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The Marvel Thread

Started by Previsionary, December 24, 2008, 11:48:35 PM

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QuoteThis is just applying Ms Marvel formula on the whole team
^Whatever,forget I said anything.



Quote from: Starman on March 28, 2015, 06:24:44 AM
QuoteThis is just applying Ms Marvel formula on the whole team
^Whatever,forget I said anything.


Dont be a jerk,dude.
Im not in any way obliged to like the same things as you.If I dont like this version of Avengers thats my thing,you can worship them as much as you like.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


I literally did fix your post. You said "forget I said anything", then repeated the stuff you asked everyone to forget about! No need to call anyone jerks or say they worship this or that. You're obviously still upset about all that mind-blowing political correctness, but still...



Quote from: Starman on March 28, 2015, 12:02:55 PM
I literally did fix your post. You said "forget I said anything", then repeated the stuff you asked everyone to forget about! No need to call anyone jerks or say they worship this or that. You're obviously still upset about all that mind-blowing political correctness, but still...


I suppose you think that was terribly clever...  :P
But in all seriousnes,thats not what I said,so I dont need you fixing anything.
And you OBVIOUSLY missed most of what I said.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


Quote from: JeyNyce on March 27, 2015, 01:16:03 PM
Read Superior Iron Man and then you'll know who this Iron Man is.  Marvel is really pushing the Avengers, Huh?  You make one good movie.......LOL!

Does this mean that this Iron man is

As for this group of Avengers, I don't really have a problem with it.  Although I prefer Steve Rogers to Captain falcon, and Classic Thor to current Thor(i refuse to call her She-Thor-that's unfair to her), I read both All new Cap and all new Thor. And I like Miles.Vison has always been a favorite of mine.

Plus, this has Mark waid on it, so I'll give it a fair shot, even though I'm a classic avengers guy. Given a chance, fans might actually like this book.

Trust me, there will be more Avengers books for classic fans. I'm sure there will be an Uncanny Avengers, or an Ultimates(since they are merging the Ultimate and the 616), so there will be
more Avengers books.

I'm sure. Avengers are too much of a cash cow right now.



Thor ongoing just isnt my thing.New Thor is a tottal Mary Sue.Everyone thinks shes great,villains surrender to her cuz they WANT to go to jail...its hilarious really...
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer

Silver Shocker

I've read that if you include digital sales, the Khamala Khan Ms. Marvel outsells Uncanny X-Men by Bendis. If true (I personally believe it) this just proves one basic thing: All Marvel and DC have to do is be inclusive, and they get all the money. There's a reason they've been playing to the Tmblr crowd with some of their young heroes books these days.

I've also heard people say the new Ms Marvel is awesome. Again, I don't doubt it. But I read a preview of issue #1 and it wasn't for me. It happens. That being sad, I'm still looking forward to this new Avengers lineup and book and I do intend to read the FCBD book. I imagine I'll like it (though memo to Marvel: Mahmud Asrar is NOT God-Tier artist. Stop pretending he is.)
"Now you know what you're worth? Then go out and get what you're worth, but you gotta be willing to take the hits. And not pointing fingers, saying you're not where you want to be because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that, and THAT AIN'T YOU. YOU'RE BETTER THAN THAT!"
~Rocky Balboa


Quote from: Silver Shocker on April 07, 2015, 06:15:29 AM
I've read that if you include digital sales, the Khamala Khan Ms. Marvel outsells Uncanny X-Men by Bendis.

That's true but you wouldnt know it the way fanboy complain on the intratubes.


Quote from: Spade on March 29, 2015, 10:01:32 AM
Thor ongoing just isnt my thing.New Thor is a tottal Mary Sue.Everyone thinks shes great,villains surrender to her cuz they WANT to go to jail...its hilarious really...
Explain how the new Thor is a Mary Sue? No one ever called Eric Masterson a Mary Sue. Also give me your definition of a Mary Sue.


I gave up on Bendis long ago, but still buy Ms. Marvel and Silk.


I really dont see what Thunderstrike has to do with the ongoing Thor?
And I already said why I think new Thor is a Mary Sue.Everybody thinks shes awessome,Thor thinks shes better then him and villains surrender to her cuz they want to go to jail.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


Quote from: Spade on March 28, 2015, 12:06:10 PM
Quote from: Starman on March 28, 2015, 12:02:55 PM
I literally did fix your post. You said "forget I said anything", then repeated the stuff you asked everyone to forget about! No need to call anyone jerks or say they worship this or that. You're obviously still upset about all that mind-blowing political correctness, but still...


I suppose you think that was terribly clever...  :P
But in all seriousnes,thats not what I said,so I dont need you fixing anything.
And you OBVIOUSLY missed most of what I said.

Nope, it's exactly what you said. Utilise your own terrible cleverness and go back and check your post.

Silver Shocker

Quote from: Spade on April 07, 2015, 09:50:35 AM
I really dont see what Thunderstrike has to do with the ongoing Thor?
And I already said why I think new Thor is a Mary Sue.Everybody thinks shes awessome,Thor thinks shes better then him and villains surrender to her cuz they want to go to jail.

So in any other words, as Tvtropes would say, they're Shilling the Wesley.
They should just reveal she's Loki trolling everyone. That'd probably be funny in a meta way.

Quote from: AfghanAnt on April 07, 2015, 06:17:45 AM
Quote from: Silver Shocker on April 07, 2015, 06:15:29 AM
I've read that if you include digital sales, the Khamala Khan Ms. Marvel outsells Uncanny X-Men by Bendis.

That's true but you wouldnt know it the way fanboy complain on the intratubes.

Maybe I've not been reading the right innernets (probably for the best) but I've not seen the complaints. I've seen the Lamestream Media complain about her being a Muslim, but that's standard operating procedure.
As much as I love Young Avengers (and Stature and Teen Vision technically made it to the big show with Mighty Avengers) LOTTA WHITE GUYS on that team. Just sayin'.
"Now you know what you're worth? Then go out and get what you're worth, but you gotta be willing to take the hits. And not pointing fingers, saying you're not where you want to be because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that, and THAT AIN'T YOU. YOU'RE BETTER THAN THAT!"
~Rocky Balboa


Basicly in TvTropes terms,we could say that shes Creators Pet,something Marvel suffers from a lott lately.Carlie,for example.
And Spiderman being Joe Quesada look-alike.I could go on,but I wont.
And Stardude,chill. ;)
And  before somebody missunderstand it,and attacks me for it:I dont think Spider-man is creators pet,I think its Joes self-insert fic,with Spidermans love interest being modeled and named after Joes daughter...hmmm...
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer

Silver Shocker

Quote from: Spade on April 07, 2015, 11:02:33 AM
Basicly in TvTropes terms,we could say that shes Creators Pet,something Marvel suffers from a lott lately.Carlie,for example.
And Spiderman being Joe Quesada look-alike.I could go on,but I wont.
And  before somebody missunderstand it,and attacks me for it:I don't Spider-man is creators pet,I think its Joes self-insert fic,With Spidermans love interest being modeled and named after Joes daughter...hmmm...

LOL, I was actually going to mention Carlie but didn't want to sidetrack. And yeah, I did see the art in One Moment in Time where Pete looked like Joe Q.

As someone who actually has read every issue of Thunderstrike: I don't think he was a Mary Sue. He was very much portrayed as a everyman, and as Thunderstrike, his foes were more low key (The Moongoose, for example, who originated in the Thor run), than the grandiose threats Thor went up against.
"Now you know what you're worth? Then go out and get what you're worth, but you gotta be willing to take the hits. And not pointing fingers, saying you're not where you want to be because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that, and THAT AIN'T YOU. YOU'RE BETTER THAN THAT!"
~Rocky Balboa


I got majorly sidetracked here...
Anyway,while the Thor ongoing has an interesting concept,and cool villains,the main charachter is kinda bland,and the story bends everything around her to make her look good.
And btw,its Jane,right,the hammer cured her,right?Right?
Completly different subject now.I noticed a lott about UNCANNY Inhumans,and a lott shiling for the Inhumans in general.And not so much about X-men.There is 92 and AoA,both which Im looking forward to,btw.And I noticed Inhumans being stand-ins for mutants on few occasions.So is Marvel replacing X-men with Inhumans,are X-men being moved to their own universe(As some theories say),or just what is going on with the whole thing?
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


Someone someplace posted something (I know, not helpful), that the studio that is producing the X-Men is trying to copyright the term "mutant". If so (and I'm not delusional-heavy drugs involved), there are a lot of SF stories that will either need to change their names or not get reprinted. "Baldies" by Henry Kutter doesn't really have the same ring.


Quote from: daglob on April 07, 2015, 06:26:07 PM
Someone someplace posted something (I know, not helpful), that the studio that is producing the X-Men is trying to copyright the term "mutant". If so (and I'm not delusional-heavy drugs involved), there are a lot of SF stories that will either need to change their names or not get reprinted. "Baldies" by Henry Kutter doesn't really have the same ring.

FOX Suits DO NOT get along with the Disney/Marvel Suits at all mostly due to how mishandled Fantastic Four/X-Men were. FOX is so determined to have their own movieverse by crossing over X-MEN and FANTASTIC FOUR they are playing hardball and MARVEL is returning the hate by not allowing X-MEN/Fantastic Four movie promotion (which includes toys, books, comics, etc).

From the rumors that I am hearing Marvel is keeping the X-Men/Mutants around but they have locked any further new mutants and retooled the Inhumans as being the prominent "natural" superpower source from this point forward. I'm thinking that a major shift with occur in the X-Universe in the post-SECRET WARS Marvel with the huge possibility of the Young X-Men remaining in the prime Earth along with James Hudson Jr (Wolverine's son) and various other mutants from alternate universes (Morph from X-MEN '92?) and an all-new Alpha Flight.

- CQ
"He said let there be light... CLICK! It was a lightbulb. And It was good."


QuoteI really dont see what Thunderstrike has to do with the ongoing Thor?

Spade and Silver Shocker, I think what AA is getting at is: no-one ever called Eric Masterson a Mary Sue ... because he's a male character. But because Thor's title has been taken by a female character, a certain section of comic book readers are calling the character a Mary Sue ... because she's competent and doing things the guys have done.

QuoteAnd I already said why I think new Thor is a Mary Sue.Everybody thinks shes awessome,Thor thinks shes better then him and villains surrender to her cuz they want to go to jail.

From the issues I read, Thor (Odinson) has never said the new Thor is "better than him" (in terms of superheroic ability) ... he acknowledged that he was unworthy to wield the hammer. "A" villain surrendered to her, as a one-off statement, not "cuz they want to go to jail".

A "Mary Sue" character is loosely a character who is so perfect that they can do no wrong no matter how intense or bad the situation is, and could also be used to represent the author themselves. But it seems like proportion of comic book readers on the internet just call a character a Mary Sue out of annoyance that a character is well-received or outperforming their favourite.

QuoteSomeone someplace posted something (I know, not helpful), that the studio that is producing the X-Men is trying to copyright the term "mutant". If so (and I'm not delusional-heavy drugs involved), there are a lot of SF stories that will either need to change their names or not get reprinted. "Baldies" by Henry Kutter doesn't really have the same ring.

Fox is keeping X-Men, Fantastic Four and 99% of everything involving Marvel's "mutant" properties ... a massive amount of characters / storylines.

Attempting to put the squeeze on Fox, Marvel has ceased creating new "mutant" characters, is repositioning the Inhumans to take over from mutants as the "people born with superpowers" in the Marvel universe, is bringing the Fantastic Four comic to an end before Fox's film comes out, and (as crimsonquill mentioned) not doing any direct promotions for the Fox films.

IMO, I think Marvel is trying to force Fox to eventually "loan" some of its characters back, similar to Sony with Spiderman.

Silver Shocker

Quote from: Starman on April 07, 2015, 11:54:45 PM
QuoteI really dont see what Thunderstrike has to do with the ongoing Thor?

Spade and Silver Shocker, I think what AA is getting at is: no-one ever called Eric Masterson a Mary Sue ... because he's a male character. But because Thor's title has been taken by a female character, a certain section of comic book readers are calling the character a Mary Sue ... because she's competent and doing things the guys have done.

I just assumed he was talking about the fact that both characters replaced the classic Thor (Eric Masterson being Thor before becoming Thunderstrike). I don't really have a problem with that. I have a fondness for Carol Danvers, and she was a female spin-off of Mar-Vell, so there you go.

"Now you know what you're worth? Then go out and get what you're worth, but you gotta be willing to take the hits. And not pointing fingers, saying you're not where you want to be because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that, and THAT AIN'T YOU. YOU'RE BETTER THAN THAT!"
~Rocky Balboa


-Titania surrenders to her as a one time deal because she respects her?And think jail time would do her good?Just name when something similar happened to ANY other hero?
-If this Thor was male,I would still think
he/she/IT is kind of a Mary Sue.Like I said,the story tries too much to make her look cool.It like having neon signs all over the place.
-I dont have something against Inhumans,but I dont like this switch.Actually,a new dimension for just the X-family now seems like a great idea. :)
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


Quote-Titania surrenders to her as a one time deal because she respects her?And think jail time would do her good?Just name when something similar happened to ANY other hero?

If you can't think of any examples where a) a villain surrenders to police (example: Armadillo!) or b) has respect for the hero they are fighting (example: Batroc and Captain America!), I suggest you haven't read many comics. This isn't something new that was invented for that particular issue of Thor.

I think some people online were just blown away because the word "feminism" was mentioned. I mean, it's not like Titania was ever a member of the Femizons, a group of established female criminals and super villainesses. whose goal was to conquer Earth and create a utopia where women ruled. Oh wait ... yes she was!

Quote-If this Thor was male,I would still think he/she/IT is kind of a Mary Sue.Like I said,the story tries too much to make her look cool.It like having neon signs all over the place.

I'm going to ignore the inference that a transgender character would be called "IT", just like I've tried to ignore your inferences about "minorities" ... you are on a roll, man!

Please, explain to us how the story "tries too much to make her look cool" to the point that she becomes a Mary Sue character? I know this isn't just some angry rhetoric you're parroting from the internet ... these are your genuine, original opinions! Expound on them and illuminate us!


Quote from: Starman on April 08, 2015, 07:23:35 AM
Quote-Titania surrenders to her as a one time deal because she respects her?And think jail time would do her good?Just name when something similar happened to ANY other hero?

If you can't think of any examples where a) a villain surrenders to police (example: Armadillo!) or b) has respect for the hero they are fighting (example: Batroc and Captain America!), I suggest you haven't read many comics. This isn't something new that was invented for that particular issue of Thor.

I think some people online were just blown away because the word "feminism" was mentioned. I mean, it's not like Titania was ever a member of the Femizons, a group of established female criminals and super villainesses. whose goal was to conquer Earth and create a utopia where women ruled. Oh wait ... yes she was!

Quote-If this Thor was male,I would still think he/she/IT is kind of a Mary Sue.Like I said,the story tries too much to make her look cool.It like having neon signs all over the place.

I'm going to ignore the inference that a transgender character would be called "IT", just like I've tried to ignore your inferences about "minorities" ... you are on a roll, man!

Please, explain to us how the story "tries too much to make her look cool" to the point that she becomes a Mary Sue character? I know this isn't just some angry rhetoric you're parroting from the internet ... these are your genuine, original opinions! Expound on them and illuminate us!

To quote myself about the Avengers minority issue I HAVE according to you,since,hell,you know me so well,ergo you know my opinion:
Not that I have something against that,I just think they went too far
Titania surrender to Thor only BECAUSE she is A WOMAN.That isnt femisam,like AT ALL,if anything its COMPLETLY OPPOSITE.And FYI thats not surrendering to the police,or having respect for the hero as you call it,thats being CONDECENDING.
A quote from Comic Vine:
And the bit with Titania? Come on. The woman's a bank robber, multiple-murderer, sadistic bully and all-round terrible human being, but girl power is where she draws the honor line? This is the same Titania who kidnapped Sue Storm and tried to convince the rest of the Frightful Four to let her kill Sue, right? And the same Titania who's been trying to kill She-Hulk for something like 30 years now?
He/she/it comment is just WOW,man.Your like Fox news,you twist everything you hear so it suits you.  :doh:
About what I think on the whole story,I said it already multiple times,but Im assuming its TL;DR for you,so why would I bother repeating it.
And btw,trying to paint me as racist,is not really helping you with your case,whatever that may be at this point.  :doh:

-Since we were comparing Thunderstrike,IIRC didnt he go out of his way to convince everyone hes NOT THOR?While here,everyone is trying to convince us she IS THOR.That would be a notable difference.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


I don't know you personally, Spade ... I've only read THE OPINIONS you have shared in this thread.

QuoteNot that I have something against that,I just think they went too far

Yes and how is that different from saying "Not that I have anything against minority groups, I just think they put too many on the team!"?  :unsure:

QuoteTitania surrender to Thor only BECAUSE she is A WOMAN.That isnt femisam,like AT ALL,if anything its COMPLETLY OPPOSITE.And FYI thats not surrendering to the police,or having respect for the hero as you call it,thats being CONDECENDING.

Do you even know what you're trying to say here or are you just mashing your face into the keyboard at this point?

QuoteA quote from Comic Vine:
And the bit with Titania? Come on. The woman's a bank robber, multiple-murderer, sadistic bully and all-round terrible human being, but girl power is where she draws the honor line? This is the same Titania who kidnapped Sue Storm and tried to convince the rest of the Frightful Four to let her kill Sue, right? And the same Titania who's been trying to kill She-Hulk for something like 30 years now?

In my last post, I wrote (sarcastically): "I know this isn't just some angry rhetoric you're parroting from the internet ... these are your genuine, original opinions!" Oh wait, it turns out you are just parroting angry rhetoric from the internet. I guess we'll just ignore the whole bit about Titania being a member of a team called the FEMIZONS because ... Comic Vine didn't say anything about that?  :unsure:

QuoteHe/she/it comment is just WOW,man.Your like Fox news,you twist everything you hear so it suits you.

Pot, meet kettle. Once again, you're the one who typed:
QuoteIf this Thor was male,I would still think he/she/IT is kind of a Mary Sue.
With your enlightened attitudes towards race and gender, Spade, I think you'd be a great candidate for the Fox News team.


You missed the part where I say why its unbelivable Titania would surrender,because you dont like its from Comic Vine?Seriously,help me out here,just what are you trying to prove here?
I provided some arguments why I think its unbelivable,you kinda just went into insulting me.So,yeah,by this point Im giving up on talking to you.Anyone with two brain cells to rub together figured out what I ment by now.
TLDR version for you:My problem isnt with heroes being "minorities" as you call them,my problem is with every member of the Avengers being replaced with ANOTHER person.Well except Cap America and Falcon being sort of fused together.
-Your saying every female villain should just surrender to every female hero?Is that YOUR idea of feminism?
And again Titania tried to kill Sue,and is trying to kill She-Hulk for a long while now,so why does she have a policy of not fighting a woman now?
And once again,just for you Star-dude:My comment means I wouldn like the new Thor no matter its looks,background or whatever,because I dont like how the character itself is writen.And,for the love of god,dont ask me about it,AGAIN,I explained it 3 times.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


Starman, Spade...You guys remind me of Abbott and Costello and while reading you two go back and forth with each other is fun, it needs to stop before somebody goes too far and it gets personal.  Ok guys?  Love you both, now let go read some comics, it's Wednesday!
I don't call for tech support, I AM TECH SUPPORT!
It's the internet, don't take it personal!


That cover (All New Avengers) is pretty spoilerific I can say that for it. It gives away a couple stories if it's placed where they say it is. I guess Marvel is just going with flow. No use trying to keep the kids from peeking at their presents in the digital age. Like Black Vortex as well. They gave up the plot for that in the solicits before releasing the first issue even. Speaking of spoilers I just read the final Deadpool issue. Or I finished with the main story anyways, it's a thick issue. Worth the dime for it I'll give it that. I don't feel it's a cheap send off. But spoilers...this issue gives away Time Runs Out which hasn't gotten to that point yet. I won't say anymore of it but I thought I'd drop word since Marvel didn't give anyone a heads up about this issue. If you don't want TRO spoiled don't read the last DP right away or read about it online is the forewarning.


Not only did the Deadpool issue gave it away, so did Ultimate Spider-man.
I don't call for tech support, I AM TECH SUPPORT!
It's the internet, don't take it personal!


Quote from: JeyNyce on April 09, 2015, 12:44:05 PM
Not only did the Deadpool issue gave it away, so did Ultimate Spider-man.

Saw that as well though sort of in USM since they didn't follow through and left it open to interpretation you know? With DP I actually curled my toes a little and thought " Whoa, did they just show all that?! ". Cool to read really but that's a big spoiler if there ever was one. Reminds me I need to read the back-up stories in Pool yet.


Anyone reading Avengers world?At first I just picked it because of Cannonball and Sunspot,but then I stayed because...well its a good comic.And what I like the most,its not happening in New York.Also it shows other teams like Euroforce and Ascendant.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer