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Help Creating Mod - Troubleshooting

Started by Torch, March 17, 2009, 02:36:10 AM

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Quote from: M25 on March 26, 2009, 06:28:18 PM
I hate to say it, but the looping music is working for me with the music that comes with the game.  There must be something else going on.   Are you using a custom mp3?
Yes.  The original soundtrack loops ad infinitum just fine.  It is when I attempt to use a custom soundtrack that it only plays through once.


Custom mp3s are looping for me as well.  This is not an EZ script thing, but an issue with the game.  Make sure your mp3 is the same format as the in-game music (sample rate 44100, 2 channel stereo). 


Quote from: M25 on March 26, 2009, 08:21:08 PM
Custom mp3s are looping for me as well.  This is not an EZ script thing, but an issue with the game.  Make sure your mp3 is the same format as the in-game music (sample rate 44100, 2 channel stereo).
Thank you.  That may be it.  I'll check it when I get home.

Here is a million dollar question:  How do I get the 'base' screen to allow the player to select from the heroes I desire on the next mission?  I saw some 'recruit' lines in a file of the  :ffvstr: game, so I mimiced the lines with my own character names.  One of them worked, one of them didn't, and two of them used heroes from my FFEdit template that aren't the player character heroes.  The one that worked is good of course.  The one that didn't stumps me at this point.  And the two that used the template characters instead of the custom heroes (from my custom folder in the FFv3R directory) is most likely because they are named the same.  For example my custom hero is named 'hawkeye', and I have a template of the hero in FFEdit also named 'hawkeye'.  Should I change the template name to something different?  Like 'hawkeye2' for example?  I am confused since I thought the template name needed to match the character name shown in the 'Character Tool' program.


You shouldn't have custom characters with the same name as built-ins as it will confuse  :ffvstr:

To recruit characters, in your base.txt file (the EZ script part), the first encounter is usually of type base and you can recruit characters from there.

Encounter: Start Base
Type: Base
Recruit: hawkeye, liberty_lad, eve

Start Cutscene:

Here's the docs:

Use the Base encounter to set up a base screen (and play an intermission cutscene if desired) for campaign missions.  Any villains or minions specified will not be spawned, but will instead be added to the 'campaign library'.

ONLY USE THIS FOR BASE SCREENS!  It won't work for regular missions.

Additional Parameters:
- Recruit: a list of characters that will be added to the player's team
- Add: a list of characters that will be added as potential recruits
- Require: a list of characters that the player will be forced to take on the next mission
- Disallow: a list of characters that the player will not be able to use on the next mission
- Prestige: the amount of prestige to give the player
- Clear Overrides: resets any previous require or disallow commands


The music works fine now.   I changed my custom mp3's to be 2 channel stereo and that did the trick.  Thanks M25!

I am still having no luck recruiting in my BASE screen.  It will load the BASE screen.  It will allow me to press Recruit.  It will 'show custom' and I see all my custom heroes on the list.  It doesn't have any under 'show built-in'.  I can't select any to recruit and I have none on my team.  When I go to Mission Briefing, it shows no heroes anywhere on the screen (available, squad, and unavailable are all empty).

Here are my base.txt and files:

#  Sample Base cutscenes for EZ script

Story: My Story

# The first cutscene will play as the intermission
# e.g. right after the base loads.

#Encounter Intermission
Encounter: Intermission
Type: Cutscene

Start Cutscene:
Unfade for 2 seconds

#Encounter Start Base
Encounter: Start Base
Type: Base
Require: alchemiss, eve, el_diablo, ironox

Start Cutscene:
Wait for 1 seconds

# The second cutscene will play when the player
# selects the briefing button on the base screen.
# Notice the 'Starts when: Briefing' line.
# That must be there or it won't play as a briefing.

Encounter: Briefing
Type: Cutscene
Starts when: Briefing

Start Cutscene:
Camera on Hero
Hero says, "This is it."
# Module: Campaign Base
# Author: m25
# Description: Create a file called base.txt and put your intermission and briefing
# cutscenes in it.

minimod_storyfile = 'base'

import m25minimod
from m25minimod import *

# Important Callbacks

def OnPostInit():
   m25minimod.OnPostInit(campaign=1, base=1)
def OnIntermission():
def OnBriefing():


1) Where do the BASE files look for the heroes?

2) Should the naming system be identical to what is shown under the Templates tab in FFEdit?

3) Should I be matching the naming system in the Character Tool?

4) Does a character even have to be defined in the FFEDit template tab to be available for recruitment?

P.S.  Every link I have to the EZ Script User's Guide takes me to version Version 3.208, and I believe I have FFX  Is there a new version of the EZ Script User's Guide I should be referencing?  And if so please provide a link.  Thank you!


I'm not sure what the EZScript command is, but built in characters must be made available for recruitment by scripting before they appear in the list to be recruited.
I am the cat that walks by himself, all ways are alike to me.


I am actually trying to recruit my own custom heroes for real, but I am testing built-in characters because I figured the game would be more likely to recognize them.  If anybody knows how to do it with either custom or built in, I am willing to try it either way.


EZ script will only play one intermission cutscene and one briefing cutscene in a base.  So the 'Start Base' encounter will never be played.  Next, you need to use the Recruit keyword to get the characters on the player's team before you can Require them for a mission.

Story: My Story

# The first cutscene will play as the intermission
# e.g. right after the base loads.

Encounter: Intermission
Type: Base
Recruit: alchemiss, eve, el_diablo, ironox
Allies: alchemiss

Start Cutscene:
Unfade for 2 seconds

Encounter: Briefing
Type: Cutscene
Starts when: Briefing

Start Cutscene:
Camera on Hero
Hero says, "This is it."


Cool.  I'll try that when I get home.

Where do you get the character names from?  Are they the names in the FFEdit Templates tab and the names you give to custom heroes?


Yes, the game looks for characters from the templates tab and the names of your custom heroes.  It looks for heroes first though, so if you have a hero file and a built-in character with the same name, the hero file will be loaded.


Thanks again M25.  It now recognizes characters to recruit in the base screen.

The next major hurdle is moving from the first base screen to the next mission.  When I press 'Enter the Fray' I just get a black screen.  I've added an 'Unfade for 2 seconds' command to the mission.txt file as requested by the EZScript User's Guide (hereafter called EZSUG).

Here are my '001 The Summons .py' file for the Rumble Room (which works) and my '' file for the campaign which doesn't appear to work.  The mission.txt files are identical except for an Unfade command in the mission.txt for the campaign.

001 The Summons .py (Mini-Mod for the Rumble Room)
# Module: Mini Mod The Summons
# Author: m25
# Description:
# Version 3.05

#Change this to the name of the story file you want to use
minimod_storyfile = '001the_summons'


import m25minimod
from m25minimod import *

def OnSelectionRequiredCheck():   
   #change this to 1 to allow the player to select enemies, 0 (zero) to disallow
   return 0

def OnNumEnemiesCheck():
   #change this number to the number of enemies the player is allowed to select
   return 24

def OnGameTypeCheck():
   #set this list to the markers required for your mini-mod
   #leave it as is for most mods
   return ('encounter1','encounter2','encounter3','encounter4','encounter5','encounter6','encounter7','encounter8','skirmishspawn') for the Campaign's mission after the first Base screen:
# Module: Mission
# Author: m25
# Description: Create a text file called mission.txt and put your story
# in it.  It will then be used as the campaign mission for the folder it
# is in.

minimod_storyfile = 'mission'

import m25minimod
from m25minimod import *

# Important Callbacks

def OnPostInit():

My file is a copy and paste from the 'ezscriptcampaign_v1.1' folder under the Missions folder.  Any help would be appreciated.  I believe if I can get the first base-to-mission transition to work, the rest should flow from there.


Okay.  I am still working on the issue from my previous post.

Another, more general question:  What format will my hero files need to be in to distribute the mod for others to play?  I've downloaded the EZHero application, and it appears you can build a hero in it and save it as a 'hero file'.  What about the custom heroes I have already created in the  :ffvstr: ?  Will it simply convert those to the correct format or do I need to re-create each one in the EZHero application?


Make sure the entry for the mission in the campaign tab of ffedit has the correct number of heroes (not zero).  Otherwise, post a copy of the script.log when you  try to run the mission (find it in the main FFVTTR directory) and I'll look at it.


RE: the hero question. When you create a character in game it creates a .hero file. To get the characters distributed in a mod, you will need to add them to the dat files as built in characters. EZHero has a send to dat function that will convert a hero file to a built in. I believe M25 has a utility that will do it as well. I think it can be found on his ezscript wiki page.


Thanks M and G.  I found where the hero files are located and I'll pursue that issue more later.

I got the game working from 'base' to next 'mission' with  :ffvstr: built in characters.  Works great.  When I try to use my own custom characters I get a CTD.  It allows me to choose them from the recruit screen (hawkeye, tigra, vision, and wonder man) and the curious thing is only vision is visible in the model preview screen in the bottom right when chosen.  I am sure the game can't find my heroes like it can for the built-in, but I'm not sure why.  I will post both my script.log and FF.log files:

>>> system/ executed
>>> system/ executed
>>> system\ executed
loading datfiles version 0.256000
loading cshelper ...
Starting v. 3.3.1 build 0; branch = main release update
Loading v. 3.3.0 build 3; branch = Gold v.3.3 with Patch
importing v1.20
importing MLOG Reader 1.0.23
Starting General Utilities 1.0.1
missionobjvar(FixLongs): Fixing overflow issue with <SCSTATE_BUOYANT>
missionobjvar defining functions for Rumble Room play.
Loading v.3.2.0 final; May 27, 2007
CustomHeadCurrentTime 1238276494.822000
Starting Height Check module 1.4
Starting System Utilities 1.5
OBJECTS_HEIGHT: 604 entries
NIF_OBJECTS: 482 entries
Starting  v 0.79 beta
skXMapInfo: m25ai available
Loading v.3.2.0 final; branch = swingman 4
FFX Mission Plugin 'firehydrant' imported
FFX Mission Plugin 'zombie' imported
Loading v.1.0.0 build 0; branch = main
FFX Mission Plugin 'freeroam_keepbuildingdamage' imported
FFX Mission Plugin 'm25ai_lowjumper' imported
FFX Mission Plugin 'm25ai_realitymanipulation' imported
FFX Mission Plugin 'cutscene_power' imported
Loading v.1.0.0 build 0; branch = main
Loading v.3.2.0 July 27, 2008
FFX Mission Plugin 'm25enc_opendoor' imported
Loading v.1.0.0 build 0; branch = main
FFX Mission Plugin 'm25enc_simplechoice' imported
Starting Built-In Function Wrapper 1.5
('Object_CalcPrestige', 'js')
atawwii\Missions\Scripts\ importing FFX
atawwii\Missions\Scripts\ loaded
Loading v.3.2.0 final; May 27, 2008
>>> C:\Documents and Settings\John\Local Settings\Application Data\Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs the 3rd Reich\temp\ executed
! GetMapInfo


FF.log (part 1 of 2)
00:00:00.64: FF: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00:00:00.64: FF: Starting FFVTTR
00:00:00.64: FF: Build: SHIP, Version: 1.73396
00:00:00.64: FF: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00:00:00.73: FF: CInterpreter::init() completed
00:00:00.73: FF: Py_GetPath(.\System;.\System\PythonLib;.\Data\Missions\Scripts;)
00:00:00.73: FF: Py_GetProgramFullPath(E:\Games\Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich\ffvt3r.exe)
00:00:00.98: FF: CRender: creating DX9 renderer
00:00:00.98: FF: CRender: trying to render in 32 bits
00:00:02.20: FF: DepthStencil is D3DFMT_D24S8
00:00:02.39: FF: CResourceTrackerTree: Generating index file Custom_Art_library_characters.dat
00:00:02.43: FF: CResourceTrackerTree: Generating index file Custom_Missions.dat
00:00:02.45: FF: CResourceTrackerTree: Generating index file Custom_Art_library_area_specific.dat
00:00:02.54: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute bulktp is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.54: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute overheated is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.54: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute metashieldp is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.54: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute superleaper is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.54: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute invulnerable0 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.54: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute fearless is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.54: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqamalgam is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.54: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqhighjumper is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.54: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute speedphaser is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.54: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute illusionist is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.54: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqtempinvulnerability is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.54: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute poltergeist is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.54: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute heavyfooted is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.54: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute icecloud is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.54: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute sensitive is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.54: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ephemeral is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.54: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqaixenophobe is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.54: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute solarpowered is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.54: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute popular is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.54: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute shapeshifter is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.54: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute presence is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.54: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqrealitymanipulation is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.54: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqairsuperiority is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.54: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute coordinator is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.54: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute astral is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.54: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute summoner3 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.54: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute nocturnal is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.54: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute adaptive2 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.54: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute regenerativeplus is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.54: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute invflier5 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.54: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqresilient is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.54: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqempathlongrange is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.54: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute utilitybelt is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.54: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute groupmind is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.54: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute lesserregeneration is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.54: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqupgradable2 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.54: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute sidekick is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.54: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute bodyarmor02 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.54: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute combatskill2 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.54: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute currentsapper is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.54: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute borrowedtime is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.54: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute groupteleport is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.54: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqfastball is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.54: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute invflier30 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.54: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute vunstablemols is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.54: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqbasiclevitation is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.54: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute butterfingers is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.54: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute toughguy2 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.54: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute battery is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.54: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqdizzy is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.54: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqaimisogynist is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.54: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute invulnerable4 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.54: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute unstabletemp is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.54: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute twister is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.54: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute degenerative is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.54: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute miracle1 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.54: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute spinner is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.54: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute humanrocket25 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.56: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute fourd is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.56: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ironjaw is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.56: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute livinglaser is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.56: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute airscout is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.56: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqsuperheroic is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.56: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute privatearmy1 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.56: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute lastresort is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.56: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute metabolic is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.56: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqextradimensional is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.56: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqprowler is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.56: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute enchanter2 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.56: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqpsychotherapy is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.56: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqtrapezist is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.56: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute combatskill is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.56: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute russiandoll is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.56: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute bodyarmor05 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.56: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute explosive is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.56: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqlongjumper is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.56: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute absorbpower is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.56: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute battlecomputer is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.56: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute growth is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.56: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute invulnerable34 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.56: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute slowlearner is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.56: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute guardianp is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.56: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqweakspot is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.56: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute speedforce is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.56: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute humanrocket20 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.56: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ironguts is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.56: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute absorbenergy is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.56: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute vulnerability is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.56: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute trueinvulnerability30 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.56: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute bodyarmor20 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.56: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute tempform is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.56: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute earthcontrol2 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.56: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute pheremones is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.56: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute blazingglory is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.56: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute assimilator is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.56: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute invulnerable22a34 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.56: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute hatemonger is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.56: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqaicarchaser is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.56: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute kamikaze is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.56: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqlimitedflight is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.56: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqrooted is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.56: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqantimissiles is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.56: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute powerreserve is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.56: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqjumpingjack is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.56: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqflawedinvulnerability is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.56: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute freespirit is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.56: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqgymnast is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.56: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute symbiote is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.56: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute metastrength is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.56: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute magnetic2 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.56: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqdesesperate is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.56: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqimmortal is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.56: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute absorbmat is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.56: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute velcrofeet is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.56: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffactivedefense35 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.56: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffactivedefense10 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.56: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute acrobaticamateur is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.56: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute glassjaw is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.56: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute toxic is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.56: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqprecognitive is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.56: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute urbandweller is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.56: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute sandstorm is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.56: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute humanrocket15 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.56: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute supertk is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.57: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute painresponse is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.57: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqrealitymaniporder is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.57: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute masscontrol is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.57: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute summoner2 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.57: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute guardianm is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.57: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqdeathwish is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.57: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute humanrocket10 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.57: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqaitechnophobe is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.57: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute invulnerable3 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.57: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute environmentcontrol is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.57: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqupgradable3 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.57: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute acidblood is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.57: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute accidentalchange is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.57: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute absorptiona is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.57: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqdivineintervention is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.57: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute superhealer is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.57: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute biohazard is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.57: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute superhuman is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.57: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffactivedefense20 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.57: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute slippery is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.57: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqmad is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.57: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute cannonball is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.57: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute phasing is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.57: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute amplifier is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.57: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute wrestler is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.57: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute atomtouch is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.57: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute trueinvulnerability10 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.57: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute webslinger is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.57: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute induction is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.57: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute dispersed is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.57: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute dependency is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.57: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute invflier20 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.57: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute magnetic is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.57: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute weathercontrol is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.57: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute untouchable2 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.57: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute puppetn is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.57: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute telepathy is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.57: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute famous is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.57: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute chameleon is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.57: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute spiny is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.57: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute telekinetic is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.57: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute miracle2 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.57: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqblessed is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.57: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute metamorphic is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.57: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute empath is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.57: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute envcontrollocal is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.57: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute fastflier is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.57: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute driver is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.57: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute mutator is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.57: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute powerscan is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.57: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute invulnerable2 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.57: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute trickshot is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.57: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqghostly is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.57: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute stockpile is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.57: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute envcontrolglobal is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.57: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute spellcaster is not mapped to a bitset enum!


FF.log (part 2 of 2)
00:00:02.57: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute kineticabsorber is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.57: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute geneticsymbiote is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.57: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqdisguise is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.57: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute teleporter is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.57: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqaimisanthrope is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.57: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute earthcontrol is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.57: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute metaspeed is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.57: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute plasmasculptor is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.57: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute hollowbones is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.57: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute boost1 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.57: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute boost2 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.57: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqaltcurrent is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.57: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute summoner4 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.57: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute jinxenemies is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.59: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute strongflier is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.59: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute bodyarmor10 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.59: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute invulnerable2a is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.59: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqloner is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.59: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute enchanter1 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.59: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute innerbeing is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.59: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute jinx is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.59: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqglider is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.59: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute lightcontrol is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.59: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute trueinvulnerability15 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.59: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqgestalt is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.59: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute puppetu is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.59: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqcursed is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.59: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute powercosmic is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.59: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute parasite is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.59: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqaurauntouchable is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.59: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute energyredirector is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.59: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute metashield is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.59: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqaizoophobe is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.59: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqteamplayer is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.59: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute energytanks is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.59: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute icecontrol is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.59: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqfieldcommander is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.59: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute enchanter3 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.59: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute gaseousform is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.59: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute thoughtform is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.59: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute terraformer is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.59: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute shortcirc is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.59: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute privatearmy3 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.59: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute nemesis is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.59: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqdeenergized is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.59: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute mindless is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.59: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute boost3 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.59: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute acrobatic is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.59: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute strongleaper is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.59: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute transmutator is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.59: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute depressed is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.59: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute bodyaura is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.59: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute absorption is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.59: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffactivedefense50 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.59: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute absorber is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.59: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute summoner1 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.59: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqpagangod is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.59: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute peacefield is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.59: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqempathinfiniterange is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.59: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqrealitymanipchaos is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.59: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqlowgravflier is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.59: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute astralform is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.59: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqnimbleflier is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.59: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute bodyarmor30 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.59: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqupgradable1 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.59: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute vehicle is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.59: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute narcoleptic is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.59: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute accidentclone is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.59: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute lesserregenerationplus is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.59: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute invulnerable is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.59: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute naturegoddess is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.59: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute firecontrol is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.59: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute volatilestorage is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.59: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqtracking is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.59: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute dispassionate is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.59: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute quicklearner is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.59: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute conduit is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.59: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute metaleater is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.59: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute privatearmy2 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.59: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute psychiclink is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.59: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqropeswinger is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.59: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute invflier10 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.59: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqlowjumper is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.60: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute trueinvulnerability20 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.60: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute involuntaryform is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.60: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute seatfiller is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.60: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute randommutation is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.60: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute frostbite is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.60: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqempathnormalrange is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.60: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute invflier15 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:02.60: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqaimisandre is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:00:06.01: FF: CInterpreter::init() completed
00:00:06.01: FF: Py_GetPath(.\System;.\System\PythonLib;.\Data\Missions\Scripts;C:\Documents and Settings\John\Local Settings\Application Data\Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs the 3rd Reich\temp;E:\Games\Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich\.\atawwii\missions\scripts;)
00:00:06.01: FF: Py_GetProgramFullPath(E:\Games\Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich\ffvt3r.exe)
loading datfiles version 0.256000
loading cshelper ...
00:00:21.82: FF: CInterpreter::init() completed
00:00:21.82: FF: Py_GetPath(.\System;.\System\PythonLib;.\Data\Missions\Scripts;C:\Documents and Settings\John\Local Settings\Application Data\Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs the 3rd Reich\temp;E:\Games\Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich\.\atawwii\missions\scripts;)
00:00:21.82: FF: Py_GetProgramFullPath(E:\Games\Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich\ffvt3r.exe)
00:00:21.83: FF: CMission::init(intro mission, Missions\INTRO MISSION\mission.dat)
00:00:21.86: FF: CMission::loadScript(Missions\INTRO MISSION\
00:00:24.99: FF: CRender: creating DX9 renderer
00:00:24.99: FF: CRender: trying to render in 32 bits
00:00:25.01: FF: destroying font resources
00:00:25.23: FF: Recreating font resources
00:00:25.23: FF: DepthStencil is D3DFMT_D24S8
00:00:25.30: FF: initializing physics
00:00:30.00: FF: CPathNodeList::preprocess: 0 nodes
00:00:30.00: FF: CPathNodeList::preprocess: 0 nodes
00:00:31.96: FF: GEOMETRY COUNTER AT 9131
00:00:32.01: FF: activation: >>>>>>>>>add id 6815847, index 103, stamp 104
00:00:32.01: FF: activation: Creating object ffxtarget custom_characters\ffx_tiggot\character.nif
00:00:32.02: FF: activation: Activating object ffxtarget
00:00:32.02: FF: activation: >>>>>>>>>add id 6881384, index 104, stamp 105
00:00:32.02: FF: activation: Creating object ffxgun custom_characters\ffx_tiggot\character.nif
00:00:32.03: FF: activation: Activating object ffxgun
00:00:33.91: FF: activation: >>>>>>>>>add id 6946921, index 105, stamp 106
00:00:33.91: FF: activation: Creating object m25obj_2 custom_characters\Nick_Fury_Gren\character.nif
00:00:33.93: FF: activation: Activating object m25obj_2
00:00:34.04: FF: animator:(mapinfocaliper0) setSequence idle
00:00:34.04: FF: animator:(mapinfocaliper0) Ignoring sequence request, already animating looping idle
00:00:34.04: FF: animator:(mapinfocaliper1) setSequence idle
00:00:34.04: FF: animator:(mapinfocaliper1) Ignoring sequence request, already animating looping idle
00:00:34.04: FF: animator:(mapinfocaliper2) setSequence idle
00:00:34.04: FF: animator:(mapinfocaliper2) Ignoring sequence request, already animating looping idle
00:00:34.04: FF: animator:(mapinfocaliper3) setSequence idle
00:00:34.04: FF: animator:(mapinfocaliper3) Ignoring sequence request, already animating looping idle
00:00:34.04: FF: animator:(ffxgun) setSequence idle
00:00:34.04: FF: animator:(ffxgun) setSequence2
00:00:34.04: FF: animator:(ffxgun) disableCurrentState
00:00:34.04: FF: animator:(ffxgun) end disableCurrentState
00:00:34.05: FF: animator:(ffxgun) end setSequence2
00:00:34.05: FF: animator:(ffxgun) end setSequence idle
00:00:34.05: FF: animator:(ffxgun) startAnimating idle
00:00:34.05: FF: animator:(ffxgun) startAnimating Calling ActivateSequence for idle
00:00:34.05: FF: animator:(ffxgun) end startAnimating idle
00:00:34.05: FF: animator:(ffxtarget) setSequence idle
00:00:34.05: FF: animator:(ffxtarget) setSequence2
00:00:34.05: FF: animator:(ffxtarget) disableCurrentState
00:00:34.05: FF: animator:(ffxtarget) end disableCurrentState
00:00:34.05: FF: animator:(ffxtarget) end setSequence2
00:00:34.05: FF: animator:(ffxtarget) end setSequence idle
00:00:34.05: FF: animator:(ffxtarget) startAnimating idle
00:00:34.05: FF: animator:(ffxtarget) startAnimating Calling ActivateSequence for idle
00:00:34.05: FF: animator:(ffxtarget) end startAnimating idle
00:00:34.05: FF: animator:(m25obj_2) setSequence idle
00:00:34.05: FF: animator:(m25obj_2) setSequence2
00:00:34.05: FF: animator:(m25obj_2) disableCurrentState
00:00:34.05: FF: animator:(m25obj_2) end disableCurrentState
00:00:34.05: FF: animator:(m25obj_2) end setSequence2
00:00:34.05: FF: animator:(m25obj_2) end setSequence idle
00:00:34.05: FF: animator:(m25obj_2) startAnimating idle
00:00:34.05: FF: animator:(m25obj_2) startAnimating Calling ActivateSequence for idle
00:00:34.05: FF: animator:(m25obj_2) end startAnimating idle
00:00:34.08: FF: animator:(mapinfocaliper0) setSequence idle
00:00:34.08: FF: animator:(mapinfocaliper0) Ignoring sequence request, already animating looping idle
00:00:34.08: FF: animator:(mapinfocaliper1) setSequence idle
00:00:34.08: FF: animator:(mapinfocaliper1) Ignoring sequence request, already animating looping idle
00:00:34.08: FF: animator:(mapinfocaliper2) setSequence idle
00:00:34.08: FF: animator:(mapinfocaliper2) Ignoring sequence request, already animating looping idle
00:00:34.08: FF: animator:(mapinfocaliper3) setSequence idle
00:00:34.08: FF: animator:(mapinfocaliper3) Ignoring sequence request, already animating looping idle
00:00:34.08: FF: animator:(ffxgun) setSequence idle
00:00:34.09: FF: animator:(ffxgun) Ignoring sequence request, already animating looping idle
00:00:34.09: FF: animator:(ffxtarget) setSequence idle
00:00:34.09: FF: animator:(ffxtarget) Ignoring sequence request, already animating looping idle
00:00:34.09: FF: animator:(m25obj_2) setSequence idle
00:00:34.09: FF: animator:(m25obj_2) Ignoring sequence request, already animating looping idle
00:00:36.00: FF: activation: CGameObj::removeFromSystem(mapinfocaliper0, [100:99])
00:00:36.00: FF: activation: CGameObjFactory::removeObjectFromSystem: queing for removal mapinfocaliper0
00:00:36.00: FF: activation: CGameObj::removeFromSystem(mapinfocaliper1, [101:100])
00:00:36.00: FF: activation: CGameObjFactory::removeObjectFromSystem: queing for removal mapinfocaliper1
00:00:36.00: FF: activation: CGameObj::removeFromSystem(mapinfocaliper2, [102:101])
00:00:36.00: FF: activation: CGameObjFactory::removeObjectFromSystem: queing for removal mapinfocaliper2
00:00:36.00: FF: activation: CGameObj::removeFromSystem(mapinfocaliper3, [103:102])
00:00:36.00: FF: activation: CGameObjFactory::removeObjectFromSystem: queing for removal mapinfocaliper3
00:00:36.01: FF: activation: CGameObjFactory::removeObject: removing mapinfocaliper0
00:00:36.02: FF: activation: invalidate id 6553699, index 99, stamp 100
00:00:36.02: FF: activation: CGameObjFactory::removeObject: removing mapinfocaliper1
00:00:36.02: FF: activation: invalidate id 6619236, index 100, stamp 101
00:00:36.02: FF: activation: CGameObjFactory::removeObject: removing mapinfocaliper2
00:00:36.03: FF: activation: invalidate id 6684773, index 101, stamp 102
00:00:36.03: FF: activation: CGameObjFactory::removeObject: removing mapinfocaliper3
00:00:36.03: FF: activation: invalidate id 6750310, index 102, stamp 103
00:00:36.06: FF: animator:(m25obj_2) setSequence idle
00:00:36.06: FF: animator:(m25obj_2) Ignoring sequence request, already animating looping idle
00:00:36.08: FF: animator:(m25obj_2) setSequence idle
00:00:36.08: FF: animator:(m25obj_2) Ignoring sequence request, already animating looping idle
00:00:36.15: FF: activation: CGameObjFactory::update deleting object (mapinfocaliper0)
00:00:36.15: FF: activation: >>>>>>>>>remove id 6553699, index 99, stamp 100
00:00:36.15: FF: activation: CGameObjFactory::update deleting object (mapinfocaliper1)
00:00:36.15: FF: activation: >>>>>>>>>remove id 6619236, index 100, stamp 101
00:00:36.15: FF: activation: CGameObjFactory::update deleting object (mapinfocaliper2)
00:00:36.15: FF: activation: >>>>>>>>>remove id 6684773, index 101, stamp 102
00:00:36.15: FF: activation: CGameObjFactory::update deleting object (mapinfocaliper3)
00:00:36.15: FF: activation: >>>>>>>>>remove id 6750310, index 102, stamp 103
00:00:36.60: FF: CResourceDataMgr::getTagFullName, resource music_debrief not found
00:00:39.85: FF: freeing physics
00:00:40.18: FF: CInterpreter::init() completed
00:00:40.18: FF: Py_GetPath(.\System;.\System\PythonLib;.\Data\Missions\Scripts;C:\Documents and Settings\John\Local Settings\Application Data\Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs the 3rd Reich\temp;E:\Games\Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich\.\atawwii\missions\scripts;)
00:00:40.18: FF: Py_GetProgramFullPath(E:\Games\Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich\ffvt3r.exe)
00:00:40.19: FF: CMission::init(001training_exercise, Missions\001Training_Exercise\base.dat)
00:00:40.22: FF: CMission::loadScript(Missions\001Training_Exercise\
00:00:42.91: FF: CRender: creating DX9 renderer
00:00:42.92: FF: CRender: trying to render in 32 bits
00:00:42.93: FF: destroying font resources
00:00:43.20: FF: Recreating font resources
00:00:43.20: FF: DepthStencil is D3DFMT_D24S8
00:00:43.26: FF: initializing physics
00:00:47.81: FF: CPathNodeList::preprocess: 0 nodes
00:00:47.81: FF: CPathNodeList::preprocess: 0 nodes
00:00:48.38: FF: GEOMETRY COUNTER AT 9434
00:00:55.90: FF: ERROR! Art\library\characters\visionya2_skope\character.nif is missing linked files:
00:00:55.90: FF:    - Art\library\characters\VisionYA2_skope\skins\standard\male_cape_lightmap.tga
00:00:55.90: FF:    - Art\library\characters\VisionYA2_skope\skins\standard\Extras2.tga
00:00:55.90: FF:    - Art\library\characters\VisionYA2_skope\skins\standard\Extras2_refl.tga
00:00:55.90: FF:    - Art\library\characters\VisionYA2_skope\skins\standard\Extras2_glow.tga
00:00:55.90: FF:    - Art\library\characters\VisionYA2_skope\skins\standard\male_cape.tga
00:00:55.90: FF:    - Art\library\characters\VisionYA2_skope\skins\standard\male_cape_refl.tga
00:00:55.90: FF:    - Art\library\characters\VisionYA2_skope\skins\standard\male_cape_glow.tga
00:00:55.90: FF:    - Art\library\characters\VisionYA2_skope\skins\standard\male_cape_lightmap.tga
00:00:55.90: FF:    - Art\library\characters\VisionYA2_skope\skins\standard\male_cape_lightmap.tga
00:00:59.39: FF: freeing physics
00:00:59.74: FF: CInterpreter::init() completed
00:00:59.74: FF: Py_GetPath(.\System;.\System\PythonLib;.\Data\Missions\Scripts;C:\Documents and Settings\John\Local Settings\Application Data\Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs the 3rd Reich\temp;E:\Games\Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich\.\atawwii\missions\scripts;)
00:00:59.74: FF: Py_GetProgramFullPath(E:\Games\Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich\ffvt3r.exe)
00:00:59.75: FF: CMission::init(001training_exercise, Missions\001Training_Exercise\mission.dat)
00:00:59.77: FF: CMission::loadScript(Missions\001Training_Exercise\
00:01:02.66: FF: CRender: creating DX9 renderer
00:01:02.66: FF: CRender: trying to render in 32 bits
00:01:02.68: FF: destroying font resources
00:01:02.97: FF: Recreating font resources
00:01:02.97: FF: DepthStencil is D3DFMT_D24S8
00:01:03.03: FF: initializing physics
00:01:07.48: FF: CGameTypeCampaign::postObjectsLoaded(): unable to find character def 'hawkeye'
00:01:07.48: FF: CGameTypeCampaign::postObjectsLoaded(): unable to find character def 'tigra'
00:01:07.48: FF: ERROR: CNifCacheDS::importNIFFile, NI was unable to load Art\ : Not a NIF file:
00:01:07.48: FF: ERROR! CNifcacheDS: Unable to import nif file
00:01:07.49: FF: Could not create damage version for object hero_3, object has no NIF specified
00:01:07.49: FF: CGameTypeCampaign::postObjectsLoaded(): unable to find character def 'wonder man'
00:01:07.52: FF: CPathNodeList::preprocess: 0 nodes
00:01:07.52: FF: CPathNodeList::preprocess: 0 nodes


Ah.  The crash to desktop is caused by recruiting characters from hero files.  It doesn't work.  The player can do it by spending prestige, but for some reason you can't do it through python scripts.

You'll have to convert them to built-ins first.


Ok.  I'll bite.  How do I convert custom heroes to built-ins?  :blink:


Quote from: Torch on March 29, 2009, 02:09:35 PM
Ok.  I'll bite.  How do I convert custom heroes to built-ins?  :blink:
As i mentioned above, EZHero will do it, as will M25's utility (


Quote from: GogglesPizanno on March 29, 2009, 04:19:10 PM
Quote from: Torch on March 29, 2009, 02:09:35 PM
Ok.  I'll bite.  How do I convert custom heroes to built-ins?  :blink:
As i mentioned above, EZHero will do it, as will M25's utility (
Right.  Reading is fundamental.  Sorry.  Now that I re-read your post it has all the juicy details.  :doh:


I've got all of the missions completed as playable mini-mods!  W00t!  :thumbup:

Now I am struggling with the campaign integration.  :banghead:

I have my heroes files converted into .dat thanks to GP and M25.  For some reason my mission won't run with my 'custom' characters that are now 'built-in'.  It lets me select them on the base screen, but then freezes when entering the next mission.  It unfades the screen and puts a 'red arrow' as instructed, but I don't see my heroes and I can't move the camera.  It does, however, run as a mini-mod in the rumble room when I select my custom characters from the drop-down list.  Here is the script.log file:

>>> system/ executed
>>> system/ executed
>>> system\ executed
loading datfiles version 0.256000
loading cshelper ...
Starting v. 3.3.1 build 0; branch = main release update
Loading v. 3.3.0 build 3; branch = Gold v.3.3 with Patch
importing v1.20
importing MLOG Reader 1.0.23
Starting General Utilities 1.0.1
missionobjvar(FixLongs): Fixing overflow issue with <SCSTATE_BUOYANT>
missionobjvar defining functions for Rumble Room play.
Loading v.3.2.0 final; May 27, 2007
CustomHeadCurrentTime 1238366053.015000
Starting Height Check module 1.4
Starting System Utilities 1.5
OBJECTS_HEIGHT: 604 entries
NIF_OBJECTS: 482 entries
Starting  v 0.79 beta
skXMapInfo: m25ai available
Loading v.3.2.0 final; branch = swingman 4
FFX Mission Plugin 'firehydrant' imported
FFX Mission Plugin 'zombie' imported
Loading v.1.0.0 build 0; branch = main
FFX Mission Plugin 'freeroam_keepbuildingdamage' imported
FFX Mission Plugin 'm25ai_lowjumper' imported
FFX Mission Plugin 'm25ai_realitymanipulation' imported
FFX Mission Plugin 'cutscene_power' imported
Loading v.1.0.0 build 0; branch = main
Loading v.3.2.0 July 27, 2008
FFX Mission Plugin 'm25enc_opendoor' imported
Loading v.1.0.0 build 0; branch = main
FFX Mission Plugin 'm25enc_simplechoice' imported
Starting Built-In Function Wrapper 1.5
('Object_CalcPrestige', 'js')
atawwii\Missions\Scripts\ importing FFX
atawwii\Missions\Scripts\ loaded
Loading v.3.2.0 final; May 27, 2008
>>> C:\Documents and Settings\John\Local Settings\Application Data\Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs the 3rd Reich\temp\ executed
! GetMapInfo
MLOG_Init(keepRunningModules=0): starting up
mlogreader.MLOG_Init: current mission = '001TRAININGEXERCISE'
initialising FFX: skirmish=0
mapinfocaliper0 is not a valid explosion object
mapinfocaliper1 is not a valid explosion object
mapinfocaliper2 is not a valid explosion object
mapinfocaliper3 is not a valid explosion object
storing hero_1: id_1,6
storing hero_2: id_2,114
storing hero_3: id_3,44
storing hero_4: id_4,126
Campaign_ReadCharactersFromSavedGame: character <captain_america> has power <captain_america one-shot punchcaptain_america Fist flurry> with no corresponding powers.dat entry.
m25obj_2 nick_fury1 encounter1_ally1
scientist1 berlin_male encounter1_ally2
initialising FFQ_initialiseExtras()
FFX_UpdateSun: getting default sun
FFX_UpdateSun: setting = (-45.0, 45.0, 1.0, 0.800000011921, (1.0, 1.0, 1.0))
initAttribsForChar: working on hero_3 (vision)
initAttribsForChar (vision): looking at attribute solarpowered
execInitAttrib: init solarpowered attribute
    on hero_3 of template vision (vision)
solar powered characterhero_3 has base energy 3
initAttribsForChar (vision): looking at attribute flier
initAttribsForChar (vision): looking at attribute density control
initAttribsForChar (vision): looking at attribute cybernetic brain
initAttribsForChar: working on hero_4 (Wonderman)
initAttribsForChar (Wonderman): looking at attribute flier
initAttribsForChar (Wonderman): looking at attribute heavy hitter
initAttribsForChar (Wonderman): looking at attribute heavy lifter
initAttribsForChar (Wonderman): looking at attribute fastflier
execInitAttrib: init fastflier attribute
    on hero_4 of template Wonderman (Wonderman)
initAttribsForChar (Wonderman): looking at attribute ffqimmortal
execInitAttrib: init ffqimmortal attribute
    on hero_4 of template Wonderman (Wonderman)
initAttribsForChar: working on hero_2 (Tigra)
initAttribsForChar (Tigra): looking at attribute acrobatic
execInitAttrib: init acrobatic attribute
    on hero_2 of template Tigra (Tigra)
initAttribsForChar (Tigra): looking at attribute claws
initAttribsForChar (Tigra): looking at attribute wall climbing
initAttribsForChar (Tigra): looking at attribute hirsute
initAttribsForChar (Tigra): looking at attribute jumper
initAttribsForChar: working on hero_1 (Hawkeye)
initAttribsForChar (Hawkeye): looking at attribute acrobatic
execInitAttrib: init acrobatic attribute
    on hero_1 of template Hawkeye (Hawkeye)
initAttribsForChar (Hawkeye): looking at attribute crack shot
initAttribsForChar: working on m25obj_2 (nick_fury1)
initAttribsForChar (nick_fury1): looking at attribute tough guy
initAttribsForChar: working on scientist1 (berlin_male)
addArrow scientist1arrow scientist1 0 1
Plugin 'firehydrant' OnPostInit() called
Plugin 'zombie' has no OnPostInit()
Plugin 'freeroam_keepbuildingdamage' OnPostInit() called
Plugin 'm25ai_lowjumper' has no OnPostInit()
Plugin 'm25ai_realitymanipulation' has no OnPostInit()
Plugin 'cutscene_power' has no OnPostInit()
Plugin 'm25enc_opendoor' has no OnPostInit()
Plugin 'm25enc_simplechoice' has no OnPostInit()


I've got the campaign back on track.  It appeared to be a camera issue.  It was strange I couldn't seem to scroll at first, but when I added a line of code to center the camera on Hero1 it worked out.

Now I am working through it to make sure it will play all the way to the end, and then it should be ready for beta testing.


New question:

When loading a mini-mod in the rumble room, an error appears on the screen about a character having a duplicate "Complex" and I should run FFX Control Centre.  I leave the game and run Control Centre, and I also choose the folder I'm working in from the pull down menu.  When I go back into the game I still have the same problem.

I have installed custom meshes, and I have converted them to FFv3R (nif and keyframe).  I have them declared as allies, and they do show up.  The hero I choose in the rumble room is a previously used character, and the villain I declare is one that came with the stock game.

Is there anyway to correct the issue manually?  I have gone into FFEdit and I see the field 'Complex' for a character.  I just don't know what to set it to in order for it to be unique.


I have seen this before and was wondering if anyone else encountered it. If you're having the same issue, it's because, the FFX Control Centre sometimes causes trouble when it adds the complex attribute by leaving more than one entry for the attribute in the character's data.

It's possible to write something that removes duplicate attributes, but, for now, the best approach may be to figure out which characters have the problem and use FFEdit to clear their complex attributes and then run the FFX Control Centre again.

Check which character(s) have the problem. Look in your script.log for a message like the one you saw in-game (search for duplicate complex). It should say which two characters have the same complex values. (If it doesn't, then download a more recent version of to the mod's ../missions/scripts folder and run the mission again.)

Then, use FFEdit to remove the complex attribute from both characters. I am pretty sure FFEdit will remove any extra entries for the same attribute in a character.

Repeat those steps for any other characters with that error in the script.log.

Then run the FFX Control Centre again.

Now see if the mission runs without giving the error.
Courage is knowing it might hurt, and doing it anyway. Stupidity is the same. And that's why life is hard. - Jeremy Goldberg


Quote from: stumpy on April 25, 2009, 07:24:23 PM
I have seen this before and was wondering if anyone else encountered it. If you're having the same issue, it's because, the FFX Control Centre sometimes causes trouble when it adds the complex attribute by leaving more than one entry for the attribute in the character's data.

It's possible to write something that removes duplicate attributes, but, for now, the best approach may be to figure out which characters have the problem and use FFEdit to clear their complex attributes and then run the FFX Control Centre again.

Check which character(s) have the problem. Look in your script.log for a message like the one you saw in-game (search for duplicate complex). It should say which two characters have the same complex values. (If it doesn't, then download a more recent version of to the mod's ../missions/scripts folder and run the mission again.)

Then, use FFEdit to remove the complex attribute from both characters. I am pretty sure FFEdit will remove any extra entries for the same attribute in a character.

Repeat those steps for any other characters with that error in the script.log.

Then run the FFX Control Centre again.

Now see if the mission runs without giving the error.
Okay.  I checked it out.  Thanks.  I ended up starting at complex 1000 and assigning numbers to any 'duplicates' and it appears to have cleared it up.  I've used 1000, 1001, and 1002.  And if I encounter it again with a different character I plan to use 1003, etc.


You shouldn't assign your own complex numbers; let the FFX Control Centre do it for you. Some of the number ranges have meaning within FFX and assigning your own can cause problems and unreliable behavior. I only suggested using FFEdit to remove the complex attribute from those character templates. That should clean up any duplicate complex values for a character and allow the Control Centre to work properly.
Courage is knowing it might hurt, and doing it anyway. Stupidity is the same. And that's why life is hard. - Jeremy Goldberg


Ok Stumps.  FFX Control Centre doesn't seem to assign Complex numbers.  I run it and I choose the appropriate folder from the pulldown menu.  I also choose the specific character from the character pulldown.  I then close it and open FFEdit.  No change in the character.

Here are the errors from sript.log:

Run datfiles.Campaign_SetMissingComplexAttribs()
GetCharacterData: unable to determine which character has 'complex'=0.  Re-run FFX Control Centre

How do I run 'datfiles.Campaign_SetMissingComplexAttribs()' ?


Wait, did you use FFEdit to blank out the complex values that you had assigned by hand before running the CC? It may not overwrite the complex attribute if there is one assigned to the character. If a character has no complex attribute, then the CC should give him one.

The only exceptions I know about are civilians and certain vehicles, and for those you run datfiles.Campaign_SetMissingComplexAttribs() from the console. To do that, just open the game console and enter the following lines, one at a time
import datfiles

But, first use FFEdit to clear any complex attribs that you entered by hand first and then run the CC. Then, if you see that error when you load the mission, open the console and enter the lines above. Then restart the mission and see what happens. You may want to post your whole script.log file if you get the error again.

BTW, I have been assuming (since you used FFEdit to assign complex attribs) this is for a built-in character, not a HERO file...
Courage is knowing it might hurt, and doing it anyway. Stupidity is the same. And that's why life is hard. - Jeremy Goldberg


Quote from: stumpy on April 26, 2009, 06:20:16 PM
Wait, did you use FFEdit to blank out the complex values that you had assigned by hand before running the CC? It may not overwrite the complex attribute if there is one assigned to the character. If a character has no complex attribute, then the CC should give him one.

The only exceptions I know about are civilians and certain vehicles...
This was my problem.  I had them as 'civilians' without knowing the above info.  I've since changed them to 'heroes' and it works just like you said it would.  Thank you.

Quote from: stumpy on April 26, 2009, 06:20:16 PM
BTW, I have been assuming (since you used FFEdit to assign complex attribs) this is for a built-in character, not a HERO file...
Yes, they are built-in characters.