AfghanAnt Artistic Advances 7/8/16 - Marvel Adventures Exclusives

Started by AfghanAnt, January 11, 2009, 02:12:59 AM

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awesome like usual love the apollo design  :thumbup:


Thanks everyone - I've got  huge backlog of skins to release but before I do I plan on finishing Ms Martin, Bombshell, and Powerboy (all of which I've started), Batman Begins, and Midnighter.

Oh and as for the straps on Apollo, Tommyboy's Supergirl's belt.


Quote from: AfghanAnt on December 05, 2009, 01:55:00 AM
Thanks everyone - I've got  huge backlog of skins to release but before I do I plan on finishing Ms Martin, Bombshell, and Powerboy (all of which I've started), Batman Begins, and Midnighter.

Oh and as for the straps on Apollo, Tommyboy's Supergirl's belt.
Do my eyes deceive me? I'm very excited... :)
"Roads, Where we're going we don't need... Roads"

laughing paradox

I love that Apollo, AA. The details are insane.


Apollo (Redesign by Vejicakes)
Midnighter (Redesign by AfghanAnt)
I liked a lot of elements of Vejicake's Apollo redesign so I "redesigned" Midnighter. I am not sure I should even call it a redesign because his costume has been so inconsistent since Hitch stopped drawing him.

BTW I am in love with Tomato's finger meshes. I know the VX meshes have always been around but these really neat. So far this is the third skope/skin I've done for the mesh (I actually moved Ren's Black Hand's head over to the male basic to create the correct profile for Midnighter) and I think might try a female skope/skin next and then I need to refocus on the mod (I've been side tracked).

EDIT: Quick question does anyone see cartoony Richard Gere and Michael Keaton? I wasn't going for either of them when I was skinning but for some reason I see them now. Weird.


Great work man. Really solid stuff! :thumbup:
I can't help it that I look so good baby! I'm just a love machine!


Get my skins at:
my Google page


I really like the facework on all 3 of your latest skins. I'd say I could see a little bit of Michael Keaton on Midnighter. I really like how you made his face looks less cartoony. Very awesome work. Great job on the costumes too. :cool:


Stunning work AA! :cool:

The Midnighter redesign is easily one of your best skins to date! :thumbup:
Clothes make the man and colourful tights make the Super-Hero.


I have to agree, truely amazing work! Will you be sticking just to these two, or have any of the other Authority members caught your eye? I imagine you could do awe inspiring things with (my personal fave) the Engineer.


Quote from: Courtnall6 on December 07, 2009, 10:53:30 PM
Stunning work AA! :cool:

The Midnighter redesign is easily one of your best skins to date! :thumbup:

I concure! ^_^
The Ultimate Fan!

Tame Fisher

Fantastic stuff as always. The Apollo in particular showcases, superhuman ability to give characters amazing hair.  :lol:

laughing paradox

Midnighter looks unbelievable. That face is superb.




Very cool, you've even got the gun in there.

Looks like I've got some downloading to do.
Get my skins at:
my Google page


Merry Christmas SantaAnt!
Thank you!
I love how you've even put the clasps on Batman's cape.  Wow!


"Roads, Where we're going we don't need... Roads"


Fantastic work as usual AA! Amazing face work...really looks like Christian Bale without the need for photoskinning. I love the "gold" in the eyes. Well done! :thumbup: One thing though...the bat symbol on the chest is really lost. That "highlight" line running horizontally is only thing prevalent on the chest....the symbol just looks like a shadow.
I can't help it that I look so good baby! I'm just a love machine!


Real nice AA. And congrats on landing the big gig. :thumbup:


Thanks every.

Cass, I can see the symbol fine. Maybe your gamma settings are different than my own.

OH - If you've download Superman Returns redownload it. I had didn't save the dds correctly on the extras file.


superb work, but i agree with the symbol, the highlight kills it. it's quite hard to make out


Bat symbol has been updated, redownload.


awesome skins I'm still fascinated with the faces  :thumbup:


Wow, great job  :thumbup: and congratz on the dream job


Great luck AA!! All the great work you did on the Teen Titans, have you thought about any other teams to turn your attentions to? I can imagine you could great things with a team like, say, the JSA. Cyclone, Stargirl and Magog alone would look amazing in your style.


Dude, please don't revive threads nearly a month old to make thinly veiled requests. it's bad manners. Wait until AA gets back in the game, THEN make the thinly veiled request. Otherwise you just come off pushy.


Hey AA, I missed that bit of good news.  Congrats!
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!


I'm always at a loss to say something about your work AA - I kinda feel stupid because whats to say really, your work is the best hands down - I feel inspired to make art every time I see something of yours & C6's - So thanks for the Skins & inspiration boost! :blink:


Quote from: ghazkul on January 16, 2010, 11:16:03 PM
Great luck AA!! All the great work you did on the Teen Titans, have you thought about any other teams to turn your attentions to? I can imagine you could great things with a team like, say, the JSA. Cyclone, Stargirl and Magog alone would look amazing in your style.

I do not read JSA nor do I have any interest in skinning those characters. Also to answer your veiled requested from the skoping section I  have no interest in skoping or skinning Danger. There are really only three time periods I loved the X-Men (Second Gen X-Men aka Giant Sized X-Men), Jim Lee era (what can I say I fell in love with ninja Psylocke as a pre-teen boy), and New X-Men (which save Fantomex and Eva, I have finished). So yeah...

Anywho, I do plan on skinning Fantomex and EVA because frankly people forget how awesome he is. After that I'm not sure and I really don't take request. I do have a Power Boy and Miss Martian I need to finish but I'm probably going back on a skinning vacation after they are done.

Thanks to everyone who congratulated me on the new job, I love it and I think I'm doing very well.