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Whatever happened to those skinning challenges?

Started by laughing paradox, April 30, 2009, 08:50:48 PM

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laughing paradox

I remember they were all the rage before I started skinning. What happened to those challenges? Would anyone be interested in reviving the concept?

I think it'd be cool, with a lot of older skinners returning and more new skinners joining the fold.

What do you folks think?


That would be cool...might actually inspire me to break out the GIMP. ;)

The Hitman


I was always a fan of the challenges also. Unfortunately the last couple of challenges were poorly received and a lot of participants never finished. This resulted in the death of the skinning challenge.
I would love to see them happen again on a monthly basis, but will not hold my breath on seeing it's resurrection.
What are you planning for a concept?


Maybe one character for the challenge, then everyone participating gets a different era. Say we take Courtnall6's av and assign one participant the Golden Age, one Silver Age, one Steampunk, one 90's, one sci-fi, etc.

Sioux City Dynamo

Hi Gremlin,

Nice idea for a challenge!

I would really like to participate on any challenge.  I believe it would be fun!!



Actually, I was considering offering the challenge that we skin our own avatars as a Lantern of some sort. Not necessarily an "official" lantern (Hey, the Glob as The Plaid Lantern!), any color including gold, silver, and copper, too.

Menawhile, I'm working on an obscure DC character called The Black Lamp...


laughing paradox

We can vote on a skinning challenge, after having enough people showing interest and donating ideas.

I was actually thinking, as a challenge, to create their very own member of Weapon X, from the Exiles.

In essence, creating an alternate reality version of a Marvel superhero that would reflect how dangerous, different, deranged or deadly they are. It could, and should, even include a brief history of the character. It could be a lot of fun.. at the end of it, we could combine all the characters and make them a Weapon X team on their own.

Since it's a skinning challenge, I would also offer up some skoping assistance for those who need it. (Odds are, though, I'll probably be asking YOU for help ;) )

So far we have:

1. Skinning through the ages
2. Lantern avatars
3. Weapon eXiles

Any other ideas?


Well, if we do one I'm on board... BUT I am reminding that yes, the last few before they fizzled didn't get a lot of participation. I think I didn't even complete one or two.

Of course... I am notoriously bad for getting things done.

I like the Weapon X or "Total hardcase" version of a character. However, I suggest that each contestant name a character then we pool those and randomly assign them. Sort of like with the drawing challenges (which I was a big proponent of).


Quote from: billdamn22 on April 30, 2009, 10:41:22 PM
I was always a fan of the challenges also. Unfortunately the last couple of challenges were poorly received and a lot of participants never finished. This resulted in the death of the skinning challenge.
I would love to see them happen again on a monthly basis, but will not hold my breath on seeing it's resurrection.

Quote from: UnkoMan on May 01, 2009, 12:35:53 PM
Well, if we do one I'm on board... BUT I am reminding that yes, the last few before they fizzled didn't get a lot of participation. I think I didn't even complete one or two.

This is true. I don't recall a lot of people finishing the last challenge which was a few months ago on MM...and it didn't have a time line. Hopefully this attempt at a challenge can respark some fires.
Disappear when you least expe--


i like the idea of lantern ava or exiles . count me in.


i would love to participate... 

and even if we don't finish in time we can at least in the deadline show what we have... and release it after...

just an idea


Quote from: The_Baroness on May 01, 2009, 03:14:52 PM
i would love to participate... 

and even if we don't finish in time we can at least in the deadline show what we have... and release it after...

just an idea

That's not a bad idea..

Posting work in progress stuff might not be bad either.

But since it's a skinning challenge, the less scoping there is might be better. But since it is a skinning challenge, maybe scoping just enough for a stationary pic might be okay (you kow, looks great in Nifscope, and fine in CTool while idling, but the first time it moves the scoped piece goes 'way over yonder). You could solve scoping issues later.

Hmmm... Weapon X: Reed Richards...

Could mix companies, too, like I did with the DC Skrulls.

laughing paradox

It seems, thankfully, we're getting a lot of interest from people.. so even if the last couple of challenges were poorly received, it seems at least there are enough people for another one.

And hey, if it can get UnkoMan out of his self-imposed skinning exile, then I'm even more for it! ;)

I think, for the Exiles challenge, I'd like to keep it to Marvel.. just to keep it simple and to really embrace the idea of making a very possible member of Weapon X. I really like the idea of, when everyone has their characters created, playing all these characters as a team in the game.

So let your ideas be heard, folks! Let us know what idea you like, or if you have a suggestion for another one.

I'd like to officially start the challenge soon.. strike while the iron's hot.


The skinning challenges are fun but my burnouts are happening to frequently to participate. Along comes the deadline and I may have no desire to finish the skin at all. <_<
Clothes make the man and colourful tights make the Super-Hero.

Cyber Burn

I think getting assigned a character may take some of the fun out, maybe even add unnecessary stress to the skinner. I agree with C6, when you're feeling burnt out, feeling obligated just make it a little bit worse. I do like the Weapon X idea, lots of possibilities.


super avatar. idea. take an avatar here, and re-imagine him as an alien baby rocketed to earth, powers and abilities far beyond...  superunko, superbad, super etc, you get the idea.

Cyber Burn

Quote from: bearded on May 07, 2009, 08:12:55 PM
super avatar. idea. take an avatar here, and re-imagine him as an alien baby rocketed to earth, powers and abilities far beyond...  superunko, superbad, super etc, you get the idea.

I'd just hate to see those without Avatars get left out. I think that's one of the downers of the skinning challenges.


now there's a good idea for a challenge.  find someone without an avatar and design one for.

Sioux City Dynamo

Hi Bearded,

I think that is a great suggestion.  Perhaps as soon as the Weapon X challenge comes to a close the community could start on your suggestion?



Quote from: bearded on May 08, 2009, 12:17:52 AM
now there's a good idea for a challenge.  find someone without an avatar and design one for.

AWESOME. I love this idea!


Heh, I might even get behind this one. I have begun a list for my own use, if you need it.