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The Marvel Thread

Started by Previsionary, December 24, 2008, 11:48:35 PM

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@Jeynyce: I agree on that end. Or maybe it was full but it was exciting enough to want more right now so it seemed that way. If issue two was out right now I'd break plans to get it in my hands. And totally. I mean they gave that a national television promo, can't remember what show anymore but that's a pretty big deal. This one is going places and that's fine by me. I'm happy to have it as a standard pull.

@Spade: That'll do it yeah. The tie-ins are all...well it seems in the environment of the story but otherwise almost self contained like a What If? or MAX book would be. And again to heck with buying all of them anyways. I mean unless your in the collectors market then more power to you but I was cracking just trying to list the titles here and having an equally tiring time compiling a character list for the request thread. I'm no genius so maybe they'll show me whats what but I have to stand that overall Marvel may be overdoing this and stands a change at suffering some loss here, possibly returns from LCS in the long run. Sort of how Blackest Night went down if I remember right. Not that the reps will ever own up to the low numbers though. Then again that's their job so no scorn to them either. I figured Hulk would hit with a few readers. That's either your thing or not but if you like Hulk brawling it's for you. I'm picky with Hulk comics personally, I usually only like them when they border scifi. Like I said I loathe Old Man Logan but that one is going to be a hit. A lot of people really loved that series. Just not my thing. So happy '92 is getting a physical issue. When they first said exclusive digital only I practically choked on my gum. I mean since the first teasers that's literally been one of the most chatted up announcements then they considered pulling the rug off under and making available to a confined group? So glad they changed their minds. I would have had to read it vicariously through one of you, lol.

I'm still overall buzzing about it, just giving my pocketbook and time a little love here too and being decisive. Easy swing I know but apples to oranges I think they structure blows Convergence out of the water. Noting that directs to mainly Time Runs Out and the main series but doesn't neglect most of the recent Ultimates stuff, in Secret Wars case at least they took the time to go through the proper foundation building: The background layout > the problems > all of the players motives are established (in this case a reason for why each character is fighting one another other later as opposed to Convergences " cause man in the sky says so " > further character building and rising action > apex/the conflict itself before the falling action (resolution) which is of course the point we're at with Battleworld, the apex I mean. With Convergence they seemed to jump right onto the apex with only Earth 2 as a somewhat loose establishing point. To their credit I think DC could have done it properly but choose not to and seemed constrained by both other publishing and story issues as well by time. Marvel had the advantage of starting theirs way early (by at least the end of AOU by their account) and knowing the exact date they would be drawing the final curtain back. Not nergasming either but I am enjoying Hickman's prose in particular. Too bad he's going on hiatus after words but then again I think he needs it. His talents shouldn't be confined to one office and frankly I've seen the long haul turn the best writers into the most despised by the readership (Bendis and Loeb when you really look back to their beginnings to now).


Seeing some reviews online,I think the whole event is pretty much hit or miss.You either love it,or you compare it to Nu52.
Not that Nu52 is bad,its just that it needed time to find itself,so to speak.
There is a preview for '92 out.Issue 1 is comming next week.
Hickman being in charge is probably what got us 652 issues in total.He really takes time to set up a story.In short,I think this will function better when/if its collected in an omnibus or tpb.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


X-men 92 was pretty good.Inferno was okay.Where monsters dwell is  promising.And suprisingly tame for a Garth Ennis work.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


Wow friend. I actually forgot it was LCS time with all the fun I've been having. That's when you know your in over your head, when you forget comic day. Thanks to for heads up.

It's cliche to compare it to Nu52 but like Aquaman to Namor it's going to happen so I say broach it. More I compare Convergence to Secret Wars (original). In fact I would call it a rip off in a lot of ways. Now I don't think being inspired make a thing bad mind you but I won't make bones about it either. Deadpool is inspired but I like him anyways. Of course when it comes to comics as well when you trace anything back for enough everything has a grandfather before it so horse a piece also. But SW205 is a reboot speaking of making no bones. Marvel can call it however they wish but this the Marvel Universe and timeline reinvented. That's okay if you ask me, like DC's new line after Convergence I think Marvel was getting stale and needed a fresh perspective. Really too Marvel is always sort of in a perpetual states of reboot/revamp. Again they won't come out and say it but that's the way being a salesperson goes, but it most certainly is. I can't remember the year I didn't look at the Marvel characters and not see something " All New And All Different " there. For SW2015 I'm mostly still into where Hickmans story is going. God I love that guy. Did you say you missed some of his stuff Spade? If so treat yourself to his trades all the way back to Fantastic 4. Every bit of it is worth your time. I'm also invested with where the Marvel U ends up. Battleworld is a grey area. I can take or leave anything yet I like having this option of being able to rather than the usual where I'm expected to pick up every Marvel book. That was the draw of New 52 for me as well. I like being able to go in and not really know what I " have " to read rather to say something looks good and I'll give it a shot. Basically the difference between a well stocked buffet and one that has the same old corn and potatoes each day. Variety is the spice of life or so it's said.


After finishing Avengers World,I had to pick up Time runs out.Suprisingly,I understood most of it without reading Avengers or New Avengers before that.While I dont like seeing Thanos everywhere like lately,here hes pretty convincing,so to speak.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


And they say I read at warp speed. I agree with that and don't really have the word for it either other than " he fits ". Hickman really loves the cosmic characters and is inclined to give them dimension. I got my SW books and otherwise. Surgery drugs and yard work all day unfortunately are making me nod off so I only finished Secret War Journal. The 1602 Kate Bishop story was the one chalked up in reviews here. I didn't feel it held up. They mentioned the original series and it's characters in the reviews but really only a 1602 Kate two 1602 YA's are there and most are pretty flat. It more read as a preview for the Siege book coming, in fact I can think of more than one they did that with now. Really a full story shouldn't be a preview for another, it should be it's own story even if it's in an anthology. The second story I thought was the real treat. It's about alt X-Men who live in an Egypt style land ruled by Khonshu. I won't say anymore and though short that one's worth the price of admission. Lot's more work tomorrow but hopefully I'll get an early sit and crack into the LCS stack. Still can't believe I forgot. I'm foggy but that's like forgetting Christmas, lol.


I read the first 2 issue of Secret Wars after all.And its... actually pretty good.I did notice same Game of Thrones inspiration there.  :) Doom
Reed Richards
or what?  :)
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


Quote from: Spade on May 29, 2015, 07:08:40 AM
I read the first 2 issue of Secret Wars after all.And its... actually pretty good.I did notice same Game of Thrones inspiration there.  :) Doom
Reed Richards
or what?  :)

No I don't think so because

In the first issue, Doom was with the Beyonders.  I thought he stole their powers again

But I could be wrong
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Quote from: JeyNyce on May 29, 2015, 11:00:00 AM
Quote from: Spade on May 29, 2015, 07:08:40 AM
I read the first 2 issue of Secret Wars after all.And its... actually pretty good.I did notice same Game of Thrones inspiration there.  :) Doom
Reed Richards
or what?  :)

No I don't think so because

In the first issue, Doom was with the Beyonders.  I thought he stole their powers again

But I could be wrong

IDK,it is kinda weird.

At the end 0f first issue their narration starts overlaping IIRC.
And the weirdest of all:Doom having family.Like,Richards family.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


With his newfound power Doom has coveted what was Richards. That's classic Doom motive. As well Reed did betray and abandon his family in TRU. His intent was honest but he blew it and through the usual Reed way by over analyzing everything. His family discovered Reed and the Illuminati took kept the fate of the world a secret from well, the world and tried taking matters into their own hands partly by becoming world killers themselves (manipulated by Black Swan but they followed through nonetheless, not very herioc). They were already at odds with him as was everyone else and at the rest of the Illuminati (Brasher's scold summed it up really). Then again at the end of 616 Reed failed and left his family behind. Now enter Battleworld, the new order created by Doom and Molecule Man where Reed's wife and children have been spared. The Cabal shows up and were certain to see the Illuminati show up as well with was it Cyclops and Star Lord in tow? That looks to be what the cover of issue three is telling us. Anyways Doom is Doom though Hickman indicated in interviews that he is " another Doom from another timeline " and left it at that. The implication is there's two Dr.Doom's and the one we see now may not be the one we last saw in AXIS. What that means I don't know but I assume that is the big plot twist were all waiting for.


Why did I just remember the title "Five Dooms to Save Tormorrow"?


New poster.Notice the lack of Mutants.
X-tinction Agenda,Days of the Future Past,Renew your Vows and Armor Wars.Tommorow looks interesting.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


Quote from: Spade on June 02, 2015, 11:26:38 AM

New poster.Notice the lack of Mutants.
X-tinction Agenda,Days of the Future Past,Renew your Vows and Armor Wars.Tommorow looks interesting.

Lack of mutants and the Fantastic Four
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Is this fan-made or official?

Either way, it's really disappointing and sad that the X-Men and the Fantastic Four aren't in the poster.  They're both such huge parts of the Marvel Universe, it's a crime to not include them.


Marvel isn't ditching the F4 or X-Men. I know none of you are saying the exactly but you know too many readers are really sold on that nonsense. Doom and Mr.Fantastic are the lead characters in the event. The X-Men have even more titles than they had before the event. Math doesn't lie, just saying don't perpetuate that tin foil noise.

Speaking of large public forums someone tried selling me a poster for Secret Wars on one, as well as some...a board game or chess set or something? Those sites I swear. That's why I love little tight knit communities like this one so much. Go into a big forum and it's like being at the Chicago Greyhound station or something. A little overwhelming and way misinformed. That poster is obviously Disney merch, not actually Marvel so yeah it's only going to center on the parts of the franchise they have their mitts on. It's just a contract breach is all. They can't or aren't supposed to merch things X-men. Fox get's to do all the merch there and get the royalties, game rights and so on. Not a conspiracy just more union b.s.


Poster was official.
Marvel wont be dropping X-men,thats obvious.I guess its just trying to isolate them and sabotage the movies.
I talked about it here,but nobody has any idea what is going to happen to mutants after SW.Editors and writers claim one thing,then claim they never said those same things.Its just all over the place.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


Quote from: SickAlice on June 02, 2015, 05:43:37 PM
Marvel isn't ditching the F4 or X-Men. I know none of you are saying the exactly but you know too many readers are really sold on that nonsense. Doom and Mr.Fantastic are the lead characters in the event. The X-Men have even more titles than they had before the event. Math doesn't lie, just saying don't perpetuate that tin foil noise.

Quote from: Spade on June 02, 2015, 06:02:58 PM
Poster was official.
Marvel wont be dropping X-men,thats obvious.I guess its just trying to isolate them and sabotage the movies.
I talked about it here,but nobody has any idea what is going to happen to mutants after SW.Editors and writers claim one thing,then claim they never said those same things.Its just all over the place.

I'm aware that Marvel won't be dropping either of the two groups.  It's just a shame that this is an official poster and petty grievances are forcing the exclusion of two prominent groups in Marvel.

Also, the poster looks like a compilation of various snippets from different comics.  While it is kind of neat to see the art of various artists together, it's just a bit disappointing to me that it wasn't all consistent, you know?


It's not the first time a poster like this was made.  I have a version of this poster where it's Wolverine, Spidey and Iron man at the center.  My daughter has another version where the Avengers are in the middle.  If you asked me, I think it's kind of lazy to just cut and paste heroes together like that.
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Pretty much what I said.And seeing how Marvel and Fox are really at each others throats...situation doesnt look that great.
But yeah,sidelining some of their characters just to mess up a movie seems petty.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


Quote from: JeyNyce on June 02, 2015, 06:21:58 PM
It's not the first time a poster like this was made.  I have a version of this poster where it's Wolverine, Spidey and Iron man at the center.  My daughter has another version where the Avengers are in the middle.  If you asked me, I think it's kind of lazy to just cut and paste heroes together like that.

Yeah, I've seen those posters, and every time it's the same thing.  Take a bunch of crop images from the comics and photoshop them together.  All it takes is time, and not much else.

I just don't feel the love in it.

Now posters like Alex Ross' group paintings are the type of art that I would love to see.  I can feel the work and effort put into it and the poster doesn't feel "cheapened."


The hack and paste always blows, but you know. Don't give them the money and force them to put better production into to get your attention. I used to collect Marvel card series and remember when they started using stock art like this as opposed to the Jusko, Boris, Bell and Hildebrant art they had been. Wasn't surprised to see that fad die shortly after. Like I said though definitely looks like stock Disney merch so it's not really a surprise. This seems like the kind of thing you'd find at stores in malls like TY and such next to ugly plastic character head mugs and goofy wind-up cars. Not the kind of thing made for the LCS or serious collector anyways so I'm sweating it.


Tomorrow is comic book day and Amazing Spider-Man Renew Your Vows #1 comes out.  Anybody else looking forward to this? It also starts the Gwen covers

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I'm on the fence. I'm sort of dismayed that while other books got tributes to different eras and talent from the years the Spider-man ones all fell on the current talents works (mainly Slott). I also don't feel Slott can write romance, though I won't count my chickens until they hatch. Likewise I have a bad feeling they're going to use this as springboard to show us how horrible things would be if they stayed married, basically to justify their own claims and shut the rest of complainers about the marriage up. It's just a topical issue. It is new comic book day though so excited, heck yes! Thanks for the reminder BTW, I straight up forgot again and was going to drive right past the shop in the morning again.


Secret Wars #3 shoots down one theory.
I dont know about all of you,but Renew your vows wasnt all that for me.Is the aesop of the story that you cant have a family and be a superhero?
Little Marvel AvX is THE best story I have read in the whole Secret Wars.Not kidding here.Its great.  :thumbup:
X-tinction Agenda really hits you in the nostalgia.Good stuff.
Superior Iron Man is over?I really thought that Tony cant sink any lower,but Im suprised yet again.This pretty much warrant him entry on Marvels Complete Monster page.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


Only read SW3 yet today. The rest later tonight. Regarding SW3:
I have concluded that Dr.Strange's one go to move is to sell out. Trouble at hand? Find the nearest powerful bad guy or demon and make a deal. I'm surprised he doesn't get bagged on as much in the comic forums as characters like Wanda and Cyclops do honestly.You think one of his bros would have said something at a point " Hey Steve. The fellas have been talking and we don't know how to put this but we think you need help. Not trying to shame you here but you keep serving one benign entity after another and it's making us look bad as well most of can't keep track of our own continuities anymore. I mean does anyone even know who Spider-man is anymore? It was bad enough keeping track with the clones but this has gotten out of hand. We're giving our all to make sure no demons invade and take over, at your bequest BTW, and then nope, you like telling Zom or whoever to just use you as a vessel and come on in to our dimension. It seems a little redundant dontcha' think dude? ". It's a surprise Strange isn't a full on demon or zombie by now considering his soul has been passed around more than a cold plate of beans at a coal miners convention. No hate for the character but it would be nice to see something different with him maybe even, heroic and him standing up to the monsters like he's supposed to.


Linkara: Stephen Strange can rip open the fabric of time and space,but he cant heal a bullet wound?Hes also supposed to be the worlds best surgeon.
I dont know everything about Doc Strange,but I sometimes get the feeling that writers just dont know what to do with him.If he so great,he could just solve any problem on his own,right?And that wouldnt be much of a story?
Basicly,hes to magic what Charles Xavier is to telephaty.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


I only picked up SW3 and X-tinction Agenda. Both great, but wow, the Secret Wars main story is heating up!


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They went with Coulson instead of Wolverine or Deadpool?That is weird.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer