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Silk_Spectre_tf mesh/skin 2-pack

Started by tommyboy, March 25, 2009, 12:27:47 PM

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Released, Silk_Spectre_tf 2-pack;

A bit of a compromise and a failure, really.
The two meshes are:
on the left, "character.nif" is an exported for FF mesh where the translucent parts are linked to bips so they work correctly in FF. Because they are linked, there is some clipping during motion, and there was no way I could think of to do the skirt except the one I chose, which is far from perfect. If used in FFv3R, these linked parts will likely "bob", that is, move independently of the main mesh.
On the right, "character_ffv3R.nif" is also an exported for FF mesh, but here the translucent parts are physiqued to the body, so they move better, and there is less clipping, and the skirt looks much better. The downside to physiquing is that (on my system at least, and I suspect most other peoples) in FF the physiqued parts (her blouse and skirt) will show as opaque not translucent. In FFv3r, this version should work properly.
N.B. Despite it's name, the character_ffv3r.nif" is NOT exported with the FFv3R exporters, it is an FF mesh that will work in either game, albeit in FF the translucent parts will likely be opaque.

The keyframes included are the Beyonders female_basic1 set, but both meshes should work with most female_basic and female_cape compatible keyframes.

Available now, here: