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MUA Sound effects

Started by The Nemesis, May 02, 2009, 05:59:37 PM

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The Nemesis

Hey, does anyone know anywhere I can get a pack with some of the Marvel Ultimate Alliance sound effects in it?

I remember a while ago some1 put the music from the Marvel trading card game in a zip and that was very useful for some of us  :ffvstr: ers.

I'm making another animated video with some of the freedom force models we have here in the community and MUA seems like the best place for sound effects.


try this request over on the forums. Because sounds are packaged within "zss" and "zsm" files, MUA is not easy to rip from, so not many here would even know kinda of how to do it, but if you're patient the guys over there can point you in the direction of the tools and such you need or can rip them for you.

The Nemesis

Thanks Tomato, I found a thread over there that talks about it  :thumbup:.