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Help making a video tutorial

Started by Tomato, July 13, 2009, 06:07:35 AM

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A little while back I was asked by I think Laughing Paradox (Though I know Iris also had a similar request a bit more recently) for me to do a tutorial on my style of skinning, particularly my highlighting process. Now, I've made tutorials before (including ones I am more then a little embarrassed about now :wacko:) and it's a messy business... work on the skin for two second, stop, take a screen, write a paragraph, work for two seconds, stop... ick.

So, I was thinking... instead of doing that, perhaps making a video tutorial? That way I can record what I'm doing as I'm doing it, and dictate what may not be clear on the recording. However, I don't know anything about the different types of software out there, so I was wondering... Do you guys have any recommendations? I'd likely be running it on my laptop, which has 4GB of RAM on it and a 130-something GB HD if I recall right.