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The Marvel Thread

Started by Previsionary, December 24, 2008, 11:48:35 PM

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I remember that storyline, for a brief moment I thought marvel was bringing back Ben (Scarlet Spider) Riley, my favorite web-slinger.

As I'm living in such an isolated area, it's great to have someone reviewing books. I think I'll try a few of the ones you've mentioned.

Silver Shocker

Yeah, I'm not that impressed with X-Infernus, it's really not that great. It has a very strong encompassing feel of 'meh'. It also doesn't feel like enough is happening for a 4 issue mini.

Also Phil Urich is not the Hobgoblin, he's the Green Goblin. The orange threw you off didn't it? Yeah, I think he's color scheme's pretty awful myself.

In other news, Deadpool is getting a mini series by a different writer, Mike Benson:

I personally find it very hard to get excited about Deadpool these days, which is a shame because I used to love looking forward to his books every month. Well, at least there's Weapon X First Class. Those DP pages that were posted here a while back were great!
"Now you know what you're worth? Then go out and get what you're worth, but you gotta be willing to take the hits. And not pointing fingers, saying you're not where you want to be because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that, and THAT AIN'T YOU. YOU'RE BETTER THAN THAT!"
~Rocky Balboa


Quote from: Silver Shocker on January 17, 2009, 10:45:54 PM
Yeah, I'm not that impressed with X-Infernus, it's really not that great. It has a very strong encompassing feel of 'meh'. It also doesn't feel like enough is happening for a 4 issue mini.

I think it'll probably do a bit better in trade form. Maybe. The series doesn't have a lot going on in the first two issues beyond a lot of fighting and colossus angst. Maybe the latter issues will fix this problem.

Quote from: Silver Shocker on January 17, 2009, 10:45:54 PM
Also Phil Urich is not the Hobgoblin, he's the Green Goblin. The orange threw you off didn't it? Yeah, I think he's color scheme's pretty awful myself.

Ack, yeah...also, I wrote that before heading out and the first name that popped into mind was hobby. :p. My bad, thanks for telling me. *fixes*

Quote from: Silver Shocker on January 17, 2009, 10:45:54 PM
In other news, Deadpool is getting a mini series by a different writer, Mike Benson:

I personally find it very hard to get excited about Deadpool these days, which is a shame because I used to love looking forward to his books every month. Well, at least there's Weapon X First Class. Those DP pages that were posted here a while back were great!

Indeed. I hope this series does well as I dislike the current DP a lot. I'm still trying to figure out what the people who do like it see in it. I mean, there's only so much of DP talking to himself I can take.
Disappear when you least expe--


Picked up Mighty Avengers today.
Big Spoiler:
-Iron Patriot is confirmed as Norman Osborn.
-Wanda is back, but we're not told anything about what she's been up to.
-It's looking like the tentative lineup for the Avengers is: Wasp, Herc & Cho, Vision, Stature, USAgent, Hulk, Jocasta and Scarlett Witch (possibly just an astral projection at this point).


I do a Mighty summary:

This is will be low detail as I don't have my issue handy.

The world is going crazy, plagues, rivers of blood, Young Avengers turning to stone, and stuff like that, all over the place. The New and Dark Avengers, Omega Flight, X-Men are all powerless to stop them (the FF have been trapped in television signals) The Scarlet Witch appears before Vision & Stature, Hulk, and USAgent and teleports them.

Jarvis is driving to the new Asgard to enlist Thor's help but it's been wiped off the map. He's found by Herc and Amadeus Cho. They're gathering Avengers to solve the crisis and Cho has mathematically proven that Jarvis is the constant. Jarvis joins them and suggests a leader.

That leader is Hank Pym who is working in a secret lab with Jocasta. Hank has taken on the identity of the Wasp to honor Jan. He's developed all kinds of new inventions since returning from the Skrulls, such as this teleporting link room thing (can't remember exactly what it was and again don't have the issue to check atm). Jarvis and the others plead Hank to join them, and after some convincing he agrees. They all go to Transia which Cho has determined is the point of the problems.

Meanwhile Iron Man has determined the same thing and is also heading that way.

When Hank and the team arrive in Transia Wanda appears and tells them she's gathered them an army, Hank only needs call them. AVENGERS ASSEMBLE! Wasp, Hercules, Vision, Stature, Hulk, USAgent, Scarlet Witch, Jarvis, and Amadeus Cho stand united as the new Avengers.

At Mount Wundagore, Transia the source of the problems is revealed to be Modred (the son of Morgan La Fey if memory serves - who is appearing in Dark Avengers interesting no?) has captured Quicksilver and turned him into the evil Cthon.

I thought it was an excellent first issue. This feels like the Avengers I've been missing since Busiek left the book. Slott is one of my favorite writers right now, and the art is pretty good with some rough spots. Khoi Pham is all over the place in terms of style though, I can see bits of Cheung, Yu, Copiel, and even JR jr in his work. His pretty new to this though and in a year or so I think he'll be a solid artist.

If you're a Hank Pym fan this book is for you. He's the star of this issue really, and Slott has a good handle on the character. Pym is my favorite Avenger so I'm very happy. Jarvis and Cho also shine in this issue too. Herc doesn't quite speak as I'd expect, seems a little too down to earth. And Slott is actually making me like Jocasta.

I give this issue a 4.5/5 it loses points for heavy use of magic - and I hate magicy stuff. Also the art has some rough spots. I had high expectations for this issue and it matched them.
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All I'm going to say is, because I haven't read the book, that I've seen pics of Hank's new costume and it looks absolutely idiotic. Bleech.

Too bad he probably won't carry on Jan's tradition of wear a bijillion different outfits.....


No sumviews this week for me. I think I'm done with those for awhile. *gasp*. Anyway, these are all reviews and some contain spoilers...hence the tags.

Mighty Avengers #21:


Interesting set up and I can't wait to see the story behind Wanda's return. I really wish we got a few more looks into the Maximoffs before they got thrown into this story though. Perhaps if Marvel weren't so event happy of late.... Anyway, the art was okish, but there were definitely some rough spots. I wasn't happy with Hercules portrayal, but I think that can be fixed with time. Though, Slott could have just read Incredible Herc and basically used that as a template for Cho and Herc. The inclusion of Hulk is very interesting to me. He's still savage, but I didn't think anyone outside of Loeb would be able to touch him. Tis a good read with tons of cameos. 3.5

Spider-man Noir #2:

These books seem to read through very quickly. It's an interesting idea, though I don't think many people will like the way he gained his powers (organic webs, mystical spider-esque thing). It's cool to see a more hardened Peter and how he took Ulrich's alias as "The Spider" and adapted it to himself. Even more surprising was what JJJ did in this issue. 3 out of 5.

X-men Legacy #220:

This issue splits between Rogue and her thoughts and Gambit and Xavier. It's a set up issue and not a lot happens, but you get a few references to continuity especially in Rogue's segment. She spends most of the issue trying to be alone as a Woman follows her around. This issue ushers in the return of Danger and we learn that Emma apparently DIDN'T keep her word if you remember Astonishing X-men, Whedon's run. Meanwhile, Xavier and Gambit hunt down Rogue and have small talk. The Shiar also factor into this issue during Rogue's part. Another quick read and, other than setting up a few plot points, nothing of great interest happened. 2

Astonishing X-men #28:

The cover was one of the worst Astonishing covers I've seen since the Third volume started. I'm so tired of the mysteriously flowing hair Emma and Storm have. It needs to stop. I think it's a problem that I DON'T remember what happened in the last continuity issue and Ghostboxes doesn't even register with me right now. Regardless, Emma and Storm actually get along in this story and Beast and Cyclops bring up past references regarding Forge (Storm/Forge, Cyclops and his trust of forge, and Beast/Forge in Endangered Species). In fact, a bunch of Forge history is referenced and he's basically made out to be someone that caused problems and fixed the wrong ones (specifically the "powerless" storm era which Emma just learned about this issue). Anyway, all 6 of the x-men, in groups of two, are attacked via ambush and we get some minor semi-confusing fight scenes. All the Forge references are finally brought into the light when the X-men's attackers learn the Astonishing Team work with...Forge. This is probably the most action heavy issue, but the art was so distracting to me that I found myself looking at a few panels over again just to figure out what was going on. I then realized that I cared so little that moving on was the best answer to that problem. Compared to the last few issues, this one was better, but the overhanded dropping of Forge's name and his continuity were bothering me and it was kind of odd since it wasn't happening prehand. Not to mention that it took Beast this long to tell Cyclops about his talks with Forge from before Messiah Complex? Seems like something that'd take place months ago and not during a mission just before another attack. Still, it's an ok read. 3.

Uncanny Annual #2:

In comparison to Astonishing's cover, this one works. I can actually tell what's going on and the art is clear...even if it does have Emma. This is ultimately just another Dark Reign tie in. It involves most of the big players. Emma, Norman, Drunk Tony, and Namor are all there at the hellfire club. This appears to be the first time Namor and Emma have actually met and he takes a liking to her. The story jumps back and forth through time between Emma and Namor. It's actually a bit interesting and Emma seems to be pretty mad at her bed buddy. Speaking of bed...what an interesting revelation that was revealed in this book regarding Emma, a bed, and Namor. I wonder what Cyclops and Susan would think of such things. Anyway, as the story continues along, tension grows between Shaw and Namor and they become rivals. Shaw is so upset that he even has Emma's mind wiped and she only regained this memory after she was left comatose by Jean (Dark Phoenix Saga). To prove her loyalty to Namor in the present day, she proposes to summon Shaw to them and Namor can get his revenge. Shaw shows up and the two reminisce...seconds before Emma cuts off his head. Or did she? You'll have to find out.

Very good read. Who'd have thought that an annual that only had Emma appear, the only X-man in the whole book, could be good, and it's only a history tie-up + a Dark reign tie-in. The art works for the story, but I think it could be a little better in several parts. It's nice to see Namor actually involved in X-men stories considering he is a mutant. Anyway, I'd consider this the best Uncanny issue since.................a long time. 4 out 5. You Emma lovers will love it. If only because she has depth...something she's been lacking.

X-men: Manifest Destiny #5:

Anthology books are a mixed bag, but I can say for the most part, this series has failed to really connect with me in any way, shape, or form. Iceman's story was way too long and could have been done as a subplot in an actual X-book. The resolution just...was a let down. At least no one fought this time around. I STILL don't know the point behind Avalanche's story other than being an update situation. As for Dazzler's story, it only serves as an interquel between New Excalibur and Uncanny X-men. It basically puts her back into her status quo of singer. 1 out 5. No story stood out. No reason to grab it.

Dr. Doom and the Masters of Evil #1:

Interesting idea. Fun, light hearted stories where the villains get the shine time. So much shine time that they even outdo Ironman and Dr. Strange...somehow. The portrayals of these characters are much different and comical than the ones you'll see in mainstream. It's kind of like an adventure/first class book in a way. I think it's an interesting concept, but it won't hold anyone's attention long unless they're actively looking for this sort of thing. Or maybe I'm wrong and it'll be in the ballpark of Modok's 11? 2.5 out of 5.

Wolverine Origins #32:

This issue was readable. That's not to say it was bad, but I care very little for the characters involved outside of Wolverine...and he's waned a lot on me in current times. It turns out what Daken did last issue was planned, but he's still not fully keen on his father. I read that I should read this issue before Dark Avengers and I did. It certainly DID put things in perspective. I think I might actually be interested in what Way has coming up...maybe. 3 out of 5.

Dark Avengers #1:

First thing that came to mind...Bendis...second thing...tons of dialogue that rivals Claremont. This book basically is Norman putting his team into place with some flashbacks to last week. The Dark Avengers are Sentry, Ares, Moonstone (Ms. Marvel), Venom (spider-man), Bullseye (Hawkeye), Daken (Wolverine), Nor-vahh (Marvel), and Norman. Nothing else of considerable note really happens other than everyone being recruited into the team. Though, I do have to wonder about Tony keeping all his Iron armors in one central location. It's a nice start to the series. 3 out of 5.
================= - Paul Cornell talks vampires in his next story-arc of CB&MI13 - Stryfe is back...and X-force may be in trouble! - Ultimate Spider-man...over? - Ultimate She-hulk...she exists?!
Disappear when you least expe--


I loved the UXM Annual, I hated Mighty Avengers ( I just thought it was too on the nose and I am ticked about how the Young Avengers have been treated), I liked Astonishing X-Men and I'm sure I will think Dark Avengers is ok but hate a lot of it secretly.


I gotta say that I really like X-Men/Spider-Man.  The artist reminds me of a cross between Golden and Windsor-Smith for some reason.


What word of Emma's didn't she keep from Whedon's run on Astonishing?

I think Dark Avengers is weird.  It's basically the premise of the Thunderbolts (from back in the day) - villains (minus Sentry) posing as heros.  Speaking of the Sentry, someone needs to do something about that plot device - because he's not much of a character.  And I forget, is his wife still alive, or was she a skrull?  And really, how stupid are the governments of Marvel Universe?  Norman Osborn doesn't have anyone overseeing this decision to give a team of psychotics free reign?

Manifest Destiny was largely pointless.  I'm so sick of Mystique - I mean, she can look like other people and she'd psychotic, and that's somehow a defence against Iceman, probably one of the most powerful X-men?  She should have been dead & stayed dead after the recent Wolverine storyline, at least for a few years.

Mighty Avengers bugged me too - the Young Avengers have been getting the short end of the stick for some time, the Scarlett Witch is another character I've always hated, and Hank Pym doesn't do much for me either (so this issue's little love-fest for him fell flat).  Hercules & Amadeus Cho weren't nearly as well-written as in Incredible Hercules, and what does USAgent bring to the team - a shield?  Because in what other ways is he like Cap?  At least the Hulk is out from under Loeb's thumb a little, even if he is retconned back into idiocy.  I'm not a big fan of magic super-villains either because it's usually just an excuse for logic & reason to get thrown out the window.


Quote from: Talavar on January 22, 2009, 07:42:35 PM
What word of Emma's didn't she keep from Whedon's run on Astonishing?

Final arc of his run, and I brought this up in the last thread as well, Emma promised Danger that if it/she helped them, she'd take her/it to Xavier. It didn't happen. Unresolved.

So, Carey picked it back up with Rogue in the place of Emma.

Manifest Destiny was largely pointless.  I'm so sick of Mystique - I mean, she can look like other people and she'd psychotic, and that's somehow a defence against Iceman, probably one of the most powerful X-men?  She should have been dead & stayed dead after the recent Wolverine storyline, at least for a few years.

See Pod! Someone else does agree with me! :P

I'm surprised no one responded to Ultimate Spidey possibly being canceled (and relaunched...). I'd also like to comment on X-factor, but I probably won't until next week. Twas quite an issue though.
Disappear when you least expe--


Quote from: Talavar on January 22, 2009, 07:42:35 PM
I think Dark Avengers is weird.  It's basically the premise of the Thunderbolts (from back in the day) - villains (minus Sentry) posing as heros.  Speaking of the Sentry, someone needs to do something about that plot device - because he's not much of a character.  And I forget, is his wife still alive, or was she a skrull?  And really, how stupid are the governments of Marvel Universe?  Norman Osborn doesn't have anyone overseeing this decision to give a team of psychotics free reign?

What what what! Noh Varr isn't a villain. The implies he's done something evil (which he most certainly has not)! Yeah so what he tried to conquer the Earth (he's like the US, we mean well by destroying other people's government but at our core we think we are spreading our awesome ideas!) but he's a young man and like all men his age he was confused when he came into contact with a foreign people).

Ares hasn't been a true villain in a while (since before his mini). Yeah so what he fights with Herc (Havok and Cyke use to fight all the time but neither is seen as villain) and he's killed hundreds if not thousands of people and fought the Avengers (Wolverine has a huge death toll and he's even fought the X-Men a few times) but he's a God and Gods are above good and evil, especially ones who govern over war. I mean come on, Thor fought for the Nazis and no one calls him "evil" which we all know Nazis most certainly were.


Quote from: Talavar on January 22, 2009, 07:42:35 PM
Norman Osborn doesn't have anyone overseeing this decision to give a team of psychotics free reign?

That's part of Osbourne's plan... He was given the keys of the kingdom for being a "war hero" so he is playing up the fact that he revamped The Avengers under his banner while on the other hand declares the originals are pretenders (or Skrull imposters if he has to push for a "Wanted: Dead Or Alive" warrent for them later). As far as the government and general public know the Thunderbolts are locked away in their cells until he needs the old team in public view again. And by making Venom appear as Spider-Man in public he can unleash him in a crowd against a villian but score revenge points on the real hero by declaring that his unheroic actions are just living up to the "menace" that The Bugle always declared he was. ("My apologies that 34 people were hurt during Spider-Man's battle with Zzax.. HAMMER will make sure the damage is repaired and pay for the medical bills of those injured. He will be punished for his bad decisions during the operation and will be dealt with severly. I will not have anyone on my team acting irresponsible or using bad judgement.")
"He said let there be light... CLICK! It was a lightbulb. And It was good."


Even though I enjoyed mighty avengers, I have to agree with those who're saying the Young Avengers are getting the shaft time and again. They're by far my favorite superteam, and I wish somebody would get his act together and bring back their own series.
My youthful idealism, though, gives me hope that perhaps with the return of Wanda, it could lead into a new YA series, or at least more of a spotlight on Wiccan (possibly Hulkling by extension?) and Speed.


You're right dude...  like whats up with Young X-men, Nick's Secret Avenger's Avenger's Initiative, etc. when the Young Avengers aren't getting enough page time(screen time, etc)  they're a solid group of characters that took the derivative character and challenged it in an innovative way.  yet they get the shaft again and again... the runaways are like this too.  but i feel they work better in their own continuity.  Young Avengers deserve better.


Quote from: detourne_me on January 22, 2009, 09:53:43 PM
You're right dude...  like whats up with Young X-men, Nick's Secret Avenger's Avenger's Initiative, etc. when the Young Avengers aren't getting enough page time(screen time, etc)  they're a solid group of characters that took the derivative character and challenged it in an innovative way.  yet they get the shaft again and again... the runaways are like this too.  but i feel they work better in their own continuity.  Young Avengers deserve better.

While I have no problem with Secret Avengers (I see them as the Outsiders of Marvel) and Initiative (like the Titan run from the early 2000's old mentors Astro and a few others teaching the noobs about powers but in this case they are force to learn rather than hilarious mishaps that would happen if someone that age had powers), I am a little annoyed with Young X-Men (thank Ares it is canceled). It felt so forced and the cast stunk.

I think the deal with YA is well they are waiting on Allen and Jimmy. It was there baby and hopefully one day they will come back and work on it again.


Quote from: AfghanAnt on January 22, 2009, 09:59:06 PM
I think the deal with YA is well they are waiting on Allen and Jimmy. It was there baby and hopefully one day they will come back and work on it again.

Yep that's it.
The Young Avengers has been on hold since issue 12 of their series. It is the most annoying and frustrating thing I've probably seen in comics but Marvel decided to wait for Heinberg. In the interim we get little mini-series and guest appearances with little or no development for any of the characters.

But there's hope. Marvel has stated that Heinberg and Cheung are doing a 'Marvel Universe Project' starring the Young Avengers and involving Kang (Iron Lad). Sadly there's no announced timeline on this thing but I'm expecting it in late 2009 to early 2010 (or you know, never). Honestly I'm hoping once it's done that Marvel lets another writer do a new ongoing. Obviously Heinberg is completely unable to work in monthly comics.

So yeah there won't be any true Young Avengers content for a long while.
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Quote from: AfghanAnt on January 22, 2009, 08:00:28 PM
Quote from: Talavar on January 22, 2009, 07:42:35 PM
I think Dark Avengers is weird.  It's basically the premise of the Thunderbolts (from back in the day) - villains (minus Sentry) posing as heros.  Speaking of the Sentry, someone needs to do something about that plot device - because he's not much of a character.  And I forget, is his wife still alive, or was she a skrull?  And really, how stupid are the governments of Marvel Universe?  Norman Osborn doesn't have anyone overseeing this decision to give a team of psychotics free reign?

What what what! Noh Varr isn't a villain. The implies he's done something evil (which he most certainly has not)! Yeah so what he tried to conquer the Earth (he's like the US, we mean well by destroying other people's government but at our core we think we are spreading our awesome ideas!) but he's a young man and like all men his age he was confused when he came into contact with a foreign people).

Ares hasn't been a true villain in a while (since before his mini). Yeah so what he fights with Herc (Havok and Cyke use to fight all the time but neither is seen as villain) and he's killed hundreds if not thousands of people and fought the Avengers (Wolverine has a huge death toll and he's even fought the X-Men a few times) but he's a God and Gods are above good and evil, especially ones who govern over war. I mean come on, Thor fought for the Nazis and no one calls him "evil" which we all know Nazis most certainly were.

Well, I guess Noh-varr isn't a villain (I forgot about him in my first post actually), and Ares isn't one anymore (questionable).  The point stands - it's basically the premise of Thunderbolts.


I just read X-Factor, and can't say I particularly enjoyed it.  I don't want to spoil it necessarily, but it felt needlessly cruel, and based on a sketchy interpretation of Madrox's powers.


I agree that it was cruel, but based on the fact that the opening pages asked us not to spoil this issue, or the next couple issues, I'm really hoping this is leading up to something really interesting, and this is just the tip of it.


I find it hilarious that we don't have a DC thread  :lol:

Quickie reviews today:

This issue is spent entirely on Eli Bard's origin. He's a dude from Rome that Selene turned into an evil vampire thing. To prove himself to her he's dug up Warpath's tribe (I think including John) and given them the technarc virus making them robozombies, but also Caliban's body which he will use to hunt down dead mutants and offer their souls to Selene. Also Selene has some new allies, we don't see them well but I assume one is Wither, and one really appears to be Blink.

Rating: 2/5 too much time spent on Eli's story. It was worth telling and it's important but I wish it could have been done in less pages and worked a bit more story in. The end sequence helps make up for it and is totally what I expect from X-Force.

Young X-Men:
This issue is mostly about Cipher, she's a mutant with invisibility and phasing powers. She's overly secretive, and is hiding from a 'he' who thinks she's dead. She's been around since the Morrision era and is friends with Blindfold. Cyclops knows about her, and she's kinda been on the Young X-Men from the beginning.
Also Dust has a week to live and Hank hasn't found a way to help her so she's going to make a deal with Pierce who says he can save her. Why she hasn't just gone to Ink or Elixir I have no idea.

Rating: 2.5/5 I enjoyed reading this more than X-Force and the art pretty good, but I don't really like Cipher. I dislike her retcony nature and I was very disappointed that an issue that was supposed to reveal her origins really only scratched the surface. X-Force delivered much better on the "who the heck is?" story this week. I have this odd feeling that I'm forgetting something else worth noting too...

Avengers: The Initiative:
Christos Gage's first true solo issue and it feels....pretty much exactly the same - which is a good thing. This issue touches on almost every character still in the series. Most of the secondary recruits (Prodigy, Batwing, Annex) have been promoted to teams (Batwing actually made the Shadow Initiative!?). This kinda disappointed me as I love having those guys around and I really thought some of them would be picking up the slack leftover from the departing cast, but I not worried about it yet as I suspect when this arc is over things won't work out the way they seem. A status quo change is coming. Anyway, Gauntlet is now the base leader by default, the Shadow Initiative is after Hardball and Hydra, Counter Force is now wanted by Osborn, and Ultragirl recieves a C&D for her Ms. Marvel costume.
The bulk of the issue is Ragnarok (Clor) fighting Thor Girl and Trauma (morphed into Thor). Clor beats both of them and is about to kill Gorilla Girl when Counter Force (including Night Thrasher!?) appears to stop him. Also Blitzschlag might be dead, but probably not.

Rating: 4/5. Really enjoyed the issue. It's packed with content which is usually the way I like things and lots of interesting developments. Art is by Ramos and I mostly happy with it. Ramos is an acquired taste but by this time I tend to like his art now. Which is good cause he appears literally everywhere I go. Also I love Justice and my real New Warriors so anytime they should up leaves me smiling.

Amazing Spider-Man Extra 2
First story is about Anti-Venom. He's fighting drug dealers and it leads him into a fight with Mr. Negative. At the end Eddie learns that Mr. Negative is fact Martin Li.

Rating: 3.5/5. The overall story isn't all that special, but all the little bits with Mr. Negative are very interesting. Mr. Negative is one of the best things about BND Spidey, he's a character I'm truely interested to see where things go with. Anti-Venom is the same way, great way to reinvigorate a tired character like Eddie Brock, but I'm a bit concerned his story won't go anywhere interesting. Art is by Bachalo who is one of my favorites, but I'm finding more and more his art on Spidey is going in a direction I don't like. He's losing that smoothness I loved in his X-Men run. Still His art here mostly works well.

In the second story Wolverine asks Spidey for help but they end up in a bar where Wolverine gets into a fight. Turns out it's really his birthday and Spider-Man was the only one he wanted to spend it with because Spidey doesn't know the real Wolverine.

Rating 1/5. This story is pointless. It's only vaguely interesting in a character piece way, and if it had been the only story in this issue I wouldn't have gotten it. Art is fine, but nothing I'm really excited about.

Well that's my week. How was yours?
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Quote from: Podmark on January 29, 2009, 06:00:48 AM

Well that's my week. How was yours?

I read Nova  :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:


They have 1 issue to rectify this, or there will be a new Marvel invasion series. Vertex invades the Marvel offices!
A wise man knows, he knows nothing
I must be the wisest man on Earth,
cause I don't know squat


So umm.... something happened in Nova?
Long live Slaanesh, Prince of Pain!!!


I just read Incredible Hercules this week, and...did Marvel just kill Wonder Woman?


Seriously, the villain was the leader of the Amazons, and a statue brought to life as the daughter of Hippolyta.


So I finally got around to reading Deadpool #6. What took so long, right?

I loved it. I "lol'd" about 3-5 times. True Story.

Life is good again. ^_^


Quote from: Vertex on January 29, 2009, 02:25:47 PM
They have 1 issue to rectify this, or there will be a new Marvel invasion series. Vertex invades the Marvel offices!

Based on the fact that Nova and Darkhawk are going to tie into "War Of Kings" I'm pretty sure that things will work out for the better in the end... however previews of upcoming covers are showing that Nova is going on a slight detour after the aftermath of the upcoming issue before he enters the big battle.

- CQ
"He said let there be light... CLICK! It was a lightbulb. And It was good."


Am I really that needed to keep this thread afloat?

Black Panther V5 #1:

How do I put this delicately? It was not a good issue. I guess I should have expected this with Hudlin still at the helm, but I enjoyed BP: SI so much that I had blind hope that this revamp could do something...better than what we had before. There's not much to comment on story-wise as nothing really happened. BP met up with Namor and turned down his offer to join the Dark Reign. Namor warned him that something bad would happen, and in comes Doom. We don't know what happened to BP, as of issue 1, nor do we know who replaces him as there's no signs or hints of that replacement throughout the issue. My biggest gripe with this issue is how bland a few characters came across. I mean, I just read the issue and I don't remember any amazing moments or key scenes, and I'm beginning to question the timeline a bit in regards to Storm, but I'm not going to force the issue.

Bottom line: Pass on this issue. It's really not worth it. 1.5 out of 5. The art kind of saves it...but then again, this was billed as double sized which is a bit misleading. The story is regular size with a bunch of extra stuff (previews) thrown in.

New Exiles #18:

This is probably one of the worse issues of New Exiles I have ever glanced across. It's the finale, so I guess I was expecting more than basically a repeat of what happened to some members of the old Exiles run. Following the last issue, the book basically speeds to an ending. Kitty is dead, Sage is now connected with the crystal palace, Gambit is now prince of Atlantis in his world after his father died, Rogue stayed on the world from the last arc as she fell in love (in 3 issues...), Morph also fell in love and was gone for a month, but returned to the team in less than 5's a bunch of stuff all packed together. Did I even mention that a new recruit also showed up in this issue? There was so much going on in this issue that there's no point in laying it all out. Nothing was really expanded on, no character developed...just a bunch of random situations. Also, I think Sabretooth and Psylocke finally sealed the deal...after surfing.

I...I just don't know what to make of out of 5. Very disappointing...even for Claremont. Explosive final issue my butt. I recommend that you avoid this book like you'd avoid a virus.
Disappear when you least expe--


I read some books yesterday, but I'll just do quicky reviews

Young X-Men
Dust helps Donald Pierce escape because he claims he can help her with her little dying problem. X-Men find out, fight ensues. Dust dies. Intercut with scenes of the future where only six mutants are left (Wolverine, Emma, Anole, Greymalkin, I think Cyclops and someone else) who live on the island of Xaviera, Wolverine is killed by I think Dust.
Story is about as good as you can get with this title. Nothing too outrageous like Phoenix Ink but it's nothing special. I really liked the art though. Sandoval does the present day scenes and Acuna does the future. Both do a great job.

No spoilers, except to say that something happens that people have been waiting a while for.
Art's good, story is ok, it's the type of thing you should expect out of X-Factor.
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X-Men Kingbreaker 3

The new Starjammers reunite on the prison-planet, only to be pursued there by both Vulcan and the Imperial Guard, as well as his psycho-patrol released to hunt Lilandra & Co.

A pretty solid lead-up to the conclusion issue, though I fear this whole thing won't really be resolved as it leads into War of Kings.  Did the art change drastically here as well?

Also, what species is Gladiator, or what gave him powers that there being someone else with his powers is so shocking to most people?  I need some Shiarr Imperial Guard lore here

Dark Avengers 2

The issue opens with a little more team-establishing, then it's off to Latveria to save Dr. Doom from Morgan Le Fay.  Why is Morgan Le Fay mad at Dr. Doom?  I'm not really sure.  Anyway, the team gets there and Sentry rips Le Fay's head off, only to disappear as a different version of her reappears from the past, in what is some really questionable time travel logic (ie. if you die at point X in the future, you aren't going to know about it farther in the past to come back to the future from and get revenge - that would mean you already had to know you'd die by going to the future, and if you knew that, why would you go?).

Anyway, I'm still not super-impressed with this series.  It'll get a little longer from me (first arc at least) as a trial period, but a number of characters have basically done and said nothing so far, and the Sentry needs to have something done about him - he either insta-wins, or he's totally useless.


Quote from: Talavar on February 20, 2009, 04:11:09 AM
Why is Morgan Le Fay mad at Dr. Doom?  I'm not really sure.

For the last few years Doom had been seeing Morgan romantically and it was hardly noticed by readers who didn't recognize her right off the bat. Apparently Doom was using her to get access to her spellbooks and her inside knowledge of magics that he never really tried to harness for himself before plus it was a great place to hide out and crash while he was planning to take back his kingdom. Now Morgan figured out she was being used and he never planned on keeping his promises to her when he reappeared as part of the Cabal.. and "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned".

- CQ
"He said let there be light... CLICK! It was a lightbulb. And It was good."