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Murs is a jerk.

Started by Gremlin, June 02, 2009, 01:08:31 AM

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He ruined my ice cream and made it all melty.

And then Benton swam in it so I can't eat it anymore.


Hey, Gremlin. I got a pretty nice and decked out DeLorean sitting next to me. You wouldn't happen to know of a great triumph they have each accomplished would you(and when and where they happened)? If so, i beleive there is a Flux Capacitor with your name on it. I also have a phonebooth with some sort of umbrella antenna on top of it, should the DeLorean seem to over the top. The phone booth comes with a complimentary historical figure:Socrates or Billy the Kid are currently available. :cool: :lol:
"Roads, Where we're going we don't need... Roads"


You sniveling worm!

You've slandered my good name!


Quote from: murs47 on June 02, 2009, 05:55:50 AM
You sniveling worm!

You've slandered my good name!

You slandered it just fine yourself you horrible hitman.


*throws dandruff collection at Gremlin's dark laundry*

Gremlin were saving that? Why would you do that? What would prompt you to collect it?


For moments like this.....duh :rolleyes:.


Well that is incredibly gross. You are a disgusting person. Ewewewewewwwww.

The Hitman

Waitaminute... I'M a horrible Hitman! Mursy stole my title!! You... you title- stealer!

*steals Murs's swords*

"Ooh, look at meee! I'm kinda like Deadpool but not so much!"


It's o.k. Gremlin, Show us on the doll where he violated you.
"That is not dead which can eternal lie, and with strange eons even death may die."

Deaths Jester

What you didn't already know murs was a jerk?   Man, ye are really stupid Gremlin!
Avatar picture originally a Brom painting entitled Marionette.


Quote from: Ares_God_of_War on June 02, 2009, 10:22:13 PM
It's o.k. Gremlin, Show us on the doll where he violated you.

:lol:  wait is it a girl doll or an action figure?  :lol:
I don't call for tech support, I AM TECH SUPPORT!
It's the internet, don't take it personal!


Quote from: JeyNyce on June 08, 2009, 05:03:06 PM
Quote from: Ares_God_of_War on June 02, 2009, 10:22:13 PM
It's o.k. Gremlin, Show us on the doll where he violated you.

:lol:  wait is it a girl doll or an action figure?  :lol:

You shut up. Just because I'm not exactly mammilian doesn't mean I don't have gender.


*points and laughs at Gremlin*



*in a very manly way*

Deaths Jester

Which means he cried like the little baby girl he is.
Avatar picture originally a Brom painting entitled Marionette.