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My third skin

Started by stonecold, June 26, 2009, 05:50:50 PM

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I have completed my latest skin, which I can't think of a name for.  It takes advantage of the male_basic_effects mesh by Andrew Davis so it can have reflection of the gold part of his suit.



House Quake

Hey... welcome to the wonderful world of skinning.  Got a tips for you and a question.

1.  All but the earliest meshes made are 'effects' the have reflect and glow textures, and use a lightmap (more later on your skinning journey on how to effectively use them)

2. Question: What resolution (256x256, 515x512...?) are you skinning at and what program are you using?

3. Keep a 'thick skin' when it comes to critiques.  The best skinners are the ones who have been able to endure honest and sometimes bluntly stated constructive criticism.  Not all critiques are on point... but you take what is said and apply what works for you.

4. Its good form to post all of your new work to a single thread. Just update the heading in the first post to reflect the update. Else you're gonnaget targeted for a pet peeve  ^_^


Ok.  For your questions, I use Paint Shop Pro 8 and I have been skinning in 256 x 256 but now I am now working on a remake of my third skin in 1024 x 1024.

House Quake

Quote from: stonecold on June 26, 2009, 11:28:23 PM
Ok.  For your questions, I use Paint Shop Pro 8 and I have been skinning in 256 x 256 but now I am now working on a remake of my third skin in 1024 x 1024.
PSP 8 is cool.  I used o use it as well (I'm on PSP X2 now).  I suspected you were skinning at 256.  512 or 1024 will help a lot as far as fine detail is concerned.  Some skinners will suggest 1024... but you'll find that some of the top guys known for thier great skins and detail... skin at 512.