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Comprehensive List of Tutorials

Started by Previsionary, June 15, 2009, 12:44:01 AM

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Hey, would someone edit the wiki Tutorials to point to my new hosting of them now that the wiki is defunct?  I don't have all of them, but I'm adding them (slowly).

God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
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Cyber Burn

Quote from: BentonGrey on June 12, 2019, 03:41:24 PM
Hey, would someone edit the wiki Tutorials to point to my new hosting of them now that the wiki is defunct?  I don't have all of them, but I'm adding them (slowly).

That would probably have to be Prem since it was his original post. But in the meantime, I had downloaded all of the HTML Files from the Wiki, so if you're interested, I could send you those. Plus, I could send you everything else I've either found or created that's in the Resources Yahoo Group (or is waiting to be placed into the Resources Yahoo Group). For most of those, I should have both PDF Files and Word or Excel Files.

Deaths Jester

Going to be a bit hard for cyberburn to supply them to you seeing as he is no longer with us unhappily.

I've held my tongue up till now with your necroposting but...check the dates of the posts and pay attention to who you are asking things of. Asking a respected member who is no longer with us does nothing but dredge up old memories and reminds us folks like CB and daglob are no longer around. Doesn't really make folks want to help out when you do stuff like that!

If you are really lucky BG might have them and when he gets time - which is something he is short on right now - maybe point you to yikes they are kept but knowing how busy he is...questionable.
Avatar picture originally a Brom painting entitled Marionette.

Deaths Jester

News about cyber burn's passing is  easy to find...two or three threads below the news about da glob in the general discussion section. Might i suggest you spend some time reading some of those pages along with the stickie's at the top of each section - you will learn a lot that way and not have to "rely on so many interactions"...because when you do something like this here - it comes off as you didn't even have the respect to spend time looking around the forum first and learning about the community/catching yourself up on what has transpired since you were last here.

BG is short for Benton gray.
Avatar picture originally a Brom painting entitled Marionette.


Were the tutorials from Yahoo Groups re-uploaded anywhere? If not, I still have them and could upload to mediafire for the time being.


So I'm going to wade in here... I sympathize with not knowing cb was... gone (nothing in here directly links to it, and my guess is you saw dg's thread because I've mentioned his passing multiple times) but DJ is correct that:

A. This is a thread from 3 years ago, and if you had pulled up his account you would see he was last online sep 1st 2020. At minimum he was not currently active.

B. This is an OLD thread, and you would have been better served making a new one ("I saw a thread from 2019 about tutorials, heres a link to it, does anyone here have them?") Rather than necroposting something from 2019, specifically *because* you have no idea who is active, who is dead, who isnt here... etc.

C. I don't put full responsibility on you for it (i want to be clear that i do think it is unfair for dj to fully expect you to just know) but Cyber's passing is recent enough that any amount of board searching would likely have pulled up something, either here or on the discord. So while I dont think you deserve the full reaction dj has showcased, you do bear something like... 10-20% of the responsibility for not even trying to look first. As dj says, the thread about it is still near the top of general discussion (fifth down) and is titled "News about Cyber Burn".


We understand where your comming from trust me we do and everyone has stated that we understand where you are comming from.

No one is blaming you directly...
It's just very painful for us especially many of us O.G.s
That have been on here 20+ Years.
We either grew up or grew older together.

It still hurts me just thinking about it.

Its just painful to be reminded that's all.