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The Marvel Thread

Started by Previsionary, December 24, 2008, 11:48:35 PM

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#1 of WH40k Marneus Calgar is out- I guess it okay. Burrow artwork is passable here,even if Im not a fan usually. Oh,and Ultramarines are still boring.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


I don't like that kind of artwork linked to Warhammer 40k universe, is to clean and bright to let me understand that is a " dark future", also the story don't enthusiasm me till now. W40k is a very cool universe but you have to push the right buttons i guess.


Again,Burrows artwork is the last thing from clean and bright; but the coloring is pretty bad for this type of thing. Its your generic Marvel-since-2016 look.

And the only remotely interesting Ultramarine already had 6 books. Which I do recommend,even if the last one is kinda underwhelming.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer

Silver Shocker

So sorry for the late reply. I'm surprised I never saw the new posts in this thread for so long.

Quote from: SickAlice on March 30, 2020, 05:59:25 PM
Not sure I understand where the rest of that is stemming from sorry, it wasn't in my post? I was just wondering why they didn't tell the public.
Oh I wouldn't worry about it. It's just some things I'd had on my mind for a awhile. Your comment got me on a bit of a tangent.

QuoteThough yeah, my comic shop guy was a nightmare when I was a kid. It was Batman or nothing, I eventually found a different way to get comics because I didn't feel like dealing with him. And holy moly did he hate the Archies Turtles with passion. Had a huge mural on the wall that said "Death To Archies" with a middle finger painted on it and refused to sell anything by the company as a result. Not sure if it's an LCS thing or a fandom thing, I think the latter. At some point it can become like a clubhouse and the fans become confused into thinking the medium is owned by and supposed to cater to themselves solely. Noting that in any fandom, music ones as well can be rife with it. I got to a point where I filter all that out, full time job online of course and choose to indulge whatever I feel like. No different than someone hating on a type of pie, won't prevent me from eating and enjoying it.

That's a pretty amazing anectode. There was a fellow who worked at the local EB/Gamestop who was like that. Then there was the guy who ran my local comic book shop in recent years. He drove me away like the one in your story.
"Now you know what you're worth? Then go out and get what you're worth, but you gotta be willing to take the hits. And not pointing fingers, saying you're not where you want to be because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that, and THAT AIN'T YOU. YOU'RE BETTER THAN THAT!"
~Rocky Balboa


Metroid was my Gamestop guy. I have a massive nostalgia for classic Nintendo, grew up with the 8-bit system and went in there looking for Prime series. He just went off and it was silly. He had this problem with the characters gender reveal add the character remaining a woman. Yeah it doesn't make sense but he was like seriously angry about it. Anytime I came in after which was mostly to pick up Nintendo plushes and old Wii parts he'd see me and it would trigger a rant about Samus. And I get the way fandom acts mind you, I understand the reasoning. And someone once explained it about comics that fans ranting is how they express their love for comics, like they're type A personalities so it's just the way they experience things. But it's just not me and if anything I think people end up depriving themselves. I did have a brief stint where when they introduced new versions of characters I wouldn't let myself enjoy them but thought about it, took a break then tried stepping back and seeing it from a different angle. Now I try and look at revisions and revivals as another medium, like a fresh slate and I get to enjoy both worlds so to speak. Pretty much the same method I look at movies with, they to me are a separate entity from the comics themselves and I tend not draw "should be like" comparisons that way.

Read Marvels X. Totally suggest that for Earth X fans. I wasn't expected much, Marvels and Earth X spin-offs tend to be decent but not essential. This was exactly essential. It acts as the bridge between Marvels and Earth X though more so the prelude to Earth X and fills in the major plot holes for that by the end of the six issue. Very essential reading by the same people who made the rest of them.


King in black: Thunderbolts #1 Well,that sucked. The story is the same basic Suicide Squad setup that we saw 50 times already (Marvel wants to do SS almost as bad as DC wants to do a Punisher) with a tacked on Thunderbolts name because Kingpin owns the trademark to it. How wacky and selfaware.  <_<
Art is bad,and not in the usual deviantart style bad. It looks like a 10 y.o. tried to ape Frank Miller and then edited it on a tablet.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer

Silver Shocker

Oh that's out now eh? Can't say I'm unhappy I missed it. Doesn't sound very good.

QuoteIt looks like a 10 y.o. tried to ape Frank Miller and then edited it on a tablet.

So it's The Dark Knight Strikes Again?

"This book looks great. It looks like someone drew it and got their girlfriend to color it on their computer." ACTUAL pull quote on the back of a trade of DK2
"Now you know what you're worth? Then go out and get what you're worth, but you gotta be willing to take the hits. And not pointing fingers, saying you're not where you want to be because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that, and THAT AIN'T YOU. YOU'RE BETTER THAN THAT!"
~Rocky Balboa


Im pretty sure there is a quota on tie-ins to every event since there is no actual reason for this to exist. Maybe as a pilot episode,but I don't see energy or love here. A group of C-list villains is threathened at gun point to go into a dangerous zone and rescue a guy,who isn't what they expected. It's the same setup since 1986. 🙄
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer

Silver Shocker

So coming soon from the Ol' House of Ideas.....a revival of Heroes Reborn, because apparently the trademark is at risk of running out sure why not.

This version will a twist on Amalgam and the recent Infinity Wars miniseries, a mash-up of two characters in one, only good guys and bad guys. So we have, for example, Doctor Doom and Juggernaut as one heavily armored being.

Now, normally I wouldn't have much interest in this, but it was just announced that part of this storyline will feature Phil Coulson running for President of the United States.

See, THAT I'm actually kinda interested in.

Also, X-Men Legends by Fabian and Brett Booth, in which Fabian tells the TRUE story of the "Third Summer Brother" and YES, Adam-X The X-Treme is in it.

Yeaaaaaah, I'm probably going to have to read that at some point.

Also Hulkling and Wiccan are joining the Guardians of the Galaxy. NICE.
"Now you know what you're worth? Then go out and get what you're worth, but you gotta be willing to take the hits. And not pointing fingers, saying you're not where you want to be because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that, and THAT AIN'T YOU. YOU'RE BETTER THAN THAT!"
~Rocky Balboa


Ruins of Ravencroft/Ravencroft. This being an intersection of 2 events and current Spider-Man stories I was a bit lost. It generally tries to build up Marvels Arkham Asylum...built on the ground of a tribe of cannibal Indians who worshiped the super huge villain of the upcoming event. Then there is a bunch of mutated-vampire-failed-experiments,because Dracula did some experiments here back in WW2. And Sabertooth fought a werewolf there back in 1909. And Kingpin is the new warden and he hires Norman Osborn as the consultant. And doctor Kafka is alive. And Misty Knight is around. So is Reed Richards. And Kingpin hires Moonstone, Hobgoblin and Taskmaster. That should have been the new Thunderbolts reboot IMO. And Punisher is one of the inmates. And D-man is a guard.
Plenty of things I like in there but geez,Im getting a headache from it all.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer

Silver Shocker

Oh, I see. The Spider-Man-specific stuff in there comes up in Spencer's Amazing, so now I know where that came from neat. Didn't realize the T-Bolts (or characters who have been T-Bolts) were in it, I may have to check in on it sometime.
"Now you know what you're worth? Then go out and get what you're worth, but you gotta be willing to take the hits. And not pointing fingers, saying you're not where you want to be because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that, and THAT AIN'T YOU. YOU'RE BETTER THAN THAT!"
~Rocky Balboa


Moonstone is in it and thats about that. But this would still be a better Thunderbolts reboot then the KiB tie-in we got.
Did I mention Grizzly is in it? And I should get around to catching up to ASM. Im somewhere in the low 40's.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer

Silver Shocker

Still counts, even only if slightly, since Tasky was in the T-Bolts during the first Civil War.
Just saw this - Heroes Reborn will be Jason Aaron and Ed McGuinness and Blade will indeed be a major character in it.
"Now you know what you're worth? Then go out and get what you're worth, but you gotta be willing to take the hits. And not pointing fingers, saying you're not where you want to be because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that, and THAT AIN'T YOU. YOU'RE BETTER THAN THAT!"
~Rocky Balboa


So I read the first volume of Jason Aarons Avengers...Hearing about it,it seems like it should work,but on the actual page,its a mess. Prehistoric Avengers SOUNDS like a cool idea,but if you think about it for 5 seconds,its just dumb. Which is how I could sum up the whole thing. It tries to be this big,cool,epic,cosmic thing...but its all just dumb and kinda hollow. Final verdict- mediocre at best.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer

Silver Shocker

Yep, pretty much.

The thing with that book is you have to to kind of view it as an unintentional comedy ala The Room and laugh at it for how bat guano insane it is, in order to enjoy it. And also every single issue that spends the whole time on prehistoric Avengers is boring as sin, makes little sense and contributes little to the overall narrative. You can pretty much skip or just skim over all of them.

It's pretty much industry level fan fic (and that's a bit of an insult to fanfic. I've read some very good fanfic, and written a fanfic or two myself) And almost makes me question if Jason Aaron was ever a good writer, or, as I said a few years ago, if he's actively trolling the audience, with stuff like Coulson turning heel and leading a villainous Squadron Supreme and She-Hulk spending a whole issue opining on her status as a sex symbol and then ending the issue with her jumping into a hot tub with the other Avengers.

His Star Wars run is also pretty much fanfic by the way. Both runs almost entirely on the phrase "wouldn't it be neat with"? Wouldn't it be neat if the human race was descended from Celestial vomit? Wouldn't it be neat if Blade joined the Avengers and they fought vampire supervillains? Wouldn't it be neat if Ghost Rider rode a mastodon? Wouldn't it be neat if Ghost Rider rode the Silver Surfer's surfboard (that one was kinda cool, I concede?) Wouldn't it be neat if Black Widow had a War Machine armor? Wouldn't it be neat if Blade had a baby Man Thing on his shoulder that could form full body armor? Wouldn't it be neat if Mephisto was a Norman Osborn-esque big bad pulling the strings?

And the sheer amount of Marvel Universe wide retcons....I don't even want to think about it. The people working on the Wiki's must have been pulling their hair out when this run started coming out.

And most recently

Wouldn't it be neat if Namor had the Phoenix Force (again?) and Wouldn't it be neat if an evil Moon Knight and Khonshu curb-stomped the crap out of the Avengers, gained power over Thor's Hammer and took over the world?

At that point I just 100% just go "I don't even care anymore, just do whatever you want" and roll with it. I asked myself the question "Why am I still buying and reading this?" and the answer was 1) I don't hate it enough to drop it 2) The art is usually pretty good 3) I always read Justice League and Avengers if they have a good character roster and creative team. 4) It is kind of compelling to keep reading to see what absurd development is going to drop next.

On the plus side, Agents of Wakanda is a pretty sweet spin-off book.  :)
"Now you know what you're worth? Then go out and get what you're worth, but you gotta be willing to take the hits. And not pointing fingers, saying you're not where you want to be because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that, and THAT AIN'T YOU. YOU'RE BETTER THAN THAT!"
~Rocky Balboa


Yeah,all of this is cool on its own. Like Namor starting his own team,or Gorilla-man,Winter Guard,but somehow it doesn't work. It basically Aaron immitating Hickman immitating Morrison.
Oh yeah,build up for the first arc is Loki going: What if humans are the real virus,maaaaan?
Squadron Supreme OF AMERICA. In case we couldn't figure out they are a parody/, homage of the JLA.
"You went double gods,Dimitri. Never go double gods." Seeing that Tony Stark said this I assume its a reference.
CA to Namor: "Damn you,you nearly killed Stingray!" Nearly?He sicced the sharks on him,how the hell did he survived that?!
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer

Silver Shocker

Well some of this we talked about that in this very thread when it came out.

Here's me, June 2018:

QuoteOh, here's one I meant to do:

Avengers #2 by Aaron and McGuinness, aka "Marvel, PLEASE for the love of Rao kill off Loki forever!"

So pretty standard Avengers story, meet, fight, team up, followup to that godawful hot garbage caveman thing from the Marvel Legacy One Shot, whatever. But because someone really hates me, it's interspersed with Loki-sempei going on a Doc-Ock rant about how great he is and how much Daddy mistreated him and how he's the REAL greatest Avenger ever and why won't everybody just bow down and acknowledge his greatness and blah blah blah get a blog already! I don't think I've ever been more sick of Loki-sempei than I am after this comic, and I really really REALLY hope this arc ends with someone giving him an epic Luffy-style punch in the face. It doesn't matter who. It can be Jarvis for all I care. On the plus side, apparently Comic!Loki fans hate it too because at the moment it appears to be ignoring years of Loki development, but that requires you to start from a scene logic that posits that Loki snarking his way all over the place because movie isn't the most tedious effing thing ever.

Here's you right after:

Quote from: HarryTrotterI cant say anything about the Avengers,that I havent already.Franchise needed a kick in the rear,but I doubt Aaron is the man for the job.Well,I cant think of anyone who would be at this point.

Here's me, Aug 2018:

Quote(Toys-R-Us lives on in Canada!   :thumbup: )

We talked about this in the "best comics of 2020" thread.

In May 2019, pg 124 of this thread, you and I extensively discussed the Squadron Supreme of America, and I specifically mentioned the "Of America." part.

Man, going over my original posts about this run, I'd forgotten just how poor some of the writing and dialogue in it really was. And the fact that these plotlines are still going on a year and a half or so later. Wow, Jason Aaron really had the freedom to play the long game. Not every writer gets that freedom.

Quoteand I'm only mildly curious to see where it actually goes since Aaron's run has been nothing if not all over the place (It's about caveman Avengers! It's about Namor! Now it's about the Russian superheroes! Now it's about The Squadron Supreme! Now it's about vampires!)

Here's you:

Quote from: HarryTrotterAlso,as I probably mentioned a few times,DC dropped the "of America" part 10 years ago,so this is a bit of a late jab.

Me again:

QuoteTony Stark: Look, I've never considered myself an enemy of DC. There have been times you could even say I was a big fan. No matter the regime, they've always had people there who do great work. It's in all of our best interests that they do great work. But it's always seem to me they spend too much time worried about us, and annoyed we spend so little worried about them. [...] So hate us all you like. But deep down, you damn well know you wanna BE us. You wanna scream with all your might...MAKE MINE AVENGERS!

That's not to say we always know what we're doing around here. Even when it looks like we do, we probably made it up on the fly. We're good at that. It just means things get WEIRD sometimes. But you know what ol' Tony Stark always says...If ain't weird, you ain't trying.

Gee, Jason Aaron, tell us how you really feel! I mean, come on! Half of that barely even fits the metaphor, if at all! To quote Giles from Buffy: The subtext is rapidly becoming text.

You again:

QuoteIm sensing some resentment there.Did DC did something to you while you were young,Jason? This is Warren Ellis level of "spontanous" rant.
#DiDioManBad I guess?

Here's me, Dec 2019:

QuoteAlso Blade's in the Avengers now, because why not I guess. Time to reboot Blade in the movies?

Huh, in that same post I pointed out that Infinity Wars: Sleepwalker was setting up the return of the Secret Defenders. I don't think that ever happened.

And now I'm back.

Quote"You went double gods,Dimitri. Never go double gods." Seeing that Tony Stark said this I assume its a reference.
I understood that reference. Probably one of the better moments of writing in Aaron's run, really.

Stingray (not the guy from Cobra Kai): I surprisingly didn't comment on this at the time, but yeah, that was some bullcrap. Guy was attacked by Namor, then left to the sharks. If the wound from Namor's attack wouldn't kill him, and the sharks wouldn't, the pressure's of the ocean floor would. Duke's "coma" from G.l. Joe the movie was more convincing than that.

I don't think I've ever seen less effort to have a character not be dead other than just having them appear in a story like their death never happened.
"Now you know what you're worth? Then go out and get what you're worth, but you gotta be willing to take the hits. And not pointing fingers, saying you're not where you want to be because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that, and THAT AIN'T YOU. YOU'RE BETTER THAN THAT!"
~Rocky Balboa


Well,this is kinda embarrassing. Or this whole run isn't all that memorable.
Speaking of Loki and Odin...makes me wonder how much of Norse mythology happened in the Marvel universe. Cuz at one point Thor wears a dress so he could marry this giant and steal his hammer back.
Btw, Ultimate Avengers did an arc about vampires and Blade (okay, probably every superteam fought vampires once or twice),and did it better. Say what you will,but Millar can write a fun superhero comic when he wants.
Also,we are clearly going to have another arc with Dracula. And Red Widow is probably somebody we know. Just guessing.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer

Silver Shocker

Quote from: HarryTrotter on January 29, 2021, 12:24:18 PM
Well,this is kinda embarrassing. Or this whole run isn't all that memorable.
Oh I left out an ENORMOUS amount of discussion between you and me about the Squadron Supreme of America.

QuoteSpeaking of Loki and Odin...makes me wonder how much of Norse mythology happened in the Marvel universe. Cuz at one point Thor wears a dress so he could marry this giant and steal his hammer back.
Well, considering in Norse lore Loki also turned into a female horse and bred.....yeah, some stuff doesn't make it in. As for Thor having to be in drag.....yeah, I'm not going to lie, I kinda wanna see Hemsworth do that.

QuoteBtw, Ultimate Avengers did an arc about vampires and Blade (okay, probably every superteam fought vampires once or twice),and did it better. Say what you will,but Millar can write a fun superhero comic when he wants.
I read that back in the day. I liked it!
And of course, Red Son is genuinely great. It's the most tasteful thing I've ever seen from Mark Miller that wasn't aimed specifically at kids. I want to stress, the gritty deconstruction about Superman being raised by Soviet Russia was Miller's most tasteful story. That says a lot.

QuoteAlso,we are clearly going to have another arc with Dracula. And Red Widow is probably somebody we know. Just guessing.

Well considering ol' Vlad is on one of the recent covers front and center...

As for Red Widow:

They still haven't revealed it yet. But an upcoming issue has a silhouetted figure on the cover, which is always code for "SPOILERS! START GETTING CAUGHT UP!" So I'll be reading some more terrible Avengers fanfic very soon.
"Now you know what you're worth? Then go out and get what you're worth, but you gotta be willing to take the hits. And not pointing fingers, saying you're not where you want to be because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that, and THAT AIN'T YOU. YOU'RE BETTER THAN THAT!"
~Rocky Balboa


Oh right, Hyperion punts somebody over the Canadian border. I completely forgot.

I know Im something of a Millar apologist,but he gets Superman. His run on Adventures of Superman is great. And Superior is basically a love letter to Christopher Reeves movies. So Red Son is far from his best stories. On the Marvel side,1985 is pretty good. Its like Last Action Hero with 80's Marvel.
Like I mentioned before,Dracula also plays a role in Ravencroft. It would be funny if he gets the next event.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer

Silver Shocker

Adventures of Superman is indeed quite good. But that hardly takes away from Red Son. Lex gets a lot more done in that story than in Superman TAS.

I forgot to mention, ol' Dracul also makes a cameo in King in Black, according the Marvel wiki.
"Now you know what you're worth? Then go out and get what you're worth, but you gotta be willing to take the hits. And not pointing fingers, saying you're not where you want to be because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that, and THAT AIN'T YOU. YOU'RE BETTER THAN THAT!"
~Rocky Balboa


Oh yeah,Thors son Modi is a villain in the Ultimates,so somebody remembered that part. Well,I tied the two topics together.
Anyway,moving on,Dracula planned for the whole thing,because ofc he did. Plot twist. Good thing the Russians went with it instead of just killing him after he told them whatever it is they wanted. Blade gets Boy-Thing.  :D And Thor transforms into a dog? Hm,must have missed something.
I checked the wiki and this plot pick up in Wolverine,with Dracula getting a transfusion of Wolverines blood so he can withstand sunlight. Congratulations,current Wolverine writer,you actually outdid Aaron.  :D
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer

Silver Shocker

QuoteAnyway,moving on,Dracula planned for the whole thing,because ofc he did. Plot twist.

As I said, Aaron does like to make the run as long and complex as possible. As I said earlier, he does the same thing with Mephisto.

QuoteAnd Thor transforms into a dog? Hm,must have missed something.

Thor also half-transforms into a Brood when they go into space, because...I assume, Wolverine did in Claremont's run of X-Men, and if one character in Marvel transforms into something or takes on a certain superhero mantle, then whole swaths of them have to at some point. I mean, who HASN'T gotten a symbiote at this point?

QuoteI checked the wiki and this plot pick up in Wolverine,with Dracula getting a transfusion of Wolverines blood so he can withstand sunlight. Congratulations,current Wolverine writer,you actually outdid Aaron.

Well, if Captain America's blood and the Hulk's blood can give people powers, and Khan Nunien Sigh's powers can heal you, then Wolverine's blood giving people powers seems pretty reasonable. Which raises a Galactus-sized plot hole during the "Death of X" storyline, unless they covered their tracks, and I'm guessing they didn't cover their tracks on that one.

They do revamp Dracula a lot, but they also change him several times in the Coppola movie (to say nothing of the Castlevania games), so I can't really complain about that.
"Now you know what you're worth? Then go out and get what you're worth, but you gotta be willing to take the hits. And not pointing fingers, saying you're not where you want to be because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that, and THAT AIN'T YOU. YOU'RE BETTER THAN THAT!"
~Rocky Balboa


Eh,I don't have a definite version of Dracula... probably Christopher Lee...
Khans blood being magical is probably the dumbest thing in Into Darkness. Which is really saying something.

Back to ASM,well Last Rites was kinda anticlimactic. But clearly,this Kindred thing isn't over,so there will probably be another showdown...And the Spider-people call themselves The Order. Thats a terrible name on several levels.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer

Silver Shocker

It's also taken. There was also a super hero team called The Order, as part of the Fifty States Initiative, in their own series by Fraction that tied into his Iron Man run by using Ezekiel Stane. I read it back in the day. I remember liking it.

In ASM the group of Spider-Man-adjacent characters were also called "Spider-Friends", which was the in-universe term used in Spider-Man And His Amazing Friends.
"Now you know what you're worth? Then go out and get what you're worth, but you gotta be willing to take the hits. And not pointing fingers, saying you're not where you want to be because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that, and THAT AIN'T YOU. YOU'RE BETTER THAN THAT!"
~Rocky Balboa


Right,the California team. Its also been used out of the universe. And it's just generic.
Fractions Iron Man started strong,but I lost interest after Tony had to bow down to Doc Ock and kiss his tentacle.
Oh yeah,whatever happened to Doc Ock in the cloned Spiderman body? I think Superior volume 2 lasted for only 12 or so issues.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer

Nyte Dragon

Quote from: HarryTrotter on January 30, 2021, 08:33:37 AM
the Spider-people call themselves The Order. Thats a terrible name on several levels.

I know, right. They could have went with 'The Web' or 'The Cluster' (what a group of spiders are called.) and that's right off the top of my head. I swear though, I was half expecting them to name the group 'The Spider-Friends'.

Ohhhh, and just as I was typing this, another name popped in my head... 'The Collective'.
We're all stories, in the end. Just make it a good one, eh?
 ⁓Doctor Who


According to the wiki its the Order of The less generic?
Mr Negative is back. Never really cared for him,but okay.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer

Silver Shocker

See, I was a fan of Mister Negative, and he was one of the main villains in the Spider-Man PS4 game and that's game's awesome and he was done rather well in it.
He's also getting at the very least a brief reference to him in the next Spider-Man movie, so you may be seeing a lot more of him.

Also, yes, Order of the Web was mentioned earlier in the storyarc.

QuoteI swear though, I was half expecting them to name the group 'The Spider-Friends'.

If you didn't see my post earlier in this conversation, I did in fact mention that they DO call themselves that in the book as well, including the recap page. They just don't do it in an official capacity.

QuoteFractions Iron Man started strong,but I lost interest after Tony had to bow down to Doc Ock and kiss his tentacle.

I actually forgot about that. Ugh.

QuoteOh yeah,whatever happened to Doc Ock in the cloned Spiderman body? I think Superior volume 2 lasted for only 12 or so issues.

Check my post about Otto in the "Marvel - bring someone back and kill someone off" thread. I went into detail about what ol' Otto's been up to short version, he's back as the classic style Doc Ock and back to being a villain, without the brain damage, after making a deal with (of course) Mephisto, who implied Ock was faking or exaggerating the brain damage as an excuse to be an a-hole.

I refuse to read the book because I know full well I'm not going to enjoy it, but bless our beloved based Christos Gage for sabotaging the "Superior" Spider-Man from the inside. He is truly one of us. He outright admitted to the fans he had Otto torture Blackheart in the annual for the main Superior book because it was "the kind of thing that character would do."

The "original" Otto is dead. The current one is a "duplicate" that he transfers his memories and personality into. And all the supposed morality he downloaded from Peter, that in no way deterred him from being a power mad, insufferable jerk? All gone, like it didn't happen. Every single thing Slott did with the character is now undone. As the fans on reddit said when Spencer took over, "Get wrecked Slott."  :D [Edit: my bad, it was Tumblr. Not reddit.]

Meanwhile, in Champions/Outlawed:

I just started reading issue #1 the other night. I'm actually really enjoying it, as I said in the other thread. Yes, it's literally a retread of Civil War but specifically for underage teenage superheroes (which begs the question why Power Pack have a book that's part of it, since every one of them should be over 21 by now and Alex and Julie especially, but oh well).

It's handled....mostly well. While I should be peeved that the inciting incident is Viv Vision exploding and I adore that character, she's on the cover to a later issue and she's a synthezoid, like her father before her, AND she's been dead before, so I'm just assuming she'll be back by the end of the mini.

Anyway, Miss Marvel's big broadcast is of particular note. It's a very large wall of text and we can get a few different comments, observations and digs out of just that one scene.

Spoiler tag for story details and because this is a long one. And a little bit ranty.

All commentary by me added in brackets and bold.

"It is now illegal for anyone under the age of 21 to operate as a super hero. [You know, there's an old saying: old enough to kill, old enough to frak (only they don't say "frak")] They say this law is about our safety, but noone seems to care about our safety when adults are doing harmful things all over the world [...] The Champions have always been about standing up against what's wrong [...] and doing the work that the ADULT super hero community is too busy fighting amongst themselves to DO. [Don't worry, I'll get to it at the end. I can sum up a lot of this with one joke.] We will be the generation that refuses to accept injustice [Hey, Injustice is a really good game! Sure, the narrative might be a bit forced and tiresome, but the actual game is fantastic!] Even if that makes us the Outlaw Generation."

Spidey, You want to field this one:

Peter Parker: I am so tired.

Nick, you want to field this one?

Nick: %^&* please, you've been to space.

"I take it she didn't consult you on this, Miles?"

Miles: "Not at ALL. She's speaking for the whole team. But this is a decision she made on her own. That's really not like her."

There, we're up to speed. Okay, guys, I just need a minute to say, Spoony, you want to field this one?


Look, I know Kamala has her fans. I enjoy her half the time, I hope her Disney Plus show is good, it's Marvel Studios, so I KNOW it will be, and the young actress playing her looks promising, and I like the voice actress that plays her in the cartoons. But the other half of the time, as I talked about before with this specific team book (and its direct predecessor, All-New Avengers), she's a brat, a hypocrite, and a bully. And she did this specific crap all the damn time, and got called out for it by the audience AND the characters in the book.

I understand it's a new writer, and otherwise I've been enjoying it. But I expect the writer to at least do a once over on what actually happened in this team book, and be honest about it, and not sugar coat it because the characters are friends, because teenage ansgt and conflict within the team is kinda the name of the game.

Even Mark Waid, by his own admission in an interview (I mentioned this in this very thread years ago) knew to tone this crap down in Champions because people didn't like it, hence them going into space and whatnot. And it was a better book for it. No, not because it wasn't tackling social issues anymore, that's ludicrous. It's the lifeblood of science fiction and superhero comics have done it for decades. But because they didn't make the main character and leader of the team a glorified tyrant and fascist in the progress. She was one gunshot kill away from being Rick Grimes, aka The Rictator, from The Walking Dead. And what do you know, here we are.

Congrats, Ms. Marvel, you have in fact made it to the big leagues. Because you are now Tony Stark. Civil War Tony Stark. But then again, that WAS Carol's role in CW II as I understand it (I didn't read it), so that's kinda appropriate. But if you really think the young generation knows better, you should know NOT TO DO THIS CRAP AND TO TALK TO YOUR TEAMMATES FIRST.  Even Tony did that.

Somewhere out there Cassie Lang is flipping you off, which is appropriate, because you wrote fanfic of her where you shipped her with another character I don't think she's ever actually interacted with.

This isn't Civil War. That was Team Fascist vs Team Not Fascist, this is Kamala fighting fascistic behavior with the same at her own team's expense for no logical reason. Even the X-Men would call this crap out.  (And PLEASE don't bring real life politics into this. We clearly can't talk about that in a "civil" manner and there's plenty here from just an in-universe context to pick apart)

And it's not even Cosmic Cube tampering either. She's just this stupid and badly written. And the funny thing is, most of the young heroes would have probably have stood with her in solidarity if she didn't throw them under the bus, but after this, she deserves to be thrown off the team like Batman from Tower of Babel or Carol from Live Kree or Die or Cyclops after he killed Xavier, because every single bad thing that happens going forward in this book is her own fault.

So yeah, book's still pretty good, but that part was kinda dumb. Kinda really dumb actually.

But hey, maybe I'm overreacting. Let's see what the scans_daily community had to say about this storyline:

""(Hey, who put "well-meaning but misguided" on this thing? Get that crap off there!)"

Ah, you found the Val Cooper / Senator Kelly spot.

It's right between Henry Gyrich's "well, the a$$hole does have a point" and Maria Hill's "stop helping, you're making it worse" spots."

"Stories like this are why I stopped buying Marvel."

"This will lead to nothing but horrible, terrible and bad outcome scenarios in the super-community."

"Every time the Marvel Universe tries to legislate minors with superpowers, the end result is *always* government-sanctioned child soldiers.

Never forget Cloud 9."

Yeah, that's about right. And those were some of the more polite comments. And that was for the Outlawed one-shot, one issue before this.

You know what? After I'm done reading this mini (it's not all out yet), depending on how it shakes out, I'm tempted to support Linkara's Patreon in order to get him to review the book, because he did a Patreon review of the Champions arc where Miles makes a deal with Mephisto and gave it a good review on the grounds that it was a lot better than One More Day. And it WAS, though me and Linkara have different reasons for WHY we consider it vastly superior (no pun intended). But I'm kinda curious what he must think about this one. It's Civil War with bad writing turning Kamala Khan into Tony Stark. Yeah, that's a conversation starter right there.
"Now you know what you're worth? Then go out and get what you're worth, but you gotta be willing to take the hits. And not pointing fingers, saying you're not where you want to be because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that, and THAT AIN'T YOU. YOU'RE BETTER THAN THAT!"
~Rocky Balboa


Continuing with the Avengers,this is the Family Guy of comics. I only keep up with it to see how absurd can it get.
-She-Hulk spends 2 issues complaining how she used to be objectified. Deadpool shows up to remark how she used to be like him,before him.   :rolleyes: Then everyone jumps into a jacuzzi.
- An actual troll: Thor is his name,not a legacy.How could anyone else be...[gets beat up]. This really is a Family Guy skit.
- Only reason for the She-Hulk change is that they couldn't use the Hulk because he was being rebooted. Why didn't they find another big guy,thou?
- Ghost Riders origin story is that he used to be a street racer,then got killed by drug dealers. But the car possesed by the spirit of his serial killer uncle. Congratz dude,you are the second edgiest person around.
-Frank Castle, Cosmic Rider. Why is this fanwankery even a thing? This really is fanfiction territory.
-I don't want to repeat the things about Squadron Supreme of America...this is a General Glory level parody. Only this is meant to be taken seriously.
-Black Widow having an armor is another thing from the Ultimates.
-Something about Namor and Squadron Supreme. Nobody points out that the previous Squadron killed him. Missed opportunity.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer