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The Marvel Thread

Started by Previsionary, December 24, 2008, 11:48:35 PM

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Can't wait till Agents of Atlas returns with their own ongoing. :thumbup: And I'll respectfull disagree with ya Seamteck...I think Joe Q is doing a pretty good job as EIC IMHO...and not half the writers...I can only think of one person that I'd love to see leave Marvel and his name is Jeff Loeb. :P Nothing personal against him...I just think he's past it.
I can't help it that I look so good baby! I'm just a love machine!


Quote from: Blkcasanova247 on January 29, 2010, 05:33:56 PM
Can't wait till Agents of Atlas returns with their own ongoing. :thumbup: And I'll respectfull disagree with ya Seamteck...I think Joe Q is doing a pretty good job as EIC IMHO...and not half the writers...I can only think of one person that I'd love to see leave Marvel and his name is Jeff Loeb. :P Nothing personal against him...I just think he's past it.

I have something personal against Jeph Loeb.  I'm no fan of Joe Q though, I think Marvel's best books are the ones that fly largely under his radar.  I mean, I'm sure he's aware of titles like Incredible Hercules and Guardians of the Galaxy, I just don't think they're big enough for him to care much, and the books prosper in his disregard.


There are four writers who have worked for Marvel who I wish would never, ever write comics again.

In no particular order:

1. Jeph Loeb. Still trying to figure out what's happened to him. Because he used to be a fairly decent (not great, but decent) writer.

2. Paul Jenkins. Read his Cvil War:Front Line stuff. `nuff said.

3. Chuck Austen. Apparently has problems with continuity and doesn't mind writing characters completely out of character. (i.e., the Hawkeye/Wasp thing)

4. J. Michael Strazynski (probably spelled wrong). Loved Babylon 5, but a lot of his Spider-Man work was garbage. "Sins Past" is the only comic book storyline that I actually thought the author should be shot for doing and had to wonder how the editor actually let be published (should be tossed out of continuity completely once BND is eventually undone), and "The Other" is crap, too.

Brian Michael Bendis is close to becoming #5 on the list.


I think Jeph would be a lot more tolerable if Marvel... no, ALL publishers would stop tossing him bones that are heavy on continuity and character consistency. He's proven time and time again he's not good with those elements. Heck, these days, he can barely carry a plot past an issue or two without completely ignoring it or drawing it out longer than it needs to be.

JMS, to his credit, wrote Thor. Thor is awesome. His Spider-man work is more miss than hit, but to be fair, a lot of that had Joe Q interference, so I don't know how much to really pin on him. I do, however, blame him for all the darkness Spider-man had for over 3 years that eventually lead to OMD/BND. Super dark Spidey is not what most people want to read for months on end.

Chuck Austen... no real comment. I actually feel bad for him sometimes because he barely writes comics these days (not like he can catch a break in any form), and he's still really hated. He got actual death threats, and no one deserves that. Not over a comic.
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Silver Surfer: Requiem by JMS was also awesome.

But Jeph Loeb...he needs to go back to DC. Paul Jenkins has his ups and down. I have no idea who Chuck Austen is.


we've already gone over my thoughts on sins past, i feel it was a terrible idea and not put forward in any decent way, but still say at least JMS had the guts to try and spice up one of the most over played and boring spidey characters in years.

the whole idea of a gwen/norman affair could have made her interesting and more human, but they messed it up with the whole super kids


Quote from: the_ultimate_evil on January 30, 2010, 06:28:34 PM

the whole idea of a gwen/norman affair could have made her interesting and more human, but they messed it up with the whole super kids

An affair? Maybe. An affair with Osborn? Come on!
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Quote from: Podmark on January 30, 2010, 07:45:42 PM
Quote from: the_ultimate_evil on January 30, 2010, 06:28:34 PM

the whole idea of a gwen/norman affair could have made her interesting and more human, but they messed it up with the whole super kids

An affair? Maybe. An affair with Osborn? Come on!

why not, harry mat have been a more obvious choice but the idea that norman did it to totally mess with peter works for him. i'm not getting into this argument because the last time it was brought up it got personal


Oh yeah I could totally buy it from Norman's side.
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Silver Shocker

Quote from: GhostMachine on January 30, 2010, 06:17:05 AM
1. Jeph Loeb. Still trying to figure out what's happened to him. Because he used to be a fairly decent (not great, but decent) writer.

There are some people online who believe the death of Loeb's son has affected his writing, and I personally find that fairly easy to believe.
"Now you know what you're worth? Then go out and get what you're worth, but you gotta be willing to take the hits. And not pointing fingers, saying you're not where you want to be because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that, and THAT AIN'T YOU. YOU'RE BETTER THAN THAT!"
~Rocky Balboa


There are multiple reasons why I think Sins Past is possibly the worst storyline ever done in comics, and should be totally tossed out:

1. It changes Norman's motivation for why he killed Gwen.

2. It makes Gwen look like a cheap *censored* and less sympathic.

3. The whole kids thing was seriously a dumb idea.

4. Proves JMS has a continuity problem or didn't read or fully understand the storyline he based it on. Gwen was only in Europe for a week or two in the original story, so that requires some retconning for the story to even happen.

Best thing to do once BND is (hopefully) tossed out, is to either ignore it or reveal that it was actually a clone of Gwen and Norman lied to hurt Peter.


I may not have fully "bought" the sins past arc but I do love J. Michael Straczynski's run as a whole with the exception of the end of his run which I know he didn't want to do. I'm hoping that we'll finally see a resolution to Peter's "deal with the devil" this year and put him and MJ back together...wishfull thinking maybe. And I love Brian Michael Bendis as a writer....just figured I'd put that out there. :P
I can't help it that I look so good baby! I'm just a love machine!


I thought that Sins Past was a neat concept.  I was genuinely unhappy to see the kids die at the end.  :(  Yeah it made Gwen look bad, but it's Norman Goblin-crazy Osborn.....

The Other would have been better if it wasn't such a short arc.....  I'd have loved to see Miss Arrow become a recurring villain.  Especially if she was still obsessed with Flash Thompson.


I'm pretty sure the boy is still alive.
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Quote from: Blkcasanova247 on January 31, 2010, 12:44:06 PM
I'm hoping that we'll finally see a resolution to Peter's "deal with the devil" this year and put him and MJ back together...wishfull thinking maybe.

I wouldn't bet on it.  Joe Q himself defended the change, if I recall, basically saying that it freed them up to write fresh stories about Spidey that they couldn't have written otherwise.

It did that, for true.  Although the content and/or originality of said stories overall leave a bad taste in my mouth...

Reversing BND is potentially a total continuity wrecking ball, even worse than BND itself.  It could be done in the hands of the right writer... and is totally likely to be done by the wrong writer if it ever did.
STO/CO: @bluegeek


Quote from: BlueBard on February 01, 2010, 06:58:30 PM
Quote from: Blkcasanova247 on January 31, 2010, 12:44:06 PM
I'm hoping that we'll finally see a resolution to Peter's "deal with the devil" this year and put him and MJ back together...wishfull thinking maybe.

I wouldn't bet on it.  Joe Q himself defended the change, if I recall, basically saying that it freed them up to write fresh stories about Spidey that they couldn't have written otherwise.

It did that, for true.  Although the content and/or originality of said stories overall leave a bad taste in my mouth...

Reversing BND is potentially a total continuity wrecking ball, even worse than BND itself.  It could be done in the hands of the right writer... and is totally likely to be done by the wrong writer if it ever did.

Eh, if I recall correctly, the MJ/Peter situation will be dealt with this year, though they may not make any references to Mephisto. Not to mention that writers are now pushing for Peter and Carlie (like they started to do 2 years ago) and Spider-man is messing around with Black Cat (which I realllly hate because of how it now portrays Felicia... and somewhat Pete).

Until then, however, enjoy the majority of spidey writers continuously poking at the marriage despite knowing that their teasing ticks off some fans. Tis good business!
Disappear when you least expe--


Double post:

Am I the only one excited that Black Widow is getting an ongoing written by Majorie Liu? I can only imagine this is because of how big of a character she's become over the last few years and because Paul Cornell has done so well with her mini-series. Color me a buyer, Marvel... but it better be good.
Disappear when you least expe--


Quote from: Previsionary on February 02, 2010, 06:04:16 AM
Double post:

Am I the only one excited that Black Widow is getting an ongoing written by Majorie Liu? I can only imagine this is because of how big of a character she's become over the last few years and because Paul Cornell has done so well with her mini-series. Color me a buyer, Marvel... but it better be good.
I'll definitely be into it...did they announce an artist?
I can't help it that I look so good baby! I'm just a love machine!


Quote from: Blkcasanova247 on February 02, 2010, 01:02:29 PM
Quote from: Previsionary on February 02, 2010, 06:04:16 AM
Double post:

Am I the only one excited that Black Widow is getting an ongoing written by Majorie Liu? I can only imagine this is because of how big of a character she's become over the last few years and because Paul Cornell has done so well with her mini-series. Color me a buyer, Marvel... but it better be good.
I'll definitely be into it...did they announce an artist?

Daniel Acuna. Most recently off X-Men: Legacy.
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Sweet! :thumbup: So how do we feel about John Romita Jr. doing the art chores on Avengers. For me he's good...but not the right guy for this book. I love him on single character Spiderman or Kickass but Avengers....I'm not convinced. Too bad they didn't keep Stuart Immonen on...his New Avengers was really fantastic.
I can't help it that I look so good baby! I'm just a love machine!


I'd rather JR Jr had done Spidey or Thor.
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John Romita Jr is my favorite artist working for Marvel (I think. George Perez isn't doing anything for them at the moment, is he?), and while I think he's a pretty darn good choice for Avengers, I'd rather see him on a solo hero title. Thor, maybe. But not Spider-Man; I'm boycotting any Spider-Man titles until BND is undone. (Note: that doesn't count books with Spider-Man making an appearance, just the actual Spider-books) JR Jr doing another run on Iron Man, or eventually doing a run of Captain America would be sweet. (The Fallen Son issue he did was freakin' awesome)

Oh, and due a headshot sketch I saw him draw at a con for someone else (I got a Iron Man headshot, with the `classic' armor) a few years back, if anyone ever does a James Bond comic, JR Jr should be seriously considered as the artist for it.

I may pick up an issue or two of the Black Widow title when it comes out, but I can't afford to add any more titles to my comics shop subscriptions. I guess this means they'll either stop using her in Captain America or there will be some crossovers. (Natasha's one of my favorite heroines, but its probably because I have a thing for redheads in real life  ;) )


There there AA. There there.
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Oh ya, sorry AA. But I gotta say, that scene was awesome! Coipel rocked that issue!


bah no siege for the uk. turns out the shipment for uk crashed and most were unusable


OMIGAWD *becomes a Red Lantern and begins vomiting blood*


*stares at AA* Someone... someone help that poor man! He's been possessed!

BTW, did you have an earlier post, AA?
Disappear when you least expe--


Quote from: the_ultimate_evil on February 04, 2010, 09:17:22 PM
bah no siege for the uk. turns out the shipment for uk crashed and most were unusable
That sucks bro...bummer. :( And AA...I feel the same way. But hey...he's a "god"...they have a way of bouncing back. ;)
I can't help it that I look so good baby! I'm just a love machine!




What? But you loved him not even a week ago! (spoiler) will be fine. Gods don't really die off. When "Olympus" (God event) is over, I'm sure (spoiler) will return to give Hercules a familial rival.

Though, I find it funny. Sentry has been punked by EVERYONE from the Young Avengers to a playful Hercules. The first time he actually does something, it's on someone who has an out to return. Color me unimpressed.
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