AfghanAnt Artistic Advances 7/8/16 - Marvel Adventures Exclusives

Started by AfghanAnt, January 11, 2009, 02:12:59 AM

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Amazo Version 2.2

your attention to detail is amazing, i would never have the attention span to do that.
For anyone, and everyone, who has ever done anything to improve the FF/FFvs3R gaming experience, I want to say thank you. Life is so short, and you have all brought me so much joy. I hope that one day, I am somehow able to return the kindness and generosity that all of you have shown.



The Jersey Devils

Here is a group of baddies for Weird World. Unko and I had this idea of using the Jersey Devil and I just loved this idea of them being a motorcycle family from the Pines (South Jersey).
From Left to Right:
Daisy Devil - a big mama brute who is a take no-sense type.  Daisy is extremely strong and has limited flight (she get super exhausted from flying).
Dixie Devil - the tracker of the team. Daisy can fly, is extremely nimble, and can breathe flame. She is also a drunk and often passes out mid-fight.
Mason Devil - a brawler who is extremely balanced and good in close quarters. Crazy and enrages easily even with his own family.
Dixon Devil -  the leader of the Devils. He totes a hellfire shotgun but isn't exceptionally good with on the count of his blindness from drinking bathtub moonshine. 

The Corpse

A creation of Unkoman's wonderful imagination. I just jazzed up my skope and skin a little.

Dorian Graves

Another one of Unko's creation. A tortured artist-type who is a serial killer. It is weird but originally this white suit was skinned for my Shepard character. Unfortunately I couldn't figure out how he fit - plus I wanted to skin that amazing mask. I want to create this murderous gang of artists - they would be  Warhol's Superstars meets the Manson Family. So one would be a songtress, a few young graffiti artists, maybe a few dancers - who knows if I'll ever design them.


I knew Unkoman design a "Witch-Girl" but I opted for a riff of the Wicked Witch of the West. She rides a broom, has an army of winged monkeys, and, of course, ruby slippers that sparkle. Imagined her somewhat of a foil/love interest for Bat-boy. I imagined her being involve in some kooky level where you fight a bunch of silly Alice in Wonderland inspired baddies and generally have fun.

The Hanged Men

A group of wandering spirits who were originally going to be under the control of Shepard, but I realized how dark that was and didn't want to go in the direction.  So they might just end up NPCs who float around on certain levels. The concept was to bring hoodooism into the supernatural realm of Weird World.


Wow, those are very creative and totally creepy! I like Graves best, and the Hanged Men are unsettling.
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Wow, those are all really awesome, AA!!!

I can't wait to hear more about Weird World! I've been looking forward to it since you've announced it!

laughing paradox

Great work! I like the Devils and Dorian Graves is very unique. The Hanged Men can use some navels, maybe? They also look effectively cool.

Are you creating the Weird World mod or just the characters?

Amazo Version 2.2

geez, the level of detail is incredible. everything you make just shows how much you keep improving.
For anyone, and everyone, who has ever done anything to improve the FF/FFvs3R gaming experience, I want to say thank you. Life is so short, and you have all brought me so much joy. I hope that one day, I am somehow able to return the kindness and generosity that all of you have shown.


Wow, just wow!! You're so good at skinning (and skoping!). I love the Jersey Devils.


Amazing designs! Very crisp and clean looking skins.


Unko has quite the imagination.  Great job on those skins.  Brilliant, in fact.


Can't really say a favorite of those. I'm one of the specific nerd types that gets all excited about Halloween, horror and goth themed stuff so that all appeals to my season. The artistry all around is flawless as well and inspirational. Fantastic job.


I love all of these ^^ PLEASE tell me your releasing them soon! I love all the Weird World stuff, can imagine a necromantic pumpkin headed Scarecrow, Warmachine like Tin man or maybe a suited and booted crime boss Lion as villains for the Witch! Or a police force made up of vampires!


Wow AA!  These are incredible!  I love the face on Dixon Devil, but these are all so detailed and creative that it is hard to pick out individual details that are better than the rest.  The Ghoul's face is also spectacular, though.  I love the eyes.  This is a very interesting universe you're creating, and I love the inclusion of Unko's great designs!
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
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So I was trying to retexture something for Skyrim and realized I didn't remember what DDS settings to use... Came to these boards to see if I could find info and decided to lurk a bit.
Then, WOW, hit with this! Oh my gosh! I never thought I'd see Dorian skinned. He looks beyond perfect!
And I loooove the additional characters. Jersey Devils are great! I could see them summoning an actual "Jersey Devil" horse goat deer mashup thing... of course, it would go all wrong and the thing would end up attacking them. They are fantastic.

And the hanged men, oh my gosh. I had actually envisioned a villain or hero like this but realized my concepts ripped off Astro City too much. These are great though. Pretty dark in concept, and would have to be more serious, as there seems to be a whole revenge of lynched spirits aspect. Voodoo stuff is always awesome though. Baron Samedi types might be a bit overused, but maybe they are controlled by a Calypso type? (Marvel's OR Pirates of the Caribbean)

Anyhow, your stuff is amazing as always!


Fractal Girl
The first recruit of the Q Foundation's Q-Men, Jang "June" Joo-Eun is a member of an offshoot of humanity known as Chimeras. As a Chimera, Fractal Girl has the ability to create self-similarities in biological matter aka creates duplicate of others and herself. 

South African Tripp Tolman's life forever changed the day his Chimera genes activated and he began emitting uncontrollable Cherenkov radiation from his mouth. Unlike the other Q-Men, Cacus would much rather be a normal guy than a superpowered leader of a group of misfits heroes.

Hailing from the prairie of Texas, Harland McNair is a thoroughbred farmboy. When his Chimera gene went active he instantly became a hometown hero. After much local publicity, he was approach by the Q-Foundation to become a member of the Q-Men. He often bumps heads with Cacus whose leadership skills he questions. 

Sara Shammael was your typical Jewish girl from Long Island until her Chimera genes activated. Horrified by her appearance, Sara's parents forced her into hiding until the Q Foundation approached them about studying Sara's ability. As a member of the Q-Men, Demon has leathery wings, a prehensile tail, and other "demonic" physical traits. Personally, Demon is the most shy and  introverted of the group due mostly to her appearance.

Abandoned at a young age and force into foster care, Richard Graham grew into a spiteful, hot-tempered young man. When he realized he was a Chimera, Richard saw the Q-Men as a way of finally belonging to something. Unlike some of the Q-Men, Magmaman actually has the ability to change back into a human form but prefers his molten rock form.


They all look fantastic, AA, but I think Gargoyle's redesign is the best one!

Magma Man also looks really cool, especially with those glass(?) shards sticking out of him!

I also really like the redesign of the logos on their belts! Simple, but effective :D


You're very own version of the X-men in the universe you created. :thumbup: :cool:

Really neat ideas and of course skins for them all. I really like Cacus (who is kinda like Cyclops, but now you have Energy blasts coming from his mouth that he also can't control). Gargoyle/Demon would be next with her creepy smile. Just the opposite of Angel. And Beef, I wonder what his powers are. While Magma man's rock and magma like skin looks very realistic.
Fractal Girl's power of duplicating herself and others is still cool for me. I also wonder how her powers would compliment the team. I think it would make them almost unstoppable. Imagine an army of Q-men. The name is cool,original and seems fitting. "Fractal Girl" i like it.

Hmmm...mutants as to chimeras. A new form of super powered race of humans in your universe. :cool:


Man, those are all beautiful, but I think I like Magma Man best.  You've got great stories to go along with them, too, AA!
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!

Cyber Burn

While the re-designs are all fantastic, I have to admit, I think I like the Belts on the previous versions. The new Logos are great, but the previous Belts had a design that added some nice depth to them.


Fantastic updates AA!
I always really loved your Q-Men.


Solid texture work here, AA! I love the qmen


Very impressive AA. Magma man is gorgeous!
Get my skins at:
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I love all these! Can't wait for them and the WW stuff! Hmmm, wonder what a Mimic made up from their powers would be like.......

Amazo Version 2.2

dude, these are just incredible. the details are fantastic, and the face work is just awesome.

Quote from: Podmark on July 15, 2015, 03:50:02 AM
Magma man is gorgeous!

are the glass looking shards only out in certain animations? that's an amazing use of extra pieces.
For anyone, and everyone, who has ever done anything to improve the FF/FFvs3R gaming experience, I want to say thank you. Life is so short, and you have all brought me so much joy. I hope that one day, I am somehow able to return the kindness and generosity that all of you have shown.


The updated Q-men are awesome, it always amazes me how you manage to improve skins/skopes that I considered perfect before.
Can't wait for your next skins :)


I love the Q-Men!
Yeah, they're analogues of the original X-Men, but I love the thought you've put into each of them. Nice work!

Stranger Than Fiction:
The Strangers, Tales of the Navigator and Freedom Force X


Hey look, AA showing me the right way to do it as always. I've been following your example a bit (I still cut a lot of corners though but that's just my way I guess), hopefully this upcoming lives up. Remarkable stuff.


Wow, I was planning skinning the brotherhood pretty soon.  :doh: What a crazy coincidence. Great minds think alike I guess. They are definitely my favorite supervillain group.  They came out wonderfully!


Beautiful work, AA. I especially like Fractal Girl and Gargoyle's faces.
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