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Sample EZScript mission

Started by BentonGrey, July 17, 2009, 02:58:17 AM

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So, ladies and gentlemen, I was in a conversation in the Shack with two talented individuals who were remarking that EZScript didn't seem worth learning.  I replied that it was actually incredibly simple and managable these days, thanks to the editor.  To prove the point I whipped up the following sample mission in about five minutes.  This calls for several characters by name, and assuming that they exist in exactly that spelling, this little mission will work perfectly, thanks to the brilliance of M25.  If you don't have those characters exactly, you can always replace the specific names with "Hero1" or the appropriate generic descriptor.  In about ten minutes you can put together the structure for a simple, linear mission of significant length with almost no effort.  Writing the dialog is the only hard part left, as long as you don't try and get clever.

Story: Ninjageddon

#Sample EZScript adventure

Encounter: Opening
Type: Cutscene
Allies: civilian_female

Start Cutscene:
Cinematic camera on deadpool
deadpool says, "Something clever involving the army of ninjas I'm about to kill."
Ally moves to deadpool
Ally says, "Help, ninjas!"


Encounter: Badguy1
Type: Hunt
Minions: ninja

Start Cutscene:
Cinematic camera on Minion
Minion says, "Kill deadpool!"
Camera on deadpool
deadpool plays animation melee
deadpool says, "Something clever...again."

End Cutscene:
Cinematic camera on deadpool
deadpool says, "I need to stop these ninjas from blowing up a bus full of children...or some such."


Encounter: Explosion1
Type: Disarm Bomb
Villains: master_ninja
Minions: ninja
Bomb: ger_crate_ammo
Time: 160
Next: If Bomb Disarmed: Win
Next: If Bomb Exploded: Lose

Start Cutscene:
Cinematic camera on master_ninja
master_ninja says, "You have come to me to die!"
Camera on deadpool
deadpool says, "Blah, blah, blah, clever clever."

Disarm Bomb Cutscene:
Cinematic camera on deadpool
deadpool says, "Was it the red wire, or the blue one?"

Bomb Exploding Cutscene:
deadpool says, "Ouch!"

Bomb Disarmed Cutscene:
deadpool says, "That got it!"

Bomb Exploded Cutscene:
deadpool says, "Ouch!"
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
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