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Started by ghazkul, January 09, 2009, 10:51:26 PM

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I always wished somebody would do Captain America Jr.
Veritas et probitas super omnia.


Spider-Boy is on my list.

What does Captain America Jr look like?


A lot of them have been done. I have two different Darkclaws, even. And two Spider-Boys. And two Super-Soldiers. And two Iron Lanterns. And...


Hmm... Maybe I ought to do the Nightcreeper.


Captain America Jr. is sort of Captain Marvel Jr. with a Cap shield.  I'll try to find a visual reference.
Veritas et probitas super omnia.


Night Creeper was done by DMenacer.


Referances are here and I'd be willing to do Captain America Jr.


Well here is a preview of Junior. He is essentially done accept for a few minor things. He is on Tommyboy's Cap_America_tvlite mesh.


This is great! Just an idea, if somone would be willing of course: Would it be possible to alter one of the wolverine_gren meshes to make a dark claw?  Even just add a cape and get a new skin.
"Roads, Where we're going we don't need... Roads"

laughing paradox

Great Captain America Jr, ks!

I would love to do some of the Judgment League of America members. Some.. if not a lot.. of them should be pretty easy to do.

Canary, Mercury, Goliath, Angelhawk, Captain Marvel. Wonder Girl.. yeah, I think I may do some of them.

Oh, and I had an excellent Amazon skin by.. somebody. Send me your email and I'll ship it off.


Captain America Jr. looks great, ks. Thanks. And someone already did an Amalgam Captain Marvel (combining both companies' characters of that name). I can find it when I'm at at my other computer.
Veritas et probitas super omnia.


Quote from: docdelorean88 on January 11, 2009, 05:14:47 AM
This is great! Just an idea, if somone would be willing of course: Would it be possible to alter one of the wolverine_gren meshes to make a dark claw?  Even just add a cape and get a new skin.

Sorry, meant Wolverine_ Ren. Just asking how plossible this is.
"Roads, Where we're going we don't need... Roads"


Here are the Amalgam skins I have gathered over the years: Iron Lantern, Spiderboy, Captain Marvel, Night Devil, Super Soldier (a particular favorite by Juancho), Access, Cobalt, Antimony, Mercury and Speed Demon. Email me and I'll ship any along you like.
Veritas et probitas super omnia.


...and I have two Darkclaws for Male Alpha. Maybe a scoped mesh is in order...

... and looking back at my response to Unko, it is rather cold and kind of dictatorial sounding. If you do another Night Creeper, I'll download it and use it.


Oh, no. I didn't take it that way at all, man. Just stating what was what, and actually I'm glad it was skinned already. I barely ever accomplish a skin these days, and my list doesn't really need anything more.

Would you be able to tell me where to get DMenacer's?


Um... That's a good question.


Well if you guys are intersted I've thrown together another skin. Captain Marvel ala Amalgamized. Also if you guys can tell me of a Nightcrawler mesh that is OK to scope. I could probably throw together Nightcreeper fairly easy.


Great job, I really like this amalgam character.  :thumbup:
Well done!


Quote from: kssaints on January 13, 2009, 04:46:00 AM
Also if you guys can tell me of a Nightcrawler mesh that is OK to scope. I could probably throw together Nightcreeper fairly easy.

Is Val's not okay? If not I'm sure tommyboy's got an equivalent tail somewhere. He's gotta!

Oh PS: Nice Cap Marvel skin... I love that costume, and in fact ripped it off for one of my own heroes.


Quote from: UnkoMan on January 13, 2009, 03:26:33 PM
Quote from: kssaints on January 13, 2009, 04:46:00 AM
Also if you guys can tell me of a Nightcrawler mesh that is OK to scope. I could probably throw together Nightcreeper fairly easy.

Is Val's not okay? If not I'm sure tommyboy's got an equivalent tail somewhere. He's gotta!

I believe Ink and Vertex(as Bobby69) did a Nightcrawler as well......both are ok to skope.


I have many many Amalgam skins in the works..... Of course I have been having a heck of a time getting a Dark Claw skope.... (hint...hint)


Aw crap. Kssaint,  you beat me to Captain Marvel! He's looking good though. If someone else wants to take Spider-boy in hopes of getting him within the next week or so fine by me. He's just always been on my to-do list because I loved him and the JLX from that crossover.

Champion 2 of 11

The JLX was my favorite team in the Amalgam line too AA! Would love to see someone take them on!


Quote from: billdamn22 on January 14, 2009, 01:04:12 PM
I have many many Amalgam skins in the works..... Of course I have been having a heck of a time getting a Dark Claw skope.... (hint...hint)
Yeah, Hint hint... :D
"Roads, Where we're going we don't need... Roads"


Hey, while i'm thinking about it, a long time ago before i knew what a skin was. I had downloaded this picture of a super soldier skin. I just got two supersoldier skins and those weren't them. Anyone know who made it? I'm gonna look for the picture,maybe i still have it on one of these computers.
"Roads, Where we're going we don't need... Roads"


Quote from: docdelorean88 on January 14, 2009, 09:55:03 PM
Hey, while i'm thinking about it, a long time ago before i knew what a skin was. I had downloaded this picture of a super soldier skin. I just got two supersoldier skins and those weren't them. Anyone know who made it? I'm gonna look for the picture,maybe i still have it on one of these computers.

Yeah... Ain't Got it. Guess it got deleted. I am not too sure, though, i thought it was from... what was the name... that uh, German Super Team Website. You know who i'm talking about, the guy with the Green Lederhosen. Oh, well. Any ideas?
"Roads, Where we're going we don't need... Roads"


I've got two Super Soldier skins, both for Male Shield, neither one with a readme file, so I have no idea where they came from.

I did Captain Marvel too. He should be at CO2. I believe I released hm the same time I did Captain Kal-El.


I remembered! Gamma Patrol Lichtenstein... :lol: I think that is where it was from. Maybe... :blink:
"Roads, Where we're going we don't need... Roads"


Let me know when somebody does a Lobo the Duck skope.