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Cap from FF to FFv3R

Started by freegentile, April 30, 2009, 01:10:45 AM

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Howdy, folks...Mr. New Guy here again w/ some newbie conversion questions.

Concerning the hero recipes that AlexFF has on his site (& I have mailed him on this stuff, just not able to wrap my brain around this stuff yet...need step-by-step, I guess).

I played w/ ffv3r & the ffv3r mod tools quite a bit today & got Cap in ffv3r as a custom hero.

I have noted that when I clock his attributes in according to the hero recipe, the game tells me he is too expensive for multi-player. I tested him out in the rumble room & he has no powers. How do I get the powers that AlexFF set up in his hero recipe to pull into ffv3r? Is it that I need to run a custom command like those in ff to give him 100000 prestige points? I haven't seen any code recommendations like that for ffv3r.

I saw in EZHero where I can save Cap as ffv3r format, but I don't know what kind of file to save or where to save it. Seems like I did something right, since I can see him & can play him, he just has no powers & can't fly. I did save his hero recipe in EZHero as a dat file & saved to the "standard path" setting, which pointed to E:\Program Files\Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich\Crisis\characters.dat  (trying to set up Cap in the Crisis mod, have FF & FFv3R on E:).

Just don't know what I need to do, to make him playable in ffv3r w/ all his powers.

Thank you all for your guidance!


Which Cap is this? I'm presuming Captain Marvel (the Big Red Cheese not the alien), but I'm not sure. Heh.


You know it! Captain Marvel.

I actually got him, Black Adam, Superman, & GL-Hal Jordan...all AlexFF's hero recipes...over into FF3vR last night.

One hitch, though...none of them can use their special/most destructive attacks...only their primary & secondary powers. For instance, Captain Marvel can use his punch & flying charge, but not his Shazam! power. It shows as available, but when I choose for him to execute it, he does nothing. Same w/ Black Adam. Same w/ Superman w/ his heat vision & freeze breath. Same w/ GL & Emerald Nuke. Everything else works great! Thank you guys for your patience & guidance!


That's most likely because you're moving characters into places/mods that don't have all the required files for those characters. In this case, you don't have the required fx.
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Understood. I did find that the fx attached to the powers they can't use are in Freedom Force\data\art\library\fx\generic, but nowhere in FFv3R. Do I need to just convert those nif's to make them usable?


Quote from: freegentile on May 01, 2009, 03:49:21 AM
Understood. I did find that the fx attached to the powers they can't use are in Freedom Force\data\art\library\fx\generic, but nowhere in FFv3R. Do I need to just convert those nif's to make them usable?

No, fx don't need converting. You'd need to see if those fx exist in FFVTTR in any form and switch the power effects accordingly. Otherwise, you'd need to install said fx in ffvttr.
Disappear when you least expe--


I greatly apologize for having to ask, because I know it's rudimentary to you, but how would I install those fx in ffvttr? I do have the ffedit program for ffvttr & i did try to use the fx & powers tabs, but i don't know whether to point to for "origin", like a start.nif or core.nif, I guess, & what values need to go where, in what fields. anyway, the fiddling i did didn't work. thank you much.


One very simple way to fix this is to choose your own fx for these powers.  Just edit the characters in game and choose a FX that you already have for the attacks that don't work.


Understood. I appreciate you guys guiding me along here. I now have AlexFF's Cap, Black Adam, GL-Hal Jordan, Firestorm, & Supes in FF & FFv3r. I picked effects that work for everyone's powers & the games are much more fun now! Last item of interest is giving these guys a voice. The Cap & Black Adam built into the FF DC mod are really appropriate...Cap uses Minuteman's voice & Black Adam sounds like a thug. Very funny..."hah, a buncha movin' targets" and "hey, more creeps".

However, w/ my new heroes in both platforms, I can choose a voice from the drop-down menu, in-game, but it won't show what I picked & won't save it. Is there some parameter I need to turn on or something I need to do if FFEDIT to allow these custom/new heroes to have a voice?

Thank you much!


I got this figured out, thanks to you guys. Had to bring up the hero file in EZHero, assign a voice, & save that to default folder & to DAT. Once in game, it then shows a voice, which you can leave or change. Good stuff!