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The Marvel Thread

Started by Previsionary, December 24, 2008, 11:48:35 PM

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Ok I confirmed it.

Seems odd to me, shouldn't this be covered in Cable? What have they cancelled it? Anyway I'll get two parts of it at least.
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I got the X-Men Legacy Annual today. I guess I should give some Spoiler:
Scott offers Rogue a job training/counselling the students, she's not happy about it but she's considering it. A later scene has her talk to Indra about fighting being against his customs which when you consider the Trance scene last issue pretty much says she'll be great at the job.

Emplate attacks Utopia (BTW I love the whole X-Men nation idea) and the X-Men drive him back. He's looking for Penance to feed on but finds a new meal in the also diamond like Bling who he captures.

There's a backup Gambit story where Scott has sent Remy to destroy the Omega device thing from the the Utopia arc. He fights some guards and one uses telepathy on him and discovers a trigger in his head that transforms Gambit back into Death. Death kills the guard and is able to revert back and the story is called prologue. It reminds me of Angel/Archangel over in X-Force and I think this could be very interesting and I don't even like Black Gambit.

This was a great issue. Fast moving but with lots of the nice character work I expect from Mike Carey especially with Indra and Bling two characters who were pretty spare with personality. And I know next to nothing about Emplate but the issue made him out as a credible threat. This was more of a X-Men issue than a Rogue issue. Notably neither Beast nor the New Mutants appeared but that might mean nothing. The Gambit development really intrigues me. The only thing I wasn't huge on was the main artist Daniel Acuna, not a fan of his - but for the most part it was bad and it has it's own style that I kinda like. I give this a 4.5/5.
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Thanks for the sumview, Pod! I'm burnt out/busy, so I won't be doing any for awhile. I'm glad Emplate is back and I HOPE Carey gets a chance to write Monet (not to knock PAD, but he writes her as a 30 year old woman and she's 22 at most) and maybe Jubilee. In fact, with the return of Emplate, I hope her sister(s), Penance, return as well because they both + Emplate basically disappeared after GenX.
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It'd be cool but honestly I'm not expecting to see Monet or her sisters. But who knows, I never thought I'd see Black Gambit again and he's in MUA2 :blink:
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I'm finally getting around to reading comics from last week (the horror, I know) and I honestly love the Herc recap pages:

If you guys aren't picking up or trading this book, you should really consider it. And Marvel should consider paying me because I pimp out their books (this one in particular) more than they do. Jerks. :P
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And the end with Thor in Hercules' skirt/sash outfit was pretty hilarious too.


Yeah, I was kinda surprised by that.  but it does explain how Remy went back to his normal self so quickly.


Quote from: marhawkman on September 18, 2009, 01:03:04 AM
Yeah, I was kinda surprised by that.  but it does explain how Remy went back to his normal self so quickly.

Yeah I'm kinda happy that Carey decided to follow up on it. The original story may have been less than good but I think Carey can do something worthwhile with it.
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Anyone read the thor annual and wanna spill some deets? Calling AA! :P
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I can't keep the thread alive myself, gang! Discuss! Bicker! Destroy each other with missiles! Verbally attack Canadians for being Canadian! It's the only way to survive.

Ok, I just finished Dark Reign: YA (#4), and I think I've come to a very solid conclusion about this young superhero team. Nothing can be done with them. Nothing. Ok, calm down, chicos. Let me clarify.

Surprisingly, Marvel is actually trying to show a bit of respect towards the writer that basically created, advanced, and made these little tykes likable. However, as we all know, that came at a price. These kids aren't advancing in any way, shape, or form; we're not getting new outlooks on them; and the team has basically stagnated because no writer has been allowed to really shake things up with them. These kids are cameo and mini-book fillers, and I really think it's hurting them in the long run because eventually, Marvel will be forced to make a decision on the latest crop of teens. Will they allow them to just be cameo fillers until Allen returns (whenever that may be), will they slowly fade into the background never to be seen except for the occasional panel appearance, or will Marvel allow a writer or two to take over their evolution and get them kicking again?

Ultimately, Marvel, for once, is trying to appease the fans as well as Allan by giving us these mini, and pointless, appearances. Unfortunately, I think all it's doing, especially as of late, is making people want the real thing because the minis just aren't appetizing any more. We want the full meal now, and if we can't have that... can we PLEASE have something that's a little more filling to hold us over?

Also, note to Dan, please cut back on the [lackluster] storylines in Mighty Avengers. Thanks. Oh, and Jocasta and Hank. No. Let it go. Thanks again.

Oh, and the Thor Annual was "Ok" at best. Nothing major, nothing earth shattering... just a story about Thor regaining his confidence after being exiled. It was actually a pretty poor showing for Milligan, i think, if only because it was so bland... especially for an annual issue.
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Quote from: Previsionary on September 20, 2009, 05:40:43 PM
Ok, I just finished Dark Reign: YA (#4), and I think I've come to a very solid conclusion about this young superhero team. Nothing can be done with them. Nothing. Ok, calm down, chicos. Let me clarify.

Yeah I think most YA fans know this already. Good news is that Heinberg's story is scheduled for 2010 so if things actually go as planned the YA will finally be allowed to evolve.
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Quote from: Podmark on September 20, 2009, 05:45:24 PM
Quote from: Previsionary on September 20, 2009, 05:40:43 PM
Ok, I just finished Dark Reign: YA (#4), and I think I've come to a very solid conclusion about this young superhero team. Nothing can be done with them. Nothing. Ok, calm down, chicos. Let me clarify.

Yeah I think most YA fans know this already. Good news is that Heinberg's story is scheduled for 2010 so if things actually go as planned the YA will finally be allowed to evolve.

Yeah I hear Jim Cheung is actually working on the project now - hence new art from him in the last few months.


You want reviews! You got 'em mister!

First up, Dark Avengers #9:

Now that we've got this whole Utopia x-over behind us, which was silly BTW, we can get back to some good 'ol "Avengers Gone Wild."
So what happens? It starts out with an epic scene of Phobos eating cereal. Phobos questions his father's(Ares) allegiance to Norman Osborne. Ares pretty much responds with "I am daddy, so I am right!" Phobos follows that up with tears.

Phobos then gets picked up by Daisy Johnson and they head over to one of Nick Fury's secret fun houses. Unbeknown to Ms. Johnson, they are being trailed by Ares in his awesome customized Harley Davidson. Did I mention it was awesome? Well it is. Now I know why Phobos and Ares live in a small trashy apartment, Ares spent all his money on the damn bike! God of War and Father of the Year, most people would be happy with just one of those titles, he's got both.

Ares infiltrates the hideout and confronts Fury about his son and admits to his poor fathering abilities. This was actually a great scene, prior to this Ares has always been one dimensional to me. "Look at me, I'm good at war, my axe is from Zeus himself, I think I'll go sharpen it...I want Moonstone to rub her fingers through my hairy chest....blah blah blah." Now, he's an onion with layers and ish, yay!

Sentry's wife shoots him in the face with some sort of awesome(power-wise, not looks) gun. He's laying there dead with no face. It ends with Norman stuck in a high tech Port-A-Podie yelling for help. Crazies always need help wiping.

I liked the issue, it added a lot more to Ares' character and it intertwined with Secret Warriors nicely giving some background on Phobos and why he's with Fury. Also, the small airtime that the other "Avengers" received were very entertaining.

Prev-O-Meter Rating: 4 out of 5

I'll add some more throughout the day...maybe.

Silver Shocker

Yeah, even disregarding the fact that it's filler, I've found the mini to be incredibly meh. It's a shame, because Cornell's Vision issue of the YA Presents mini was really good and created a new status quo for the Vision and Statue (them being an actual couple, and Vision having a human identity named "Jonas"). What made this neat was Heinberg said in a chat with some fans was that there would be a Cassie/Vision/Iron Lad love triangle in his book. Heinberg was just starting to hint at the Cassie/Vision relationship in the third arc of the YA ongoing, so apparently Marvel was willing to actually do things with the characters at the time. But at the moment they apparently don't want to do anything with the characters at the moment. At least the Dark Reign mini makes references to continuity by mentioning that Speed was in jail; something that didn't really come up in the other minis ect.
"Now you know what you're worth? Then go out and get what you're worth, but you gotta be willing to take the hits. And not pointing fingers, saying you're not where you want to be because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that, and THAT AIN'T YOU. YOU'RE BETTER THAN THAT!"
~Rocky Balboa


Quote from: Previsionary on September 17, 2009, 05:50:42 AM
I'm finally getting around to reading comics from last week (the horror, I know) and I honestly love the Herc recap pages:

If you guys aren't picking up or trading this book, you should really consider it. And Marvel should consider paying me because I pimp out their books (this one in particular) more than they do. Jerks. :P

I am actually loving Incredible Hercules...I started collecting, when Snowbird appeared during Sacred Invasion(Because I'm a big Alpha Flight fan) and I haven't got every issue after that (I also find Amadeus annoying as hell and to me, he comes across as a horrible "Mary Sue" character)...I did pick up some of the latest Thercules issues, though...It's a fun read.



Gary Stu*. He's not a female!

I tolerate Amadeus much better now than I did when he was introduced ages ago. I think his friendship with Herc (which started with the "Renegades" team in WWH) really helped his character to progress. I don't think he's Gary Stuish at all because he has way too many flaws that others have pointed out to be put in that category. He's arrogant, emotional, and slightly reckless in his actions. He always thinks he's right, and he's not above hurting people to get what he wants, buuuuut the characters have pointed this out to him. To really be a Mary Sue/Gary Stu character, people would have to ignore his vices and Amadeus would have to get everything he went after.
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The Hitman


Quote from: The Hitman on September 23, 2009, 02:23:44 PM
Evengers Assemble!

Clicky Clicky

When I saw the term Evengers, I was like, "wait... did my Exiles team become canon and they didn't notify me? Those..."

Anyway, I figured that GotG story would branch out and pretty much take over for awhile... might lead into another meh space event.
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Some reviews by me. No spoilers because I'm lazy.

Avengers: The Initiative 28:
Loved this isssue. All kinds of stuff happened, most of it unexpected but not out of nowhere. Lots of New Warriors/Avengers Resistance stuff (Pod loves him the New Warriors). Art is a little hit and miss but overall it came together.
4.5/5 points off for the art.
On a side note I so miss Stefano Caselli. Secret Warriors fans better appreciate what they've got. And artists need to learn to draw Trauma better, he's too cool to not be drawn well.

And on the other side of the scale:
Guardians of the Galaxy 18(? not sure of number)
This issue is spent entirely in the future with the original (future) Guardians and Star-Lord team. There's a twist that I didn't care for and Wes Craig's art isn't working for me here. Sad because I loved the last issue. Kang's up next I think which

Also Pod is getting excited for Necrosha. To kill time I will resurrect an army of Canadian zombies and attack Previsionary. Brains and nachos for all!
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Quote from: Previsionary on June 13, 2009, 07:41:38 PM
Dark X-men/Utopia stuffage from IGN. Take a peak. Could Emma and Cyclops finally be on their way to real relationship drama? Pfft, probably not.

Remember when I said that? Finally read X-men: The confession... it must be nice to have every adversity in Emma and Scott's relationship solved with no issues whatsoever in one single issue 23 pages in length. I guess I wanted more. I wanted this secret thing to play out more and to affect the characters in a visual way... to change their dynamic more-so than it ever did. It was a nice setup with a lot of potential for that soap opera drama the X-men are known for, and they just let it fall flat. So disappointing to me. It's disturbing that they have Emma and Scott on the same page so very often when Jean (who people consider boring thanks to the 90s tas and select comic storylines) and Scott had more up and downs throughout their 20+ year relationship from the very beginning. I just don't see the depth of Emma and Scott because no one will infuse them with it. Again, disappointing.

If I HAD to rate this issue, it'd be a 1.5... 2 if I was in a particular giving mood. There's no reason for any writer to keep using Fraction's recipe for Emma and Cyclops, and it really hurts me that C&C wrote this issue. This is probably the worse thing I've read from them since... Chris's midquel filler space adventure (issue 4) featuring the space x-men and vulcan. I expected so much more... not a one-shot that was useless in the overall scheme of things.
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Quote from: Podmark on September 24, 2009, 03:44:33 AMAlso Pod is getting excited for Necrosha. To kill time I will resurrect an army of Canadian zombies and attack Previsionary. Brains and nachos for all!
Don't forget to dunk the zombies that survive in the fountain of youth. :p


Anyone else completely underwhelmed by the conclusion of 'Old Man Logan?'   Yay, a giant-sized, fairly pointless fight scene.


I thought it was awesome, mostly because of the art and the fact that I don't put my expectation levels for Wolverine stories very high. Just some highly detailed hack and slash action. The ending left me wanting Millar to continue this tale. I doubt he will though.


Was just about to post something on it. Seriously, what did you expect was going to happen? Logan sits down and has a beer with Banner? I thought it was pretty good. Fun action packed story that reminded me of Clint Eastwood's nameless gunfighter.

Anybody cringe when he said that he "mated" with his cousin? Explains why some of them looked slightly slackjawed. Also, nice how he mates with Jen and instantly became a redneck.  :D
Long live Slaanesh, Prince of Pain!!!


Factor in some things and you can understand his and many others disappointment:

1. This book was uber delayed. Was the final issue worth all that wait? Doesn't seem like it.

2. I assume not everyone just wants a fight for an ending. Funny that. People need to realize that Wolverine isn't just a hack 'n slash character 24/7. Just use "Ultimate Wolverine vs. Hulk #6" as an example of this. Sure it had hacking, but it also tried to enforce themes and make Wolvie (and Hulk) seem human-esque.

And sorry, but having Hulk eat Wolverine and then having Wolverine burst out his guts is forced to me. That's forcing Banner/Hulk to suspend his knowledge and experience just so he can be beaten a page or two later.

3. General question: Millar gets away with some pretty off-the-wall ideas (and suffers from continuity problems from time to time). Why isn't he as bashed as Loeb? Is it because his writing ability is much better? I mean, I can just imagine all the enmity people would harbor for Loeb if he had wrote this series (and this issue in particular), so I find it a bit odd.
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I thought it was a cool idea. But because we live in a "made for TPB" era I thought 2 issues in the middle were just filler. To me this should have been a 3-issue + the over-sized special.

One of the other things that makes it good is the art. Steve McNiven is one of those artists whose art takes precedents over writing from time to time. This last issue was about vengeance, and he pretty much told the tale on his own.


Found these preview pics for Strange Tales #2 on newsarama, they made me chuckle on the inside.


I just finished reading Vengeance of the Moon Knight issue 1. Did anyone notice how the costume and bike had a heavy influence of The Dark Knight?


so marvel zombie has finished again and the way this one ended seems to be it for the series(yeah right)

it's been years from the last issue where a zombie world war hulk bit the sentry andearth z is now totally dead

the main zombie council consists of sentry, namor, quicksilver, moonknight, thundra, super skrull and quazar. hank pyms sensors indicate that they have found humans in the savage land they missed. there they find a trap consisting of zombie spider-man, hulk, wolverine and jim rhodes iron man from issue 2.

big zombie fight untill hank pym teleports them all to watchers base on the moon to use the wounded sentry to power the dimensional portal, zombie spider-man reveals his secret weapon, a human sandman who has been injected with the nanites who attack decayed flesh.

all the zombies are killed and the watcher is revealed to be alive claiming as he is a being of energy he can not be eaten or turned, explaining that what has been done can not be undone, but the virus can be contained, so the watcher teleports sentry back in time to original world where the zombie virus outbreak occurred.

it wasn't a bad issue and if this is the end it did wrap the idea up nicely even addressing questions fans had like the sentry's appearance, his hair was burnt when he was on fire when pym trapped him hence the short brown/black instead of the long blonde

4/5 for the issue 3.5/5 for the series the weekly release helped it as you didn't get board as quickly in 5 weeks as you did in 5 months


Thunderbolts #136 ? ?A Tale of too Many Conveniences? (2):

Last issue, Black Widow and Songbird were captured. Also, Nick Fury went down fighting. This issue revolves around Black Widow and Songbird trying to escape their circumstances in high action. Only one problem with this plan? the execution Diggle tried to implement. Every save came so easily and so conveniently that it was hard to stomach after awhile. Take for example a scene where Songbird is about to get her head cut off. What do you think happened? Did she outsmart her capturers? Did Black Widow pull off something fancy? Did Nick Fury pop up and save the day? No. None of that. The team simply turned on each other during a heightened moment. Ok, fine. How about when Songbird and BW are about to explode in a car falling off a cliff? Any fancy thinking on their parts? Nope? Mach 5 conveniently shows up. Stuff like this happens 4-5 more times during the course of the issue. Because of this, this book gets a very low 2 from me. I also wasn?t feeling the cliffhanger. Sorry, Andy.

Wolverine: Weapon X #5 ? ?How Water is Dangerous to Weapon X? (4):

Last issue, Wolverine and an Adamantium man got into an all out fight while Maverick found himself caught off guard. This issue finds Wolverine in HAMMER custody. Luckily for him, only one person is there and she knows him and his partner, Maverick (who?s waiting outside). After a brief exchange of words, Wolverine is set free, and he and Maverick converse about the Blackguard situation. The Blackguard is waiting on an oilrig for Wolverine. This being Logan, he eagerly accepts the challenge after making a few stops to prepare. I?ll let you figure out how that all went and leave the last half of the book a mystery. Overall, this issue, and this arc, was a great read. I love Aaron?s take on Wolverine, and I like having Maverick, albeit powerless, back in action. And with Psylocke and Nightcrawler popping up next issue to hopefully do useful things, I can?t see this book failing me anytime soon. 4.


Also, a spider-man review would occupy this space, but I just didn't have the energy to review it. However, the (sub-) title for the review would probably be "ASM #607 -- "How many sex references can we make in a 3 month period?" or "How to reduce a cat to a one track playmate."
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