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What've you skoped lately?

Started by Blkcasanova247, December 24, 2008, 08:01:23 PM

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OMG. :D . went in my old pc any the stuff i found! i thought it was gone forever :banghead: , i found gigs of ff stuff. now im excited  :thumbup:


Quote from: john_patches on May 13, 2020, 09:57:24 PM
OMG. :D . went in my old pc any the stuff i found! i thought it was gone forever :banghead: , i found gigs of ff stuff. now im excited  :thumbup:

I've got a Spiderman you did that I don't believe has ever been released. And you should know: if YOU are excited, we are too.


hi dag!!  you can release it, your in control you have the power  :thumbup:


Quote from: john_patches on May 09, 2020, 01:59:43 AM
nice job  :thumbup:
i also have Marvel: Avengers Alliance 2 complete set,
but :doh: textures too small.
the models awesome tho  :thumbup:
let me know if your interested

Of course I am! :P

Quote from: john_patches on May 13, 2020, 09:57:24 PM
OMG. :D . went in my old pc any the stuff i found! i thought it was gone forever :banghead: , i found gigs of ff stuff. now im excited  :thumbup:


Cyber Burn

Quote from: daglob on May 14, 2020, 12:25:00 AM
Quote from: john_patches on May 13, 2020, 09:57:24 PM
OMG. :D . went in my old pc any the stuff i found! i thought it was gone forever :banghead: , i found gigs of ff stuff. now im excited  :thumbup:

I've got a Spiderman you did that I don't believe has ever been released. And you should know: if YOU are excited, we are too.

Also excited!!!  :D


So I'm not 100% sure how I want to release this (and it's still a WIP right now), as it's obviously not my skinwork and I don't particularly want to skin it, but once I get it done I do want to get it out there for people. Just to run down some changes:

-Made a Sinestro specific Aura, currently working on adding it to all the animations so it'll be on/off as appropriate
-Figured out how to make Left and Right handed versions using the same keys
-Replaced Ren's original climb animation with one I pulled from Power Ring
-fixed a mapping issue on the wristbands.


This is one of those days I can't figure out what to say, but go ahead and release it, Others can skin it or perhaps use it in another scope.


God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!


Wow! I wonder how you were able to reverse the keyframes.
Maybe if you just release the character.nif and keyframes?


Yeah, I'm definitely curious, too!

Would help with some of the skopes I've been trying to create.


So it's not that I reversed the keyframes (I was going to painstakenly mirror everything via nifskope, but that was gonna be way too tedious) It's that I inverted the handle node (scale = -1) on the actual nif and then rotated it back into place. Similar to the mirror trick I posted before, you also have to flip faces and normals and remember everything's been mirrored when you go to skope on more bits.


That Sinestro sounds pretty neat. Very impressed with these skoping tricks you've been finding Tomato.
Get my skins at:
my Google page


That's really slick Tomato. You should compile your findings and make them into tutorial and host them on whatever site. If all else when I get up and running I'll gladly host whatever you got on the Workbench page. I've been meaning to pause on put a basic Nif format tutorial (might just link to an already established offsite one really) then under it advanced tricks of the trade. I'll announce on my site update page here when I have everything up and running.


That's an amazing Nifskope trick! I'm sure it's going to be useful. Great find!  :thumbup:

Meanwhile I have a wip to show:

I'm still trying to figure out how to get a better ice slide, I really like how the ice beam effect turned out, but I'd like to make the ice slide longer and more flexible to the movement. Any ideas?


Wow, looking great!  I'm afraid I have no idea abotu the slide.
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!


Looks fantastic! For ice slides, tommyboy'sis longer, and it will go through to the ground. Another option would be a trail of FX that slowly disappear. Similar to what AA did with Starfire's hair? Or the Ice slide Sprint FX.


Don't have my notes for this but maybe a bit of fall off for the ice slide like it would naturally look? I think the solid look is what makes it out place. His slide should be crumbling apart and little bits falling down and away as it goes. Akin to DM's FX trail suggestion here but adding the effect of brief falling snow I suppose. And I don't know how hard this is to pull off but maybe add a constant beam hitting the front/nose with an ice fog/mist effect to give it the illusion of constantly forming on the front end while coming apart on the tail end.


Very nice Iceman! It looks like a port, what is it from?
Get my skins at:
my Google page


I'll check those ideas and I'll post here the results.

The model is from Marvel FutureFight.


Needs a lot more polishing of course. Tigerclaw is still going on, I retrieved my workfiles from the old drive. One of his guns is floating by his foot now for some reason I can't figure out. I'll get to that later of course, nice to be working on stuff again. Actually better really, this laptops graphics card has a connection to the speed force and it is nice.


Wow! Long overdue that we see a She-Ra skope. Great job SA, thanks!


Nice job on the She-Ra. Would love to see some in the new Netflix She-Ra style also.
Creator of EZ Danger Room, EZFX, EZHero, The JLA Mod, The X Mod, Superhero TV, & famous Hero Recipes, coming up: New mods.



you guys are still at it thats dope! :wub:
The Ultimate Fan!


I just pulled a Griswold Christmas Lights Ceremony. I kept getting polys that were blacked out alpha'd. I rebuilt the part in question six times from scratch before I noticed I accidentally pasted the shape at an earlier time into the alpha channel on the texture.  :blush:



Haha, I didn't understand a word of that, SA, but glad you figured it out!

Sheira!  Awesome!
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!


Basically the texture was messed up because I messed it up but didn't notice. Instead of looking at that easy and obvious thing I went through all the settings in Nifskope with a comb. When I couldn't find anything I remade the 3d model from scratch and it still had issues. I did that several times over. I finally looked at the texture which I did incidentally, noticed the issue and facepalmed. So basically I was Clark Griswold in the film Christmas Vacation flipping out because I couldn't get the lights to work without checking to see if the switch was even on. Whoops.


Making decent progress on She-Ra. It's tricky to get the bits to look signature while keeping them low poly. On to Starbust and Bubble next then I have about three nights worth of keyframing to crunch. Still have to figure out why the limbs are vanishing then it's sealed.


God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!