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Started by Previsionary, December 24, 2008, 11:48:35 PM

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Silver Shocker

I don't mind the line up (I'm always happy to see more Ant-Man, and I'm sure we'll see lots more of him when that movie get made/comes out) and the silver Iron Man suit looks pretty cool, but "Superior Avengers"? "Superior Iron Man"? What, do we need "Superior" versions of everyone now? That's seems silly and lame. Also, wasn't Osborn as Iron Patriot basically the "Superior Iron Man"? As for who's behind the armor and why, I'd have to know more before I could comment on it.

I'm perfectly happy with Falcon as Cap at the moment. The only concern I have is he can keep up interest in the books and if they're good (I have a stack of Remender Cap issues I haven't read, but I've read his other recent runs and I liked those so I'm confident I'll like his Cap). I really did enjoy Brubaker's Cap (though I never finished it) so a good Cap story with an ally of his in the lead role is fine by me.
"Now you know what you're worth? Then go out and get what you're worth, but you gotta be willing to take the hits. And not pointing fingers, saying you're not where you want to be because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that, and THAT AIN'T YOU. YOU'RE BETTER THAN THAT!"
~Rocky Balboa


Cap is being replaced because of negative effects of the super solider serum being removed, despite the fact that its been removed before with no ill effects.

If you're not going to do a reboot, then keep your dang continuity straight or else why bother?
"I can't wait to hear this guy's monologue. 'I am the Palindrome! Feel my power! Power my feel! Palindrome the am I!' Peter Piping weirdos." - The Middleman


Nice image, and interesting set of characters.

Haven't seen anything about an actual "Superior" Avengers title, from what I've gathered this is actually a shot of individual characters that are getting pushes.
Medusa - I assume this refers to Marvel's current Inhuman ongoing which they keep trying to push
Scarlet Witch - currently staring in Uncanny Avengers, could be more coming considering her role in Avengers Age of Ultron
Iron Man - new Superior Iron Man title coming
Doctor Strange - probably a new push inspired from the upcoming movie
Ant-Man - probably a new push inspired from the upcoming movie
Winter Soldier - new ongoing coming
Angela - She appears spordically in Guardians of the Galaxy and is now linked to Thor, could be more coming.
Thor (girl) - new Thor ongoing, see other thread.
Captain America (Falcon) - New ongoing.
Inhuman character (I think his name is Inferno) - I assume this refers to Marvel's current Inhuman ongoing which they keep trying to push
Deathlok - new ongoing inspired from Agents of Shield

I kinda wish this was a team though, it's an interesting collection of characters.

The new Iron Man armor looks really cool, very sleek and futuristic. I've read that it is still Tony under the helmet, apparently his ego and superiority complex are unleashed, some kind of anti-hero is he right or wrong kind of hook. The premise doesn't sound that interesting to me, but I like the armor at least.

I love the idea of Falcon as the new Captain America, I thought it would have been a good idea back when Cap "died" a few years ago and Bucky took over. The movie makes this much more valuable to Marvel of course, with viewers of The Winter Soldier more likely to be interested now that they actually know who Sam Wilson is. It also could create some intrigue about who might take over from Chris Evans as Cap if Marvel Studios is going that route (and I think they are). However, I'm not big on the costume from what I've seen. It just doesn't look iconic. Cap is all about being an icon, a symbol and this look seems too piecemeal. He looks like super cop to me. Maybe I'll change my mind as I see it more though.

Quote from: bredon7777 on July 18, 2014, 11:34:30 AM
Cap is being replaced because of negative effects of the super solider serum being removed, despite the fact that its been removed before with no ill effects.

If you're not going to do a reboot, then keep your dang continuity straight or else why bother?

While a decent point, and I've had similar complains while reading comics, I ultimately come down to an ends justify the means perspective. The potential story of having Steve deal with suddenly becoming old sounds quite interesting to me and isn't something I can recall being attempting, at least not on this scale. It's unfortunate that the method to achieve this doesn't fit with past history, but it would be easy for me to no-prize it and say something about this event was different (and having not read this story or any past ones where he lost the super soldier serum - as far as I know it is different).
It seems to stem from a point of "What would Steve do if he became his actual age? How would the MU deal with that?" and that sounds like a interesting story to me. And then they thought "Well how does this happen?" and a method was written and apparently it doesn't quite fit with continuity and for whatever reason that was missed or ignored.
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Quote from: Podmark on July 19, 2014, 07:54:23 PM

While a decent point, and I've had similar complains while reading comics, I ultimately come down to an ends justify the means perspective. The potential story of having Steve deal with suddenly becoming old sounds quite interesting to me and isn't something I can recall being attempting, at least not on this scale. It's unfortunate that the method to achieve this doesn't fit with past history, but it would be easy for me to no-prize it and say something about this event was different (and having not read this story or any past ones where he lost the super soldier serum - as far as I know it is different).
It seems to stem from a point of "What would Steve do if he became his actual age? How would the MU deal with that?" and that sounds like a interesting story to me. And then they thought "Well how does this happen?" and a method was written and apparently it doesn't quite fit with continuity and for whatever reason that was missed or ignored.

Here's the thing- if there is ABSOLUTELY no other way to tell the story you want to tell (and it's a good story), by all means violate continuity.  But as far as I am concerned you are obligated to try your damndest to avoid violating it, or else you're just being a lazy writer- in which case I ask again, why bother?

I agree that ""What would Steve do if he became his actual age? How would the MU deal with that?" sounds like a very interesting story.  Thing is I can think of half a dozen ways it could be done without violating already established continuity - and that's without trying very hard.

That said, I would hope that Marvel are not such UTTER screw-ups that they would neglect to mention that removing the serum has been tried before and at least provide some sort of pseudo-scientific reason why this time is such a cock-up.
"I can't wait to hear this guy's monologue. 'I am the Palindrome! Feel my power! Power my feel! Palindrome the am I!' Peter Piping weirdos." - The Middleman


Quote from: bredon7777 on July 20, 2014, 07:59:23 PM
Quote from: Podmark on July 19, 2014, 07:54:23 PM

I agree that ""What would Steve do if he became his actual age? How would the MU deal with that?" sounds like a very interesting story.  Thing is I can think of half a dozen ways it could be done without violating already established continuity - and that's without trying very hard.

Care to elaborate on some of those ways? Out of curiosity, of course.
The Golden Age; 'A different look at a different era.'


Quote from: kkhohoho on July 20, 2014, 09:19:42 PM
Quote from: bredon7777 on July 20, 2014, 07:59:23 PM
Quote from: Podmark on July 19, 2014, 07:54:23 PM

I agree that ""What would Steve do if he became his actual age? How would the MU deal with that?" sounds like a very interesting story.  Thing is I can think of half a dozen ways it could be done without violating already established continuity - and that's without trying very hard.

Care to elaborate on some of those ways? Out of curiosity, of course.

1) Cap teams up with Dr. Strange and gets hit with an aging spell
2) One of reed's time machines leaks time on to him causing him to age
3) There's an accident with one of Reed's dimension machines and he's swapped with a normal aged steve rogers from another Dimension
4) More if you want to explore the MU's reaction than Steve's, but- kidnapped and replaced with a LMD designed to simulate an aging Steve

etc, etc. 
"I can't wait to hear this guy's monologue. 'I am the Palindrome! Feel my power! Power my feel! Palindrome the am I!' Peter Piping weirdos." - The Middleman


Since the super soldier serum has altered Captain America's body chemistry, removing it has a range of negative side effects, is the way I interpret it.

As Podmark mentioned, Steve becoming old is an interesting story. From memory, the only initial side-effect Captain America suffered in the 1990s' "Streets of Poison" story arc when his super soldier serum was removed was the loss of his enhanced strength (even though he retained his musculature). He fought Crossbones (who had just finished laying a smack down on both Daredevil and Bullseye a few issues earlier), and still defeated him after a brief tussle.

The point of that story was that Super Soldier serum didn't make Captain America, it was the man behind the shield, but it was a point made in a slightly boring fashion (despite Steve being high on crystal meth for most of it). I'm looking forward to seeing "old" Steve in a mentor role for awhile and this particular massaging of continuity isn't universe breaking.

Silver Shocker

There was a mini series during Ed Brubaker's run, "Steve Rogers: Super Soldier" that took place during Heroic Age, where Steve was the director of S.H.I.E.L.D, where Steve lost his powers as well. They were "deactivated" by Machinesmith, and Steve just turned less muscular but not old. Later in the mini he got the super soldier serum "reactivated" by being exposed to a "Vita Ray" projector. I had to look this up just now for the details because it's been years since I read that storyline and my memory is foggy. No idea how it syncs with the other stories mentioned here but I think the "deactivated/reactivated" bit has a lot to do with it (the serum was presumably still in his body but was "inert". Doesn't really explain the sudden shift in body mass but hey comics).
"Now you know what you're worth? Then go out and get what you're worth, but you gotta be willing to take the hits. And not pointing fingers, saying you're not where you want to be because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that, and THAT AIN'T YOU. YOU'RE BETTER THAN THAT!"
~Rocky Balboa


I hate the mucking around with Steve, period. Anyone else they put the Captain America name on it going to be a pretender, at best. Even if Steve endorses them.

The twist I'd like to see, rather than what's being done with him and Thor? Make Steve the new Thor, since he has proven worthy of lifting Mjolnir.

I'm hoping the new Thor is Sif. If its Jane Foster, color me unimpressed. If its a different character, I hope they meet the same fate as Thundestrike. Still not happy they killed him off. (I'd rather have Eric Masterson alive and powerless and USAgent (who I usually call by a name I can't repeat here) dead)


Quote from: GhostMachine on July 23, 2014, 05:40:55 AM
I hate the mucking around with Steve, period. Anyone else they put the Captain America name on it going to be a pretender, at best. Even if Steve endorses them.

The twist I'd like to see, rather than what's being done with him and Thor? Make Steve the new Thor, since he has proven worthy of lifting Mjolnir.

I'm hoping the new Thor is Sif. If its Jane Foster, color me unimpressed. If its a different character, I hope they meet the same fate as Thundestrike. Still not happy they killed him off. (I'd rather have Eric Masterson alive and powerless and USAgent (who I usually call by a name I can't repeat here) dead)

Steve possessing the power of Thor to help him would have been a good story.  Thor becomes unworthy to carry the hammer, so he gives it to the only guy he can trust with it, Steve Rogers.  Thor comics would continue with Thor trying to be worthy of the hammer again.  This sound so similar to a Batman story......
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All very interesting changes. Wish I had the funds to give all these an extended try once they're on the shelf.

Is there any information on who will be writing Captain America while Falcon is rocking the shield? Ditto on the upcoming Winter Soldier ongoing?


Quote from: murs47 on July 23, 2014, 06:56:11 PM
All very interesting changes. Wish I had the funds to give all these an extended try once they're on the shelf.

Is there any information on who will be writing Captain America while Falcon is rocking the shield? Ditto on the upcoming Winter Soldier ongoing?

Remender will still be on Cap, the whole thing was his idea in the first place. A definite plus is Stuart Immonen on the art :thumbup:


Quote from: murs47 on July 23, 2014, 06:56:11 PM
Is there any information on who will be writing Captain America while Falcon is rocking the shield? Ditto on the upcoming Winter Soldier ongoing?

All New Captain America
Writer: Rick Remender
Artist: Stuart Immonen

Bucky Barnes: The Winter Soldier
Writer: Ales Kot
Artist: Marco Rudy
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Kot and Remender? Good...good...


I think Spider-man 2099 #1 may have made my vote for best Marvel issue of the month. I was a fan of the original series so I may be bias though.

Reading Original Sin. Eh. I'm not going to put it down but I can't say it's great either. It comes like most Marvel events do (speaking for the main series itself here). The team of characters assembled are pretty mismatched and appear to be present as hooks to bring in readerships from different corners of the MU and introduce them to other corners. A few mistakes made regarding continuity and such as if the writer either didn't do the research or just care, though not major ones either (Emma getting the drop on Gamora while standing right in front of her with one-punch no less...then again Gamora always get's the shaft when fighting a popular character so maybe it does fit?).

I feel the " secrets " highlighted here would have been better played if they chose to use already established ones that we the reader know but the characters do not. Like Steve and the Illuminati for example. What they doing instead seems to be sidestepping continuity in order to tell fresh stories without being called out for it. That is a good or bad thing I guess depending on how one receives it.

While I like the " secret character " personally I feel he's irrelevant to current books and feel new readers might be at a loss here. As well his hard fanbase may be a bit irate with the changes made (I'm not a devoted " you know who " fan so if someone can correct me there "). The event at this point anyways feels like a concept just to have and less like it will be something that has much of a lasting effect on Marvel's overall status quo, much like Fear Itself was. I'm enjoying the mini's but I usually do as they tend to highlight characters who otherwise aren't getting any attention.

If I'm seeing it right it appears the Fantastic 4 ones are a springboard to change the series in a way that it lines up with the new film in time for it's release. I'm not sure how I feel about that.

I wouldn't give Original Sin high marks at this point but I'll say it's readable if that means anything. I'm more pumped for Infinity Revelation at this point especially as it appears Starlin may be returning to his characters and his usual go-to characters could well return with him (Adam Warlock for example).


Ultimate Spider Man 4

I seriously hope that's not really Peter. Miles is such a great character and I don't want him to take a backseat. When "Peter" appeared in first issue, I didn't think it was him for a second, but Aunt May's mother instinct at the end says otherwise. Although with Spider-verse approaching this might be Peter from universe similar to Ultimate one, but he didn't die there.


As to what Bat said....

This is a long shot, but maybe Doc Ock would take over Ultimate Peter body and fight in the future (2099), since Spidey 2099 is now in 2014.  Then we can still keep Miles and Doc Ock as Spidey.  Then Marvel can make a new series call Superior Spider-man 2099
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It's the internet, don't take it personal!


Has anybody been reading Original Sin???

What the heck could Fury had said that would make Thor unworthy??
I don't call for tech support, I AM TECH SUPPORT!
It's the internet, don't take it personal!


Reading it yeah. Which issue (won't pick up the new one for a week or so)?

As for Ultimate SpM:
They've iterated this a few times since, now in the new series and I think a few of the other Spider books, but during Spider-men when Miles met 616 Spider-man, Peter whispered a secret to him and warned him about clones. Can't call it for sure but that's likely 616 Peter's warning panning out.


Quote from: JeyNyce on August 16, 2014, 03:15:45 AM
Has anybody been reading Original Sin???

What the heck could Fury had said that would make Thor unworthy??

Yeah, I don't get that.  Maybe it'll be explained well, but I have my doubts.


Quote from: Talavar on August 16, 2014, 04:27:25 AM
Yeah, I don't get that.  Maybe it'll be explained well, but I have my doubts.

If it's something really stupid like Jane Foster is your lost sister I'm gonna knock myself unconconcious after hitting my head against a brick wall  :banghead:
"He said let there be light... CLICK! It was a lightbulb. And It was good."


Quote from: crimsonquill on August 16, 2014, 07:52:46 AM
Quote from: Talavar on August 16, 2014, 04:27:25 AM
Yeah, I don't get that.  Maybe it'll be explained well, but I have my doubts.

If it's something really stupid like Jane Foster is your lost sister I'm gonna knock myself unconconcious after hitting my head against a brick wall  :banghead:

That's the thing:
Anything Nick Fury says can't change what Thor has done; all it can do is reveal some hidden consequence or secret that casts something Thor has done in a different light.  That has an unpleasant consequence - Mjolnir is no longer the arbiter of worthiness, and it instead becomes a potential wielder's view of their own actions.  Thor can't wield Mjolnir because he no longer thinks of himself as worthy, not in itself a problem.  That comes when a delusional psychopath, who thinks they're totally justified in every terrible thing they've done, could wield the hammer.  This is conjecture, but seems like the way they're going.   :thumbdown:


Quote from: Talavar on August 16, 2014, 02:40:26 PM
Quote from: crimsonquill on August 16, 2014, 07:52:46 AM
Quote from: Talavar on August 16, 2014, 04:27:25 AM
Yeah, I don't get that.  Maybe it'll be explained well, but I have my doubts.

If it's something really stupid like Jane Foster is your lost sister I'm gonna knock myself unconconcious after hitting my head against a brick wall  :banghead:

That's the thing:
Anything Nick Fury says can't change what Thor has done; all it can do is reveal some hidden consequence or secret that casts something Thor has done in a different light.  That has an unpleasant consequence - Mjolnir is no longer the arbiter of worthiness, and it instead becomes a potential wielder's view of their own actions.  Thor can't wield Mjolnir because he no longer thinks of himself as worthy, not in itself a problem.  That comes when a delusional psychopath, who thinks they're totally justified in every terrible thing they've done, could wield the hammer.  This is conjecture, but seems like the way they're going.   :thumbdown:

I'm not trying to justify this (this whole thing is stupid beyond reason), but

perhaps Fury didn't say something about Thor's past, but instead muttered an ancient phrase that acts sort of like a "reset button" for Thor?  Like he has to prove himself all over again?  That might sound really dumb, but I find it more likeable than telling Thor that he did something naughty and Mjolnir going "OHHHHH HEL NO!!!"


Quote from: Talavar on August 16, 2014, 02:40:26 PM
Quote from: crimsonquill on August 16, 2014, 07:52:46 AM
Quote from: Talavar on August 16, 2014, 04:27:25 AM
Yeah, I don't get that.  Maybe it'll be explained well, but I have my doubts.

If it's something really stupid like Jane Foster is your lost sister I'm gonna knock myself unconconcious after hitting my head against a brick wall  :banghead:

That's the thing:
Anything Nick Fury says can't change what Thor has done; all it can do is reveal some hidden consequence or secret that casts something Thor has done in a different light.  That has an unpleasant consequence - Mjolnir is no longer the arbiter of worthiness, and it instead becomes a potential wielder's view of their own actions.  Thor can't wield Mjolnir because he no longer thinks of himself as worthy, not in itself a problem.  That comes when a delusional psychopath, who thinks they're totally justified in every terrible thing they've done, could wield the hammer.  This is conjecture, but seems like the way they're going.   :thumbdown:

What if it was something like this:

Whatever Fury said makes THOR think he's unworthy and HE can't lift the hammer through some subconscious block. So the hammer is still working like it always has but Thor can't see himself as worthy anymore.

Not sure if that's better or worse. I'm not even speculating that's what's happening. Just something I thought of while reading your post.
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Quote from: spydermann93 on August 16, 2014, 03:49:18 PM
Quote from: Talavar on August 16, 2014, 02:40:26 PM
Quote from: crimsonquill on August 16, 2014, 07:52:46 AM
Quote from: Talavar on August 16, 2014, 04:27:25 AM
Yeah, I don't get that.  Maybe it'll be explained well, but I have my doubts.

If it's something really stupid like Jane Foster is your lost sister I'm gonna knock myself unconconcious after hitting my head against a brick wall  :banghead:

That's the thing:
Anything Nick Fury says can't change what Thor has done; all it can do is reveal some hidden consequence or secret that casts something Thor has done in a different light.  That has an unpleasant consequence - Mjolnir is no longer the arbiter of worthiness, and it instead becomes a potential wielder's view of their own actions.  Thor can't wield Mjolnir because he no longer thinks of himself as worthy, not in itself a problem.  That comes when a delusional psychopath, who thinks they're totally justified in every terrible thing they've done, could wield the hammer.  This is conjecture, but seems like the way they're going.   :thumbdown:

I'm not trying to justify this (this whole thing is stupid beyond reason), but

perhaps Fury didn't say something about Thor's past, but instead muttered an ancient phrase that acts sort of like a "reset button" for Thor?  Like he has to prove himself all over again?  That might sound really dumb, but I find it more likeable than telling Thor that he did something naughty and Mjolnir going "OHHHHH HEL NO!!!"

That would definitely be preferrable.


Quote from: spydermann93 on August 16, 2014, 03:49:18 PM
I'm not trying to justify this (this whole thing is stupid beyond reason), but

perhaps Fury didn't say something about Thor's past, but instead muttered an ancient phrase that acts sort of like a "reset button" for Thor?  Like he has to prove himself all over again?  That might sound really dumb, but I find it more likeable than telling Thor that he did something naughty and Mjolnir going "OHHHHH HEL NO!!!"

I'd I have no problem with this.


Hey, Marvel is actually putting out a book that I'm considering buying!  Amazing!:
God Bless
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Quote from: BentonGrey on September 07, 2014, 09:08:30 PM
Hey, Marvel is actually putting out a book that I'm considering buying!  Amazing!:

With a solid writer like Abnett and a talent like Sandoval drawing it, I can't blame you. I may check this out as well.


Anyone looking forward to the AXIS event? I can't say I'm excited, but I find myself not dreading it. It just has that classic 'evil vs. good' theme to it. I do appreciate the fact that it's been a slow build up to this, opposed to it being made out of thin air and slammed down my throat. Good ol' Remender with the slow build up. Hopefully, it has his high stakes end game as well.

For anyone that hasn't been reading marvel lately, the jist of AXIS is:
After Xavier was killed by Cyclops(Dark Phoenix mode) in AvX, Red Skull steals his corpse and surgically implants Xavier's brain with his own giving him Xavier's powers. He's also turned Genosha in to a modern Auschwitz for mutants.


I'm very excited for Axis. Remender has consistently been one of my favourites at Marvel for the past few years so I'm expecting a solid story. However...


The premise of Axis isn't simply a classic good vs evil story. Somehow the Red Skull will shift the characters of the MU on their moral Axis. This is how we're getting the jerk Tony Stark as the Superior Iron Man. We'll also be getting a heroic Hobgoblin and Carnage, and presumable evil X-Men.
I'm very dubious of this concept. I love the idea of seeing the X-Men and Avengers team up to take down the Red Skull. That sounds awesome, but this added wrinkle I'm not so sure about. Still I'm very much on board for the ride. This a Spider-Verse are two comics I'm all over.
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