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The Marvel Thread

Started by Previsionary, December 24, 2008, 11:48:35 PM

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I'm glad he's not bowing out. 3000 and SW Korvac Sage have been the better modern GOTG books imo.

Cyber Burn

Just out of curiosity, in comparison with the original "Age of Apocalypse" series, how's the current series compare?


It has nostalgia especially as far as visual appeal goes though like any SW title it's chained to Battleworld. It definitely doesn't have the scale or at least not yet, more of a local tale. I'm slanted though since AoA was one of my introductory comics.


I mentioned this before,but who do you think Burner is?Now,there was already an obscure mutant named Burner,but this guy isnt him probably.Marvel wiki lists him as Adam Neramani,but I didnt see that confirmed anywhere else.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


My mind immediately said Sunfire given he was a front stage character in that series and the only one that's MIA. I didn't think much past that since he seems like a footnote as far as the plot goes. I've been wary of the editors of MW as far as this event is concerned. They jumped the gun a lot and have ended up revising multiple pages after creation in weeks or less (tracking for the SW request thread, and yeah sorry I'll update that real soon. Medical issues again). As it is that very page is a stub awaiting confirmation. Sometimes they go right to the horses mouth but when they do they usually cite much like Marvelunapp does but that doesn't seem to be the case there. My bottom line is imo don't trust MW on this event until the clouds clear and else I guess we'll find out sooner than later. I have no doubt in my mind Marvel will release a Handbook companion for Battleworld once they feel all the spoilers are out of the way (imo here they already did that with the solicitations but eh, Handbooks = a few extra bucks squeezed from the cow).

Cyber Burn

Quote from: SickAlice on September 01, 2015, 04:19:44 AM
It has nostalgia especially as far as visual appeal goes though like any SW title it's chained to Battleworld. It definitely doesn't have the scale or at least not yet, more of a local tale. I'm slanted though since AoA was one of my introductory comics.

That alone sounds awesome. Maybe I'll pick it up, if I can find the first issue, thank you SA.


I was mostly guessing his identity.He tells Carol he can set her on fire if she gets a cut,and Nicieza mentioned hes an old character given new form.And he did have plans for Adam.Then again,there is a mutant called Burner already.Thou he was mostly a background character.
And some have claimed that Burner will stick around after SW.Dont think thats likely,but...okay,I guess?
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


I don't think so but wouldn't rule it out, as they claim " this is Marvel going forward ". Again on the solicits we're pretty clear on who at least will be going forward though Maestro was announced before SW started and Miles was a gimme. I like guessing at that stuff too, in this case though I don't really have a clue nor enough to pursue it. Like I said though I'm sure we'll know soon enough knowing Marvel. They're not going to allow they're properties to remain vague or unknown, they like having a label on everything they sell. I was more interested in seeing other characters, Carol as you mentioned since I loved her and her look in Weapon X and others I'll keep under my hat as not to spoil it for our bro Cyber here.

And yeah, go for it Cyber. Now that I remember your love for AoA is up there with mine. It won't be AoA of course but it'll be a nice compliment to it in the way any of the other mini's and such related to the series were. I actually like Anniversary though just to outline my own looking glass again which I know many frowned on, but like I said AoA is that important to me as it's the series that turned me legitimately into a monthly comic book reader. Oh also and I'm sure you noticed but AoA Blink, Exodus and Rogue are in and I don't know about you but that was already enough to get my dollar.  :)

* confirmed Secret Wars Handbook kicks off, due for October.


Full roster for Uncanny X-men still isnt out,so there will be a few suprises.Also AoA#3 gives Burners name as UNKNOWN.And he can really set blood on fire.Which is either a false lead,or worst true identity mystery ever.  :huh:
Having read almost everything up to Thanos Imperative,I can say I really enjoyed Marvels Cosmic stories.But Brian Bendis got his hands on that TOO.Seriously why the hell did they allow him to write all the comics at some point?
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


Read it tonight and seeing it now and it's definitely a the plot twist. Seems like at least over thirty people on the net drew the same conclusion all on there own. The writer says it's revealed in #5. Again imo I don't really care and cutting myself off because I don't spoil things for anyone here hasn't made it to the LCS yet. That is of course pretty rude and another reason I avoid the sites. Too many people there steal their books and the first they do is come online and give away the plot for every book before anyone else gets the chance to get to the store.


Well the power to set blood on fire is pretty unique and a lott of people recognized it right away.Maybe Nicieza did it just to provied a false lead,thou.
Issue of comic book privacy is pretty complicated,and a pretty futile disscusion anyway.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


Oh possibly. Like I said mostly it turn my dial. I never really cared about Adam-X not to knock anyone's favorite. It's more like Xorn either in canon, Battle Of The Atom or AoA Anniversary. It was something that happened where I was like " oh that's whats up " but it really didn't knock me off my seat you know?

And true that. It urks me personally because I bust my hump literally to the point of taking damage just to earn extra cash to buy comics then travel 20 miles for them (which is better than the 100+ I used to of course). As well I want content creators to make money. No money = no comics. Like stealing from an apple cart then one day it isn't there and the apple addict is like " Where the apples? ". But futile yes because it's not everyone's stance and hence why I just avoid the situation all together. Though I can say I don't understand why comic creators are so lax about forum users coming right out on the day of release and dropping the plot and/or posting scans. If I saw the goods that were stolen from me in someone elses store front window I would pitch the biggest fit, and have in fact. And I mean how expensive is a digital copy anyways? But again I understand this as my preference and practice it as such.


I didnt really cared for Adam myself,but a new look is welcome.Being set on fire beats ponytail and baseball hat any day.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


Lol, we are in mutual agreement. In fact now I want it to be Adam-X just to insure that redonkulus Fresh Prince Of X-Force outfit never see's dry land again.


Hate to repeat myself,but Nicieza had a story to tell about Adam,but then he left so it never came to pass.Namely,he was intended to be the half-brother of Cyclops and Havok.And Sinister somehow knew about that,since he talked about Cyclopses brothers at one point,way before Vulcan was introduced.Now,Burner has some conections to Sinisters labs.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


I know about it and was thinking about the same thing. It's part of the reason I didn't like the character. His set-up was that exactly and once they yanked it the character lost his purpose and was left with just being " extreme looking ". Characters shouldn't exist just to exist. Added again that costume design. It would have maybe worked if he was in a solo or a street level vigilante team but it stuck out like a sore thumb were he was at. And I don't mean Dawn Greenwood " Rock Out With Your Silly Old Frock Out " like but well enough on it's own of course. So again mutual here in fact if they keep this version around after SWS I'll be okay with that. Yeah the whole Third Summer Bros thing was really a mess until Vulcan finally came along. I read that Apocalypse and even Gambit were elected for that role at one point. Though I do love those era's of X-comics regardless of course.

Silver Shocker

Quote from: SickAlice on September 03, 2015, 08:31:27 PM
And I mean how expensive is a digital copy anyways?

According to a quick look at Comixology, $2.99 or $3.99, depending on the comic. That's new comics, of course.

Yeah, piracy and spoilers urine me off too. The creators DO care, they just can't do much about it. Gail Simone had a really good rant about it on Comic Book Resources back in the day:

You work on a comic for possibly as long as a year. The artist works on it day and night. Maybe you work on it when you're sick or when there's a family tragedy. You stay up nights fixing and editing and doing solicits and then dozens of people do the best they can to ink it, color it, letter it, ship it, and sell it. Their jobs depend on it, but beyond that, they are all working their asses off to do the job right because they love comics and they want to make the readers happy.

    And often, the torrent versions are up before the stores even open on the West coast. These evil, repulsive people actually compete with each other as if they had some legitimate part of the process.
"Now you know what you're worth? Then go out and get what you're worth, but you gotta be willing to take the hits. And not pointing fingers, saying you're not where you want to be because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that, and THAT AIN'T YOU. YOU'RE BETTER THAN THAT!"
~Rocky Balboa


I guess now that people figured out Burners identity,there is a possibility that Marvel will pull a Monarch on us and switch it in the last moment.
And the new Uncanny X-men are "for real,yo" so somebody from AoA would fit in.Or maybe in some new version of X-force.Which is going to happen somewhere in the future.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


I think either way he's going to stay a minor character at best. The forecast shows Marvel pushing their cash cow properties more or less and movie tie-ins. I mean Drax and Karnak have solos coming. Who ever would've predicted a Karnak book ten years ago? Then again I would have never believed I would one day see an Inhumans movie much less Groot on the big screen. I'm still in awe of all that and get pretty amazed by what I'm witnessing as a grown up. Heck when I was a teen nobody ever believed a Spider-man movie was going to happen.


Yet,there is no Royal Family to be seen anywhere in the movies.And Marvel turned them from ancient civilization to bargain bin X-men.Because they want to stick it to Fox.
We saw a lot of these reboots in the past years,so we know how this will play out.Some of it will be canceled in the first few months,some will last longer.Some new will be launched instead.Smells very much like New 52,but with added continuity problems.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


Quote from: Spade on September 05, 2015, 01:42:41 PM
Yet,there is no Royal Family to be seen anywhere in the movies.And Marvel turned them from ancient civilization to bargain bin X-men.Because they want to stick it to Fox.
We saw a lot of these reboots in the past years,so we know how this will play out.Some of it will be canceled in the first few months,some will last longer.Some new will be launched instead.Smells very much like New 52,but with added continuity problems.

Well, the Inhumans movie hasn't come out yet.  There haven't been any Inhumans in the movies yet.  Pure speculation on my part, but I would imagine the Inhuman movie will be about Attilan and the royal family.


Long ago debunked big forum semantics and leaving that at that. Like Talavar said the movie is a ways off and wasn't actually a sure thing until recently anyways. The same can be said for Dr.Strange and Carol Danvers so the reasoning doesn't add up aside a number of other fallacies already covered last year.


Whats so incredible?That some of the newly launched series will be canceled and replaced with something different?
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


Marvel isn't fighting Fox, they're partners. Marvel and Disney make part of the profit margin since they own the property and Fox is under contract with them. Hurting Fox would affect their own bottom line. The only time their at odds is when Fox isn't pulling a profit. At odds meaning in an irregular business stance but still helping one another. The emotional baggage belongs to hardwired readers and is projected on the two companies. Marvel isn't trying to affect the X-Men line. They profit on the sale of comic books. They make more X-Men books than they do Inhuman books, despite the weird claims by certain readers that they do not. Marvels upcoming is being pushed down to favor more top selling Star Wars books, nothing else. Marvel is reordering their line as they always do and DC as they always do. It's not a gimmick. You repaint and resell your existing product so your consumers won't become bored with it. Marvel reconstructed the Inhumans to be more reliable, naturally modelling them after books that do sell as the Inhumans normally do not. How would them selling Inhuman comics " stick it " to Fox movies bottom line? Like I said long ago debunked skepticism that showed up on the big forums is all. That in turn gets big sites page hits the same as skewering headlines gets the news views. People generally aren't excited by bland and easy answers, which is and in my opinion what life really is, thus they generate trumped up nonsense and rely on people to forget to check the numbers, or just look behind the curtain and see the man for themselves. In other words just another day at the old salt mine.


Because...them being a "hidden" civilization was outdated somehow?UNCANNY Inhumans?Really?
Since Marvel is adapting movies to comics,and they cant use mutants,they decided to replace them with Inhumans in both media.Because Terrigen mist now gives superpowers to EVERYONE,not hideously disfigures normal people like we saw before,right?Or to depowered mutants,or Crossbones?
Its a metaphor for puberty not an empowering fairy dust,people.  <_<
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


Quote from: Spade on September 07, 2015, 07:21:34 AM
Because...them being a "hidden" civilization was outdated somehow?UNCANNY Inhumans?Really?
Since Marvel is adapting movies to comics,and they cant use mutants,they decided to replace them with Inhumans in both media.Because Terrigen mist now gives superpowers to EVERYONE,not hideously disfigures normal people like we saw before,right?Or to depowered mutants,or Crossbones?
Its a metaphor for puberty not an empowering fairy dust,people.  <_<

It clearly doesn't give powers to everyone, in either the current comics or the TV shows.  Don't know how you missed that.


Quote from: Talavar on September 07, 2015, 03:30:54 PM
Quote from: Spade on September 07, 2015, 07:21:34 AM
Because...them being a "hidden" civilization was outdated somehow?UNCANNY Inhumans?Really?
Since Marvel is adapting movies to comics,and they cant use mutants,they decided to replace them with Inhumans in both media.Because Terrigen mist now gives superpowers to EVERYONE,not hideously disfigures normal people like we saw before,right?Or to depowered mutants,or Crossbones?
Its a metaphor for puberty not an empowering fairy dust,people.  <_<

It clearly doesn't give powers to everyone, in either the current comics or the TV shows.  Don't know how you missed that.

It acts as an activator for Inhumans,or it did at least.
Crossbones is exposed to the mist and can then fire energy beams from his face,Quicksilver gets the weird time jumping ability,new Ms Marvel got her powers from the Mists,so did a bunch of other people.I belive even some Agents of SHIELD did too.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


Lol. I dunno Spade. It isn't some sort of crime. A different writer is taking a story in a different direction than the writer who established it in the past did and a company is conforming to what's in or at least trying to in order to sell a product to a current generation and social climate of peoples. Nothing is out of order and certainly not a sign of some conspiracy. Believe what you wish. Imo I they're just comics, like them or don't but don't get worked up about especially for the reason that they are comics. Or do if that's how you prefer to enjoy things I guess. You should watch this though, it's pretty funny:

I'm going to add something here. " Defending the fantasy genre with terminal intensity ". That was exactly my hometowns LCS when I was a child. Those people would just rail be in an a furious nonsensical rage about my purchases. Specifically anything by Marvel, anything TMNT which wasn't printed by Mirage and anything that wasn't Batman basically. And I was a child you know? They even nicknamed me " Marvel Kid " in jest and to date when they come across me they pull that name out as a snarky barb for all the effect it has an a grown adult. But I ended up avoiding that place, naturally. I either bought comics at hardware or grocery stores, ordered them in the mail and if I really wanted back issues one of my uncles would go into the LCS to buy them for me. Applicable online because most of the large comic forum goers are actually children covering their age. It's a silly fun sketch granted to whose in it but it makes a solid point about just smelling the roses rather than being infuriated by the thorns. The point is I think you should allow yourself some more leeway and grace in the hobby you follow, if you can't let yourself enjoy and only because cynicism needs to have it's due what's the point? Though again that's on you whether or not to take that step that, it certainly doesn't become me even if it's sad to watch transpire.


Quote from: Spade on September 07, 2015, 04:35:52 PM
Quote from: Talavar on September 07, 2015, 03:30:54 PM
Quote from: Spade on September 07, 2015, 07:21:34 AM
Because...them being a "hidden" civilization was outdated somehow?UNCANNY Inhumans?Really?
Since Marvel is adapting movies to comics,and they cant use mutants,they decided to replace them with Inhumans in both media.Because Terrigen mist now gives superpowers to EVERYONE,not hideously disfigures normal people like we saw before,right?Or to depowered mutants,or Crossbones?
Its a metaphor for puberty not an empowering fairy dust,people.  <_<

It clearly doesn't give powers to everyone, in either the current comics or the TV shows.  Don't know how you missed that.

It acts as an activator for Inhumans,or it did at least.
Crossbones is exposed to the mist and can then fire energy beams from his face,Quicksilver gets the weird time jumping ability,new Ms Marvel got her powers from the Mists,so did a bunch of other people.I belive even some Agents of SHIELD did too.

Yeah, an activator for Inhumans.  The new Ms. Marvel and Skye on Agents of Shield were both people descended from Inhumans - though without knowing it.  Lots of other people were exposed and didn't get powers.  Quicksilver never inhaled terrigen mists, but did something weird and unique with the crystals, so he's a weird exception.  I don't know what's up with Crossbones, but maybe he was one of the unknown Inhuman descendents  as well.  It's doesn't work on everyone.

Silver Shocker

^^ SickAlice:

Sorry to hear that. My experiences at my local comic book store have almost always been great. The only person like that I've encountered is a regular who has an irrational hatred for the 60's Adam West Batman for "ruining" Batman, and thought Squadron Supreme was just a ripoff and didn't know the original Mark Gruenwald series was a deconstruction that got a lot of mileage out of the concept.
"Now you know what you're worth? Then go out and get what you're worth, but you gotta be willing to take the hits. And not pointing fingers, saying you're not where you want to be because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that, and THAT AIN'T YOU. YOU'RE BETTER THAN THAT!"
~Rocky Balboa