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The Marvel Thread

Started by Previsionary, December 24, 2008, 11:48:35 PM

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You know what's sad about NC? The most he's done since 2006 was probably in that mini where he was once again LEAVING the X-men because he was upset about something. I've come to realize that NC has been in this holding pattern since the late 70s. Always leaving and rejoining the X-men whenever something upsets him. I'm so over NC and his emo habits, and him being typecasted as the religious nut doesn't help him at all. He just needs to go back to Britain and help Pete Wisdom relaunch Excalibur. He can take Kitty and Colossus with him as they also do nothing very often.

Pod, there's a line and you've crossed it. What's wrong with you? Why would you release nuclear bombs in this type of war? So rude!

*bombards Podmark with 6 trillion pieces of Liefield art, 2 million pieces of Stroman art, and 12 trillion scripts written by Jeph Loeb and Rob Liefield individually.*
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There's one problem with your idea Murs. And that problem is that Nightcrawler is going to be in a body bag in two weeks.

Alright Prev, I didn't wan to do this but...
*Fires all unfunny Deadpool comics ever made at Previsionary*
War won.
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You don't know that, Pod! You don't! Funny thing, as I was just telling Mursy on Wave, is that his joke was more or less the story NC went through in Mike Carey's SI: X-men. What... a bad mini series.

War's not over, punk. DP is Murs's weakness, not mine! *shoots Pod dead* Now do what Capt did and be "dead" for a year!
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Bah, I'll be back. Either some embodiment of death will resurrect me with a ring, or some technorganic virus, or some kind of crazy time bullet - one way or another I'll rise again.

Also I guarantee that Kurt is dying.
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Quote from: Podmark on April 19, 2010, 10:56:01 PM
There's one problem with your idea Murs. And that problem is that Nightcrawler is going to be in a body bag in two weeks.

Pod, no. Nightcrawler is an incredible character with so much going for him. It's time for him to shine. Stop pretending he's a background character that gets no love, it's ridiculous.

*notices Pod's corpse*

Hmmm...your ears haven't decomposed yet so I know you can hear me.


I hope Nightcrawler isn't killed off (and that a decent writer makes him an important part of one of the X-books), but I kinda think he's going to be.  Nightcrawler and Beast are about the only two X-Men left who aren't morally compromised to some degree, and Beast has left to be part of the Secret Avengers.  I think Nightcrawler's going to die during 'Second Coming,' and his death will be a wake-up call to Scott to push him back from his current morally grey stance. 

It sucks, but I really think that's what's going to happen.


On death in Second Coming
An X-Man dies in this month's X-Force 26. According to this teaser there are 7 candidates:

Colossus: seen in future covers including X-Men #1, mentioned in interviews by Fraction about post-SC Uncanny.
Magik OR Magma: Magik is in the upcoming Hellbound mini, Magma is a possibility but she's shown in July's New Mutants cover.
Iceman: appears in Second Coming Prepare so he's out.
Angel: appears in future covers
Emma: appears in future covers
Nightcrawler: no mention or covers past X-Force 26
Cable: appears in Second Coming Prepare so he's out.

The character who dies is Wolverine's friend which would exclude Magik, Magma and possibly Emma and Cable. Colossus or Kurt would be the obvious friend of Logan. Also note that so far Kurt has had a large role in Second Coming.

So yeah available information would appear to confirm that Kurt is dying. Covers could be lying in which case it could be Emma, Angel, Magma or Colossus. This assumes that teaser was telling the truth.
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We definitely know Magik isn't going anywhere. Her story was the thing that kicked off New Mutants in the first place. Of course, it's easy to forget she has a story because New Mutants has been in 3 crossovers since the book began. Interestingly enough, most of the people in your list are on that teaser. How much you wanna bet it's just some barely used character that no one really cares about?


Shut up, I'm not talking about Nightcrawler despite how well that description applies to him!
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Hmm... Maybe Nightcrawler almost dies but gets "saved" by Apocalypse.


Quote"Cyclops lost a strategic asset, and he wants it back," offers Yost. "Bastion is targeting teleporters, and Cyke knows it. And on top of that, she's one of them. Illyana is Colossus' sister, and even though she's a soulless shell of her old self, they can't lose her again. Especially after the events of X-FORCE #26.  And while Colossus is pretty firm about going after her, Cyclops has other plans. And that plan is Cannonball."

The group going into Limbo will consist of an array of X-Men, each chosen for a very specific reason.

"Cannonball assembles the team, not only of people Cyclops is willing to spare, but the right people for this particular job," says Yost. "It's like a mantra for Cyke and Sam: get in, get the girl, and get out. They know that Bastion is coming for them, and they've got no time to spare. They need speed, they need recon ability, [so they bring] Northstar and Trance. They need power in case of trouble-Dazzler. They need someone to keep their eye on the prize, no matter what-Gambit.

"And they need a way to get into Limbo, [so they choose] Pixie. But Pixie doesn't have the best relationship with Illyana Rasputin. There was a little incident where Magik tore out a piece of Pixie's soul. Little things like that make Pixie not so eager to help. So Pixie needs some moral support [from] Anole. But Anole's not the biggest fan of Limbo, either. Last time he went there, he got an arm torn off. There's no one particularly happy about this rescue mission."

I'm kinda excited to see some of these characters used in meaningful ways as written by Yost. Also, I loved Harvey's work in Psylocke, so it's a treat to see it again.
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Vic, Trance, and Pixie being written by Yost again? I'm in. ^_^


I was hoping Yost would choose Surge, Hellion, or Rockslide, but otherwise it's an interesting team. I've been on the fence about getting this when it comes out but I think I will get it.

Not really feeling the art though. I like Tolibao, and this isn't terrible but I've seen him do better.

I don't want Kurt to die. He's a favorite of mine. But nonetheless his time is up.
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Life gives you lemons. So you gotta make lemonade. But sometimes, it throws you anthrax infected razorblades going 300 mph, this is one of those times. Razorade doesn't sound very thirst quenching.




I mena the idea is cool and all but I can't see it as a main character.


So sad... Land's art is so identifiable to me now that it depresses me because I never have great thoughts about it; I always go negative and have to build up to a "MEH" response. It shouldn't be that way, but it is. Also, can't wait for him to learn a better way to render hair.

*And now a more weighted response... what a Liefield inspired drawing. Big chest, small legs, non-existent thighs and waist. She must be a model.*
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Quote from: Previsionary on April 21, 2010, 02:26:03 PM
So sad... Land's art is so identifiable to me now that it depresses me because I never have great thoughts about it; I always go negative and have to build up to a "MEH" response. It shouldn't be that way, but it is. Also, can't wait for him to learn a better way to render hair.

*And now a more weighted response... what a Liefield inspired drawing. Big chest, small legs, non-existent thighs and waist. She must be a model.*

Don't forget, you can't see her feet!
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
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Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #9 Review

Really great issue. Spider-woman takes on the mother/daughter team Spidey took on early in the series. Human Torch helps her and the lulz ensue. Jessica tries to get away from Johnny but he follows her to an alley (well I assume it's an alley or that warehouse she's been living out of). He sees her face and falls in love. Johnny immediately ask Jessica out on a date, she freaks.

We cut away to Pete at school, he gets ambushed by Gwen, Mary Jane, and Kitty and gets a haircut in the girl's bathroom. Tandy (powerless Ultimate Dagger) walks in mutters something bitchy and leaves. I'm not a fan of long hair Pete so it was nice - oh they also mention how round his head look in his costume which is a jab at the cover of Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #1

Later that night at the Parker House, Johnny reveals that he has fallen in love and it's with Spider-Woman. Peter freaks out after learning that Johnny and Jessica made-out (Spider-woman being a clone with his memories and all sort of freaks him out about what that means about his relationship with Johnny). Everyone is confused because they have no clue Jessica is Pete's clone, Pete leaves to do the Spidey thing to deal with his feelings. It doesn't work and we get an emo, yet pretty, splash page.

The next day at school, Johnny tries to get Pete to explain but the government comes in to take Kitty away because of the anti-mutant act. She refuses, Peter comes to her defense and tells her they want her to react like this - the government agents point their guns at Kitty and Pete yells "RUN!!"  To be continued...

Quick but fun read. Every time I read a new issue I immediately go back and read the others (this comic is that good to me). I'm love Ult Spider-Woman as much if not more than I loved pre-Secret Invasion 616 Spider-Woman (which was a lot). Ultimate Spider-Man is the first Spider-man comic I've really enjoyed and it is a glowing jewel in the middle of mediocre Ultimate titles (though I do love Ultimate X so far).


Bah! Veranke was the best Spider-Woman.

Pete seems to have forgotten the #1 rule in a successful relationship, friendship(completely different from romance).  You start with friendship THEN add romance.  Jessie already has step 1 down.  :)  Thus it's not strange at all.  Pete isn't attracted. Jessie is attracted because she's a woman, and courtesy of Pete's memories feels very comfortable with being around Johnny.  I wonder what their kids might look like....

@ Prev: I still don't get why he drew only guys as quadzilla....


You guys, I finished Ultimate Trio Script #3. Which one of my awesome forum buddies is reading my attempt at a Marvel script?
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Dark Wolverine 85 (3):

It's a nice, quick read that features Wolverine basically using Daken against Romulus. That's right, the story from Wolverine Origins has found its way into Dark Wolverine. Nothing else happened. Daken has a mental spiel about miracles and mysteries earlier in the book that really doesn't really add up to much, and for a character that's based on manipulation and always having the upper hand, he sure has been played a lot of late. The book has good art, and it's nice to see Wolverine used smartly with barely any blood shed spilled for once. With all that said, this is easily a skippable issue that doesn't add anything to the story or plot.

Siege: Spider-man #1 (2):

This issue by Brian Reed had me worried once I saw him as the writer. As most of you know, I mostly disliked his Ms. Marvel run, and Reed seemed to have wanted to write Spidey instead. He got another shot and guess who shows up? Ms. Marvel! Writer patterns are fun.

Guy 2:


Guy 2:
Like... define fun. Do you mean like... fun?

Yes. I mean fun. Exciting.

Guy 2:
Exciting? Awesome.

Yep. It is awesome. Are we done?

Guy 2:
Yes. We're done.

K. Good.

Guy 2:

Ok, I'm done picking at a certain writer. No, I'm not imitating Brian Reed. Anyway, Ms. Marvel appears and rips Gargan out the symbiote. Once she does, she obviously becomes the next host and fights Spidey. Don't worry, the status quo is only changed for 6 or so pages before Mac ends up with the symbiote again and the heroes win. This was quite a meh, yet cliche, book that I wouldn't really recommend to anyone unless they want a throw away issue. Tis a 2. Also, I need Brian to let the Ms. Marvel/Spidey thing he's been pushing since Ms. Marvel go. No one wants it to happen. Has he yet to learn that no one references anything in his run? Just let it go. :P
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Quote from: Previsionary on April 22, 2010, 02:33:33 AM
Dark Wolverine 85 (3):

It's a nice, quick read that features Wolverine basically using Daken against Romulus. That's right, the story from Wolverine Origins has found its way into Dark Wolverine. Nothing else happened. Daken has a mental spiel about miracles and mysteries earlier in the book that really doesn't really add up to much, and for a character that's based on manipulation and always having the upper hand, he sure has been played a lot of late. The book has good art, and it's nice to see Wolverine used smartly with barely any blood shed spilled for once. With all that said, this is easily a skippable issue that doesn't add anything to the story or plot.

Siege: Spider-man #1 (2):

This issue by Brian Reed had me worried once I saw him as the writer. As most of you know, I mostly disliked his Ms. Marvel run, and Reed seemed to have wanted to write Spidey instead. He got another shot and guess who shows up? Ms. Marvel! Writer patterns are fun.

Guy 2:


Guy 2:
Like... define fun. Do you mean like... fun?

Yes. I mean fun. Exciting.

Guy 2:
Exciting? Awesome.

Yep. It is awesome. Are we done?

Guy 2:
Yes. We're done.

K. Good.

Guy 2:

Ok, I'm done picking at a certain writer. No, I'm not imitating Brian Reed. Anyway, Ms. Marvel appears and rips Gargan out the symbiote. Once she does, she obviously becomes the next host and fights Spidey. Don't worry, the status quo is only changed for 6 or so pages before Mac ends up with the symbiote again and the heroes win. This was quite a meh, yet cliche, book that I wouldn't really recommend to anyone unless they want a throw away issue. Tis a 2. Also, I need Brian to let the Ms. Marvel/Spidey thing he's been pushing since Ms. Marvel go. No one wants it to happen. Has he yet to learn that no one references anything in his run? Just let it go. :P

I thought the Spidey/Ms Marvel parts were fun. It would be interesting to see Spidey with someone other than Gwen, MJ, or Black Cat.


I can see the appeal... to a degree. But during this time, with all the interchangeable and crazy women in Pete's life, there's no need to add more. Plus, I don't know how much of Ms. Marvel you've read, but he's always been pretty inconsistent with her. If other writers add more depth to their friendship first, my opinion could change.
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Hmm... I'd check it out just so I can see what Ms. Marvel looks like as Venom.


To those who may be more in the know: are Nova and Guardians of the Galaxy both ending?  I can't find solicitations for either past their current issues, just the Thanos Imperative event.  If they are ending: Boooo! :thumbdown:


It was announced in March that both books would be going on "hiatus" during the return of Thanos (6 issues). There was no indication if either book would return, which could explain why Nova will be an Avenger during the heroic age.
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Silver Shocker

Quote from: marhawkman on April 22, 2010, 03:15:48 PM
Hmm... I'd check it out just so I can see what Ms. Marvel looks like as Venom.

I looked through it in the store. "She" just appears the same way Venom always does: big hulking monster (who, like in most of his modern day appearances, doesn't look like the original Mac Gargan Venom redesign from Marvel Knights Spider-Man. Sorry, pet peeve).
"Now you know what you're worth? Then go out and get what you're worth, but you gotta be willing to take the hits. And not pointing fingers, saying you're not where you want to be because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that, and THAT AIN'T YOU. YOU'RE BETTER THAN THAT!"
~Rocky Balboa


Quote from: Talavar on April 22, 2010, 09:29:21 PM
To those who may be more in the know: are Nova and Guardians of the Galaxy both ending?  I can't find solicitations for either past their current issues, just the Thanos Imperative event.  If they are ending: Boooo! :thumbdown:

There's no confirmation on if they are coming back. I have a suspicion we'll a new cosmic DnA book(s) in their place that will fit a new status quo. I really like Guardians and Nova is good too so I hope their stories continue in some form.
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ok i'll review what i got this week

blank desk

bloody ash cloud :banghead:


Poor, UE. It'll be OK. ANyway, I know this event is over, but this review more or less channels my thoughts on Necrosha X

QuoteIt?s all ridiculously melodramatic, but hell, it?s comics.  Selene?s going to raise the dead and use them to gain ultimate power or something.  But in an attempt to wring six issues out of it, it?s become incredibly complicated, littered with unnecessary characters, and plagued by plot holes.

The final two issues have major logic problems.  Issue #24 sees X-Force launch a completely unnecessary frontal assault on a castle, charging through an army of the undead, instead of just asking the Vanisher to teleport them straight into the building.  Vanisher teleports them in at the start of the scene; he teleports himself into the castle later on.  The plot requires him to be separated from the group; but the story brings that about by having everyone?s IQ drop to single figures for two pages.

Issue #25 sees Selene defeated.  I honestly don?t understand how.  Something about a mystic ritual never mentioned before that issue, but beyond that, I?m lost.  It?s obviously supposed to be some sort of pay off for the violation of James? tribe, but there?s no proper set-up, so it doesn?t work.

And what about the early issues, where Selene?s zombies attack the X-Men?s island?  Granted, Selene has a reason to attack the island.  She needs to recover the magic knife that Eli Bard lost to Warpath in a previous issue, because apparently it?s essential to her ritual.  But she only discovers that she?s missing a macguffin in chapter three, by which point the invasion is well underway.  So why did she order the invasion in the first place?  The dialogue seems to suggest that she just wants revenge on Emma Frost and Sebastian Shaw, but that?s a ridiculously flimsy motivation ? can?t she wait until after she?s become a goddess in twelve hours time? ? and the story does nothing with it anyway.

Read more at the link.

Ed Brubaker on Capt/Secret Avengers

QuoteThe first arc is very much about defining who their secret enemy is. I can't really talk too much about, a lot of it is about the history of these guys. This is my chance to do something like SPECTRE or COBRA without going too corny. It's very much something that ties in with real world history, but bringing in that Doc Savage, H.P. Lovecraft tradition that superheroes came out of. It's very much about stuff we haven't seen in Marvel.

In Captain America, the main antagonists are the Watchdogs and an insane, chipper 1950s Cap. What was your inspiration for this dementedly wholesome evil Captain America?

The first comic I ever bought with my own money was Captain America 156, which was the Captain America from the 1950s and the real Cap fighting on the cover. That was my first experience to the idea of another Cap ? the hard-core conservative, HUAC-loving Cap. I always thought that this character was really tragic. He remembers the Eisenhower era; he's a man out of the time. I brought him back during the "Death of Captain America" story.

I always intended to hook him up with the Watchdogs. The Watchdogs ? when they were created by Mark Gruenwald way back when ? were reflective of those extreme right-wing, Middle America militia movements. I wanted to bring them back to reflect the world we live in today since Obama was elected. He's the Captain America for that slightly crazed, highly paranoid side of reality.

Speaking of the Watchdogs, what's been the readers' response to the media hubbub concerning the signs in Captain America 602?

I don't want to talk about that stuff too much. The only thing we apologized for was identifying those protesters as specifically the Tea Party Movement. In Marvel comics it's Roxxon Oil, not Exxon. It's a step removed from reality. It reflects the world without actually being the world, and that was what the apology was for - not that they got offended. People were reading stuff into that. No one ever said "All protesters are evil." I had to shut down my public email because I started getting death threats from, y'know, peaceful protesters.

Oh man! Yikes.

That was really pleasant. [laughs] I guess they're all for freedom of speech except for mine! What was really infuriating is that they're weren't reading the story, they were just reading some blogger. Has our media really come to the point where anyone can just blog about something and it becomes a news article that warrants death threats? We're seeing this with Trey Parker and Matt Stone of [South Park] receiving death threats from Muslims. How is this any different from Tea Partiers telling me I should die in a fire because I wrote an issue of Captain America? It's a little disconcerting to me. It makes me feel like our society has gotten to the point where it's a little too easy to get access to people. So yeah, I shut down my public email and now my only contact with the world is through my Twitter account [laughs].

I said it before, and I'll say it again. There's something inherently wrong with people taking things SO FAR that they feel the need to make death threats to someone for writing a story or making a statement (that one may or may not agree with).
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