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The Marvel Thread

Started by Previsionary, December 24, 2008, 11:48:35 PM

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Fox recently announced Fantastic Four 2,new Wolverine movie,New Mutants and X-Factor movies.So Marvel isn't exactly slowing them down this way.
In terms of sale FF was never really a powerhouse like X-men or Avengers.But still I would like to believe there is a place for Marvels first family somewhere.
Got nothing against Inhumans,but this shilling is a bit annoying.Mostly because it comes on the account of X-men.Another massive killing/depowering/sterilization of mutants?Thats just lazy.
Yes,there will be X-books around but would you pick them up just to see X-men killed off by Inhumans(indirectly in this case)?
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer

Silver Shocker

I don't think I'd buy any book just to see characters killed off. A story has to have something else to offer than a snuff film.
And before anyone mentions "The Death of Captain Marvel" or "The Death of Wolverine" (both of which I really need to read sometime) in the case of the former, the C list canon fodder trope was, to my knowledge, never a big problem prior to the last 10-20 years of comics. In the case of the latter: 1. Wolverine's had some really good creative teams in recent years, such as Jason Aaron, so that's made me want to read his book 2. A list characters always come back in about 2 years, so their dying in a high profile story line doesn't do that much damage. As I said earlier, as with M-Day, it'll be C-listers who will be affected by this. They won't be killing Storm, Colossus ect in droves all at once unless it's a higher profile, heavily marketed event.
^ Technically they aren't being depowered this time right?
"Now you know what you're worth? Then go out and get what you're worth, but you gotta be willing to take the hits. And not pointing fingers, saying you're not where you want to be because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that, and THAT AIN'T YOU. YOU'RE BETTER THAN THAT!"
~Rocky Balboa


I hope not.Thou you can never tell.  :unsure:
Sad thing is: Jeff Lemire can do better then this.Editorial mandate or not-this is just a rehash of an already maligned story.
And speaking of rehashing,here is a page from upcoming Uncanny:
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer

Silver Shocker


Oh, Land, I'm not sure which is worse. That the higher ups at Marvel genuinely think you're a good artist, or that you do in fact have the negatives.  ;)

On the topic of Lemire, while it's DC and not Marvel, I did his Superboy run and some of Justice League United (haven't finished it though) and thought those were decent. Need to read All-New Hawkeye one day.
"Now you know what you're worth? Then go out and get what you're worth, but you gotta be willing to take the hits. And not pointing fingers, saying you're not where you want to be because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that, and THAT AIN'T YOU. YOU'RE BETTER THAN THAT!"
~Rocky Balboa


Bloodshot Reborn,all Im gonna say.
Its supposed to be Monet on the above page.Its easy to miss since she has the same face and hairstyle as every other woman drawn by Land.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer

Silver Shocker

So I'm not picking up the new volume of Amazing Spider-Man, because, as mentioned earlier, I won't buy a book I know I won't enjoy, but I did see an article about what happens in it.

Doc Ock is back in the mind of the Living Brain, a robot who he appropriated (aka stole) to use as his assistant during Inferior Spider-Man.

Seriously, just let. him. DIE. You've had over thirty issues of this character, and because of them, I no longer want to see that character again. I don't even like seeing him in other mediums now because it reminds me of the comic version. I knew Ock was coming back, cuz they seeded it earlier, twice in fact. But that's the problem. One of the only good things in Spider-Verse was Ock getting this epic, righteous beatdown that exposed him for the selfish villain that he is. And I couldn't even fully enjoy it because he was already set up to come back. The only way I'd be onboard for this would be if Otto was being put on a roller coaster ride of humbling humiliation, but that isn't going to happen (I've seen a scan of the last page cliffhanger, and he's being played up as "trouble").

In addition, a 616 version of Regent, the villain from Renew Your Vows, debuts in this comic, so I guess that's supposed to make it seem like RYV mattered. Except that would only be the case if it was the same character with the same memories and history.

So glad I didn't shell out the $5.99 (yes, FIVE NINETY NINE!) for this junk. Also, Dan Slott, the "Micheal Jordan of comics"? Yeah, just go ahead and imagine me doing an "obscene gesture" Starlord style.
"Now you know what you're worth? Then go out and get what you're worth, but you gotta be willing to take the hits. And not pointing fingers, saying you're not where you want to be because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that, and THAT AIN'T YOU. YOU'RE BETTER THAN THAT!"
~Rocky Balboa


Yeah, I won't lampshade the snark on this. Marvel just blew it. It's Forever Evil all over again. Same excuse given too " Using the additional time to give all of you content that we know you'll love. It'll be worth the wait. " or some such. Lol, whatever. Why can't they just own it like the Indy companies do and say " Sorry sorry we messed this one up. ". Good grief. Still enjoying the series anyways and some of the odd titles. Picked up my ANAD ones today, not in a rush to open them until I finish the SWS and DC stacks though. Again I am thankful for this overhaul and the DC one as it allowed me to get away from multiple tie-ins and start over my pull list, much smaller now with more room for indy stuff so the pay-off was worth the wait as I hoped it would be.


From what I saw in the reviews Peter Parker just became Tony Stark.
New Squadron Supreme will be fixing alternate realities.Basicly Exiles.James Robinson is writing it,so Im not sure if Im interested or just scared.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


ASM is packed with the usual Slott tropes. So it's either you love his style and it will appeal to you or you don't and it won't. I'm in the latter category though like X-Men and Batman Spider-man is one of my staple titles and I tend to ride it out even when it's not digestible to me. I think back and I've actually read Spider-man since my first Kraven's Last Hunt issues. Regardless I won't bag on Slott and the reasons I don't like his take but it's not how I take my Peter. I digress and again too it looks silly on the surface but Spider-woman by Hopeless is the Spider book not to miss out on especially if you liked the NOW run of Dardevil as it has the same flavor. That book has all the down to Earthness, character, intimacy and fun one would want from a Spider book.


I have to ask: Am I the only one who didnt see how Peter was refreshed?  :unsure:
No offense to those who liked it,but Renew your vows was pretty pointless IMO.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer

Silver Shocker

Quote from: SickAlice on October 08, 2015, 11:49:22 AM
ASM is packed with the usual Slott tropes. So it's either you love his style and it will appeal to you or you don't and it won't. I'm in the latter category though like X-Men and Batman Spider-man is one of my staple titles and I tend to ride it out even when it's not digestible to me. I think back and I've actually read Spider-man since my first Kraven's Last Hunt issues. Regardless I won't bag on Slott and the reasons I don't like his take but it's not how I take my Peter. I digress and again too it looks silly on the surface but Spider-woman by Hopeless is the Spider book not to miss out on especially if you liked the NOW run of Dardevil as it has the same flavor. That book has all the down to Earthness, character, intimacy and fun one would want from a Spider book.

That's fair, if you find enough positives to enjoy it then good for you; I will say I respect your opinion since you acknowledge there are flaws or otherwise elements that aren't for everyone. Funny thing is, I used to be a big fan of Slott's Spider-Man, from the start of Brand New Day up until somewhere between Big Time and Inferior. I appreciated his tendency for subplots, good pacing, supporting characters, and lots of continuity references (these are my positives for his entire run, btw. All of these are still present). Any problems I had were minor and not a deal breaker, making my feelings on that era the polar opposite of my feelings on Inferior. That being sad, there were always early warning signs in his work. His treatment of the Young Avengers Stature and Vision, or the New Warriors, both in She-Hulk, is a good example. As is his portrayal of Phil Ulrich as an unrepentant monster (albeit an entertaining one, IMO) instead of a former hero turned victim of mental illness. He seems more interested in "his" version of a character, plot point, ect, nullifying the good will of having them show up at all. I will say that Carlie Cooper has sucked ever since early Big Time.

The problem is he's been on the book too long. Even some supporters of his run have admitted that. For example, he's had at least 3 big Swan Song stories (four if you want to count Spider-Island). Some say he's burnt out; I don't know about that. But I do think his run is starting to repeat itself in a lot of places, and problems with the book are starting to snowball and build up.

Case in point: Doc Ock. The irony is I had no significant issues with Ends of the Earth and Dying Wish (despite Spider-Torture and Ock turning from a villain with some redeeming qualities to a genocidal monster who was more than happy to Godwin himself). But Inferior went on for so long, that version of Ock was so unlikable, and with him never going away it's been said many times that Slott is more interested in writing Otto (something he's at least joked about in interviews).

As for the new volume? Doc Ock's back? Doc Ock was gone for like 3 issues!  It might mean more if we actually moved on from this character for a while, but thanks to that piece of crap Spider-Verse, that never happened.


I have to ask: Am I the only one who didnt see how Peter was refreshed?  :unsure:
No offense to those who liked it,but Renew your vows was pretty pointless IMO.

I skimmed the article, it was TL;DR. Though I am dubious about it; if nothing else, it mistakenly listed Mark Bagley as one of the creative team on Spider-Girl. To my memory he only worked on the U.K. only stories.

I will disagree that the Spidey creative team had it out for Spider-Girl. I've heard it said many times that Quesada ect. were quite supportive of the book and gave it many extra chances despite low sales. They even published new stories in that universe in the pages of a Spidey anthology book during Brand New Day. The one main exception was the pseudo Mayday in One More Day. For whatever reason, that didn't bother me, but then again, neither did the straw nerd until Linkara pointed it out in his review.

Spider-Verse on the other hand... (don't get me started; that's a rant for another day)

Back on topic:

If you're looking for more well-rounded criticism of modern Spidey you should check out the Spider-Man Crawl Space fansite. Very well thought out, scintillating discussion of all things Spidey, including the post OMD stuff, and far less toxic than some would have you believe. A lot of the good points made by the people there have shaped my feelings on the current run. The podcast is especially entertaining. And I'm pretty sure they will be others there who share your opinion on RYV.

I haven't read it (I might read it on Digital Comics Unlimited one day) so I can't speak from first hand experience but from what I've read, the Peter-Mary Jane-daughter dynamic was pretty widely praised. But since I know it was an alternate universe mini and them being married didn't carry over, it just doesn't sound like it would hold impact. In the main canon, Peter often acts immature, and I doubt that will change as long as Slott is the writer because he does not seem to grow as an artist or storyteller. I've heard people say Peter's finally acting mature now, but the same issue also features him discovering he gave a speech with his fly open so I doubt it. Such was said about Big Time and Horizon Labs, but that also featured a comparable joke involving pornography. I just don't see a real sense of maturity that I recognized immediately in JMS' run and other various stories such as Gerry Conway's pretty good recent outing, Spiral. I do feel like I've grown tired of Spidey (at least this version of him), it just took me a lot longer than some people.

The ultimate irony is that due to controversial storylines, and Slott's online persona, criticism of the book, including constructive and well-rounded criticism, has gained a toxic, negative connotation that it never should have. Discussion of literature and entertainment must always allow for criticism, and is better for it. I don't know how many people in nerd culture know this, but in the days of Greek and Roman theater, criticism was seen as an art form in and of itself, since it was strictly the domain of the wealthy and high-cultured.

I do feel like the healthiest thing to do, as someone displeased with the run, is to get some distance from the run, and dropping the book was the best way to do so for me. I am still giving my thoughts on the book, since I've had a lot to get off my chest, but also because my feelings on it have changed over time. There are still lots of other Spidey stuff elsewhere (I just recently finished a pretty-darn-good Spidey video game), and there's a nice buildup of other Spidey books I can always read that I likely will enjoy more.
"Now you know what you're worth? Then go out and get what you're worth, but you gotta be willing to take the hits. And not pointing fingers, saying you're not where you want to be because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that, and THAT AIN'T YOU. YOU'RE BETTER THAN THAT!"
~Rocky Balboa


Outside of Superior Spider-man I havent read Slotts run so I cant judge.And I found Superior to be a very mixed bag,like I said before.
My problem with RYV was almost the same as with X-men.Marvel editors promised big thing,from retconing OMD to the return of Ben Reilley,but none of those things seem to stick afters SW.
Basicly SW manages to be pretty much like Convergence.Old characters are back for a while,people wonder if its a reboot,but once its done-everything is pretty much the same as before.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer

Silver Shocker

Quote from: Spade on October 14, 2015, 09:08:02 AM
Outside of Superior Spider-man I havent read Slotts run so I cant judge.And I found Superior to be a very mixed bag,like I said before.
My problem with RYV was almost the same as with X-men.Marvel editors promised big thing,from retconing OMD to the return of Ben Reilley,but none of those things seem to stick afters SW.
Basicly SW manages to be pretty much like Convergence.Old characters are back for a while,people wonder if its a reboot,but once its done-everything is pretty much the same as before.

Can't comment on Secret Wars since I haven't read that either (I fell out of Hickman's Avengers a long time ago, and besides, it's not finished yet anyways right) but I also never had time to read any interviews so I don't know what was promised or implied. I'm not sure if I feel that should be a negative against the story itself, but it could have been so much misdirection. Marvel writers and editors often play coy in interviews, especially concerning mystery stories.

Forgot to comment on this:
Quote from: SickAlice on October 07, 2015, 11:26:42 PM
Yeah, I won't lampshade the snark on this. Marvel just blew it. It's Forever Evil all over again. Same excuse given too " Using the additional time to give all of you content that we know you'll love. It'll be worth the wait. " or some such. Lol, whatever.
I didn't think Forever Evil was that bad about it, but I was a big fan of that series and the delays never bothered me as much as they did other people. I do admit I had a huge bias going in though.

Ya, from what I saw, the first Invincible Iron Man had a pretty big spoiler for the status quo of an important character post Secret Wars that really should have hit after the series had concluded. I think it's a bit of a shame, but I wasn't reading the books so my investment was pretty low. I don't know what went wrong (maybe the artist had trouble meeting deadlines) but I had fewer books to pick up during Secret Wars so this actually works out ok for me.

QuoteWhy can't they just own it like the Indy companies do and say " Sorry sorry we messed this one up. ".
*cough* On Time in 09. Oh wait, I'm not supposed to talk about that.  ;)

Good grief. Still enjoying the series anyways and some of the odd titles. Picked up my ANAD ones today, not in a rush to open them until I finish the SWS and DC stacks though.

I've actually had a lot of trouble keeping up on my books, even with the reduced number coming in due to SW, due to other factors in my life. Sadly, the situation isn't going to improve when SW ends, so I'm just going to fall further behind.   I can't remember if I ever said this here, but about a year ago I was actually seriously considering quitting comics. Due to a number of factors, I wasn't enjoying the hobby as much anymore, and it had gathered a lot of negative baggage it never should have. I didn't give up on them, though I did skip a Wednesday visit for the first time in all my time getting comics (right now I reserve copies most weeks, and will likely continue to) and I did manage to bounce back and go back to getting some joy out of the hobby, largely due to fun books like Ant-Man.

On a different topic, since I don't think it's been brought up: did anyone see the teaser for Civil War 2 or the upcoming Avengers crossover Standoff? I can barely imagine what a new Civil War made now would be like, but I am curious if it'd be a good read (I actually quite liked the original back in the day, but I knew a lot less about politics at the time and I have my doubts I'd like it as much nowadays if I read it again). As for Standoff, I'd only have to buy two extra books for the crossover, so I'm actually kinda on board for it.
"Now you know what you're worth? Then go out and get what you're worth, but you gotta be willing to take the hits. And not pointing fingers, saying you're not where you want to be because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that, and THAT AIN'T YOU. YOU'RE BETTER THAN THAT!"
~Rocky Balboa


Uncanny Avengers #1 Team just expanded to include Inhumans.  :thumbdown:
And the mutants are
apparently all missing.And Rogue has terrigen poisoning.So yeah its global.  <_<

New Avengers #1 Its the most average book I have seen in months.Nothing stands out,but nothing is all that bad.And the villain is
The Maker
So...spoiler for Secret Wars?
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer

Silver Shocker

That's disappointing (didn't read the spoiler, I'll wait to read it myself). That was the book I was most optimistic about and I reserved a copy at my local shop just today. I'll pick it up next week and see for myself if it's any good. I will say that a lot of books start slow in their first issue and take a while to get going.
"Now you know what you're worth? Then go out and get what you're worth, but you gotta be willing to take the hits. And not pointing fingers, saying you're not where you want to be because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that, and THAT AIN'T YOU. YOU'RE BETTER THAN THAT!"
~Rocky Balboa


@Silver Shocker: I may have mistyped that. I'm not a fan of Slotts Peter. I just always stick with mainstay books regardless, sort of as a foundation to the craft (ASM, UXM, Detective Comics, GLC, Harley Quinn in whatever book, Ninja Turtles). I just don't want to bash here but in short he can't write Peter Parker or is intimated by the character. He keeps making strides to write a "different version" of Peter and build a different cast and world around him. Even now this version of Peter really isn't Parker, it's some callous assuming version of his making. Peter is supposed to be the intimate, confused, passionate every person who never let's go of the people he cares for and always puts their needs before his own. That and Slott has been rehashing event cliches since about Spider-Island. I think he was a delight when he first came on the series, I enjoyed the Gauntlet in particular but I think any writer can overstay their welcome and it's just time for a fresh perspective. I was also a little miffed that the SWS titles all centered around his takes on the character considering there's a volume of history in Spider-mans legacy. Personally I think he just has the character in a stranglehold at this point and can't wait for him to move on. Though I do like the family titles again especially Spider-woman and 2099. Also I liked Forever Evil. It's merits weren't what I was speaking about. While published DC screwed up and the ending of FE didn't coincide with the new DC releases. That's what I mean by "pulled a Forever Evil". Marvel really blew the end of Secret Wars into ANAD. That's a little messed up for something they say they've been building for a decade.

As for ANAD in short it's basically Marvel makes teams of second and third stringers and Peter Parker is Steve Jobs. Most of the books don't appeal to me thus far with the exceptions of Angela, A-Force and Weirdworld. I'm okay with this again because I wanted to cut down on books from both Marvel and DC and pick up more Independents and trades thereof, now is the chance for that. I can totally see the day coming where Marvel does the whole "return of the classics" bit too. Not a real loss. Guardians Of The Galaxy makes exactly no sense BTW, it's Bendis's NA all over again. UA was awful sorry. NA with AIM is decent. A-Force, Spider-woman and 2099 are still on point. I don't read Gwen so no idea there.


Peter Parker is a rich,handsome genius with his own coorporation,who dates supermodels.So his not exactly the  most relatable guy around.
I still hold that Ultimate Peter was a way better character.I didnt like a lot of his other works,but Bendis did a great job with Ultimate Spiderman.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


After reading Spidey 2099, Peter is a good guy type Tony Stark.  Miles & Gwen are going to be like the old Peter back in the Lee/ Romnita Sr days.  I'm kind of glad I picked up Renew Your Vows because I don't think I want to see Peter with Mary Jane anytime soon
I don't call for tech support, I AM TECH SUPPORT!
It's the internet, don't take it personal!


That. More though it's the attitude and how aloof he is. Peter could have all that in his life IF he still acted like Peter. Emotional strung and the heart of Marvel Comics. It's the fact that Slotts doesn't that bothers me the most. Peter is any of us, he makes emotional outbursts and says things he regrets but then goes to do something about his mistakes or at least try and fail. To me I'm reading something that looks like Peter but is missing his heart if that makes any sense.

I like Bendis past his later Avengers stuff and GOTG. I think he got to that big name point where he was doing the job rather than just writing the stories. He's hardly the only one who will be that way but he sticks out and gets more grief for it given his station. I wouldn't doubt for a second that they wanted to bring back Ultimate Peter and make him the new one. Marvel has been dying to reset Spider-man for years. But there's no way the longtime readers would go for it. Personally giving how convoluted the canon version has become though I can't see why. I'm on the fence about Miles now so I guess I'll see when it comes out. The appeal was the same, with Miles he was a clean slate and they could just focus on the writing and character. I fear though a lot of the focus will be on making him a household name and integrated him into the new Marvel U. I already see 616 characters in his preview. Then again I think Spider-men, when Miles crossed over, read very well so maybe he'll just fit. At any rate the state of Spider-man is in a weird state. 2099 is the only one that's true to character right now imo.


Well I guess its been enought time now,so I can talk about New Avengers #1.
Basicly 2 problems
-The writing is almost random.Team members from Avengers,Young Avengers,Secret Avengers,Thunderbolts,Squirrel Girl(Why?)...Zombies with crystals instead of head?Is this Adventure Time of something?Maker manages to be the highpoint thou.
-Manga-style art-style just doesnt work for this book.And the artwork itself is muddy and washed out.
(But its still miles better then Uncanny Avengers)  :)
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


So far, I'm not feeling the new Avengers books.  A.I.M is ok because I like Squirrel Girl, but the story is not all that.  The other Avengers book is just.....wrong.  Steve is acting like Fury (the white one), I'm not feeling Deadpool, and why in the world is Brother VooDoo is in the group???  I kinda missed the old Avengers from the 80's-90's now.  I hope it gets better.
I don't call for tech support, I AM TECH SUPPORT!
It's the internet, don't take it personal!


Same. Glad I'm not the only one not feeling UA. That's already a pass on my pull list here. The first issue felt degrading. NA is iffy. Mainly I like Songbird a lot and want to see her through again. But again it gets a decent from me and that's about it. Totally agree that the Maker is the highlight as well. I suppose when it comes to Sunspots Avengers Hyperion was spoken for elsewhere and that left the Zebra Kids so it's not like there was much to draw from. They probably has to pick from the left overs after the other books grabbed all the big name characters. Really the whole thing smells like a marketing push to expand 2nd and 3rd tier characters into more well known to me.


^That has crossed my mind.I would dare to say that #1 somewhat reminds me of the JLI.But I will wait and see how this develops. :)
It shows promise,even if the execution is a bit lacking.
PS. AoA #5 is coming this week,so we will get that resolution.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


We already knew it from #4,but AoA #5 confirms it:
Burner is Adam,the brother of Cyclops and Havoc.And for once everybody was right
BTW Nicieza expressed desire to return to X-men full time,but sadly dont think that will happen.Thou hes writing Cable and Deadpool.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


I just don't even know with Marvel right now but again it's sort of a good thing. I could sort of care less about AoA unless it returns AoA Blink to the fold. What I would like is if the events of 92' pan out.
This was the return of the classic Generation X team and characters.

There is some talk about X-men.Jeff does have a few different stories planned if its any comfort.
BTW Punisher is missing from New60.Now thats plain weird.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer

Silver Shocker

Quote from: Spade on October 26, 2015, 06:34:45 PM
There is some talk about X-men.Jeff does have a few different stories planned if its any comfort.
BTW Punisher is missing from New60.Now thats plain weird.

I may have missed something, but what's New60? is that a site that lists comics coming out?

That's good for Jeff Lemire, but I'm still soured on this whole X-Men thing, and I've never been super into Lemire's other work from the DC books I read by him. Lots of writers have more plans than they end up being able to write (Sean Mckeever's Young Allies were cancelled after six issues, and he had to resolve his plots in a follow up miniseries) and I kinda imagine the Terrogen mist side-effects will be more of a subplot running through more than one storyarc. That's how a lot of X-Men runs have gone.

I still haven't read Uncanny Avengers, but I might chime in some more on the X-Men situation when I do.

QuoteI may have mistyped that. I'm not a fan of Slotts Peter. I just always stick with mainstay books regardless, sort of as a foundation to the craft (ASM, UXM, Detective Comics, GLC, Harley Quinn in whatever book, Ninja Turtles). I just don't want to bash here but in short he can't write Peter Parker or is intimated by the character. He keeps making strides to write a "different version" of Peter and build a different cast and world around him. Even now this version of Peter really isn't Parker, it's some callous assuming version of his making. Peter is supposed to be the intimate, confused, passionate every person who never let's go of the people he cares for and always puts their needs before his own. That and Slott has been rehashing event cliches since about Spider-Island. I think he was a delight when he first came on the series, I enjoyed the Gauntlet in particular but I think any writer can overstay their welcome and it's just time for a fresh perspective. I was also a little miffed that the SWS titles all centered around his takes on the character considering there's a volume of history in Spider-mans legacy. Personally I think he just has the character in a stranglehold at this point and can't wait for him to move on. Though I do like the family titles again especially Spider-woman and 2099.

I didn't quite catch this post until just now, so I'll reply to it here. What's "SWS" stand for? Spider-Woman and Silk? That part threw me.

I'm not sure when the last time I actually related with Peter Parker/Spider-Man was. I feels like it's been awhile. I related to and sympathized with him a lot when I was in junior high and high school and had just starting picking up Spidey comics.

On the topic of Spidey's history, there's a new series coming out called "Spidey". As I understand it's supposed to be a younger version of the character who's still in high school. It's not something I'm personally interesting in but it is a different take on the character and it could very well be a good.

QuoteWe already knew it from #4,but AoA #5 confirms it:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
BTW Nicieza expressed desire to return to X-men full time,but sadly dont think that will happen.Thou hes writing Cable and Deadpool.

I read an appearance by the older version of Adam X in Fabian's short-lived Captain Marvel book (which I really liked) and while the character was oh-so 90's in design, Fabian did take writing him seriously (I imagine he was taking the opportunity to carry one of his X-Men plots over into another book) and I've heard many times he intended him to be the third Summer's Brother.

I heard Nicieza talked about his experience writing X-Men books in a podcast years ago and talked about later writers will change stuff after their predecessor's are gone so I'm sure he was happy to recycle his unused ideas in an alternate universe miniseries. I'm kinda surprised he doesn't get more opportunities to write X-Men books other than Deadpool, giving how many X-Men books there have been over the years. I don't know how likely that is now, given the current status quo of the X-Men. Looking forward to picking up the print version of C&D when it comes out in December. Loved the original series, warts and all.
"Now you know what you're worth? Then go out and get what you're worth, but you gotta be willing to take the hits. And not pointing fingers, saying you're not where you want to be because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that, and THAT AIN'T YOU. YOU'RE BETTER THAN THAT!"
~Rocky Balboa


Thats kinda of a nickname for ANAD universe since there are around 60 titles know New52...not funny I know.  :rolleyes:
Well Jeff Lemire is better at solo titles then at team ones anyway.And seeing that series now come out in "seasons" hardly anything will go for over 20 issues.
I guess we can only hope it will get better after the first story?
There is actually a good number of characters missing currently.I guess they will all eventually get reintroduced.I doubt they would ditch Punisher right before his appearance on Daredevil?
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


Marvel won me over today as most of my choice titles were up. Aside IXth Generation, Ninja Turtles and Batman & Robin Eternal today was a good comic day. For Marvel SWS wraps in Where Monsters Dwell (spoiler:Phantom Eagle is official the biggest pile of dung in the MU) and House Of M (good start to finish). Else Angela's new series and it gets better straight away. Again I digress that this is the Thor book in the traditional sense as opposed to the Jane one's somewhat Bay-sih elements. Classical mythology elements blended with a powerful, unswerving, fiery protagonist and rich art to boot. Deadpool Vs Thanos is surprisingly funny and well read. New Avengers #2 read a little better than the last. Maker is still the highlight. The story is good but the characterization is poor where the team members are very 2-dimensional and cardboard cutout like. Hopefully that will change and these were just the establishing stories.

And Spider-man 2099 is choice with me as I loved the original series. I'm liking the new scorned Miguel. I think I figured out Marvels Spider-man angle now and it's too represent the most popular Peter era's in different characters. Miles is the classic young and spry one finding his footing in the world and himself all the while pursuing young love. Jessica is the 80's street Spider-man who deals with the personal local problems as a snoop. Miguel is the edgy, fast and angry 90's Spider-man while Peter is Slott's (Big Time) version. Where Gwen fits in I don't know, seemingly though as her own thing.

@Silver Shocker: SWS: Secret Wars 2015, SW: Secret Wars classic, MU: Marvel Universe, DR: Dark Reign, HA: Herioc Age, NOW: Marvel Now, ANAD: All New All Different era.

Honestly again either Spider-woman or 2099 are the way to go. Probably the latter if I'm guessing that was your youth as well though personally Spider-woman reads the best. I dropped Silk and the character already read flat to me even in Slott's ASM but to each their own.


Yeah,New Avengers #2 was a bit better.Sadly thats still lands it somewher in the average range.And it zooms a bit too fast for any kind of character drama.
No Peter who works as a teacher?Ah,the glory days of early JMS Amazing and Mark Millars MK Spider-man.I liked Kaine and Venom from NOW era,I really thought they will stick around.Yeah,Venom-Space Knight just doesnt sound interesting to me.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer