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Started by Previsionary, December 24, 2008, 11:48:35 PM

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Quote from: JeyNyce on November 16, 2014, 01:33:37 PM
Expect Cage to start acting like a jerk too in the Mighty Avengers.

Start? Lol, Marvel's had him acting like sandpaper sauce since Thunderbolts. Totally agreed on Sam. A lot of potential there sideswiped by event editorial. I see him in the Secret War promo so hopefully we'll see some fleshing out after Axis. The Hobgoblin series is my take home treat of the event so far.


The solo All New Captain America book is either ignoring Axis or set after it; Sam is not acting like a jerk there.


That's pleasing to here Talavar. I have that one and the new MA book sitting in the hold box. Note that I didn't care particularly how he was acting in Axis since he's supposed to given the inversion and everything, just that they got him into the costume and did that automatically without given him a run first. It would have been nicer if they would have timed it and had him step into the role a couple months earlier so we could some quality Sam in Avengers time.


Regarding New Avengers and Hickmans overall Incursions/Time Run's Out opus. Now this is just a suspicion but I'm starting to believe that Black Swan is...
Val Richards.


Interesting theory!  What are your thoughts on that storyline so far?


I was really drawn to Hickman's F4/FF run from the starting gun. Maybe because he adds so much dimension and detail to his writing or because the run prior was very flat. Regardless I followed him to Avengers and am equally as happy with that again especially the layers of foundation he applies. NA is my favorite of the mix. I like damaged characters and moral conflict and that book has it in spades. As for the story it's an extension of the story he started with (in Avengers and more and more it seems F4 as well) so I'm enjoying it. At worst if it's not impressive (usually there's at least a moment or two) it's at least firm storytelling so I can say none of the titles have been opted for the drop list yet.

I also picked the Sam stuff and read it last night. Definitely a different version in his solo book. Even more contrasted in Mighty than he is in the actual AXIS series (more of jerk). I like all three of those books in their way but it's a little disorientating reading three almost distinct versions of the same character at the same time. I'm more in the main series for Magneto though anyways. I'm glad to see someone (Bunn) finally pull off the version of Magneto fans have long wanted. The solo series for him is also one I get a little excited to for the new issue. I thought the abrasive tone would turn me off but it's paced correctly (violence in place > violence for the thrill).


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Feels pretty much like the same book (Mighty) as before except the infusion of the AXIS factor. Which is okay with me, that series has many characters who don't normally get panel time in other books and appeals to me. I could do without the Inversion thing though that's less about MA and more that the concept itself just doesn't appeal to me overall despite producing a few entertaining tie-ins. I'd be okay just reading the Mighty Avengers or much of anything else operating as they were previously: superpower people doing the job of saving lives and dealing with their personal problems in the meantime. But I suppose events and themes sell books so it evens out. And really if your giving me She-Hulk, Blue Marvel, White Tiger and Monica you would have to take the series down a really bad path to actually turn me away from it.

Silver Shocker

So just wanted to say I've liked pt 2 and 3 of Spider-Verse more than part 1 for reasons I've already forgotten, but there's one specific scenario I wanted to bring up:

In a brief sequence in Amazing, setting up issue two of Spider-Verse team up, Mile Morales, and the cartoon version of Ultimate Spider-Man go to the world of the 60's Spider-Man cartoon. While I don't have the memetic fondness for that show that others on the internet have, I found this bit very cute, and especially got a kick out of the comic making fun of the cartoon Ultimate Spidey. The bit mocking the recycled backgrounds and building design for the Bugle in the 60's cartoon was full of win.

In other news, this weeks issue of Avengers World (#16) reveals:

Doctor Doom uses magic to bring Cassie Lang/Stature back to life!  It was mentioned in a recent interview by Nick Spencer that Cassie would be in the new Ant-Man ongoing, which I'm looking forward to picking up, but I wasn't sure if it was the 616 Cassie, or a different one brought about by time travel, or alternate universes (since the current Avengers stories have been doing stuff with alt worlds). Doom says something about "erasing the pain he caused" which has me thinking that the memory of Cassie dying might be erased. She seems surprised to see her dad at the end of the comic though. I'm very curious to see if Cassie will still be a superhero, but I'm personally not expecting it.

Also, this week's Axis:

According to the Scarlet Witch, her and Quicsilver are not the biological kids of Magneto. I'm sure this is part of Marvel's long running attempt to screw over Fox with the X-Men movies, and there's a teaser image for the relaunched Uncanny Avengers with the tagline "Mutants No More" showing Wanda and Pietro.  This no doubt causes an absurd number of plot holes and continuity errors, but this point in the game I'm like, whatever. 
"Now you know what you're worth? Then go out and get what you're worth, but you gotta be willing to take the hits. And not pointing fingers, saying you're not where you want to be because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that, and THAT AIN'T YOU. YOU'RE BETTER THAN THAT!"
~Rocky Balboa


Definitely was thinking that AXIS...
inwrite had something to do with films, though more my first was that they may be aligning comic continuity so that the films no longer seems out of place. Whereas those two are to be in Avengers 2 but that studio doesn't have the rights to entities in the X-Universe or lest they pay a likely silly price to the other retain it. Now when anyone watches Avengers 2 and says " Wait, aren't those two supposed to be Magneto's children? This movie blew it! " Marvel or whoever can say " Wrong. Aren't you reading the comics? ". Meh, whatevs then.


Not that it's a big deal but I picked up the Avengers Now! Handbook, the first OHTMU entry Marvel put out in sometime, and have to give it a thumbs down. The selling point in the ad and center character on the cover is the new Thor. Naturally since nothing much has been revealed the bio entry is pretty much empty telling us only that the character is female and has the powers of Thor and comes out as a stub in the very back of the book. Just saying Marvel if you can't reveal anything about the character then we don't need a bio telling us that and certainly not a book using them as the selling point. That's contrary to the function of a bio. Next time slow your row and make a synopsis when there's something to actually write about. There are a few other entries for anyone wondering, most of which are footnotes to previous entries though or summaries of story arcs but I would suggest any serious collectors of these actually pass on this one. Also they misspelled Iron Man's header as " Ron Man " which is sort of funny.

* Just caught the news bit about Spider-woman's new costume. Lol, I kid you not I was just reading #2 and wondered to myself how long before creative decided to redesign her costume. Just can't keep their hands out of the cookie jar. The design doesn't look half bad though. I'm happy they gave an advance here as well before I released that nif so I can work it into the skins.


Quote from: SickAlice on December 18, 2014, 05:30:29 PM
* Just caught the news bit about Spider-woman's new costume. Lol, I kid you not I was just reading #2 and wondered to myself how long before creative decided to redesign her costume. Just can't keep their hands out of the cookie jar. The design doesn't look half bad though. I'm happy they gave an advance here as well before I released that nif so I can work it into the skins.

I actually quite dislike Spider-Woman's regular costume, it's probably been a big factor in my never developing any interest in the character (should run it in the character polls one day). This new one is an improvement for me I think, though I'm not yet sure how much. Really reminds of Batgirl's new look though.
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Cyber Burn

Quote from: Podmark on December 19, 2014, 01:11:24 AM
I actually quite dislike Spider-Woman's regular costume, it's probably been a big factor in my never developing any interest in the character (should run it in the character polls one day). This new one is an improvement for me I think, though I'm not yet sure how much. Really reminds of Batgirl's new look though.

I'm actually going to have to disagree with you here Pod. I've always really liked Spider Woman's classic suit. Not really liking the newer design though. I think it would be alright for a newer version of the Character, maybe a younger version. But for such an established Character, the original design is much more suitable.


Quote from: Cyber Burn on December 19, 2014, 01:56:31 AM
Quote from: Podmark on December 19, 2014, 01:11:24 AM
I actually quite dislike Spider-Woman's regular costume, it's probably been a big factor in my never developing any interest in the character (should run it in the character polls one day). This new one is an improvement for me I think, though I'm not yet sure how much. Really reminds of Batgirl's new look though.

I'm actually going to have to disagree with you here Pod. I've always really liked Spider Woman's classic suit. Not really liking the newer design though. I think it would be alright for a newer version of the Character, maybe a younger version. But for such an established Character, the original design is much more suitable.
Agree with you CB. It seems they are tyring to make comicsverse and movieverse work together. I feel like it takes away some of the magic of these characters if they are wearing branded streetwear. That being said Kris Anka's rendering of the costume is far superior than some of this other art.


Just a guess but I wondered if the costume redesign for Jess is partly due to the outrage on this series that the covers were examples of misogyny. It would be hard to for an artist to depict her in a reserved manner as the original design is intended to show off her curves. That and to distance the series as it's own story from the Spider-verse cross-over, which would end prior to the new costume unveiling. And probably " Now!" branding even. The gamers should be happy though. The ones at the Playdom hub at least have been asking for an alternate costume for Jess for awhile and like Tigra she has a lack of canon ones. I'm with CB as well. My first thought was that it looked like what a costume would like for an aged Ultimates Spider-woman (Black Widow now) as opposed to something that really screamed Jessica.


The Marvel Universe is dead!

Long live the Marvel Universe

It's crisis all over again

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Battleworld is just a huge nod towards the original Secret Wars Beyonder's Battle Planet with the goal of every chunk of alternate worlds or timelines getting to claim it's stake in the new Prime Marvel Reality.

Honestly, I think it's a great idea because you end up with some awesome VS stories that probably only existed in fan fiction or nerd debates and hopefully the results end up with a new complete Marvel Universe that isn't a mess and merges in some long forgotten characters and storylines that should have not been messed with in the first place.

I keep saying this whole event is like every Freedom Force mod dream made possible for a Marvel fan who wanted every version of (insert a character name here) to battle it out for the sole survivor to become THE Prime version.

- CQ
"He said let there be light... CLICK! It was a lightbulb. And It was good."


I'm yakking it on the other side the link but briefly here - it's not like most of the current NOW! stable is close to what diehards would consider the proper version of the character anyways to feel that Marvel would be flipping on tradition? Like them or love them these (NOW!) aren't the characters as you grew to knew them right now by a long shot.

In other news, boy is this really going to increase everyone's to do list here or what? Come on Marvel and DC as well, pace the switch-ups a little would ya? How do expect anyone to skin all this stuff?  :P


So Marvel's finally bit the bullet and committed to a reboot.  I'm surprised it's taken them this long, honestly, but don't really feel this is a good idea.  First, nothing should be combined with the Ultimate universe.  Miles Morales should flee it in some sort of Kryptonian-esque escape vessel while the rest is quietly erased - its riddled with infectious Loeb poisoning.  Also, have they learned nothing from watching DC flail from reboot to reboot for the last 20 years?


I don't know, from the bits I've read so far I'm not convinced they're really doing a reboot. I think we may be looking at something similar to Age of Apocalypse but on a bigger scale with more things carrying forward. But right now I think the history will be kept intact. Might amend that statement once I read more though.
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Quote from: Podmark on January 22, 2015, 06:03:10 AM
I don't know, from the bits I've read so far I'm not convinced they're really doing a reboot. I think we may be looking at something similar to Age of Apocalypse but on a bigger scale with more things carrying forward. But right now I think the history will be kept intact. Might amend that statement once I read more though.

As some history was intact after Crisis on Infinite Earths.  Or Flashpoint.  To me, this seems like another attempt to do a "have your cake & eat it too" reboot.  Some history will be preserved, some streamlined, and some ugly bits swept under rugs.  I'm okay with all that; the problem arises when readers and writers are still trying to figure out what's canon in the aftermath.


I don't know if you want to call it a reboot, but from what I'm reading, it's going to be multiple universes living on one big planet.  It will start in May and will be like that for the next 8 months.  It should be interesting to see how they interact with each other.
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Only blinking my eyes at the news right now since speculation is about it past the structure of the story.
Partly put out because I don't want to let myself get invested in current stories if they're going to be put hold at best in a bit. Which could be said for any event.

The way Marvel puts out events and books temporarily sideline I feel like I'm in car that drives and *YANK* (head flies into dash and back against seat) and driving aaaaaaaaannnnnnnd *YANK* (half digested pancake swishes about in stomach) and driving aaaaaaaaaannnnd * YANK* (Picking up Spider-verse chapter 1) and...

I really wouldn't mind if they just let most of the stories go for a long while and cultivate themselves. I know events and themes sell more overall units, but I still wouldn't mind a break. I can't actually remember the last year when there wasn't fragmented event years. Before Onslaught? Was it then or even farther back?


I'm really confused by this whole thing.  Why in the world would they think that mixing the Ultimate and the 616 Universes together would be a good idea?  Does anyone even care about the Ultimates anymore?  Why would they think it was a good idea to take all of the recognition they've garnered from their movies, movies based on the 616 comics, and mix in a bunch of other stuff?  Ahh well, I suppose it isn't like the comics are recognizable or accessible to anyone but the same old aging group of fanboys anyway.

If they want to reset their universe and undo stupid things like the nullification of Peter Parker's marriage, it seems like there would be a cleaner way to go about it.
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Quote from: BentonGrey on January 24, 2015, 05:04:18 AM
I'm really confused by this whole thing.  Why in the world would they think that mixing the Ultimate and the 616 Universes together would be a good idea?  Does anyone even care about the Ultimates anymore?

Two words: Miles Morales.

Granted I agree there's far cleaner ways to do that...but I'm still not convinced we really know what they're doing. Battle World is one thing, but what comes after?
Also the movies take a fair bit of inspiration from the Ultimate Comics (Nick Fury, Tony Stark, and Falcon being notable examples). Though the current Ultimate Universe bears little resemblance to any of that.
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Quote from: Podmark on January 24, 2015, 05:15:51 AM
Quote from: BentonGrey on January 24, 2015, 05:04:18 AM
I'm really confused by this whole thing.  Why in the world would they think that mixing the Ultimate and the 616 Universes together would be a good idea?  Does anyone even care about the Ultimates anymore?

Two words: Miles Morales.

Arguably the strongest combination of two words in the history of man kind.


Been on Facebook way too long, I'm looking for the like button.   :doh:
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QuoteI'm really confused by this whole thing.  Why in the world would they think that mixing the Ultimate and the 616 Universes together would be a good idea?

I guess the people who work on the Marvel Cinematic Universe series thought it was a good idea, since that's what Marvel movies basically are ... a mix of the best elements of the classic 616 stories and the modern Ultimate stories and character designs. Which is why the two lines are being amalgamated now. Because movies, which make a ton of cash, are dictating what the comics can do.


Some people (like my LCS) feels that they are doing this to make their comics streamline with the movie
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I've opted the route of reserving all judgements on it sans the small bit they've even promoted. I'm seeing way to huge of an explosion of assumption regarding the event to the point it's assumed a head canon version of the series from start to finish and people getting really worked up about it. Boycotting Marvel and what not. It isn't even published yet. It's fun to imagine and wonder but it shouldn't go past that either, at least I know I don't want that for me.