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The Marvel Thread

Started by Previsionary, December 24, 2008, 11:48:35 PM

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Are there really that many Ultimate elements, though?  You've got the Ultimate look for Fury, though he's not necessarily all that much like the character, and you've got...what else?  Falcon and Tony are like their Ultimate counterparts?  As y'all might imagine, I don't know much about the Ultimates, other than the general, outrageous stuff that makes headlines.  I will say that recasting Falcon's origins to him being a soldier is almost certainly a good thing, considering the really awful mess his 616 origins were/are.

Miles Morales is popular?
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Yes, Miles is very popular.  He's more popular than Ultimate Peter Parker
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Quote from: BentonGrey on January 27, 2015, 02:00:53 AM
Are there really that many Ultimate elements, though?  You've got the Ultimate look for Fury, though he's not necessarily all that much like the character, and you've got...what else?  Falcon and Tony are like their Ultimate counterparts?  As y'all might imagine, I don't know much about the Ultimates, other than the general, outrageous stuff that makes headlines.  I will say that recasting Falcon's origins to him being a soldier is almost certainly a good thing, considering the really awful mess his 616 origins were/are.

Miles Morales is popular?

Tony Stark is not like Ultimate Tony Stark in any but a very superficial way.  The influence of the Ultimate line is actually quite limited, in my opinion.  Maybe Captain America's power level - MCU Cap seems stronger with some of his feats than even the "peak-human" of 616 Cap would be able to do.  Hawkeye & Falcon's origins I suppose (in that Hawkeye doesn't really have one, and is just a Shield agent with good aim).  Hulk and Thor certainly aren't.


Quote from: BentonGrey on January 27, 2015, 02:00:53 AM
Are there really that many Ultimate elements, though?  You've got the Ultimate look for Fury, though he's not necessarily all that much like the character, and you've got...what else?  Falcon and Tony are like their Ultimate counterparts?  As y'all might imagine, I don't know much about the Ultimates, other than the general, outrageous stuff that makes headlines.  I will say that recasting Falcon's origins to him being a soldier is almost certainly a good thing, considering the really awful mess his 616 origins were/are.

There's a number of things and I'll list some in second, nothing gigantic but stuff that is smart and useful. It's largely just from Miller and Hitch's two Ultimates runs, and yes there's the outrageous headline elements to those runs, but beyond that the run was designed to be like a movie so the ways that it modernized the characters and pulled them together was, at least in my opinion, pretty good. I'm pretty sure I've read comments from the MCU creators citing inspiration from those comics.

MCU elements inspired from Ultimate Comics:
-Tony's personality
-Nick Fury's complete character
-SHIELD bringing together the Avengers
-Black Widow and Hawkeye as SHIELD agents, and their visual designs
-The Avengers line up (minus Giant-Man and Wasp)
-Falcon as military (technically he was SHIELD) and visual design
-Elements of Cap's costumes
-The Chitauri name for the aliens
-An alien invasion as the first big battle for the Avengers
-The Triskelian as SHIELD headquarters

Probably some others I can't think of right now.

Now bringing things back to Secret Wars and merging universes, other than Miles and maybe Jessica Drew, and maybe the legit Jackson Fury, I can't think of much that Marvel and fans would really want to bring in. Especially in the Ultimate Comics current form. Most stuff would be incompatible or could just be done with existing 616 characters.
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Quote from: Talavar on January 27, 2015, 05:02:48 AM
Tony Stark is not like Ultimate Tony Stark in any but a very superficial way.  The influence of the Ultimate line is actually quite limited, in my opinion.  Maybe Captain America's power level - MCU Cap seems stronger with some of his feats than even the "peak-human" of 616 Cap would be able to do.  Hawkeye & Falcon's origins I suppose (in that Hawkeye doesn't really have one, and is just a Shield agent with good aim).  Hulk and Thor certainly aren't.

Yeah Cap's powers as well.

I disagree about Tony. The flippant attitude that he has in the films is very similar to the one he had in The Ultimates, and I really don't remember Tony acting like that prior to the Ultimates. I'm not saying he's the same character, I'm saying that I see a direct inspiration.
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" Many ". As far as I see adding up opinion across the board not really. I considered though that might not be as much a factor. Part of it may rely on their creators wanting to keep the characters and keep working with them as well, as opposed to leaving them on island so to speak that will inevitable sink. So for example Bendis may enjoy some of those characters and be proud of them and not want to eventually lose the time he put into them. Most alt Universe characters tend to go on the shelf once their battery expires only to be pulled out for an anniversary of their of the original event. Nothing has been said to make such a thing factual, however I think it's a reasonable enough motive and in contrast to much of the Ultimate Universe while being popular in it's way not being substantial nor cared about in the way 616 canon is not supporting that this is what the fans/readers want by large.


I'm surprise nobody thought about this.  What's going to happen to the regular people in Battle World?  Is Battle World just for the heroes or what?
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Sure they have. The Internets been batting that back and forth nonstop. Any single thing about SW which says in the least they got the hype they were seeking. The fact is though that hasn't been revealed yet. My presumption is that since it's chunks of realities, not just characters, making up the Earth each chunk would have the types of things in it that it would in it's respective fiction or lack thereof. Again just a guess though since there's nothing to go on at this point.


I thought this was clever, and from what y'all said, apparently apt:
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"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
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Quote from: BentonGrey on January 30, 2015, 06:17:01 AM
I thought this was clever, and from what y'all said, apparently apt:

Yeah that's pretty much true!
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A few funny stuff I noted just now in Thunderbolts: Charcoal refers to his transformation as Clark Kent routine at one point,in the same issue a kid at school has a shirt with Batmans logo.Much later Counter-Earth/Bucky calles Redeemers "Teen Titans".Why so many DC allusions? :)
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


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Has Marvel stated whether A-Force is ongoing or mini? (I guess as it's a Secret Wars title they're being intentionally vague).

I was thinking recently about how Marvel has recently launched a number of new or upcoming ongoings (Ant-Man, Silk, Spider-Gwen, Howard the Duck, Guardians Team-Up). Secret Wars hits in May I believe and runs until September I think. That's a minimum of 7 or a maximum of 16 issues depending on double shipping and half of those should occur during Battle World. That seems low for a new ongoing and fuels my belief that Marvel is not doing a reboot.
BTW Ant-Man is great. If you read Superior Foes you'll love it.

On another note a couple weeks ago Agent Venom got a new costume:
I'm really mixed on this. See I like the new design (but I suspect only some artists will draw it well) but it shifts Flash back to the big brawler Brock style Venom, and I prefer Flash as the gun toting soldier Venom - it helps set him apart. The good news was that was the first issue that Flash actually felt like part of the Guardians book, instead of just showing up.
Also I didn't like the previous new costume he had for Guardians, so this is an improvement for me.

Lastly Brian Bendis announced he's leaving the X-Books just before Secret Wars. I've mostly enjoyed his run on the books though the current arcs have been really slow. He's done some cool stuff with the characters, introduced some interesting new characters, and really made me enjoy the time displaced original X-Men (I actually hope they stick around). I just hope he has a strong finale coming. I'd like to see something definitive about Cyclops' character.
Curious who will be the next X-Men writer. Remender would be good.
I wouldn't be shocked to see Bendis on Fantastic Four or Spider-Man next.

Hickman is also ending his Avengers run prior to Secret Wars, and supposedly stepping away from Marvel for a while afterwards. I'm expecting Jason Aaron to take over Avengers post Secret Wars.
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Huge week in comic news all around indeed. I don't know where to even sit on anything right now. To busy examine my future pull lists. On Flash Thompson though:

Venom's Klyntar form I think is more just branding for GOTG, in other words his GOTG look. Most characters are revisited, streamlined, and conformed to the group around them eventually at some point in a team book. Take Uncanny Avengers Vol.2 for example. I liked the old costume but now looking at the new realize that it did stick out like a sore thumb in contrast to the rest of the Guardians NOW! costumes.

I've seen a bit of contention if not outrage more towards the inwrite on the symbiote races origin more, especially in light of them being painted as a universal peace keeping corps rather than malicious entities. Personally I didn't take the races previous origins very seriously so this didn't phase me either way.


I like the new design of Agent Venom costume, but like Pod, I don't like the bulkiness.

Ant-Man is a funny comic and a good read.  It seems like because of the style of the recent Hawkeye comic, Marvel will be that style with some of their heroes.  She-Hulk was concentrating on her practice as a lawyer and now Ant-Man will start his own business while being a father.

About the Fantastic Four.....It may be a while before we see them again:
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I think we'll see the FF as soon as the movie comes and goes. So I'd guess this will probably be in Marvel's all new Marvel now in the fall or early next year.

I don't see Marvel doing a straight on reboot with Secret wars-to me its just a way to play with the continuity and keep what you like and get rid of what you don't. More of a soft reboot
if you will.

I'm just curious how many of the alternate characters and their histories make it into the main universe.

I'd love to see them bring back the Spider-marriage with this. I'm not sure if it will happen though.

along with Miles, I'd love to see Sue from the ultimate universe make it to the main one as well. She was the best character from the ultimate FF.



I currently think the opinions of the Fantastic Four and Marvel's relationship with the comic book versions of the characters is a bunch of speculation and nonsense. Thor as in the Odinson is also removed from his station in contrast to this and clearly is not being produced by the same movie house as F4. Also Peter Parker was removed from his. At the time the same idea's that it had to do with the movie series were in play and really it was that it served the story and to try something new in the comics. The only influence the film did have on the Spider-man book was that the powers that be reverted Spider-man to Parker again to line up with the release of ASM 2, in other words they supported thew studios en-devour in the comic. So the evidence thus far stacks against this idea and I tend to stick to what's shown rather than what's imagined myself.

Secondly Marvel is a publisher. They want to sell books and the title is irrelevant to that. Third as had been pointed to before them changing the comic book does not affect the movie audience as the majority of the film goers worldwide do not read comic books, it only works the other way around being that new readers come into the fold after being introduced to the characters by the film experience. Lastly is that Hickman as much as said early on that this happening for the reason of story, specifically Time Run's Out and Secret Wars, being that the F4 will be present but divided as has been shown in the comics already and we'll see them presented differently during the event. None of this equals " Marvel is trying to stick it to the movie house by fudging up their own profit margin with the books " and really there's no logic behind the base assumption.


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''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


Quote from: Spade on March 27, 2015, 05:36:35 AM

All new politicaly correct Avengers.Im gonna cry a bit now.. :(
Your thoughts?

There are going to be like 10 Avengers titles. Don't like it, read another one.

Also how exactly is this team politically correct? Because it has three minorities?  :huh:


Quote from: AfghanAnt on March 27, 2015, 05:56:24 AM
Quote from: Spade on March 27, 2015, 05:36:35 AM

All new politicaly correct Avengers.Im gonna cry a bit now.. :(
Your thoughts?

There are going to be like 10 Avengers titles. Don't like it, read another one.

Also how exactly is this team politically correct? Because it has three minorities?  :huh:

Cuz everyone is a minority.Not that I have something against that,I just think they went too far.And if Tony is brainwashing San Francisko now,who is Iron Man here?
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


QuoteAll new politicaly correct Avengers.Im gonna cry a bit now.. :(
Your thoughts?

Er, why would that make you sad?

Those are some awesome characters whose individual books are great at the moment, particularly Ms Marvel, Thor and Miles Morales.

QuoteCuz everyone is a minority.Not that I have something against that,I just think they went too far.

Maybe just focus on the robot and the blonde haired white woman. As AA mentioned, there are plenty of Avengers books if you want to read about an ethnic mix that won't make you tear up.


Read Superior Iron Man and then you'll know who this Iron Man is.  Marvel is really pushing the Avengers, Huh?  You make one good movie.......LOL!
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Quote from: JeyNyce on March 27, 2015, 01:16:03 PM
Read Superior Iron Man and then you'll know who this Iron Man is.  Marvel is really pushing the Avengers, Huh?  You make one good movie.......LOL!


Quote from: Starman on March 27, 2015, 01:09:15 PM
QuoteAll new politicaly correct Avengers.Im gonna cry a bit now.. :(
Your thoughts?

Er, why would that make you sad?

Those are some awesome characters whose individual books are great at the moment, particularly Ms Marvel, Thor and Miles Morales.

QuoteCuz everyone is a minority.Not that I have something against that,I just think they went too far.

Maybe just focus on the robot and the blonde haired white woman. As AA mentioned, there are plenty of Avengers books if you want to read about an ethnic mix that won't make you tear up.

Again,I dont have a problem with "ethnical mix",I have a problem with CHANGING the characters.Basicly this is just trying to boost sales in every group imaginable.
If they wanted to have a hero of X background,just make a new one.Dont change the old ones to fit the mold.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


I'm a big Miles fan so definitely gonna check this out. Hoping that characters like Ganke stick around after Secret Wars as well.

Waid on writing duties is also a definite plus.


Quote from: Spade on March 27, 2015, 01:53:37 PM
Again,I dont have a problem with "ethnical mix",I have a problem with CHANGING the characters.Basicly this is just trying to boost sales in every group imaginable.

A for-profit trying to make a profit? Scandalous.

Quote from: Spade on March 27, 2015, 01:53:37 PM
If they wanted to have a hero of X background,just make a new one.Dont change the old ones to fit the mold.

They did. Miles Morales and Ms. Marvel are the brand new characters they made. Peter Parker is still Spider-Man. Carol Danvers is still Captain Marvel. The sky is not falling.

QuoteMaybe just focus on the robot and the blonde haired white woman. As AA mentioned, there are plenty of Avengers books if you want to read about an ethnic mix that won't make you tear up.


laughing paradox

Quote from: murs47 on March 27, 2015, 07:23:43 PM
Quote from: Spade on March 27, 2015, 01:53:37 PM
If they wanted to have a hero of X background,just make a new one.Dont change the old ones to fit the mold.

They did. Miles Morales and Ms. Marvel are the brand new characters they made. Peter Parker is still Spider-Man. Carol Danvers is still Captain Marvel. The sky is not falling.


Well said.


Basically this eras New Avengers: All the big hype characters in one team.


^Whatever,forget I said anything.
This is just applying Ms Marvel formula on the whole team.
Out of everything in season 2014/15 I only liked Silk and Deathlok.I have somewhat mixed feelings about Thor.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer