!  Nice!

They're old Batman villains "The Terrible Trio".
Top Ten would be fun to skope, though, some of those characters would be a real challenge.


laughing paradox

The Terrible Trio look great.

And Top 10 would be amazing! I don't see how someone like Irma Geddon could be done, tho. I miss that book, tho.


Took a breather from working on serious stuff (sorry the wave release hasn't happened yet, hopefully I can get to wifi before the months end) and skoped Irrationals chicken on to male basic effects. Works perfectly! Naturally I was ecstatic about this one, lol. I tired to take it further and sculpted a male basic to fit the chicken. I weighted it without issue and skoped it on the chicken but it won't show up in Ctool. I noted that when I tired to drop the new body in the chicken node it was spit out to the the Scene Root. Sadly because this would have been awesome. I'm going to try and frankenstein it instead. Still I'm pleased with the chicken on male basic. I was just doing it for laughs but now I'm picking keyframes for it and planning to release this beauty if anything just for the " cluck " of it.


"sorry she couldn`t wait" superman to wonderman jla/avengers.


I love those classic baddies you do JKC!  And the chicken is just amazing... now all we need is a Peter Griffin, and we can have a huge battle!

Speaking of bigger guys though...

AA's Kingpin skin on a skope of Grenadier's Blob with parts from Tommyboy's Kingpin.


Kingpin and a Giant Chicken!?

oooh, man! These are awesome! :thumbup:


I figured out the chicken man.

Just look at that disaster! Ha ha! You can download chicken male basic and chicken man here if you like.



Good stuff with Kingpin, detourne_me. I've been thinking about Fisk alot lately after rewatching the 90s cartoon.
Get my skins at:
my Google page


If Kingpin ever led an army of giant chickens, would they be called "Kingpin's Cornucopia of Cacophonous and Cruel Clucks?"

Cyber Burn

I think I have officially "Seen it all".  :lol:



Couple of old skopes.  Not sure if I ever made them available or not.  Not very exciting when compared to the stuff you folks are doing now.

First up is a Super Synthoid.  Somebody else made one a few years ago, but it was on male_basic, or a mesh of similar size.  Ron Wilson drew these things bulky, and they were 20' tall.  I skoped some pieces onto male_giant, or something like that.  I really can't remember the details anymore.  Some of these were white/silver, others had the Thing's rocky hide.

The other skope is Ultimo II, which has more of a giant robot look going for it.  Once again this is on male_giant with Tommyboy parts (I think).

I had another drawing where Ultimo only had three teeth.  He isn't drawn very consistently. 

Anyway, there they be. 


Here's hoping animated gifs work here.   Using the Tom_Musc_basic body from the other Wonder Man meshes I use (thanks Tommy) and the golden_age_ray geometry and keyframes I used for the the other Flame_On_ meshes, I present the Ionic Energy Body version of Simon Williams....

My Amazing Woman - A Romantic Comedy of Super Heroic Proportions.

Also what Lightning Man and Kenn-X have been doing lately.

Cyber Burn

That is sweet!!! Nicely done Kenn.
