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I can't get the 2nd level working

Started by BananaJane, July 30, 2009, 05:06:45 PM

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Does anyone know how? I've tried everything.


Second level of which of the two games and which mod? Also, which version of the game (North American CD, Steam, Digital Jesters, etc.)?

When you say you can't get it working, what do you mean? In other words, Where are you in the game (at the base, at the beginning of the mission, etc.)? What are you doing? What are you expecting to happen? And, what happens instead?
Courage is knowing it might hurt, and doing it anyway. Stupidity is the same. And that's why life is hard. - Jeremy Goldberg


Quote from: stumpy on July 30, 2009, 08:48:55 PM
Second level of which of the two games and which mod? Also, which version of the game (North American CD, Steam, Digital Jesters, etc.)?

When you say you can't get it working, what do you mean? In other words, Where are you in the game (at the base, at the beginning of the mission, etc.)? What are you doing? What are you expecting to happen? And, what happens instead?

Sorry I forgot to specify >.<
It's the steam version of the first game, 1.3.

Once the first level ends, I'm at a black screen with minute man in the corner and buttons to save game, load game, next mission briefing, danger room, exit.

I'd assume you click on mission briefing to continue to the next level but it doesn't do anything when I click on it.


I don't have the Steam version of FF, so I can't be sure what's going on here. Someone else may have some experience with this.

You can get some better diagnostic information by turning on logging. I think, for the Steam version, you would do that by creating a shortcut directly to the game executable and adding the -log switch to that shortcut. In other words, the game executable is probably at C:\Program Files (x86)\games\Steam\steamapps\common\freedom force\fforce.exe. Right-click on that and create a shortcut. Right-click on the shortcut and click Properties. In the Shortcut tab, there should be a field called Target that has something like "C:\Program Files (x86)\games\Steam\steamapps\common\freedom force\fforce.exe" that you want to change to "C:\Program Files (x86)\games\Steam\steamapps\common\freedom force\fforce.exe" -log to turn on logging.

Then launch the game with the new shortcut and load the saved game where you were having trouble. Now try to start the briefing to the next mission. When it doesn't work, look in C:\Program Files (x86)\games\Steam\steamapps\common\freedom force for three files: ff.log, script.log, and ff.err and post each of them here using the code tags (the button).

(BTW, the Game FAQ may be useful if you are having trouble seeing folders or the real names of files.)

I am going to be away from my PC for several days, but the info in those log files can help determine what's going on. IMO, this sounds a lot like a bug during the install and reinstallation might be the fix. But, I know that may be a pain with Steam if it makes you download the game again...
Courage is knowing it might hurt, and doing it anyway. Stupidity is the same. And that's why life is hard. - Jeremy Goldberg


FF log

00:00:00.01: FF: CInterpreter::init() completed
00:00:00.01: FF: Py_GetPath(.\System;.\System\PythonLib;.\Data\Missions\Scripts;)
00:00:00.01: FF: Py_GetProgramFullPath(c:\program files\valve\steam\steamapps\common\freedom force\fforce.exe)
00:00:00.17: FF: CRender: creating DX8 renderer
00:00:00.17: FF: CRender: trying to render in 32 bits
00:00:00.17: FF: CRender: trying to render using a triple buffer
00:00:00.33: FF: DepthStencil is D3DFMT_D24S8
00:00:02.91: FF: CInterpreter::init() completed
00:00:02.91: FF: Py_GetPath(.\System;.\System\PythonLib;.\Data\Missions\Scripts;c:\program files\valve\steam\steamapps\common\freedom force\data\temp;c:\program files\valve\steam\steamapps\common\freedom force\data\missions\scripts;)
00:00:02.91: FF: Py_GetProgramFullPath(c:\program files\valve\steam\steamapps\common\freedom force\fforce.exe)
00:00:08.30: FF: CSaveGameMgr::readGameType - no gametype found in save, using campaign
00:00:08.54: FF: CInterpreter::init() completed
00:00:08.54: FF: Py_GetPath(.\System;.\System\PythonLib;.\Data\Missions\Scripts;c:\program files\valve\steam\steamapps\common\freedom force\data\temp;c:\program files\valve\steam\steamapps\common\freedom force\data\missions\scripts;)
00:00:08.54: FF: Py_GetProgramFullPath(c:\program files\valve\steam\steamapps\common\freedom force\fforce.exe)
00:00:08.57: FF: CMission::init(01_begin, Missions\01_begin\base.dat)
00:00:08.73: FF: CMission::loadScript(Missions\01_begin\
00:00:08.99: FF: initializing physics
00:00:09.32: FF: CGameTypeCampaign::postObjectsLoaded(): hero marker not located in mission.dat file
00:00:09.32: FF: CPathNodeList::preprocess: 0 nodes
00:00:09.32: FF: CPathNodeList::preprocess: 0 nodes
00:00:09.38: FF: CRender: creating DX8 renderer
00:00:09.38: FF: CRender: trying to render in 32 bits
00:00:09.38: FF: CRender: trying to render using a triple buffer
00:00:09.61: FF: DepthStencil is D3DFMT_D24S8
00:00:09.61: FF: GEOMETRY COUNTER AT 4241
00:00:24.96: FF: freeing physics
00:00:27.67: FF: CObjectTemplateDataMgr::term()

script log

>>> system/ executed
>>> system\ executed
>>> c:\program files\valve\steam\steamapps\common\freedom force\data\temp\ executed
you should never see this
you should never see this
you should never see this
you should never see this
you should never see this
you should never see this
you should never see this
you should never see this

The err file was blank.


And I've tried the second game and it works fine when I click on the mission briefing button.
But in the first one it just doesn't do anything.


Can anyone share me a save game after the 2nd level?
Hopefully it'll work =C