should I install FFX squared and its 3rd reich counterpart?

Started by smarttman, July 23, 2009, 11:58:07 PM

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I'm just worried it might mess up my game permanently, and if it is even  a good enough download to add to the game. I'm also aware the 3rd reich one alters the original characters with new powers and such, but is this also in the 1st one?
Thanks for any help or enlightenment.


FFX will in no way harm your game.  That goes for both ff1 and FFVTTR.

The character modifications are FFVTTR only and they are actually very well done.  For instance, El Diablo gains the Fire Control attribute (added in FFX) allowing him to create walls of fire.  There is really no down-side to FFX.  It is by FAR the best way to experience either FF game.

Have no fear - it will only improve the core games.

It adds new attributes, new power options and A I improvements that most of us can't imagine NOT having at this point.
The Wickerman - creator of the Metal Storm Mod -


Just to sooth my mind, can I uninstall it at will?
And these improvements go towards the custom characters, correct?


Yes, you can uninstall both at will.

In addition, the FFvTTR version doesn't even touch the core game.  It's a completely separate mod with it's own shortcut.  You can play both version whenever you like without either effecting the other.

Custom characters are pretty much what it's about, but do try to at least glance through the manual.  Configuring them can be a bit more involved, but you also have a ton of more options to get exactly the powers you want.
I am the cat that walks by himself, all ways are alike to me.


Alright, thank you both. I am definitely gonna put earth control on a character haha. Thanks for the help