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The Marvel Thread

Started by Previsionary, December 24, 2008, 11:48:35 PM

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...And since when does Cloak run around without his hood up?  It looks like Exodus to me.



Well I don't know who "Cloak" (it's probably Donald Pierce again :P) but I do know that Dark X-Men is not the new version of X-Men: Legacy, or so Mike Carey would have us believe in the latest X-Position.

Also Zeb Wells talks New Mutants here and here featuring new preview art.
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Previews are nice and all, but where're the reviews, peeps! :p

Exiles V2 (3?) #1:

This is the book I've been looking forward to for a long while. It's no surprise that Exiles slowly began to die after Mimic literally died, but the Claremont double run was excruciatingly horrible, imo. Not just horrible, but almost pointless for several issues of the run, as he didn't even feel the need to establish and develop his characters until the final few arcs. As it stands, the old Exiles team is apparently still together (according to Betsy's book), so I hope that's explained away soon. Regardless, this is Jeff's time to shine on a more mainstream book (B/C list) after his X-men First Class book had been canceled.

The book starts off with the reader checking into the original lives of the new team minus Blink. We get a light hearted Black Panther, a battle ready Lorna, a rash Wanda trying to save her brother from death, a more aggressive Beast who's a part of the Avengers, a Storm-loving Forge who risked his life to save her, and, of course, Blink, the leader. They all are displaced from time literally milli-seconds before their deaths and find themselves in a grassy field with a spiritual being overlooking them. This being turns out to be the fun loving Morph who informs them of their mission and their goals. This basically takes up most of the book as we are filled in as to what the Exiles are, what they do, why they do it, and other terminology such as what is the "Tallus" and who is the "Timebroker". Morph then whisks the team off to their first mission: Helping Wolverine to overthrow Magneto. It's here that the team, minus Morph, takes a few minutes to familiarize themselves with their cache of powers and abilities. This doesn't last long as BP basically sums up the whole team and Lorna and Wanda learn that they are related (in their realities). On the final few pages, the team overlooks a parade as Magneto and his brotherhood + X-men/Phoenix ride on a float through Genosha. End.

Being completely honest, this book didn't do it for me. It was mediocre and was largely a jumping in issue, which I can't knock. I didn't enjoy the art much at all and I feel that it could be of a much higher caliber, but I think that mostly falls onto the coloring. You don't get much on the characters, but I feel you get enough on a few of them to really know how they'll come across for the first few issues. Having Lorna and SW on a team, already knowing they're related, fighting Magneto (and Lorna/SW of that world) should be interesting and I loved the return of fun Morph. Not to mention that I'm pretty sure Magneto was also part of the first arc of Exiles, so that's a nice throwback. I have high expectations for this book, so I hope Jeff can find his groove. For now, however, this is a 2.5. You'll appreciate it more as a new reader than someone who's already associated with the premise of the ORIGINAL team.
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So Morph's still around. That's great. Whatever happened with the whole Morph/Proteus thing?

Only books I read this week were DC ones and they don't belong in this thread.
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The Morph/Proteus thing was handled in an annual by Claremont I didn't bother to pick up. It apparently ended well since Morph was in the final issue of New Exiles and in Betsy's one shot. According to wiki, Morph regained control of his body and shares it with Proteus as he now wanted to do good instead of bad. So...lame. :p

Continuing on with the Exiles relaunch, I think I was pretty lenient on it as I suspect several things to be answered sometime this arc, but I truly wouldn't recommend it to anyone but new readers right now. *dagger*. Things such as 'why this incarnation of the team was needed', 'why these group of people were chosen to make up the team', and 'why the sudden revamp after Morph and his team already have control over the crystal palace' weren't answered at all. It was basically just a "back to form" with the return of the tallus to Blink and Morpheus playing the timebroker. Also, Beast's costume...suckage. ^_^

Ultimate Wolverine Vs. Hulk #4

I'm not going to go too much into this book because it really doesn't have much going for it. The whole book revolves around Jennifer Walters fixing Banner's serum to become the Hulk without the rage. Betty has Nick Fury keep his eye on Jen as she takes the serum for herself to "save" Hulk. That's right, folks, Betty is the new She-hulk! The book ends with a teaser for the next part of the story: Hulk vs. (She-Hulk).

For a book that has Wolverine and Hulk as its namesake, the two characters only appear for a few panels on 2-3 pages at the very end. So, we're all caught up on the backstory and it should be all forward momentum from here. I'm not very keen on the art in this book (mostly coloring), but it's a average, quick read. 3 out of 5. The Civil War joke was nice. Hulk rat...could do without.
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*ahem* If anyone picked up Savage She-hulk, you now know who the green Thundra is...

She's "She-hulk"! Wait, wait...if you read Hulk: Raging Thunder, that is what Thundra nicknamed her. She then showed up in another one shot, and now we know her name as of this book. Lyra, the daughter of Hulk and Thundra.

*ahem* For a universe that used the argument that having children aged their characters, they probably should limit the amount of offsprings they fill the universe with. I'm just sayin'.  ;)

Uncanny #508 preview: the return of Kwannon? Good heavens, I hope not!

Captain America #49 preview
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Kwannon's return could mean Psylocke getting her old body back!


Quote from: AfghanAnt on April 11, 2009, 04:29:13 AM
Kwannon's return could mean Psylocke getting her old body back!

But will she still be a Ninja? :P

'Cause, ya know, they lost Shadowcat.
I didn't do it!

What didn't I do?


Why not?

I think the Exiles' new mission is the same as the old. Fix the Multiverse. Or die trying. They didn't quite manage to fix it in the last series.


In world war Hulk: x-men I saw that professor X could walk again... WTF??


Quote from: Discoking090 on April 13, 2009, 01:33:10 AM
In world war Hulk: x-men I saw that professor X could walk again... WTF??

After House of M when Scarlet Witch used her reality wrapping powers to take away the powers of 90% (ish) of the world's mutants Xavier was one of them. In some kind of taste of irony he lost his powers but his legs were restored. He's since regained his powers as well.

Also just for the record I prefer Xavier walking. Especially while Elixir's around.
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Quote from: Podmark on April 13, 2009, 03:05:43 AM
Quote from: Discoking090 on April 13, 2009, 01:33:10 AM
In world war Hulk: x-men I saw that professor X could walk again... WTF??

After House of M when Scarlet Witch used her reality wrapping powers to take away the powers of 90% (ish) of the world's mutants Xavier was one of them. In some kind of taste of irony he lost his powers but his legs were restored. He's since regained his powers as well.

Also just for the record I prefer Xavier walking. Especially while Elixir's around.

Agreed. I've actually really enjoyed the more proactive Prof X that's been in X-men Legacy lately. It's a nice middle ground between the (frankly boring) squeaky clean Xavier who, despite being the worlds most powerful telepath just sits around using his powers to talk to people from a distance and the overwhelming jerk Xavier who's mind-wiping and manipulating people all over the place.



Well I guess it is Cloak and Dagger...


Heh. AA, you're finally accepting. a good step. I don't really feel like reviewing right now, but I will spoil the psylocke scenes in Uncanny because, w/e, I want to. Also, Northstar and Aurora rejoin the X-men...and Logan was a bit weird to me in the issue. I will not speak on Emma and the cuckoos and how a panel looked repeated and how wide their mouths are able to open.


Apparently, if that's supposed to be psylocke, she went back to her old costume. Fun. Fun. Also, I've seen some theories that:

Psylocke died and Revanche was revived in her place...

which makes me go..."*ahem* Good heavens, no!"
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Double post, but here are some previews/hints about upcoming storylines I actually found interesting enough to post here.







Captain Britain






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So they killed her again...?

EDIT: Also...hell YES to her return!


I'm guessing that they revived Kwannon for reasons that have not been explained yet. (other than they're all insane)


It's been reported that Fraction said Psylocke won't be replaced with Kwannon. With this news, I can tolerate this storyline a bit more, but I still don't like the majority of Fraction's work on X-men and I think it's time he's replaced. Not only are his storylines uber slow and break-up the stories in odd ways (X-club? Logan's reaction to Kwannon being dug up?), but they're so completely mediocre that I actually find myself wanting Brubaker back.
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Ok, I just read the issue and are you sure Kwannon is returned? The way I read it, it seems like Psylocke's being would be "filling up" Kwannon's (Betsy's original) body.

Also the whole your new body comment. Why would Kwannon think of it as a new body. I really hope it's Psylocke back in her english body with telepathy and butterflies. That is the way I fell in love with her and I would really like it to return to that way. Also how cool was Revanche's Arabian sword?


Quote from: AfghanAnt on April 17, 2009, 12:27:48 AM
Ok, I just read the issue and are you sure Kwannon is returned? The way I read it, it seems like Psylocke's being would be "filling up" Kwannon's (Betsy's original) body.

I don't have any solid opinions on what went on with Psylocke. What I posted above was a common theory I saw online.

I will say that this book is really making my continuity senses tingle. Why, you ask? Here's why!

1. Last time Psylocke was in 616, a week ago, she was still in her New Exiles costume. Someone will need to get around to explaining why she randomly returned in her old 616 gear.

2. Her body should be hard to manipulate thanks to Jamie. It was only a plot point Claremont ran with since her initial return and beyond.

3. I'm not particularly sure why Maddie would want Psylocke/Kwannon back in any form.

4. Why did Wolverine go to Northstar moments after learning Kwannon had been dugged up from his X-force teammate? I'd have thought he'd alert someone, but apparently...

5. He's taking after Cyclops who still hasn't alerted anyone that he saw Maddie. -_-. You know...a potential threat he might want to investigate?

About the new body. It "was" a new body. It was completely new. Revanche/Psylocke's old body was eyeless, worn down, and decaying. Technically, this newer, younger body "would" be new to both.
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Is the Invasion storyline worth reading?  Should I wait for a graphic novel of it?  :huh:


Quote from: Torch on April 17, 2009, 12:43:22 AM
Is the Invasion storyline worth reading?  Should I wait for a graphic novel of it?  :huh:

Secret Invasion: X-Men? I was very disappointed by it. I expect better from Mike Carey.
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Quote from: Podmark on April 17, 2009, 12:51:06 AM
Quote from: Torch on April 17, 2009, 12:43:22 AM
Is the Invasion storyline worth reading?  Should I wait for a graphic novel of it?  :huh:

Secret Invasion: X-Men? I was very disappointed by it. I expect better from Mike Carey.

I thought the same thing about X-Men Legacy's recent issue. What a snoozer.


Quote from: AfghanAnt on April 17, 2009, 01:14:03 AM
Quote from: Podmark on April 17, 2009, 12:51:06 AM
Quote from: Torch on April 17, 2009, 12:43:22 AM
Is the Invasion storyline worth reading?  Should I wait for a graphic novel of it?  :huh:

Secret Invasion: X-Men? I was very disappointed by it. I expect better from Mike Carey.

I thought the same thing about X-Men Legacy's recent issue. What a snoozer.

I was really hoping Legacy would become a new team book like Carey's earlier run, or maybe a student book, but it looks like it's going to be a Rogue solo book. Which could be good, or it could be more of the same. It's not that I think Legacy is bad, it's just...not exciting.
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I agree. The current arc is just a bit too long with very little interesting things happening. Legacy's current format comes to an end at issue #225 and it involves Professor Xavier and the acolytes. The description from the previews makes it seem like Prof might take on the role as their new leader.

In other news: Matt Fraction on Uncanny-

He talks about the Red Queen and her relationship to Maddie, and more importantly, what's going on with Psylocke.

QuoteThe result of the ritual performed by the Red Queen and the Sisterhood appeared to have returned the spirit of Psylocke to her original body, which had been deceased. Also known as Betsy Braddock, Psyclocke hadn't been seen in the pages of "Uncanny X-Men" for several years, and Fraction wanted to bring her back to the title for a number of reasons. "It's also part of that initiative to bring in more strong and powerful female characters. That's really been our agenda," Fraction said. "Plus Psylocke is great. She's got a rich and complicated history and she provided stuff that no one else on the team had in terms of character, power set, and the complications her return brings about. Those complications made for an intriguing problem and I've got a lot of affection for the character. When she first came into 'Uncanny' was sort of my prime era of reading the book as a fan."

As Fraction mentioned, Psylocke brings with her a complicated back-story that involves switching bodies with a Japanese woman named Kwannon, a death, a resurrection, and a stint protecting alternate realities with her former teammates the Exiles. "Our mission with her is really to simplify as much as possible," Fraction said. "We're trying to bring her back in a way that satisfies people who know who she is and where she's been, but at the same time present this character to people who don't have any idea of who she is. Without blowing where the rest of the arc is going things become clearer in issue #509. She is a very important canary in the coal mine. She's a test run if you will. What they do with Psylocke, they want to do to someone else."

Unfortunately, Matt Fraction also thinks the team needs a speedster even though he used Cannonball very badly and had Storm and Angel (two very fast fliers) basically doing nothing. How embarrassing...and they weren't part of alpha flight. -_-

As for the Dark X-men. Many thought it was Xavier leading the team. Well, the truth is:

QuoteWhen fans meet Emma Frost's Dark X-Men, the team is fully formed and was handpicked by Norman Osborn -- with the exception of one member who's been placed on the team at Emma Frost's insistence. Unlike Osborn's Avengers, the majority of his X-Men are in the dark as to his current criminal agenda and believe him to be a reformed villain and hero of the Skrull invasion. "You've got to remember what we as readers know the world doesn't, and what Norman did to the Avengers he's now looking to do with the X-Men," Fraction stated. "There is a profound public crisis and what Norman did worked, so he's thinking why wouldn't it work for the X-Men?"
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I am happy that Psylocke after almost 20 years is English again but I have a serious problem with Matt's writing.

Also Emma obviously choses Namor as her ace in the hole.

EDIT: Don't drink and write.


Quote from: Podmark on April 17, 2009, 12:51:06 AM
Quote from: Torch on April 17, 2009, 12:43:22 AM
Is the Invasion storyline worth reading?  Should I wait for a graphic novel of it?  :huh:

Secret Invasion: X-Men? I was very disappointed by it. I expect better from Mike Carey.
Yes.  But isn't (wasn't) Secret Invasion a Marvel Universe event (not just X-Men) kinda like Civil War?  If so, I'm wondering if the overall storyline is interesting at all.


Quote from: Torch on April 17, 2009, 03:10:27 AM
Quote from: Podmark on April 17, 2009, 12:51:06 AM
Quote from: Torch on April 17, 2009, 12:43:22 AM
Is the Invasion storyline worth reading?  Should I wait for a graphic novel of it?  :huh:

Secret Invasion: X-Men? I was very disappointed by it. I expect better from Mike Carey.
Yes.  But isn't (wasn't) Secret Invasion a Marvel Universe event (not just X-Men) kinda like Civil War?  If so, I'm wondering if the overall storyline is interesting at all.

Oh yeah I forgot we changed this to the Marvel thread not just the X-Thread (Great idea there Prev  <_<).

Yeah Secret Invasion was a Marvel U event. I didn't read the main mini so someone else will have to fill you in.
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Quote from: Podmark on April 17, 2009, 03:21:48 AM
Oh yeah I forgot we changed this to the Marvel thread not just the X-Thread (Great idea there Prev  <_<).

*gasp* How dare you! How dare you speak to me in such a manner! Never again speak to me as you have decided to speak to me. You will speak to me in a manner that all must speak to me, sir, and that speech that you must use to speak to me must be the speak I find acceptable to be spoken to me! Learn this and I will return Canadia! ^^

*ahem* Secret Invasion itself is very mediocre and drawn out like a typical Bendis event. I'm not going to retread that area, but instead, I'll just give you a link: I'm a Skrull, which is the only thread I can find with some thoughts about the event. Strange, I was sure there were more. But yeah, my opinion of, "mediocre, but some of the tie-in books were superior" remains.
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Quote from: Previsionary on April 17, 2009, 03:51:44 AM
Quote from: Podmark on April 17, 2009, 03:21:48 AM
Oh yeah I forgot we changed this to the Marvel thread not just the X-Thread (Great idea there Prev  <_<).

*gasp* How dare you! How dare you speak to me in such a manner! Never again speak to me as you have decided to speak to me. You will speak to me in a manner that all must speak to me, sir, and that speech that you must use to speak to me must be the speak I find acceptable to be spoken to me! Learn this and I will return Canadia! ^^

I lost you after the third "speak".
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