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Started by Spectre Lad, March 13, 2009, 07:25:17 PM

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Now, calm down you two, or I will put you both in time out. ;)

Quote from: Spectre Lad on March 15, 2009, 01:01:54 PM
Internet does not = Serious Business

That is quite true Afgha--I mean Spectre Lad, but you have to take into consideration the timing. I would hate for you to get caught up in the crossfire.

Spectre Lad

Quote from: vamp on March 15, 2009, 01:08:33 PM
That is quite true Afgha--I mean Spectre Lad, but you have to take into consideration the timing. I would hate for you to get caught up in the crossfire.

I'm not AA.


i'm not trying to argue, or point fingers.
all i'm saying is this:
ips could conceivably make a claim to lunarpages stating; fr is posting links to websites that have unlawful images of my artwork. (i'm not saying they are unlawful.  i am saying ips might say they are.)
lunarpages would most likely respond by sending a msg to fr saying, a claim has been made against you.  we will be taking down your forum until this claim is settled.
(not exact potential wording.)
do you want to be even the potential cause for that?  all i'm saying is hold off on that sensitive stuff for a while.  if you care.  do you care?

Spectre Lad

Quote from: bearded on March 15, 2009, 01:31:12 PM
fr is posting links to websites that have unlawful images of my artwork. (i'm not saying they are unlawful.  i am saying ips might say they are.)

FR didn't post my link, I did.

There is nothing unlawful about my use of images he posted publically elsewhere. When he uploaded the images to the third party site, he actually agreed that third parties could reproduce the images.

From the third party hosting site:

By displaying or publishing ("posting") any Content on or through the Photobucket Services, you hereby grant to Photobucket and other users a non-exclusive, fully paid and royalty-free, worldwide, limited license to use, modify, delete from, add to, publicly perform, publicly display, reproduce and translate such Content, including without limitation distributing part or all of the Site in any media formats through any media channels, except Content marked "private" will not be distributed outside the Photobucket Services.


i'm not saying they are unlawful.  law doesn't come into it.  i'm talking about reactions from lunarpages.  read lunarpages letter.  they did not react to lawfulness, they reacted to a claim.
and, ok, fr is not posting links, they are hosting links.
i will stop now.  i made clear what i think.


Sorry Bearded, but I'm with Spectre Lad on this. His blog is very fun to read and I think we should stop being afraid of the Big Bad IPS.
Sorry for my bad english, I`m still learning.


Heres my take:
It's unusual to see this type of site, we are unaccustomed to the idea of interviews with or articles about our content providers.
The site is quite well written, nice to look at, and pokes fun at a couple of people in a relatively gentle way. It's fun to read, if perhaps a bit on the light side in terms of depth and length for my personal tastes. But then an ocean of type will put off most people.
Although the articles held them up to ridicule to some extent, they were also complimentary in other regards, so they weren't just attack pieces or hatchet jobs, though I'm not sure the subjects would see it that way.
The questions I have are;
Will lots of people be "roasted" in this way?
Will those roasted have any right of reply on the site?
Given the "outsider" status of the 2 people roasted so far, is it fair or wise to, in the current turbulent climate, provoke or exclude them further (or anyone else)?

I suppose it's all in fun to some extent, and I've said worse myself (not Vlad, who I've personally not had any big problems with), but I am a little uncomfortable with the public lampooning of people who are already excluded. It doesn't sit right with me somehow. I'll insult people privately, or to their face publicly, but this feels a bit like the cool, socially acceptable kids mocking those they've deemed uncool.
That's an exaggeration, to be sure, but it's the closest analogy to what makes me a bit uneasy with it.

Oh, and if you (Spectre Lad) are a former, or current forum or community member, it might put people at ease to reveal who you were/are. It doesn't concern me greatly, because most of us post under a pseudonym of sorts, so in a sense it doesn't matter.

Spectre Lad

Quote from: tommyboy on March 15, 2009, 03:27:31 PM
The questions I have are;
Will lots of people be "roasted" in this way?
No. I actually have several positive pieces about some long forgotten veterans who really deserve more praise.

Quote from: tommyboy on March 15, 2009, 03:27:31 PM
Will those roasted have any right of reply on the site?
I strongly encourage it.

Quote from: tommyboy on March 15, 2009, 03:27:31 PM
Given the "outsider" status of the 2 people roasted so far, is it fair or wise to, in the current turbulent climate, provoke or exclude them further (or anyone else)?
I actually wrote the VLAD piece first. Here is something I shouldn't admit but I'm fond of him. He's the bad boy nobody likes yet he keeps trying. I respect that a lot. I was not expecting to write the IPS piece actually. It was completely reactionary to the events unfolding yesterday.

The Hitman

I like the new post. It's all in jest, and is a very enjoyable read.

Johnny Patches

Spectre Lad 
i do respect what your doing for your self and the community
i really do like it
but bearded & tommy do have good points about you and IPS
and why hide? i highly doubt your 15 (excuse me for this).
its posted here thru your link and i really think thats a no no
a reason for him to go further in his attack?
wounds are still open. really dont need any salt.
sorry forgive me for expressing my opinion


Quote from: Johnny Patches on March 16, 2009, 11:28:15 PM
Spectre Lad 
i do respect what your doing for your self and the community
i really do like it
but bearded & tommy do have good points about you and IPS
and why hide? i highly doubt your 15 (excuse me for this).
its posted here thru your link and i really think thats a no no
a reason for him to go further in his attack?
wounds are still open. really dont need any salt.
sorry forgive me for expressing my opinion

Attack? What? Dude, he's just being anonymous. It's the internet.
I don't completely understand why this blog is even an issue...

Spectre Lad: Like the new post. Got any interviews coming up? Eh? EHHHH? I expect to be constantly entertained!


Stranger Than Fiction:
The Strangers, Tales of the Navigator and Freedom Force X


Weird blog. Sick and tired of reading about copyright law. No interest in guessing who SpectreLad is or why he doesn't want to post under his usual name.


Johnny Patches

like i said here i really do like it and find it comical.  :thumbup:

Quotei do respect what your doing for your self and the community
i really do like it

if it was taken offensive i apologize  :)
considering some members are alittle iffy
evil does come in many shapes and forms..

and again i was expressing only my opinion :)

Quotesorry forgive me for expressing my opinion

Cyber Burn

Welcome aboard spectrelad (or welcome back ???). I think you're site has alot of potential, but I agree that maybe bringing up past members may not be in anyone's best interest.  This is only my opinion, so please don't take it personally. But I do think that members of the here and now should be the ones who are focused on and promoted. Lots of potential new creators will need a place to help them grow.


I'm just wondering when he's going to talk about Frochub?!


Too busy with the war of light, sorry.
Yellow Lantern smash!

Figure Fan

Haha! Oh come off of it, people. This site is hilarious. :)

Spectre Lad

For all of you who like the blog, thank you very much. All of you who hate the blog, thank you very little.

Newest entry is up here: Once and Future Skinner Supreme


Nice post on Gryphon. You know, you should write something on "Revenant" to see if it'll drag him out of hiding. :P
Disappear when you least expe--


Good ol' Gryphon.
I still use his Iron Man skins all the time.

I always felt Atomic Robot was under-appreciated. He's still one of my favorites.

That is all from Sector 2814. Back to the war of light...
Yellow Lantern smash!


I like the blog too, keep it up!  Love seeing Gryphon get the spotlight, he was the MAN.  I eagerly hoarded everything he did back in the day.  Nice to see his site is still up, too!!   :thumbup:


Can't say I agree with everything in your posting...still entertaining none the less.

Keep it up :cool:
Clothes make the man and colourful tights make the Super-Hero.


 Gotta say I disagree of the ranking you gave Gryphon, while I give him credit for being the first standout skinner.. I wouldn't rank him as you did. But then I have to admit I routinely disagreed with him and his opinions on skinning and FF materials as a whole.
A wise man knows, he knows nothing
I must be the wisest man on Earth,
cause I don't know squat


though i would rank gryphon as one of the FF hall of famers( we so need to start this again), i don't agree with all of his views on characters or meshes.

like other i enjoy the blog quite a bit i don't agree with everything you have posted, but thats a good thing as the blog is bringing discussion back to the boards and thats never bad

Cyber Burn

Quote from: yell0w_lantern on March 18, 2009, 08:06:50 PM
Good ol' Gryphon.
I still use his Iron Man skins all the time.

I always felt Atomic Robot was under-appreciated. He's still one of my favorites.

That is all from Sector 2814. Back to the war of light...

Also a big Atomic Robot fan. I would love to get my hands on the base skin he uses.


Quote from: Cyber Burn on March 18, 2009, 11:24:21 PM
Quote from: yell0w_lantern on March 18, 2009, 08:06:50 PM
Good ol' Gryphon.
I still use his Iron Man skins all the time.

I always felt Atomic Robot was under-appreciated. He's still one of my favorites.

That is all from Sector 2814. Back to the war of light...

Also a big Atomic Robot fan. I would love to get my hands on the base skin he uses.

I also use Gryphon's Iron Man skins. And I would love to see NEW work from Atomic Robot (and get copies of his base skins). The Superman skin I use most in FFv3R is the one AR did taken from a 1940 newspaper strip.


I've always seen Gryphon as the greatest of the early era. I don't think he adapted well to the newer meshes though, he seemed reluctant to use them, but back in the day he was excellent. He'd be one of my first inductees to a hall of fame.
Get my skins at:
my Google page


The Gryphon is awesome, as Spectre lad said, not just for the skins but for his characters. The British versions of Freedom Force were fantastic.

May his work rise again one day.
Stranger Than Fiction:
The Strangers, Tales of the Navigator and Freedom Force X

laughing paradox

I'm curious as to what Gryphon's stance was on characters and meshes that was mentioned by some members on this site.