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The Marvel Thread

Started by Previsionary, December 24, 2008, 11:48:35 PM

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I personally think Marvel Comics should have fully rebooted (i.e. *wipe the slate clean*) using Secret Wars as the starting point. It would have made much more sense to have Franklin Richards create a Prime Earth (616 and all of the other alternate universes were wiped out why would Franklin just restart everything like they all were saved on a backup hard drive in case they was deleted?) which allows all of the Battleworld survivors to remain but it's a action movie version of the Cinematic universe. It would allow them to use all of the movie costumes, settings, and environments they created thus far but allowing all of these alternative realities to be introduced by having survivors of those other worlds waking up in the Prime world and discovering their new lives (i.e. Old Man Logan realizing that he really needs to step into Xavier's shoes as the elder teacher).

So many titles were in mid-story arc before Secret Wars was dropped that Marvel Editorial really screwed themselves by promising them to continue once the Crossover was over like Secret Wars never happened except for the time jump because it forced them to just keep the 616 Universe intact like it was and just mess it up further. Marvel really keeps shooting themselves in the foot by setting up these annual events not allowing for any slack in case of delays or extending the crossover story so that is now overlaps into the aftermath which confuses everyone. Marvel and DC have managed to tangle all of their universes so much now that I'm fully more invested in the Cinematic universes because I have far more faith in their production crews then the dart throwing that seems to be going on in the comic offices.

- CQ
"He said let there be light... CLICK! It was a lightbulb. And It was good."


Quote from: crimsonquill on February 02, 2016, 11:53:51 PM
I personally think Marvel Comics should have fully rebooted (i.e. *wipe the slate clean*) using Secret Wars as the starting point. It would have made much more sense to have Franklin Richards create a Prime Earth (616 and all of the other alternate universes were wiped out why would Franklin just restart everything like they all were saved on a backup hard drive in case they was deleted?) which allows all of the Battleworld survivors to remain but it's a version of the Cinematic universe. It would allow them to use all of the movie costumes, settings, and environments they created thus far but allowing all of these alternative realities to be introduced by having survivors of those other worlds waking up in the Prime world and discovering their new lives (i.e. Old Man Logan realizing that he really needs to step into Xavier's shoes as the elder teacher).

So many titles were in mid-story arc before Secret Wars was dropped that Marvel Editorial really screwed themselves by promising them to continue once the Crossover was over like Secret Wars never happened except for the time jump because it forced them to just keep the 616 Universe intact like it was and just mess it up further. Marvel really keeps shooting themselves in the foot by setting up these annual events not allowing for any slack in case of delays or extending the crossover story so that is now overlaps into the aftermath which confuses everyone. Marvel and DC have managed to tangle all of their universes so much now that I'm fully more invested in the Cinematic universes because I have far more faith in their production crews then the dart throwing that seems to be going on in the comic offices.

- CQ

Hey, I'm as disillusioned with the current state of Marvel and DC as you are, but I'm not sure if a reboot is the way to go, or at least not in terms of how reboots in comics tend to be handled. If Marvel ever did reboot, I'd want to them start completely over; no previous continuity, and no previous versions of existing characters, which also means no AU versions from other universes. Only changing some parts of the universe while keeping others just muddles the waters and makes the rebooted universe even more convoluted and undesirable than the last one. If you're going to do a reboot, do a real goshdarned reboot, and don't stop halfway.

That said, I'm not sure if I want a reboot anyway. Even if we got one, there's no guarantee that Marvel would quit doing event after event, nor is there anything saying that the new MU wouldn't become just as convoluted and event-driven as the previous one given enough time. On top of that, we might lose a slew of B, C, and D listers that the current Marvel writers don't really care for; you don't see Wonder Man and Valkyrie getting a lot of use these days, so who's to say they'd even be around in a rebooted MU, nevermind what they'd do to the FF and the X-Men?

That said, at this point, a reboot if done right might be the only way for Marvel to salvage their comics in the long run, but if they're just going to serve to promote the Movies and essentially be a carbon copy of them in paper form, I'm not sure if there would really be a point to doing that either.
The Golden Age; 'A different look at a different era.'


What you are thinking of is a relaunch,which I doubt Marvel will do any time soon.
Havent they already done enough for movie fans?Something like 5 Deadpool titles this month,Civil War 2,Soon introducing Hope van Dyne,bunch of Spider-man titles,renumbering for almost every movie,Agents of Shield comic,throwing Inhumans into every single title there is?It already is a 60% copy of MCU.Any more and you would have to get Robert Downey Junior as a writer.Thou he would probably do a better job then some of the current ones.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


Quote from: Spade on February 03, 2016, 07:10:58 AM
What you are thinking of is a relaunch,which I doubt Marvel will do any time soon.
Havent they already done enough for movie fans?Something like 5 Deadpool titles this month,Civil War 2,Soon introducing Hope van Dyne,bunch of Spider-man titles,renumbering for almost every movie,Agents of Shield comic,throwing Inhumans into every single title there is?It already is a 60% copy of MCU.Any more and you would have to get Robert Downey Junior as a writer.Thou he would probably do a better job then some of the current ones.

My thinking is more along the lines of Marvel using the success of the cinematic universe as the core Prime World (Face it, Marvel's cinematic team is on a serious roll with finding a happy medium with what works in the comics and yet bringing what worked in the classic comics to a much larger audience) but allowing the writing teams to expand into new areas which would seed stories further down the line (Phase 5 or even 6). Marvel comics could easily establish supporting cinematic comics which enhance or advertise their current movies, expand their worlds with new characters using new talent, and still manage to build their Prime Universe with larger story arcs. The whole mess with Inhumans/Mutants is just because Disney/FOX suits can't learn to get along over the rights and forcing Marvel to force a Plan B down our throats. X-Men are really going to take off with Deadpool and X-Men Apocalypse aiming for new fans and letting old fans know they are in good solid hands BUT Marvel Comics has to sideline them because upper management says they have to. I really think Civil War 2 is a horrible idea because technically it's just history repeating itself with another rights problem becoming the ignition point and showing that nobody really learned a lesson the first time around. Secret Wars really shouldn't have hit a reset button with common sense among the heroes unless the first Civil War never happened or was erased from folks memories. I'm really starting to think that the Men In Black now work as Editorial Staff and just walk around flashing people with their memory erasers and handing them post-it notes of ideas that worked before for crossovers as long as it ties into whatever cinematic arc that goes on in Phase Whatever they are doing. I'm fully expecting to be revisiting Infinity War for the fifth time since they brought Thanos back from limbo or death or whatever which seems incredibly stupid since the universe is just getting rebuilt after Secret Wars. So is Ultimate Thanos going to be the welder of the Infinity Gauntlet this time around?

- CQ
"He said let there be light... CLICK! It was a lightbulb. And It was good."


But didnt Thanos die in SW?When did they brought him back?
Im okay with movies being movies and comics being comics.I respect that Marvel is trying to bring in new readers,but I dont like the 616(its still that?) looking more and more like MCU.You could just have more comics set in the MCU and solve that problem.Like Flash Season Zero or Arrow 2,5 for example.
Btw,crazy theory,but could Peters marriage be Dead No More?
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


Quote from: Spade on February 03, 2016, 12:00:58 PM
Btw,crazy theory,but could Peters marriage be Dead No More?

Hopeful Answer: Gosh yes. :)

Realistic Answer: F*** no. <_<
The Golden Age; 'A different look at a different era.'


Quote from: Spade on February 03, 2016, 12:00:58 PM
But didnt Thanos die in SW?When did they brought him back?
I dont like the 616(its still that?) looking more and more like MCU.You could just have more comics set in the MCU and solve that problem.Like

As for Ultimate Thanos, I just went back and rechecked my copies of Secret Wars and yes, he DID die but I'm sure that Thanos (of 616) is still kicking around somewhere.. so once again I guess we get to see him wield the Gauntlet just to tie into the movies. Yay?

Marvel Editiorial says that 616 and all of the other pre-Secret Wars universes are gone and erased. There is only Earth Prime, Battleworld (which is a limbo of all of the parts of the surviving old Earths including Weird World), and all of the new alternate universes that Franklin Richards is building (which will be slowly revealed in time and probably placing back the parts of Battleworld that nobody wants to use in any titles).

- CQ
"He said let there be light... CLICK! It was a lightbulb. And It was good."


Quote from: crimsonquill on February 04, 2016, 04:02:43 AM
Quote from: Spade on February 03, 2016, 12:00:58 PM
But didnt Thanos die in SW?When did they brought him back?
I dont like the 616(its still that?) looking more and more like MCU.You could just have more comics set in the MCU and solve that problem.Like
Marvel Editiorial says that 616 and all of the other pre-Secret Wars universes are gone and erased.

I've said this elsewhere, but regardless of how much Marvel tries to tout the main MU as being simply 'The Marvel Universe' or what have you, it's always going to be known as 616. Writers and fans alike have been using it for years, and it's not going to just drop off the face off the map like Marvel wants it to. As far as I can tell, 616 is here to stay, even if Marvel wishes it wouldn't.
The Golden Age; 'A different look at a different era.'


Quote from: kkhohoho on February 04, 2016, 05:05:42 AM
I've said this elsewhere, but regardless of how much Marvel tries to tout the main MU as being simply 'The Marvel Universe' or what have you, it's always going to be known as 616. Writers and fans alike have been using it for years, and it's not going to just drop off the face off the map like Marvel wants it to. As far as I can tell, 616 is here to stay, even if Marvel wishes it wouldn't.

Yeah, Fans are always going to refer the main universe as 616 because it's always been that.. even if Marvel Editorial will just call it Marvel Prime from this point forward. Least until they start flooding comics with What If? and Alternate Universes and they have to dust off the idea of addressing Prime as some sort of recorded identity on a reality map. Some writer will just pull 616 out of their memories of old school Marvel and it will be stuck once again.

- CQ
"He said let there be light... CLICK! It was a lightbulb. And It was good."


I should have seen that coming.Aaand once again they manage to top Avengers/Attack on Titan.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


So how exactly did Deadpool kill his parent while brainwashed by Butler?We saw how his father died in Cable and Deadpool.
-When did Terror have a metal arm?Not in his own series IIRC.
-New Foolkiller?What did I miss?
-Btw,calling Taskmaster Skeletor was never really funny,neither were the Aquaman jokes.Deadpool holding a grudge because Sabretooth called him a Slade ripoff was hilarious.
Old Man Logan still holds up.Worthy sequel to the original story.Which is one of the 2 Mark Millars works I liked.
New Avengers are still consistently...meh.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


Quote from: Spade on February 10, 2016, 06:55:00 PM
Old Man Logan still holds up.Worthy sequel to the original story.Which is one of the 2 Mark Millars works I liked.

I think he's had a bit more good stuff than that. Believe it or not, Mark Millar actually used to be a pretty decent writer back in the 90's.He did fill-in issues for JLA and Mark Waid's Flash run, worked with freaking Grant Morrison on Aztek, and had a nice run on Adventures of Superman, (the Superman TAS comic,) of all things. As Linkara put it, Millar is best on a leash, and when he was working with DC back then, that leash was on pretty darn tight. But when he started working for Marvel and doing his own stuff, he broke free of that leash, and so we got Ultimates, Civil War, Trouble, and all of the indie stuff he did like Nemesis and Wanted and God knows what else. We still got Superman Red Son out of it, which is amazingly the one Superhero Millar actually gets and respects, but other than that, he's one writer I've learned to stay away from.
The Golden Age; 'A different look at a different era.'


Well those i also liked,but Grant Morrison was also involved there.Maybe I phrased it wrong,2 of Mark Millars Marvel works I liked.Other being Marvel Knights Spider-man.Which I really recommend.
Second point being,I found that Mark works best when keeping things simple.Like Wolverine is brainwashed,or villains rule the Earth or Spiderman runs a gauntlet of his old foes.Not original ideas,but they worked.
Btw,I always guessed that OML reality was a product of Acts of Vengeance done right(wrong?),but it actually diverges from main universe sometime after 2016.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer

Silver Shocker

Quote from: Spade on February 10, 2016, 06:55:00 PM
So how exactly did Deadpool kill his parent while brainwashed by Butler?We saw how his father died in Cable and Deadpool.

For what it's worth, that backstory in Cable & Deadpool itselft contradicted an earlier story in the original Deadpool ongoing regarding Deadpool's father. If I recall correctly, it was the Priest run.

And that's without getting into whether or not Deadpool stole the name Wade Wilson from T-Ray. Deadpool's is a major top-down case of "Depending on the Writer".
"Now you know what you're worth? Then go out and get what you're worth, but you gotta be willing to take the hits. And not pointing fingers, saying you're not where you want to be because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that, and THAT AIN'T YOU. YOU'RE BETTER THAN THAT!"
~Rocky Balboa


TBH I only read a few issues of the first series.He was cursed to look like Thom Cruz,I remember that.
Btw,my bad,Foolkiller is Greg Salinger.Im mostly familiar with MAX version.
And still(weird enough) Punisher is missing.I guess they are waiting for season 2 of Daredevil.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


There was talk about the Punisher series starting again later on this year.  I really enjoyed the last series.  Have you guys notice that all the heroes are moving back to NY.  Punisher, Iron Man & Daredevil were all on the West Coast, but now they are coming back to NY.
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It's the internet, don't take it personal!


^Yes,a new series is in the works.By Becky Cloonan and Steve Dillon.Unless they adopt the cartoonish black comedy of MK Punisher-Steve Dillon is not a good choice.And there is still the fact he can draw only 1 face.
Last series was okay,but nothing spectacular.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer

Another Dead no more theory.Somebody,who can revive the dead, is recruiting Spider-mans villains for a crossovers.
Norman?The guy who hired Deadpool?Somebody new?
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


Avengers Standoff starts a bit better then I expected.Predictable,but there is a nice twist at the end.Cool reunion.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


Quote from: Spade on February 17, 2016, 05:18:29 PM
Avengers Standoff starts a bit better then I expected.Predictable,but there is a nice twist at the end.Cool reunion.

It was better than I expected.  This also suppose to lead into bringing back Steve Rogers as Captain America again.
I don't call for tech support, I AM TECH SUPPORT!
It's the internet, don't take it personal!


^So I have heard.That was expected.That makes 3 of Captain Americas?
I hope Alpha and Omega will be enough to understand Standoff.I really dont feel like picking up 15-16 titles I dont read usually.
Btw Apocalypse War is starting next month,or in 2 weeks.Soon anyway.I only read Ext X-men anyway and thats not going to change soon.Probably.And mutant mass graves in Germany?Not subtle.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer

Silver Shocker

Late reply here, but I also want to chime in and say that I loved the Standoff one-shot. I was interested in the story to begin with, but like the others in the thread, I did think it was quite a bit better than I was expecting. It was a really solid little mystery series with a nice atmosphere to it and decent art by Bagley, but of course the ending makes the whole damn comic. I still haven't decided if I'm going to buy all of the tie-ins, or just the ones that are books I'm already buying. I'll read the next issue and judge from there.
"Now you know what you're worth? Then go out and get what you're worth, but you gotta be willing to take the hits. And not pointing fingers, saying you're not where you want to be because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that, and THAT AIN'T YOU. YOU'RE BETTER THAN THAT!"
~Rocky Balboa


Btw,you would expect the X-men to be better at things like Mindscapes and Alternate universes,since they are doing this for at least 20 years in universe.
New Avengers got a new artist.Good news.
Bit unrelated but after reading his Absolution,I would like to see Christos Gage write Punisher.Oh yeah,there is a Daredevil vs Punisher miniseries coming.You can probably guess why are they fighting.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


Quote from: Spade on February 25, 2016, 08:23:04 AM
You can probably guess why are they fighting.

The Golden Age; 'A different look at a different era.'


And Punisher wants to kill a criminal while Daredevil wants to protect him so he could face justice.That plot has been used at least 3 times by now.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


Cover for the upcoming comic

I don't call for tech support, I AM TECH SUPPORT!
It's the internet, don't take it personal!


So it was
who killed Deadpools parents?This just reached Spawn territory.But it looks like an interesting showdown on the other hand.
I kinda hoped that Old Man Logan and Kate will go on a road trip,but that's not happening.
-Im from the future
-Oh?Thats it?
-Well,you are an X-men
Avengers Standoff Alpha
I guess that explains the kid from the previews.Its a living Cosmic Cube.Maria Hill is a total troll,btw.IIRC Atlas was last seen with the Defenders,then he retired,but now hes back in jail?Thats odd...
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


I haven't kept track of it in years, but:

Didn't The Shaper of Worlds say that The Cosmic Cube was an egg, of some sort? Like whatever species he is?


So true Spade, Maria Hill started off funny and was trolling big time towards the end of the book
I don't call for tech support, I AM TECH SUPPORT!
It's the internet, don't take it personal!

Silver Shocker

Yep, totally trolling. Hill was so snarky in this book she could have been written by Bendis.

Still enjoying this book. It's very much an extension of Nick Spencer's Cap run, but it's quite good and makes me want to read his run as well. Don't think I'm going to pick up the extra tie-ins; I'm probably just going to stick to the titles I'm already buying.

Actually Atlas was part of Wonder Man's Revengers team in Bendis' Avengers run, after Last Defenders. I never bought that group of characters going up against the Avengers myself, but it was Bendis so that was standard operating procedure.

"Now you know what you're worth? Then go out and get what you're worth, but you gotta be willing to take the hits. And not pointing fingers, saying you're not where you want to be because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that, and THAT AIN'T YOU. YOU'RE BETTER THAN THAT!"
~Rocky Balboa