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Started by saturdaycartoon_squared, June 10, 2009, 06:57:38 PM

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Hypothetically speaking, if you had found a nifty kf swap that fit a paticular project you are working on, if you acknowledge the creator of both the mesh and the kf's in the readme's in this project. Is this correct procedure even if you package it as part of the project zip files, hypothetically speaking , of course

  :D  :unsure:  :D
And now back to our program...


Sounds like the right way to go about it. You're giving credit where credit is due. ;)


Thanks, Murs, I have been gone awhile, kids, work, illness, but still tooned in , so to speak appreciate it,
hypothetically speaking of course...
And now back to our program...


This is hypothetically relevant to my hypothetical interests.


I think it was Kenn X that came up with a bunch of these awhile back. I have a saved web page someplace on CD wehre he has such swaps listed along the lines of "Male Basic by Irrational along with Beyonder's Azrael keyframes for Male Hulking" or something like that.


Thanks, Glob, the KF swaps I am talking about for example, adding the speedster KF's to the male dog mesh , to make a correct version of Hunter from the Road Rovers, so that the FF version is as closeas possible to the 'toon version. And if you have a copy of that list can  you please email it to me , I would appreciate it. It's not that I have missed anything before, but I have heard that it happens.   :banghead:

And speaking of acknowledgements, any idea where Grenadiers's Ulik mesh is located I need to point folks in the right direction for my hypothetical Ookla skin for Thundarr the Barbdarian stuff.
And now back to our program...


Never mind folks, found it in grenadier group 2005.123-a (/Grenadiermeshes7 actually)  or something like that. Consarned Yahoo, makling me type funny codes in to little boxes, Gremlin can't you do something about those eye toturing yahoos at yahoo for those boxes, or are you in on it as well?

Signing in to ten differnet groups , all with *sniff* weird letter , number combos, hurt my little eyes, their already bad from too much cartoon watching....

*Ahem*....anyway found it and a few others needed as well.
And now back to our program...