AfghanAnt Artistic Advances 7/8/16 - Marvel Adventures Exclusives

Started by AfghanAnt, January 11, 2009, 02:12:59 AM

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Quote from: UnkoMan on September 22, 2010, 06:14:08 PM
Impressive. I'm glad my comment prompted you to show off.

But almost I'm crying now. How can I ever achieve such greatness?

Well my friend maybe it's time that you jumped back in the game and found out. :rolleyes: :P :D
I can't help it that I look so good baby! I'm just a love machine!


Yeah Unko. You made a lot of great skins yourself. If you have time to spare, why not let AA's work be a source of inspiration for you to skin again.  :P


sorry for the stupid question, but, where can I get those skins, I didn´t find them at Freedom Force


Quote from: Outcast on September 23, 2010, 03:20:26 AM
Yeah Unko. You made a lot of great skins yourself. If you have time to spare, why not let AA's work be a source of inspiration for you to skin again.  :P

Quoted for truth.

Quote from: PsychoDan on September 23, 2010, 04:29:26 PM
sorry for the stupid question, but, where can I get those skins, I didn´t find them at Freedom Force

I don't think he's released them yet.

John Jr.

The Hitman


These aren't released yet and most of these skins are exclusive to my Heralds of Destiny mod and a possible YA mod.

Thanks everyone.


So I'm working on a new mod (yes Heralds is still coming soon) that is set in its own universe but is very familiar. So here are a few of the characters who will be in the mod. :)

The Four

Created for an avatar challenge, it was a team that was parodying a few FR members and the Fantastic Four. There has always been a soft spot in my heart for these four so I decided I wanted to include them in my new mod.

Updated Four

Same guy, you've always know. He's a little older and his outlook on life is a little realer.

Contingency T
Probably my favorite new design and character, he was initially created for someone else but when I realized I missed the mark a little on what they wanted and my utter love for the personality I thought up when creating him I knew I had to include him into my mod. He's a member of a superhero team called The Silent Majority. I was thinking about that horrible costume Jubilee had during the Aussie year of X-Men.

I probably wont show anymore previews for the new mod because I've just started modding it (yes I'm attempting to make a mod myself with the help of m25's amazing program) and I honestly want there to be a surprise factor.


They all look great! What an incredible improvement for the four. You've really come along way, and they were quite nice before but now... wow!


Absolutely gorgeous! The designs, the colors, the details...terrific!


I can't help it that I look so good baby! I'm just a love machine!


There is a lot of personality oozing out of your work, AA.  It is really impressive.  You've set the bar very, very high. 

laughing paradox


Really cool stuff AA. The last one, Contingency T, is particularly cool.
Get my skins at:
my Google page


That's pretty awesome AA. All those minor details with The Four really make that set shine. :thumbup:

Sioux City Dynamo

Hi AA,

Great origional designs and characters! I love the details and the colors!!



All those details really make a difference and it shows in your characters. I like the diagram you made for Contingency T as well.


These all look great but that Contingency T character really stands out, he has a very unique design and a very interesting theme going for him not to mention that beautiful skin wrapped around him.

Figure Fan

Awesome characters/skins! I'm especially impressed with The Reep.



Why thank you everyone.   :D I've finally finished up all the skins for the first mission so tonight before Fringe I'm going to try and put it together (I want to move quickly on this mod).

Amazo Version 2.2

contingency t looks fantastic, as do the others, this sounds very promising. good luck on the mod.
For anyone, and everyone, who has ever done anything to improve the FF/FFvs3R gaming experience, I want to say thank you. Life is so short, and you have all brought me so much joy. I hope that one day, I am somehow able to return the kindness and generosity that all of you have shown.

Figure Fan

I'm curious as to who Dr. Obscure is slightly based on? So far, I've gotten Fusion, Glitch Girl, and Reepicheep. There's only one malleable hero I know in this joint ^_^

Also, will you be releasing your X-Men and Avengers skins with the mod, or will they only be available within it? *crosses fingers for those Phoenix skins*

John Jr.

The skins and skopes are great, AA, and the characters are very creative.
Great job!


Quote from: Figure Fan on October 21, 2010, 06:36:16 PM
I'm curious as to who Dr. Obscure is slightly based on? So far, I've gotten Fusion, Glitch Girl, and Reepicheep. There's only one malleable hero I know in this joint ^_^

Hey! What am I; chopped silly-putty? But it ain't me, either...


Quote from: Figure Fan on October 21, 2010, 06:36:16 PM
I'm curious as to who Dr. Obscure is slightly based on? So far, I've gotten Fusion, Glitch Girl, and Reepicheep. There's only one malleable hero I know in this joint ^_^

Also, will you be releasing your X-Men and Avengers skins with the mod, or will they only be available within it? *crosses fingers for those Phoenix skins*

He's based on you - when I originally did made him he was called Obscure because you had the tk ava and then became the elastic one. Initially he was just going to use the mutator attribute but I liked this idea of hard plastic weapons for a plastic surgeon.  I really liked the your goggles so those made it into the original and current design also.

As for the skins, they will be released in the mod to make people download it. It really is worth the download.


Hey AA, those are some amazing skins!  While the character concepts themselves are not really my cup of tea, you've created some beautifully realized designs.  Let me also add my admiration CT.  I love the eclectic look of that skope/skin, like some of the neater designs in your Heralds mod.
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!


Quote from: BentonGrey on October 21, 2010, 11:43:44 PM
Hey AA, those are some amazing skins!  While the character concepts themselves are not really my cup of tea, you've created some beautifully realized designs.  Let me also add my admiration CT.  I love the eclectic look of that skope/skin, like some of the neater designs in your Heralds mod.

Ah thanks. The FOUR aren't suppose to be likable - I mean they have their charm but they are suppose to be examples of comic "realism". When I was thinking up the new concepts for this mod it was what would traditional superheroes do in a world of heroes and villains created by Grant Morrison and Warren Ellis.