FRP Update - (9-3-2015) - Days of Present Ends

Started by Previsionary, February 19, 2009, 05:57:56 AM

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Nice to see more FX still being added.  :thumbup:

As for Aquaman, I was also a fan long long ago.  :P


Okay Benton...Buddy...I had begun to read the essay (or novella as some may call it :P), but I'll have to go back later to finish it...Sigh, this may take me a week or so (time I could be spending making maps...LOL).

Dana ;)


So, now Aquaman is keeping Dana from making maps. Your essay may have done more harm than good to your cause, Benton.


Quote from: Gremlin on March 16, 2009, 08:19:47 AM
So, now Aquaman is keeping Dana from making maps. Your essay may have done more harm than good to your cause, Benton.

Haha, I had the same thought when he said that.  I was like, "uh-oh, now I'm gonna' get tarred and feathered!" 

Blame Prev. for the length.  It's all his fault!  He told me to write an essay, and then gave me questions that could not be answered in a sentence or two. :D

Y'all will have to let me know what you think when you read it...and you'd probably better use the comments option on the blog, or Prev. will have a heart attack. ;)
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!


Quote from: BentonGrey on March 16, 2009, 08:15:42 PM
Quote from: Gremlin on March 16, 2009, 08:19:47 AM
So, now Aquaman is keeping Dana from making maps. Your essay may have done more harm than good to your cause, Benton.

Haha, I had the same thought when he said that.  I was like, "uh-oh, now I'm gonna' get tarred and feathered!" 

Blame Prev. for the length.  It's all his fault!  He told me to write an essay, and then gave me questions that could not be answered in a sentence or two. :D

Y'all will have to let me know what you think when you read it...and you'd probably better use the comments option on the blog, or Prev. will have a heart attack. ;)

Benton, I didn't force you to write an essay, we both knew you WOULD write an essay. You go into these long speeches every time Aquadunce is brought up and we all know this. Also, I think people are avoiding commenting because what can you say about Arthur that hasn't already been said? He's like...the chicken of the sea...a joke. SNAP. :P
Disappear when you least expe--


God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!


LOL...You guys kill me...Gak! (falls dead)

New maps very soon...



Going to try to get this in before I get another server crash error.

This week on FRP2

  • CmdrKoenig releases 5 new maps
  • Conduit sneaks in and gives us 2 more new maps
  • Al_kemyst re-releases his B**** Brigade mod for FF1
  • New Coding Tip--though technically old
  • First spotlight post...on AA!

Big expect next week to be smaller...if anything is updated at all. :P Also, thanks to AA for agreeing to be the first person under the spotlight.
Disappear when you least expe--



The bigger question is, whose soul did you end up feasting on?


Quote from: GogglesPizanno on March 21, 2009, 07:01:20 AM

The bigger question is, whose soul did you end up feasting on?



Yay! Desert maps!
Just what I needed.
Yellow Lantern smash!


Great stuff guys!  i should get around to installing those maps soon!

also, cool Spotlight on...AA Prev.
I never knew about his deviantArt stuff till now.


Wow, great stuff. I never really thought how much those maps add to the replayability of the game until recently (I know, I'm an idiot...), and I can't thank Dana and Conduit enough for their fantastic contributions.

The Brigade mod! Somehow I never got the chance to play it. I'll definitely check it out.

And the Spotlight On is a great idea. Interesting stuff from AA. I wonder who's next, and hopefully it will go beyond skinners - Meshers, skopers, FX creators, mappers... they all deserve some love.


Hey, no problem, SH.

I'm digging the map-making right now.  Near the beginning of last year, I was sort of burnt out and didn't think I could make any more maps for  :ffvstr:...

I don't know how many more :ffvstr: maps I have in me, but I have at least 10 more that I'm working on.  I hope Conduit has a few more on the cooker too (although I can't play or make  :ff: maps, though.. :( )



Quote from: http://frp.unlimited2.netDue to some minor issues, FRP2 will not be getting any updates outside of the Spotlight on UE (which was scheduled for next week). Hopefully, sometime next week, FRP will be getting some new maps, some fx, and perhaps some coding tips to make up for the missed update...on the horizon

Quote from: Sledgehammer on March 24, 2009, 01:02:17 PM
And the Spotlight On is a great idea. Interesting stuff from AA. I wonder who's next, and hopefully it will go beyond skinners - Meshers, skopers, FX creators, mappers... they all deserve some love.

Thanky. The idea was more of a spin-off from something Hitman and I discussed sometime ago in the shack of chat. The original plan fell through, but this does just as well. As for who else may or may not get spotlighted, there's a list and it's not exclusive to just skinners or even currently active members. UE wasn't scheduled for this week, it just happened to work out that way. :P

Also, many thanks to those who have participated in the spotlights thus far. Now, if only I could get more of you to do "Highlight on..." posts. And no, they don't all need to be Benton length. :p
Disappear when you least expe--


The "spotlight on" is cool. I am glad you are doing that.


Nothing major, but hopefully a bigger update will come sometime this or next week (-_-), but the spotlight that should have went up last Friday is now up. Go and enjoy the Spotlight on...The Beyonder!
Disappear when you least expe--

The Hitman

Excellent Spotlight guys. Good job.


This week on FRP2:

  • 7 new maps by CmdrKoenig
  • 2 old fx for ffvttr that were unavailable for some time
  • 2 spotlights: Beyonder and UE for those that missed it
  • Coding Tip #6

Hope you enjoy the new toys.
Disappear when you least expe--


Since Syn made his announcement about his baby girl, why don't you go read his spotlight? Sure, it came quite a few days earlier than expected, but um...surprise?
Disappear when you least expe--


i really enjoy reading the spotlights.great job guys.


Love these spotlights, and I got a plug.... :D


A day early since I won't have time to update anything tomorrow. :P

This week on FRP2:

  • Spotlight on Syn
  • Spotlight on Dr. Mike
  • Coding Tip #7

No new playable content this week, but if you want a good read or are trying to learn some python tips, there ya go. At this point, however, the first "season", or my hiatus point, of the spotlights is almost done. That's right, only three more are left to go before I take a break from it. As I said before, I would like to thank everyone that participated as you guys provided quite a few good reads, though some of you hurt my brain while attempting to think up good questions.  ;). It looks like the feature was quite popular, but I would love to get some type of feedback on whether I should keep it going, what I should add/change/delete, whom I should sacrifice to get Goggles singing lessons, and all that jazz. So, yeah...that's the update this week. ^^
Disappear when you least expe--


La la laa laaa laaaaaaa laaaa laaa la laaaaa
(clears throat)


The Hitman

Great job on these spotlights, man! Here's hoping you keep going with them.


Hey gang!

This week on FRP2:

  • FRP's first hosted EZscript mod by FR member Torch: West Coast Avengers!
  • Two old school FFVTTR fx that were no longer available.
  • Spotlight on Tomato--only 2 left to go
Disappear when you least expe--

The Hitman


This week on FRP2:

  • 4 meshes by Syn (probably the last of my stack unless someone remembers something else)
  • Spotlight on: Crazy...or Spotlight On: Murs
  • Coding Tip #8

And with this post, only one spotlight remains before the hiatus! Who will it be you ask? Someone. Also, as of this post, I've run out of stocked coding tips, so those may cease as well unless I randomly get inspired to actually reinstall python. So, what I guess I'm saying is, the site might slowdown in releases...or will it? Who knows, I do have a habit of pulling things out almost every week. :P
Disappear when you least expe--


I know a few of you were clamoring for it, but the FR Avatar Mod is now on FRP2. Now, go get it and leave your souls in the jar on the right. Thanks. ^^
Disappear when you least expe--