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New Power INC... update 11/18/09

Started by House Quake, June 28, 2009, 03:07:37 AM

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House Quake

Ahhh... forgot to post Meshworks was updated yesterday with some new skopes by Cascarudo.  Check em out... and enjoy.

House Quake

New skins/skopes from Sioux City Dynamo located on NPI: Mainstreet and his own DDynamic Designs.  Enjoy

laughing paradox

Thanks for the updates! Lots of new great stuff there.


Male Fat, Stocky, and Football are all on NPI. I'll have an update for the Influx section ready tomorrow or Thursday.



Influx section has been updated, I've now split the page between Heroes and Villains in preparation for a later update, which will add information about the universe.

House Quake

We will be making a few asthetic changes to NPI over the next couple of weeks... the first of which have already started (Tomato's and SC Dynamo's spots).  I also hope to have up new skins by the returning Bloodshadow and more as well.


Ummm... am I the only one seeing this? I go to update NPI and it's like... completely empty :wacko:.


No mate, getting the 404 message as well :(


Quote from: growlermike on November 06, 2009, 04:37:45 PM
No mate, getting the 404 message as well :(

Correction just tried and it's back up now :thumbup:


Not exactly... it's back up, but at least on my end it's an old version.

Wonder what's going on...


Updated the Influx section some more. Now if you click on the center link (Between "Villains" and "Heroes" near the top) you'll be taken to a page that'll explain just a bit about Influx and the universes they encounter.

House Quake

Quote from: Tomato on November 06, 2009, 04:42:20 PM
Not exactly... it's back up, but at least on my end it's an old version.

Wonder what's going on...
was likely a temp prob on the server side

House Quake

But... OHHHHH... now I see what you meant by older version.  Ohh hell this SUX!!!!  It effectively reveresed the changes I had made ealier this week  :banghead:


First three Female meshes added! Go nuts people.



Just a quick update: I've "updated" the Yellow Lantern zip file, now it includes Ren's GL Hal keys, since I know there was some confusion as to the version and so forth. Plus, with Ren's site down I thought it'd be prudent to finish them off.

House Quake

House Quake

Just a little heads up

Updates for S. C. Dynamo and Cascurado should be up in a few days.   :cool:



Psst. Check out my section at NPI. Then do it a second time.


Yellow Lantern smash!


can't get the male suit or muscular bases to download as valid archives, and I don't even see Two-Face  :(


What program are you using to open the zips? Winzip might have issues with them because I used winrar. As for Two-face, did you check the mainstream section? It sounds like you only looked in Base meshes


I use 7zip and it worked fine on one of the older bases (and everything that everyone else released yesterday), and yes...I looked in the mainstream folder (the one with spidey, sylar, etc)


figured out part of it...seems NPI and Chrome don't get along very well...still can't get a good copy of the suit base with IE though


meh... so I've seen the site, and gotten some pms about it... something is borked, but I don't have enough control to do maintenance. Been trying to im hq a few days, finally emailed him a few minutes ago. I'm sure it's just a stupid server hiccup, but we'll see.


It's actually not that bad, just takes a few refreshes to do things. Or for the pages you can't fresh on just a few repeat clicks, still I can see why it annoys some people.