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The Marvel Thread

Started by Previsionary, December 24, 2008, 11:48:35 PM

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Heh, bucky bear.

The thing is, I like the RESULTS of AvX, but the book itself was garbage. The central conflict was something that could have been legitimate, but they took it to such absurd lengths that it just got stupid. That plus the whole "____ VS ____" tally thing they had was constantly undercutting whatever seriousness the book was managing to pull off. But that said, what came out of it... a Captain America who was trying to better integrate mutants into the Avengers and get them into the public eye, a Cyclops who splintered off and became basically the new Magneto, basically a reboot for the X-books in general... that all worked for me.

And to be fair, there were elements in AvX that did work, they were just scattered so thin I didn't care for them. In particular, I like how the battle lines came down with the X-men... on average, it was the X-men who had been exposed to non-human characters the most (Wolverine, Beast, etc) who either side with the Avengers to start with or who defect later in the series. The most staunch proponents of the X-men are the ones more or less isolated from human teams... most notably Cyclops. It underlines the fundamental failure of the Xavier School: I want humans and mutants to be able to live together in peace, so I created a place where some mutants will never have been exposed to humans other than when humans attack us, thus causing them to constantly live in fear of humans.


Im risking being boring here but anyway...
Vol.3 of Uncanny X-men Bendis..what can I say? Emma actually calls out Tony Stark for being the idiot who started and escalated the whole AvX mess.Emma Frost-my spirit animal.  :)
Tony at least had an excuse(massive brain damage cause by year of alcoholism and drug abuse), but others are just morons for the sake of being morons.Spider-man getting the beating of his life was strangely satisfying.If anyone deserved a punch in the face,its Peter Parker.  <_<
Hawkeye is mad at Cyclops for killing Chuck?Seriously,dude,HAVE YOU EVEN MEET CHARLES XAVIER?Like,ever?  :huh: And this comes from a guy who spent AvX flinging arrows at Emma's diamond form. Point being... at last,somebody points out that Avengers were morons.
And police is beating up mutants in the streets...again,not subtle if it was meant to be satire.  <_<
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


X-men update,if anyone cares.  :P
Kinda weird that for most part nobody call out Scarlet Witch for killing 2 MILLION people?And I thought Tony got off easy for everything.
Anyway...Jason Aaron does a good job on Wolverine and X-men.He liked Kid Omega a bit too much,thou.Quentins funny-anarchist tendencies are sometimes funny,but mostly not that much.  :mellow:
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


Eh? Don't want to spoil it but Children's Crusades. Get Out Of Jail free cards all around as usual lets put it that way. The Wanda thing will get pushed in other books but not hard and you know the score which is Wanda has a lot of fans so like Wolverine or Magneto the other cheek turns and that's the bottom line. It makes no sense from a logic standpoint but really when do comics ever. Just repeat the MST3K Mantra and you'll be fine. Tony will be blamed later for killing the Phoenix, in his series he's actually known as The Phoenix Killer through out the universe. I couldn't figure that one out anymore than I could figure out why he was blamed for the Age Of Ultron happening but...The Tony Card, never leave 616 without it I guess? WATXM did way more for me then I thought it would coming out the gate. Bendis's X-Men are better than the haters give him credit for. They're not the classics (or some in a sense of course) but they are entertaining and his original characters are a lot of fun. Personally the Legion series was my favorite of that era though it didn't seem to most peoples cup of tea. I grew up on Liquid Television and like a lot of avant-garde art and animation so that was part of the appeal to me.

Going to present here I have to say Secret Wars isn't living up to it's marketing line but personally I don't think that's a bad thing. The point was that it's a horror story through and through and likewise. Marvel sold that notion as did Hickman. It really doesn't read it at all though. Most of it is completely warped and out of bounds experimental and fun really. It works for me though because it has panache and vigor and when it comes to Marvel and DC for that matter when everything hums at a steady and serious pace everything gets I guess gloomy and drab, and therefore boring to me if that's the right way to put it? Still WAY too many books but just saying. Also I'm finding myself more surprised with the titles I thought wouldn't captivate me and less with the ones I was excited for. I think I mentioned somewhere here no interest in Marvel Zombies, Shang-Chi or Weirdworld yet they're now on the top of the pull list. It's an interesting experiment if anything to say the least. Still glad to see a creative restructuring coming out of it.

I have to agree with Tomato above as well that I did like what the AvX series set-up, the status quo and dynamic that is. It had that going for it.


I havent read Childrens Crusade,but I hear it was a Parallax-style retcon and Wanda was possesed by....Dr Doom?Some entity?
Just a piece of trivia.There were around 2 million mutants.There are 10 times more colourblind people in the world.I guess there is the next big event. XD
But enough about that.Im not reading in any sort of chronological order,just going with the things that seem interesting.Heck,I caught up with Uncanny X-men and I STILL havent finished 198.Most important characters who lost their powers:Blob,Jubilee and Chamber.And it doesnt even stick with them.
I heard that Legacy is good,but havent checked it out yet.BTW,another case of Marvels weird numbering.Lets say these 3 comics were the same and we have #300,YEY!
Yeah,Team Wolverine is a bit more entertaining,I have to admit.Amazing X-men were great,btw.Like I said,my only problem with W&X is that Quentins running gags wore real thin,real fast.OMG,potato for lunch,RIOT!
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


My problem with WatXM is that it tries to turn the X-Men into a sitcom, but it does so by treating it's characters so out-of-character that I can't just enjoy it. I still cringe at what Aaron did to Oya. She was a nuanced, complicated character, and then Aaron turned into a one-dimensional parody of herself. (Like he did with most of the characters in that run, admittedly.) Additionally, he kept the X-Men cooped up in the mansion, not even trying to get out there and promote mutants rights while Scott's team actually tried to do so, first in San Francisco before AvX and then all over the states afterwards.

Though it's not like this was Aaron's first strike(out) at the bat either. Just look at Schism. Wolverine and Scott end up fighting over what should be done with the kids because Wolverine, after decades of not being that protective of kids, (sure, he cared for Kitty and Jubilee, but he'd still let them fight,) suddenly starts being over-protective of them, thinking they should have a normal life despite the fact that, with the Purifiers and who else coming after them on a regular basis, they can't really have one anyway. Admittedly, this sudden change could be because his own kid apparently died in his solo book, but it's never brought up, so it might as well as not have happened as far as Schism is concerned. Scott had the right idea: Those kids needed to be ready for what's out there because whatever's out there wouldn't be waiting for them to be ready, and the best way to be ready is get actual field experience. In a time where there mutants were an endangered species and so many people wanted to finish the job, the kid mutants couldn't really afford to just sit on their arses and let the adults handle everything, and you'd think that Wolverine of all people would understand this. But he doesn't. Because Aaron didn't know what he was doing. Oh, yeah, and Wolverine and Scott literally fight right in front of a gigantic sentinel about to destroy Utopia, with said robot being sent by none other than the Hellfire Brats, whom I HAAAAAAAATE with every fiber of my being. And since they showed up again in WatXM, that's another strike against that book for me personally.
The Golden Age; 'A different look at a different era.'


Well yeah,I agree some running gags get old fast,like I said.And in a sense of doing good for the mutant race Cyclops DEFINITELY does a bigger job.There is a whole page of talk about EVERYONE grabbing the idiot ball in Schism and AvX,so I cant really add anything I haven't already said.
Tony Stark is an idiot.There,that was worth repeating.   :P
In the defense of Wolverines team...they fought pirates in hell,that's pretty awesome.  :thumbup:
And I also hated the Hellfire Brats.Pretty sure,everybody did.
In 2 of his X-men reviews Linkara imitates Charles Xavier as he tries to explain his school to authorities.  :lol:
-Why do you need buzz-saws for school?
-Well,you see...its because.... 
Guess what Wolverine has to do in the first issue? XD

On the case constant infighting...Cable comments that the mutant leaders(I.E. Cyclops,Wolverine,Storm and Magneto) are so busy arguing among themselves that they didnt NOTICE that G7 countries banned mutant from the military and put mutant-detectors on airports.OFC,this being the Marvel universe,those sanctions have no freaking sense.What,Hulks okay on the plane,but mutants are the problem? XD
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


Quote from: Spade on July 22, 2015, 04:46:42 PM

On the case constant infighting...Cable comments that the mutant leaders(I.E. Cyclops,Wolverine,Storm and Magneto) are so busy arguing among themselves that they didnt NOTICE that G7 countries banned mutant from the military and put mutant-detectors on airports.OFC,this being the Marvel universe,those sanctions have no freaking sense.What,Hulks okay on the plane,but mutants are the problem? XD

The rationale behind the distrust of mutants has less to do with any actual physical threats, and more to do with a philosophical one. The Hulk may be a dangerous beast, but at least he was just created by science; he was a mere fluke, or an isolated accident. Mutants, on the other hand, represent the next step for humanity, and ordinary humans fear that one day, mutants may overtake the world and make mere humanity obsolete. Whereas non-mutant Superheroes and the like don't represent that sort of mass, nigh-inevitable threat. Of course, it makes you wonder how ordinary humans can even tell the difference between mutants and non-mutants, which makes you wonder why they don't give Superheroes the same sheer level of hatred and bile as they do mutants, but it's still the only explanation that makes any sort of sense.
The Golden Age; 'A different look at a different era.'


^Going by some X-factor issues,ordinary people CANT tell the difference.Avengers are called muties at one point.But that was in the 80's so who knows if it still applies.
Marvel has handwaved the issue with various explanations.
A)Superheroes wear nice costumes and are purty so people like them.For obvious reasons,IM NOT BUYING THAT.
B)Mutants have(had?) their own culture.Like music,films and gangs.A little better,but still not that convincing.
Or its just a question of better PR?
But in this case,wouldnt they want to ban all the superhumans from airports if they are afraid of them?If 1 person can blow up the plane,does it matter where they got their powers?
Doc Samson almost brought down the Air Force 1,for example.Osborn was manipulating him,but thats a different subject.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


Another thing I have to mention,since its similar to AvX examples above.Where:
a)Writer didnt realise how something will sound
b)Its a lousy attempt at political satire(probably not in this case).
>Uncanny Avengers<
Team that should showcase the diversity of heroes.Yet,ironicly,Red Skulls team is more diversive then the heroes. XD
But thats a differet story.Im talking,ofc, about Havoks infamous speech.How they should try to assimilate into society and stop using the M-word.Because its offensive.
Hoo,boy,there are so many things wrong with that!If they dont accept you,imitate them.And abandon your cultural identity.
Even if every mutant followed that advice,it still wouldnt work.Sure,Havok can pass as a regular human,but what about those who cant?They should go live in the sewers or something?Serioulsy,the speech is dumb and offensive in the context of the comic itself.Not to mention to pretty much every reader...
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


Quote from: Spade on July 23, 2015, 05:13:38 AM
Another thing I have to mention,since its similar to AvX examples above.Where:
a)Writer didnt realise how something will sound
b)Its a lousy attempt at political satire(probably not in this case).
>Uncanny Avengers<
Team that should showcase the diversity of heroes.Yet,ironicly,Red Skulls team is more diversive then the heroes. XD
But thats a differet story.Im talking,ofc, about Havoks infamous speech.How they should try to assimilate into society and stop using the M-word.Because its offensive.
Hoo,boy,there are so many things wrong with that!If they dont accept you,imitate them.And abandon your cultural identity.
Even if every mutant followed that advice,it still wouldnt work.Sure,Havok can pass as a regular human,but what about those who cant?They should go live in the sewers or something?Serioulsy,the speech is dumb and offensive in the context of the comic itself.Not to mention to pretty much every reader...

You know what would make it even better? If he insisted that, instead of mutants, they should all be called 'Gecees'. ('Genetically Challenged', in other words.)
The Golden Age; 'A different look at a different era.'


Thats actually a fair point,since he never offers an alternative to the word mutant.  :blink:
-...AND dont call us mutants?
-How should we call you?
Seriously,as a spokesman for a minority group,Havok sucks!   :thumbdown:
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


Quote from: Spade on July 23, 2015, 02:56:22 PM
-...AND dont call us mutants?
-How should we call you?

STORM: Alex, we need to talk.

HAVOK: Hey, if this is about that press conference the other day--

STORM: It is, and shut up.

HAVOK: Okay, look, what's the problem? If it's something I said--

STORM: Indeed. {Plays recording of Havok's speech on a TV; pauses right at the end of 'Alex'.} I don't recall giving you permission to rename all mutants 'Alex'. Do you?

HAVOK: ...Uh-oh.
The Golden Age; 'A different look at a different era.'


And Rick Reemender said he didnt think this would sound wrong...
How editors,letterers and everyone involved also missed that is hard to comperhand...
His point is that they should abandon their cultural identity and assimilate into human society.Oh yeah,sure.Thats works for YOU.But what about Leech,Beast or others who dont look human?
Even if this was his view(and he wasnt brainwashed by Captain America as other mutants accused him),he still could have worded it a lot freaking better.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


X-men '92 #5 There is some sexual tension between Cyclops and Psylocke.I havent seen that in a long time.And whats up with those guns?Cable carries a bazooka as a handgun.Im not even kidding.  ;)

Battle of the atom was just kinda ...meh.I dont have that much complaints,but Im not exactly thrilled either.
I strongly disliked All New X-men.Present/Cyclops is bad because...he protects mutants?They were doing the same thing for 50 years!And those uniforms...Kitty Pryde is now with Star Lord.Is there anyone she wasnt with at this point?And worst of all,Miles Morales is in it.A character from different universe,that has NO RELATIONS with the X-men,AT ALL.Almost like Bendis tried to cram every character he liked into the comic.While,as always,ignoring continuity.
And now,in no particular order AXIS,Age of X and maybe War of the Kings...Are those stories even worth reading?I would appreciate if somebody could give me some pointers on those.  :)
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


Maybe War of Kings.  It's a continuation of the Annihilation cosmic storyline from a few years back, if I'm remembering correctly.


Quote from: kkhohoho on July 23, 2015, 05:08:24 PM
Quote from: Spade on July 23, 2015, 02:56:22 PM
-...AND dont call us mutants?
-How should we call you?

STORM: Alex, we need to talk.

HAVOK: Hey, if this is about that press conference the other day--

STORM: It is, and shut up.

HAVOK: Okay, look, what's the problem? If it's something I said--

STORM: Indeed. {Plays recording of Havok's speech on a TV; pauses right at the end of 'Alex'.} I don't recall giving you permission to rename all mutants 'Alex'. Do you?

HAVOK: ...Uh-oh.

I really don't understand the hate Remender got for this. I know people associate it with 'Color blindness' in terms of race, and he is pretty much saying that it is unfair to just label all mutants as such and assume that they are all part of a community with similar goals and aspirations. That is definitely not the case, as has been shown numerous times with different factions of mutants.

People that follow Kitty Pryde's line of thought reduce all mutants to just that, mutants, a kind of unified race. Alex wants people and mutants to be recognized for the individuals that they are. Some mutants are evil, we should stop them, some mutants are super-model superheroes, that's cool. Some mutants want to take a cure because of a variety of reasons, and we should let them have that option, it's their choice.

Also, I'm not sure many people noticed it, but a chunk of Alex's speech is pretty much ripped from NOFX's 'Don't call me white!' Which satirizes misrepresentation of race. As Remender has a history of referencing punk and rock in the past, I immediately saw the reference to NOFX, too bad some X-Men (and people online) took offence to it and had differing opinions. Which, by the way, was Alex's whole point.


Havok probably meant well,but his wording was bad. Or maybe Remender was really going for a parody.Arguing with people on Twitter didnt help his case anyway.
Back to the point.Charles Xavier was going for cohabitation,Havok goes for assimilation.As in they should stop being mutants and try to pass as humans.Again,good for him,but what about those who cant pass as humans?
He hates the word mutant and everything it represents.Its pretty much a speech about self-loathing.And if the term mutant IS offensive,why didnt he come up with a more politicly correct term?Like,IDK,dont call us mutants,call us eXtra-humans?
Something I kinda didnt pay attention before.Bishop came to this era in the 90's lik we already know.And he knew that M-day is gonna happen and it will set a chain of events that will lead to his time?And in 20 years it never came to him to kill Scarlet Witch and thus avoid his bad future?Life and times of Lucas Bishop is one dumb retcon.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


Quote from: Spade on July 24, 2015, 07:57:10 AM
X-men '92 #5 There is some sexual tension between Cyclops and Psylocke.I havent seen that in a long time.And whats up with those guns?Cable carries a bazooka as a handgun.Im not even kidding.  ;)

That comic is an extension of the old TAS animated series and the comic books series called X-Men Adventures that spun off it. That's were all of those and the rest of the elements come from right down to the bazooka handgun. I'm applauding the writer for really doing his research with this actually. Basically view it as a direct sequel or new season of the old TAS show rather than any kind of relation to the 616 series and the details will add up.


Quote from: SickAlice on July 27, 2015, 02:50:45 PM
Quote from: Spade on July 24, 2015, 07:57:10 AM
X-men '92 #5 There is some sexual tension between Cyclops and Psylocke.I havent seen that in a long time.And whats up with those guns?Cable carries a bazooka as a handgun.Im not even kidding.  ;)

That comic is an extension of the old TAS animated series and the comic books series called X-Men Adventures that spun off it. That's were all of those and the rest of the elements come from right down to the bazooka handgun. I'm applauding the writer for really doing his research with this actually. Basically view it as a direct sequel or new season of the old TAS show rather than any kind of relation to the 616 series and the details will add up.

Yeah,I know.I just think those guns are a bit too cartoonish. ^_^
About Cyclops and Psylocke,I know there was some tension during Chris Claremont era,so kudos for continuing with that.Which like a lot of plots was abandoned after Chris left.And lets not bring up X-Men Forever.  :unsure:
In Inhumanity(only issue of it I did read) a newly empowered Inhuman knocks out every female member of Cyclopses team,without even trying.Yes,Emma Frost,Magik,Stepford Sisters and teen/Jean.I know you wants us to think Inhumans are all the rage now,but come on,those are some of the most powerful people on Earth.
I know there was an X-men vs Inhumans story a long time ago,but can anyone remember more details?   :huh:

''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


That was the whole idea. I didn't dig into the comic spin-off so some of the finer points of the plot are lost on me but I do recognize a few from the actual cartoon, like that CN was one of the faceless mutants in Apocalypse's holding tanks and where the SK left off. But the guns where in the cartoon. They were a marketing tie-in to the action figure line which also has ridiculously huge guns, so large in fact they would tip the figure over if you didn't support it with something. What went down and what's played out in the book is that a sin-off to the X-men cartoon was greenlit for X-Force and a toyline for it produced in advance (in the 80's and 90's there was a standard that any boy targeted Saturday morning series had to have an accompanying toyline to be approved), however as with many things in the series itself the whole idea was shut down by the censors hence what you see in the book.'s not a continuation of the 616 book by CC, it's a continuation of the cartoon series and it's cartoon spin-off hence your confusion. Sorry I made a few presumptions, I know a lot of people  got confused and thought it was a revisit to the 90's canon comic book era which it isn't. Here is the continuity and things '92 is actually coming out from:

The TAS continuity from which '92 is a continuation of:
The spin-off comic of the series that it's also a continuation of:
The known of angle and considerable controversy that surrounded the original cartoon series that the writer of X-Men '92 is making his focus story (see BS&P NOTES):

Hope that helps to unfog it a bit. Sorry I just assumed you knew of that cartoon.


Yes,I knew about the animated series.I didnt argue about what the comic is continuing.I said its SIMILAR to 90's comics.Which was given,ofc.My comment about X-men Forever was mostly unrelated.
And I was just kidding about the guns,lets not overthink that. XD
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


It is but only because the cartoon was similar and based within. Not to bogey at all just noting as I said since the previews even I noticed many people jumped to the idea that it was a comic derivative, many misled by journalists who themselves jumped the gun and most believing it (Secret Wars book) was a take on the Jim Lee era X-Men comics which isn't the case. So the marks against it in comparison to those works really don'y hold water as design flaws since that's not the premise. In it's intended, which is as continuation of TAS it more than holds up and surprises imo though again I never read XMA so I'm lost on some plot points. The Kelly thing immediately sticks out of course from the cartoon, all the way back to the Night Of The Sentinels pilot I think? I really enjoyed how they spun the CN character into a representation of the BS&P, and let's be honest if you read any of the ridiculous edicts they laid on this show they were getting a little out of hand. The Cable thing immediately jumped out more so how his attitude is displayed in 92' as that's a direct riff on his cartoon appearance. There he was a 2-dimensional overly gruff character, pretty much the whole " Grawl! We must shoot our problems! No time for anything else! " type of archetype. I'm rating the title personally as one of the better SW books because it delivers and it delivers something those of us who sat around in our pajamas watching that cartoon have long waited. Heck it even had Storm over-dramatizing her lines! I won't say the best title mind you. I don't want to " officially take score " until everything is on the table but right now for me it's still the more avante-garde titles that are top notch, odd again because I wasn't expecting it. In fact the last issue of Weirdworld was just better than the previous. I never thought since I first saw the character in a Handbook that I would love Arkon this much.

Speaking of since this is the Marvel thread and your going through the current X-Men, shout out to whoever read the last and spoiler alert to you but...GOLDBALLS!


Bendis really cant write superpowers to save his life.Almost any confrontation ends with two people standing a panel apart and shooting energy beam.Or one person wiping out teams in a single swoop.
On a different note,here is a fun drinking game.Take a shoot everytime Wolverine shouts "Quentin" or "Quire".You will be hammered before you finish a storyline.Any storyline.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


Lol, you sure habor a lot of dissonance for the talent at the companies it seems Spade. Quit that stinkin thinkin, it'll destroy your ability to enjoy comic books trust me. I would argue that Bendis is one of the best writers of this era hence his position and also the very reason readers become quick to point out inconsistency in his works, because at his caliber they really shouldn't be there. I blame being spread too thin in his work and missing beats (like in the average persons world when you juggle too many jobs your bound to drop a ball somewhere) and taking on books that are not really in his season/style, gritty and street more in his case of course. Like I said before I think he gets lowballed for his X-men writing more than he should though it always seemed anyone who attempts to write that series does, the bar is just set sky high and does a pretty good job at it as far as I can see. He's brought a lot of new and fun elements into the mutants world for my money. I also think he's an excellent for Iron Man as he showed he gets Tony more than once now. Still not with his GOTG but again " seasons " and space opera and sci-fi just really aren't where he's at.

And truthfully how is that use of powers not the going rate. I'd challenge a drinking game were Superman punches someone, Spider-man webs someone up or Batman throws a batarang knocking a foes weapon out of their hand but I wouldn't want to encourage death by binging. Superpowers and use of them is sort of the point of the craft of comics itself as are costumes and codenames. What else would the characters be doing in a fight. And being honest I rarely recall seeing a writer/artist team versed in fighting choreography and when they are in use it's for a martial artist character as they should be. Bendis like many has to focus on plot and drama and while most boys in the clubhouse never want to admit to it we all show up for the soap opera as we do wrestling rather than the stunts and action. For that we go to the Power Rangers. Just saying I don't find it out of place myself but do remember the time I came to think that way about it. I also ended up dropping comics all together during that patch unironically.


Actually Bendis is the only one I really have problem on X-men.Kieron Gillen was a lot better IMO.And I could name a bunch of creative uses of superpowers.Magneto and Iron Man shooting lasers at each other isn't one of them.Or that personal favorite of mine,Hawkeye vs Emma Frost.   :doh:
No pun intended,Marvel could use some diversity,which I hope we will see after SW.
About soap opera angle,that was kinda the point of X-men for years.XD
I remember thinking "Wait,does this mean Rogue is Nightcrawlers sister?"  :o
In my defense I was a lot younger,so...
Which again,Aaron does a bit better job at that department,but WaXM does have a few issues on its own.
And,btw,Bendis is sometimes creepy with his Kitty Pryde obsession.  :blink:
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


It's good you still have discernment left. I've seen Kieron and anyone else torn apart all the same by readers. Like I said any series gets that but the X-Men books REALLY do for some reason and basically any writer can only do wrong even if they themselves created the concept. To each their own but I hate to see people reach the point in cynicism that they lose the ability to enjoy, or better try to and allow themselves to enjoy life. Goldilocks scrutinized the porridge but really it all was porridge just the same and she was only making it more difficult for herself. Though in her case she was a burglar so foresight probably wasn't in her nature, lol. Just saying though it's easy especially the older you get to let yourself get bogged down by all the details and forget how to just enjoy the ride for what it is, rather than what it isn't.

Bendis is like Liefeld in that the turn against him is so agreed upon it's easy to fault anything he does despite it being the same as any celebrated writer does and just a trope of the medium itself, and to me that's all these things are. Though your using the event as example here and that's part. The very concept was schlocky and only could yield equal results. The whole Vs. thing always does. The AvsX itself was a shaky time for Marvel and more or less a quick move to try and boost sales and correct several issues in the overall canon, much as Tomato just pointed and it worked to pretty good degrees so best to write off a lot of the hokey nonsense that went down there. I mean the idea of it was hokey anyways so what else would the result be? Lol, funny about Kitty but it's not him. Humphries is pushing her as well and more so so it's safe to believe that's an order from high up in the company telling the creative to highlight her character in order to make a more staple household and franchise. She was an important character in the film series so it only makes sense to see that strong of a push now.


I shall take that as a compliment.
I dont like Bendis,but I wouldnt compare him to Rob just yet. XD
And I admit,Bendis does a good job with streetwise heroes like Cage,but with team like Avengers and X-men hes out of his league.
And speaking of Kitty Pryde,she was with Spiderman in the Ultimate Universe.Because,why not?I only read maybe 30 issues of Ultimate Spiderman and I wasnt that sold.Its a neet idea to modernise Spiderman saga,but I dont see how demonic Green Goblin is more modern or "mature".And thats the only Ultimate book I can be positive about. XD
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


I thought Scarlet was brilliant, hope he gets back on that when his break comes up. I think SW Old Man Logan is decent which is a mouth full since I loathed that series. A better example though is Age Of Ultron, comic not the film of course. I don't think it was stellar but it was a solid read and the story structure was intact. Now granted in this like HoM Bendis was able to craft a world more suited to his own style, more with AoU as it was a gritty street level event but all the same his writing was on point there. But from most they shot it down right out of the gate and before entering it even simply because " BENDIS! ". And that's sort of what I mean. Too often I see readership just going with this click mentality and jumping on a square no compromise attitude like that " Bendis wrote it so it sucks, every page of it! I want to kill him and his little dog too! " or something. Yet with AoU I saw virtually nothing offered in the way of realistic constructive criticism of the books actual design nor buffering fine point, just " Bendis = bad = the enemy ". Granted he does have missed beats in stories to say he's incapable seriously makes me question the readers ability to well, comprehend what they're reading? In the same turn I see compliment here and there to his Ultimate books yet at very seldom points does anyone praise him directly for it rather seems to credit some sort of ghost writer. Also in the same hand I read many compliments to the AoU Superior Spider-man 1-shot and specifically to Dan Slott for that despite the fact it was written by Christos Gage. Because they became so used to saying these things you see that it's the first thing out without really thinking it through. Like as you say " Rob level " basically? But you know Rob is not only a decent dude but brought a lot to the industry and us as the readers, a lot of current fan favorite stuff. Though again he's a special case because a lot like Loeb he stokes those flames worse and makes a mess for himself publicly. But Loeb is in the same vein of course and why? He wrote a volume of Red Hulk. Seems petty to me and past it's due date to hate the man and honestly he is the sweetest guy, I mean I would want to be adopted by that man he's so cool. And Greg Land of course which brings me to my stance and a short story.

I took part like most years ago in one of those trash talk Land for swiping threads, you know the kind. And boy we roasted him but good. Well, pages into this circus his daughter made an account and came on and petitioned us, rationally and politely to stop. As it turned out Mr.Land had been reading and following along with this and by his daughters account was currently breaking down and crying. Some people pulled a chan and snubbed her of course but for me? It all changed that day because I realized how carried away we get and forget these are people who are trying their best and putting their heart into it, not some kind of product themselves nor machines that aren't allowed flaws. I mean I resented myself deeply for anytime I whizzed on him or any person in the craft (I was especially dedicated to being hard on Rob too this point) and swore to practice a little conviction from here on out. That isn't to say I won't say something negative but I'll keep it constructive, recently I came at Steve Wacker online like this but he appreciated my tone he said. So take from it what you will, or hold everything in comics in disdain if it's what suits you. But know at the end of day it's about how your making yourself and how your making yourself feel about a thing. No offense but I see you putting snark emoticons at the end of some of your comments as if they were entertaining (XD) but I don't find them to be so, just for reference. I'm actually friends with another person you said something pretty directly about and grossly inaccurate at that. So I'm saying if you think they're all brainless, talent-less and suck more power to you but that's you on you, not them on you and frankly they're the few who were chosen to actually make comic books. Just my two cents.


I cant really remember I ever said somebody sucked in those exact words.I always try to find something positive in everything.At worst I will admit something has few good ideas,but isnt executed well.And Im sorry if I somehow offended you or something.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer