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The Marvel Thread

Started by Previsionary, December 24, 2008, 11:48:35 PM

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Silver Shocker

Quote from: Previsionary on August 12, 2009, 11:41:26 AM
Ultimate verse relaunches today, anyone gonna check it out?

I picked up Ultimate Avengers today. Here's what happens:

Nick Fury is shown outside the new and improved base (Triskelsion) which is being built, talking to Hawkeye, about how he's back but no longer in charge of S.H.I.E.L.D. In his place is Carol Danvers. They talk about the events of Ultimatum a bit (Nick says that he "told them they should have put a bullet in Magneto's head when they had the chance") and Hawkeye tells Nick that Captain America's gone rogue and Danvers want Nick back to lead a black ops team to capture him. He then mentions that Cap found out about the Red Skull. We then see Captain America and Hawkeye on a mission to stop A.I.M. from robbing the Baxter Building in the wake of Ultimatum. Carol contacts Tony Stark and chews him out for not showing up to help them (instead he's drinking and fraternizing with ladies). Cap And Hawkeye manage to beat the A.I.M. goons easily during a battle in a helicopter but the Red Skull shows up and beats the crap out of Cap. He then whispers something in Cap's ear before knocking Cap out of the copter. Hawkeye jumps out and saves him, and the Red Skull gets away. Cap tells Hawkeye that the Red Skull said he's his son.

This issue was light on plot with not a lot happening storywise, but I thought it was a great read regardless. Miller returning to the team he did his best work on for Marvel is working out pretty well, as he's shown he's still able to get the characters right and spew out cool, witty, and funny lines. At least half of the issue is wham-bam action scene, like a big budget action movie sequence, and I found the art by Pacheco was up to the task of pulling off the cool visual moments. There was maybe a bit too much in terms of splash pages and big panels, but it works for Ultimates, and it's something you come to expect from the book. Cap continues to be a arrogant jerk (he goes out of his way to throw the bad guys out of the airborne chopper!) but he spouts the cool action lines like a pro.  The scene with Tony didn't add a lot to the plot, thought it does serve to explain why he's not there, but it's a very funny scene that's perfectly in character for the Ultimate Tony, who's basically pre-Civil War Tony, except without any sense of self-restraint or inhibition. And having Nick Fury back in the series feels very good (Pacheco passed the Samual L. Jackson test).

All in all, I really enjoyed the issue, and I'll definitely pick up the next one.  It gets a solid 4 on the Prev-O-Meter ™ (that's what we call it right? I think that's right.)
"Now you know what you're worth? Then go out and get what you're worth, but you gotta be willing to take the hits. And not pointing fingers, saying you're not where you want to be because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that, and THAT AIN'T YOU. YOU'RE BETTER THAN THAT!"
~Rocky Balboa


Quote from: Previsionary on August 06, 2009, 03:09:34 PM
AA likes her, so shut your FAT mouth and go back to perusing "Mayhem" by Tyrese. Also, it's foreword. OH SNAP! ^^

I especially love her drawn by the Dodson too bad she is being written by Fraction.


I just read Ultimate Comics Spider-man #1 today:

It opens with Peter working at a fast food joint getting grief from customers.  Later, we're told by MJ Watson, high school reporter, that New York has been repaired and reopened.  A crime is stopped by a mysterious vigilante, only for Spidey to show up after it's taken care of.  The cops are really pleased just to meet him, and he then returns home to Gwen Stacy waiting for him, and they then make out.  Kitty Pryde gets referenced, and Johnny Storm appears to crash on Peter & Aunt May's couch.  The Kingpin returns to New York (all evidence of his previous trial destroyed when the city was) only to be apparently killed by some other mystery guy with powers, who kinda looks like Dormammu.

I wasn't terribly impressed here.  This is basically the same as the 'One Year Later' stunt DC pulled a while back, where time is jumped after a big event, there are a number of significant continuity changes, and the reader is introduced to events already in progress.  It's gimmicky, and has a lot less impact than it would if we just got to see these changes as they unfolded.

Also, I just don't see a lot of reason for Ultimate Spidey to exist any more.  At first, it was a way to have teenage, single Peter Parker while 616 Pete was married & older, and to offer a less convoluted continuity for new readers.  Now 616 Pete has been reset with Brand New Day, and the Ultimate line is as bogged down in continuity, I'm just not seeing the point.


Quote from: Talavar on August 13, 2009, 05:12:01 PM
Also, I just don't see a lot of reason for Ultimate Spidey to exist any more.

Because Ultimate Spider-woman is better than You (not you personally just "You" generally.)


why were gwen and peter making out? Also, yeah, I think Iceman, Kitty, and Torch are now officially part of Spidey's cast... though I have to wonder what happened to Liz/firestar since she wasn't killed. Also, i read the preview awhile back and I REALLY hope The Hood wasn't ultimized. He's one of the most annoying 616 villains around to me because Bendis won't stop using him and now he's in like 5 different books.
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I think the mysterious dormammu-looking guy is...

Ultimate Mysterio


Zip, you could be correct. Unless Dormammu went through some sort of transformation after whatever happened to him in Ultimatum/Requiem, I don't think he'd be in fighting form right now. Anyway, I plan to review UXM: FC, Marvel Project, and some other random book today...

*sigh* That Prev guy is getting lazy in the reviewing area, isn't he?
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I read Ultimate Avengers and really enjoyed it. It's kinda hilarious. Also Pacheco has nice art.

Didn't read Ultimate Spider-Man but I like the idea of Kitty, Iceman and Human Torch being in the cast. Might pick up another trade soon.
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Silver Shocker

Quote from: Zippo on August 13, 2009, 05:43:33 PM
I think the mysterious dormammu-looking guy is...

Ultimate Mysterio

Ultimate Mysterio first appeared in the Ultimate Spider-Man annual #3. Based on a recent Ultimate Comics Spider-Man cover I saw he seems to still have the same design.
"Now you know what you're worth? Then go out and get what you're worth, but you gotta be willing to take the hits. And not pointing fingers, saying you're not where you want to be because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that, and THAT AIN'T YOU. YOU'RE BETTER THAN THAT!"
~Rocky Balboa


Uncanny X-men: First Class #2:

Last issue focused on the lovable, blue elf, Nightcrawler as he dealt with the feelings of being a pure outcast unlike his teammates. While on a trip to Attilan with Colossus, Nightcrawler experiences a ritual that angers him to the point of action against the Inhumans. What happens next? Click the tag, yo:

Colossus rushes to his fallen comrade?s aid as the Inhumans demand his death. Fortunately for Kurt, Blackbolt arrives and announces that there will be a trial for Kurt?s interruption of the terrigenesis ritual. As NC is hauled off, Colossus and Triton contact the X-men so that they may be at the trial to help defend their teammate.  As Banshee, Storm, and Cyclops make their way to Attilan, they are suddenly stopped midflight by the power of the Phoenix, who joins the party.

The next day, Kurt is put on trial where he gives an impassioned speech about conformity, lack of choices, and societal views. Gorgon isn?t impressed and questions if NC feels bad at all for what he did. Kurt only regrets one thing: insulting his buddy, Colossus. On this precise note, the other X-men arrive and Cyclops demands Blackbolt talk with them. The crowd of Inhumans are enraged, and their thoughts begin to overwhelm Jean, who aptly uses her TK to save NC despite Cyclops?s plan. So, of course, this gives us our obligatory Inhuman royal family vs. X-men fight. During the course of the brawl, Karnak asks NC if he perhaps judged the inhumans too quickly, and Gorgon creates a seismic wave so powerful that everyone is at risk of being crushed by falling boulders from a shattering mountain that protects Attilan. After Jean and Blackbolt save the day, NC is set free and the X-men and Inhumans part ways amicably.

On the plane ride home, Jean and Scott get into a little tiff, which ends with Scott claiming he doesn?t understand Jean anymore. Jean scoffs and responds, ?maybe you never did!? Trouble in paradise, no? The book ends with Wolverine?s location finally being revealed. He was kicked to Georgia? the one near Russia. End.

This issue had a weird dynamic to me. I appreciate Scott Gray giving the spotlight to Colossus and Nightcrawler, considering they don?t do much in regular continuity, but Colossus get less shine than Nightcrawler did in issue 1. With 6 issues to go in this mini-series, I thought Colossus would get a little more highlight in an issue that was supposed to be centered on him. Anyway, the X-men/Inhuman fight was decent, but I?m a little iffy on the art this time around. Sometimes it works, sometimes it looks odd. It was nice to see Jean finally rejoin the team, and her argument with Scott and the use of her powers hints at things to come (or gives more late foreshadowing to her Dark Phoenix storyline?). Overall, this sits at a 3 for me. Nothing special, but worth a browse.

Incredible Hercules #132:

Last issue involved the troublesome duo traveling to hell to save Hercules father, Zeus. While there, Cho met up with his parents and learned that his sister was still alive. This led to Cho splitting from Herc to go find his sibling, and Hercules being stuck with a teenaged amnesiac who was formerly his father. As of this issue, the book will now come out twice a month (for three months). Let the story begin!

Jumping immediately into the story, Herc explains to a young Zeus that he is the father of both Athena and Herc, himself. After a cringe worthy line from the God of gods, harpies attack the trio, and Athena serves as a distraction as Hercules and Zeus flee. An hour later, Hercules and Zeus run into an Asgardian running from Dark Elves and a Troll. Herc to the rescue! Unfortunately, Herc is man-handled by the Troll, which is quickly struck down by the awesome power of kid Zeus!

With the threat of trolls out of the way, Balder enlists the help of Hercules to handle an upcoming threat, Alflyse, the queen of dark elves. Balder?s plan was to make the elves believe that Thor was still among the asgardians. Hercules?s costume is transformed via magick, and he is given a substitute hammer to imitate Mjolner. Hercule crushes the hammer and instead opts to use his own golden mace. Once again, thanks to magick, it is rendered into the shape of Mjplner to the naked eye.

Skipping past some scenes, the book ends with Hercules and Zeus traveling down their version of the ?world tree? in Axis Mundi and being bombarded with goblins and other creatures while Baldur and the witch in his company are revealed to be? Malekith and some dark elves!

Compared to the other issues, the humor in this one is a little more subdued. It?s a fairly good read and I think the art fit very well (in comparison to an issue or two ago). There?s a small change in tone with the absence of Amadeus, but I think kid Zeus brings an adequate element to the scene with his arrogance and ignorance. Sadly, I don?t have much to say about this issue other than I LOVED the recap page and I think it might have introduced too many things in this issue alone. Still, I give it a 3.5 out of 5.

The Marvels Project #1:

Here?s the latest project by Ed Brubaker. What is it, you ask? Well, Brubaker attempts to flesh out and explain the creation of the marvel universe. Will he succeed? Let?s give it a looksie.

1938, Matt Hawk lies on his deathbed as a doctor observes him. Matt explains that it all began here and that he was a part of it. His doctor is amused and jots down notes, not knowing whether to believe the man or not. Soon, Matt dies and leaves the doctor a box and a note. Matt Hawk?Two Gun Kid.

The next few pages revolve around FDR as he learns about a breakthrough in a science experiment: A synthetic man that can light on fire. We also learn that the Germans are dropping depth charges in the Atlantic. This cues a transition to the Germans pulling up dead Atlantians in a fishnet moments before Namor bursts out of the ocean and vows vengeance on the entire crew. Meanwhile, ?The Human Torch? is being shown to the public for the first time. In an effort to generate outrage in the Germans, no one planned for the American reaction to be so hostile. This results in the Torch being buried in cement.

Over in Germany, Erskine learns of the synthetic man the Americans have built and that something happened to the vessel which was supposed to bring back more sea creature specimens. He?ll have to make do with the samples he already has. This brings us to Nick Fury who is recruited to help save some scientists that want to defect.

The ending to the book begins with Human Torch breaking free of his cement enclosure and causing a large array of destruction because he/it can?t control its powers yet. This brings us full circle and directly right back to Dr. Thomas Holloway?Angel?as he saves a woman from her attacker and continues to save people from stray fires. The final scene is of Thomas opening the box he received from Matt earlier and realizing his new purpose.

This was an awesome read, especially if you have an interest in the golden age/Timely comics. I loved seeing Angel again, and it intrigues me that Ed was able to connect his story to both the original Human Torch and Two Gun Kid. The art is also spot on for a project like this, and I don?t have any complaints about it at all. Despite the ?retcon? nature of it all, I am truly interested to see where Brubaker takes this story and how many characters he can tie together. If you?re interested in the creation of the Marvel-verse at all, I recommend this to you. 4.5 out of 5. Is this my highest score yet? I think so? wow.

Upcoming series:

S.W.O.R.D: featuring Agent Brand, Beast, and Lockheed.

I'll perhaps update this post with another review later. Doubt it. :P
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Ii so need the Hercules one. :)


X-men Legacy #227:

Previously in X-men Legacy, Rogue, Gambit, and Danger arrived in San Fran to help Cyclops with his plans to take down the Dark Avengers. During the course of all of this, Rogue drained Ares and managed to siphon a bit of his strength. Meanwhile, Gambit meets up with two characters he doesn?t know who were commissioned by Cyclops. Does ?Ariel? ring a bell to any of you?

Gambit advises Ariel and her helper to take good care of Trance, as she is stuck between ?spirit-walking? and her normal self. Ariel agrees to before she and her helper disappear into a portal leading into the X-base. Following a slightly amusing scene between Candy (Mindee) and Ariel, the team is in shock over Trance?s disappearance, who is later shown falling through a portal in the streets of San Fran where she is almost immediately hunted down by Norman?s men. Unfortunately for the armed men, Trance?s power are out of control and take them all down as she runs into the distance.

On the streets in a high-powered vehicle of some sort, Rogue, Gambit, and Danger get a distress signal from Mindee in regards to Trance. Gambit theorizes that Trance?s bio-energy powers are also out of control, and the team continues onward in search of her. The trio eventually track Trance down, but her powers are raging out of control. Rogue and Danger take point while Gambit provides backup.

As Rogue tries to talk Trance down and give her a needed confidence boost, Ms. Marvel (Karla) arrives on the scene and shoots Danger (who?s returned to Gambit?s side by this point) before getting into a short super-powered brawl with Gambit. Karla and Rogue finally meet, and Karla shoots a beam square in Rogue?s face. This only earns Ms. Marvel a solid punch that lands her a place in the side of a vehicle. However, after the attack, Rogue is drained of her super-strength and Karla gets the upper hand. While Rogue is being manhandled, Trance finally gets her powers in control and saves her mentor. And thanks to some fast thinking and team work, Rogue, Gambit, and Trance manage to beat Karla and teleport away via Pixie.

The book comes to a conclusion with Rogue and Cyclops having a quick conversation about decisions and giving Norman and his team a little retribution.

Maybe I?ve never noticed it before, but I like Mindee?s costume. White looks good on her. Podmark! Also, I find it vaguely intriguing that writers (Fraction and Carey) are giving the three-in-one time to shine on their own. The Stepford thing was getting old, but none of them seems particularly cold anymore. Seems a bit unnatural in the growth, but I guess they?re ignoring that Phoenix mini. I can live with that. Onto the actual content of this story, Ariel and her companion didn?t add very much content to the issue and I question their inclusion. It was nice seeing Rogue trying to help Trance overcome her difficulties, but I think that development was kinda sidestepped by the addition of Karla in the scene. It wasn?t bad, but it wasn?t as good as I felt it could have been. Oddly enough, I really like the dynamic of Rogue, Gambit, and Danger. The only thing missing? Iceman. Seriously, I think Iceman would fit in better with this cast than being wallpaper over in Uncanny. Can we make that happen? Anyway, I rate it a 3. The book is still sitting on that middle line and didn?t really gain anything from or benefit Utopia in any form. It was just there. I hope that the annual and the issue that follows it finally get Rogue and her cast on their way.

Wolverine: Weapon X #4:

What happened in the last Weapon X? Well, Wolverine implanted a tracking device in one of the Adamantium men/Strikeforce X members and found it attached to a tree with the eye he hid it behind. Meanwhile, Alita Gardner (reporter) found out the truth about the Blackguard, and because of her knowledge, she barely escaped death thanks to the help of Maverick.

Opening scene, Bob, an employee for the Blackguard and a potential leaker of information, is being fired from his job. He doesn?t understand why and asks about his benefits. The CEO tells the men in the room with Bob to give him his benefits?a blindfold and a cigarette?before he has his men blow Bob?s brains out. Transition, Maverick is talking to Gertrude (HAMMER) about what happened and she relays this information plus more to him. Seconds after he hangs up, Maverick gets another phone call, but this time, it?s from Wolverine. He?s found someone who?s willing to talk. Cue the Maverick/Wolverine teamup.

Later, Wolverine and Maverick track down the CEO in a limousine, and Wolverine aptly stops it in his own unique way. This leads to an intense 3-page fight between him and one of the Adamantium men on the streets until they end up in the view of a bunch of kids on a bus. This temporarily halts the fight. Well, it does until Wolverine and his opponent find somewhere out of view to continue their fighting. Meanwhile, Maverick tracks down the CEO and another adamantium man and threatens to shoot them. Unfortunately, Maverick doesn?t anticipate that the enhanced fighter he?s facing off against has laser projectile claws.

The book speeds to a conclusion with another series of blows being traded between Logan and his opponent before they both crumble to the ground: one from exhaustion and the other from being brutally stabbed.

This issue had very little plot development and a lot of fighting. It?s a violent issue, but not as violent as Invincible was an issue or two ago. I really don?t have much to say about it really, as nothing particularly stood out to me. I do find a specific ability an adamantium man portrayed pretty convenient, but other than that, it was just? whatever. 3 out of 5.

Quick review

ASM #603 (3.5):

I read the third issue of the current Spider-man arc, and I must say Van Lente has really impressed me. I never thought I?d think the Chameleon was any sort of bad-arse, but this arc really made me see him differently. Not only did he cause a lot of chaos in Pete?s life in one whole day, but also he made strong hints that MJ just might?ve been the perfect woman for Spidey all along. Maybe that doesn?t seem like a big deal to most, but I grew very tired of reading reviews and issues of BND where Gwen would be brought up almost non-stop. It?s more of a ?please stop rubbing this bland blonde girl in the reader?s faces if she?s not being used in a significant way? feeling than anything. Nice way to switch it up even though Gwennie still found her way into the book.

I think I really liked one of the themes in this particular issue with Chameleon (as Pete) effecting so many people as he did. One of Parker?s fatal flaws is that he thinks no one appreciates him, and he undermines his own worth to others. Twas interesting, if not clich?d, that Fred Van Lente showed us this but also used it in a twisted, negative light. I guess my only problem with this issue would be two things: 1) The violence??Spidey? isn?t in this issue at all, but Pete has a pretty graphic scene and 2) Implied sex scene. Tis an all ages book, right? The ?braintrust? has been getting a little carried away with a few things and I think they need to reign it back in. So, this arc so far sits at a 3.5 for me. Leading issue was a bit blah, but the second and third issue of the arc really stepped it up.

Hulk 14 preview:
     --looks painful.

Dark Avengers 8 preview:
     --You guys reading this crossover need to let us guys who aren?t know if it?s going well. :P. Also, did Fraction just pull a Jason Aaron and have the panels cover a bunch of days?  Let us hope his story benefits from it like Aaron?s two part Wolverine story did.

Incredible Herc 134 wordless preview:
     --If you?re not picking up this book yet, you?re doing a disservice to your funny bone.

So, anymore reviews? X-factor? Punisher Noir? Mighty Avengers guest starring Young Avengers? Anything? :P
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I'm really starting to wonder just how Dead Gwen will be at year's end....


Quote from: Previsionary on August 15, 2009, 09:32:37 PM

Upcoming series:

S.W.O.R.D: featuring Agent Brand, Beast, and Lockheed.

I'll perhaps update this post with another review later. Doubt it. :P

M.I.B. wannabees...Ugh.


Pod read stuff (Legacy, X-Factor, ASM, Mighty) all were decent, liked Legacy the best. Mighty needs a new artist badly.

Since when has Gwen been brought up in BND? I have every issue and the only time I can remember her being mentioned is well this week's issue and that made prefect sense. Oh and there was a grave scene in American Son but that's just to set up the old Osborn/Parker fued. I really don't see Gwen coming back anytime soon.
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Quote from: Podmark on August 21, 2009, 06:51:16 PM
Since when has Gwen been brought up in BND? I have every issue and the only time I can remember her being mentioned is well this week's issue and that made prefect sense. Oh and there was a grave scene in American Son but that's just to set up the old Osborn/Parker fued. I really don't see Gwen coming back anytime soon.

Maybe you blocked it out, Pod. I remember her being mentioned in American Son (a few times, iirc), current issue, Character Assassination, and other indirect references to her (I specifically remember him bringing her up when Lily was hitting on him hardcore and I certainly remember "Stacy" being written on an object in the actual art of one comic, can't remember which...). So yeah, she's been mentioned or hinted at a lot. That's not even counting the "status quo" pic which was at the start of BND. Of course, I can admit that my "stop trying to shove blonde girl down my throat!" attitude also stems from the fact she's been all over the place in some form whether it be USM or Spider-girl with the Gwen look-alike.

X-force #18 preview:
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hmm.. no mutants died. YAY!


Yeah I don't honestly remember every mention, but Spider-Man books always mention her every so often. I haven't seen anything yet that makes me expect a return.

JMS did want to bring back Gwen as part of OMD. Quesada and co. decided to go with Harry instead. I think they made the right choice.

Quote from: Previsionary on August 21, 2009, 09:18:46 PM
I certainly remember "Stacy" being written on an object in the actual art of one comic, can't remember which...)

There was a 'G. Stacey' written on a tube containing a male body in Osborn's lab during American Son. I took it to be Gabriel, Gwen and Norman's son.
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New week, new comics. No long reviews today because I've other, more important things to do rather than spoil you all with sumviews. So there!

X-force #18 (3.5):

I liked the issue. Crazy tongue lady made me want to toss her in acid for hurting poor, poor X-23. Also, tongue lady is up there on the freaky tongue scale... right next to Lady D-strike in Fraction's Sisterhood arc. However, I'm kind of tired of how slowly Rahne's story in progressing. I really don't think she belongs in this book. I'm hoping she goes to New Mutants after the crossover.

Dark X-men #3 (3):

Out of all the issues, this one was my favorite of the series. I loved Aurora's portion and how she continuously got the upper hand over Norman. It was refreshing because Norman has been out thinking everyone lately like a Marvel version of Lex Luthor. However, the book failed to explain why Mystique is back and why she allowed herself to be put under Norman's command and shot up with nanites (?). I kinda doubt the woman is obsessed with Wolverine enough to join any old team just to get the chance to fight him again. She can do that ANY time. Sorry, Jason Aaron, you let me down on that one. Regardless, this issue was good, but the series made me question why it was needed since the Dark X-men fell apart this week and a new version will be set up for the mini-series. Whatever. If I had a say in anything Marvel related, this book would have came out BEFORE Utopia even began. It would have worked out better.

New Mutants #4 (3.5)

Good issue. I enjoyed it. Tons of action, a little drama, and some references to Moira and Legion. I feel kinda bad for Sam because he's yet to come into his own as a true leader (Hi, Havok #2), and Dani isn't making that any easier for him. I do feel parts of the story were a little rushed, but nothing really suffered much from it. I continue to like Illyana and I'm glad she's back, and I hope Zeb continues to write the team as a bit shaky for a few more issues.

Anymore reviews? Hulk 14, Incredible Herc, Incredible Hulk, Ms. Marvel, Deadpool? Anything?!

Torch #1 - I'm vaguely interested in this... though I think it'd be odd to have the original Torch running around. Imagine... Two (or Three) Human Torch type characters... who does he think he is? Wolverine (Emma or Deadpool)? Pfft.
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Podmark read some comics.

Warpath saves Boom-Boom, Elixir saves Surge but is now in a coma, Eli Bard resurrects Doug Ramsey, Wolfsbane and Hrimhari fight Frost Giants, Wolverine punches out Cyclops for being a jerk, X-23 is brought back to the Facility where Kimura tears her apart with a chainsaw.

You in point form a lot happened in this issue, but my biggest complain was that they could have done more. Too many splash pages and pages with only a couple of panels and balloons. Besides that this was a very good issue. This was probably my favorite art from Choi, and the end was pretty horrific. 4/5

Avengers: The Initiative
Half the issue is focused on Dr. Sax and Johnny Guitar, old Dazzler villains. It recaps their careers up to now where they've joined the new all cannon fodder version of the Shadow Initiative on a suicide mission to take back 42 from Blastar. By the end Guitar injures Sax to save him from the mission then dies in the Negative zone. The rest of the issue focuses on Komodo and the others taking back the prison with some help from inmate Hardball who rejoins the Initiative.

This was a decent issue. I'd have rather focused on the regular characters in the first half but for one issue it was ok. I like Rafa Sandoval's art but he's got a lot of room to improve, particularly with Trauma - who I actually rate Initiative artists on their version of him. 3/5

New Mutants
The New Mutants fight Legion, Sam orders Dani not to help because she's not a mutant anymore so she's angry at him and of course saves by the end of the fight, Magik goes inside his head and puts David back in charge. Day saved, Cyclops and the X-Men arrive for mop-up.

Yay this arc is finally over. I really liked the first issue but the last 3 were too isolated it was all Legion and I didn't find it that interesting. This issue was decent though, the fight was pretty cool and the Sam/Dani setup should be interesting, and Scott's line at the end was prefect. Next issue we'll hopefully be back to San Fran (or wherever the X-Men will be living) so the stories can touch on more things. Art's ok but there were some rough spots. 3/4

Guardians of the Galaxy
If you're a Guardians reader I suggest you read the issue instead of checking the spoilers first
After War of Kings there's a giant expanding hole in space. Rocket takes his team to the Inhumans to stop it's growth. They fight some tentacle things and there's this great scene of Groot and Maximus making up some device to save them. Then Adam Warlock and Gamora appear with the Church of Truth's fleet and Adam casts a massive spell to stop the hole from growing. Big heroic moment for Adam then Phyla stabs him through the chest, revealing killing Adam was the deal she made with Oblivion to save Moondragon. Gamora fights Phyla and stabs her through the chest. Adam gets up but it's not Adam anymore, it's the Magus and he snaps Gamora's neck.

I really liked this issue, the Groot scene is the greatest thing ever. I like Walker's art save for a couple characters. 5/5

Nova and his allies fight and beat the Praetorium and take them into custody. Ravenous and Robbie are both ok. Richie decides to keep the Corps small and keep the remaining members including Robbie. Quasar leaves. The Nova Corps take Ego to the new hole in space where they find a Xandarian ship

Good issue, nice fight, but probably too easy. I'm very happy with the new status quo except that Quasar left. Good art. 4/5

Also read Flash: Rebirth, which I liked, but that's not for this thread.
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Pod's reviews somehow reminded me that I checked out Wolverine Origins #39. No major spoilers, but Romulus FINALLY appears (underwhelming... very). Also, two of Wolverine's villains "die."

Pod, your complaint about X-force's splash pages made me chuckle... and then I remembered the several pointless, one word splash pages in Wolverine Origins and went... "wow."

Incredible Hulk 601 (4):

After 13 issues of Red Hulk and 20 or so issues of Incredible Herc, I can happily and honestly say that Banner is back and the story was interesting the WHOLE way through. I loved how Banner was so well-rounded and formidable even without his Hulk powers, and he might just give Cho a run for his money in the sneaky, hacking department. Also, I think this may be the first time I've seen Juggernaut since... Manifest Destiny? Wait, he was in a panel of Wolverine. Nvm, then. Of note is all the references to what the Illuminati did to Hulk and how there's still a sense of untrust on both sides, and with Skaar being in the book, I'm interested in seeing how the dynamic between him and Bruce develops. Anyway, next issue, I look forward to the Skaar/Juggernaut/Banner showdown. I don't really have much to say about "New" She-hulk because she's so new, but I like that she looks up to Jen so much. Kinda sad that she lost her future boi so very early in her creation. Maybe she'll also have the Wolverine death touch in the lovers department!

Of note: Some of the 8 smartest people in the Marvel World in no particular order

  • Reed Richards
  • Hank Pym
  • T'Challa
  • Beast
  • Amadeus Cho
  • Bruce Banner
Disappear when you least expe--


Don't forget Doom! His latest feat of genius was something even I didn't think Doom was capable of.
The "Master of Doom" storyline concludes in a twoparter that has even my Dr. Who trained brain baffled. I'm gonna rearrange things into a chronological order to make it easier to explain.  Reed fought some guy from an alternate Earth who was the only Mutant on that world at some point in the past. This guy had some reality altering powers that'd make even Proteus look like a chump.  Reed beats the guy by trapping him in a dreamworld and essentially leaving him catatonic indefinately.  Somehow he wakes up at some point in the future and eventually becomes the badguy calling himself "the Marquis of Death", teh lameness. For unexplained reasons the Marquis travels back in time where he takes on an apprentice who was a formidable weilder of the dark arts in his own right.  Then the two of them eventually tutor Victor von Doom in the mystic arts. After a while they come to think of Victor as a failure and decide to eliminate him(by injuring him and sending him back in time several million years) and take revenge on the Fantastic Four for sullying their "reputations".  The Marquis does this by trying to force Reed to choose between saving his children and saving all the earths in the multiverse. (It's not even clear whether the Marquis could actually destroy them all.)  When Reed (figuratively)tells him "up yours", the Marquis brings in an army of (near identical) alternate versions of the FF. These guys are apparently there to make Reed change his mind.  Ben meanwhile had been forced by the Marquis to make a descision of whether or not to kill the guy who would supposedly become the Marquis. Ben chooses to sucker punch the Marquis' apprentice and free him from his slumber. The guy then returns with Ben to the tower to fight the Marquis, and loses, but manages to wear the Marquis down in the process.  But while the Marquis is gloating, Reed uses a device to supercharge the FF with energy borrowed from their alternate selves, they then kick the Marquis' tired butt.  While the Marquis is talking about how Reed should kill him etc... his apprentice shows up and starts ordering him around. When the Marquis reminds him of who's in charge, the apprentice kills him. Why? It turns out this apprentice was really Victor von Doom the entire time.... Being sent into the past and devoured by giant sharks was apparently not enough to kill him. He somehow used his mystic arts to keep himself alive the entire time, create a completely new body for himself that the Marquis wouldn't recognize, then became his apprentice so that he could get close enough to kill him. Yikes..... I really wanna know how this is gonna affect future stories with Doom.


ugh, marhawk... why did you have to recap something I had been valiantly trying to forget. I didn't mention him because he wasn't in the issue in question, which only had those heroes that attempted to help Banner. I didn't even mention Tony. :P.

Otherwise, I'd have included Doom and the "6th smartest man in the world" from Incredible Herc. ^^. Anyway, since the FF timeline is sooooo wonky right now, I doubt that story will change much unless Hickman continues with it. I'm pretty sure Millar's run is Pre-Dark Reign... or at least I hope it is.
Disappear when you least expe--


Quote from: Podmark on August 27, 2009, 07:19:40 PM
Podmark read some comics.

Warpath saves Boom-Boom, Elixir saves Surge but is now in a coma, Eli Bard resurrects Doug Ramsey, Wolfsbane and Hrimhari fight Frost Giants, Wolverine punches out Cyclops for being a jerk, X-23 is brought back to the Facility where Kimura tears her apart with a chainsaw.

You in point form a lot happened in this issue, but my biggest complain was that they could have done more. Too many splash pages and pages with only a couple of panels and balloons. Besides that this was a very good issue. This was probably my favorite art from Choi, and the end was pretty horrific. 4/5

Wtf? Oi, I can think of a short, hairy mutant with claws who's gonna be mad. Which reminds me, has Daken even met X-23? How would Wolverine even explain it to him without giving the poor boy a headache and make him want a beer or something? "So, wait, is she my Mom? Sister? Cousin? What the Hell?"
I didn't do it!

What didn't I do?


As weird as this may be I like Daken and I love Laura and through them I enjoy Logan again which is odd because I haven't liked him since I was like 6.


Quote from: NeoDarke on August 28, 2009, 07:15:28 AM
Quote from: Podmark on August 27, 2009, 07:19:40 PMPodmark read some comics.

Warpath saves Boom-Boom, Elixir saves Surge but is now in a coma, Eli Bard resurrects Doug Ramsey, Wolfsbane and Hrimhari fight Frost Giants, Wolverine punches out Cyclops for being a jerk, X-23 is brought back to the Facility where Kimura tears her apart with a chainsaw.
You in point form a lot happened in this issue, but my biggest complain was that they could have done more. Too many splash pages and pages with only a couple of panels and balloons. Besides that this was a very good issue. This was probably my favorite art from Choi, and the end was pretty horrific. 4/5
Wtf? Oi, I can think of a short, hairy mutant with claws who's gonna be mad. Which reminds me, has Daken even met X-23? How would Wolverine even explain it to him without giving the poor boy a headache and make him want a beer or something? "So, wait, is she my Mom? Sister? Cousin? What the Hell?"
I think Aunt would be more appropriate.

@Prev: I only read it yesterday and I wanna forget it already. :p


Quote from: NeoDarke on August 28, 2009, 07:15:28 AM
Quote from: Podmark on August 27, 2009, 07:19:40 PM
Podmark read some comics.

Warpath saves Boom-Boom, Elixir saves Surge but is now in a coma, Eli Bard resurrects Doug Ramsey, Wolfsbane and Hrimhari fight Frost Giants, Wolverine punches out Cyclops for being a jerk, X-23 is brought back to the Facility where Kimura tears her apart with a chainsaw.

You in point form a lot happened in this issue, but my biggest complain was that they could have done more. Too many splash pages and pages with only a couple of panels and balloons. Besides that this was a very good issue. This was probably my favorite art from Choi, and the end was pretty horrific. 4/5

Wtf? Oi, I can think of a short, hairy mutant with claws who's gonna be mad. Which reminds me, has Daken even met X-23? How would Wolverine even explain it to him without giving the poor boy a headache and make him want a beer or something? "So, wait, is she my Mom? Sister? Cousin? What the Hell?"

Didn't Laura and Daken briefly meet in Dark Avengers (Fraction) this week? Daken probably wouldn't care about her unless they use it to give him another "I hate daddy" issue. If that were the case... I hate to see how Logan's other son would act. Yes, Logan has another son (Erista) he doesn't know about.

X-men: Girls on the Run by Chris Claremont - Should I be scared by such an advent or amused?
Disappear when you least expe--


Quote from: Previsionary on August 28, 2009, 03:31:50 PM
Quote from: NeoDarke on August 28, 2009, 07:15:28 AM
Quote from: Podmark on August 27, 2009, 07:19:40 PM
Podmark read some comics.

Warpath saves Boom-Boom, Elixir saves Surge but is now in a coma, Eli Bard resurrects Doug Ramsey, Wolfsbane and Hrimhari fight Frost Giants, Wolverine punches out Cyclops for being a jerk, X-23 is brought back to the Facility where Kimura tears her apart with a chainsaw.

You in point form a lot happened in this issue, but my biggest complain was that they could have done more. Too many splash pages and pages with only a couple of panels and balloons. Besides that this was a very good issue. This was probably my favorite art from Choi, and the end was pretty horrific. 4/5

Wtf? Oi, I can think of a short, hairy mutant with claws who's gonna be mad. Which reminds me, has Daken even met X-23? How would Wolverine even explain it to him without giving the poor boy a headache and make him want a beer or something? "So, wait, is she my Mom? Sister? Cousin? What the Hell?"

Didn't Laura and Daken briefly meet in Dark Avengers (Fraction) this week? Daken probably wouldn't care about her unless they use it to give him another "I hate daddy" issue. If that were the case... I hate to see how Logan's other son would act. Yes, Logan has another son (Erista) he doesn't know about.

X-men: Girls on the Run by Chris Claremont - Should I be scared by such an advent or amused?

Erista only counts if Colossus' kid (Peter) counts.

Wait weren't they all killed off with the mutates?



I count Colossus's child!

*wonders what it is about the savage land that makes the "All New" X-men produce spawns they don't know about despite being on said island millions of times...*

And didn't Logan also adopt a kid or something?

Anyway, just read Wolverine: First Class... gotta love how PAD digs at all the people that downloaded Wolverine Origins before it was done. That's so him.

Disappear when you least expe--