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FFX Squared Temp Form/RussianDoll issue

Started by Pauperof, August 08, 2009, 10:37:33 PM

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I'm playing Freedom Force again and using mods now. (Which are awesome and I thank you all!)  I've looked in the forums and could not find this issue, so I hope it is not a duplication.
I'm utilizing FFX SQUARED, the 'Russian Doll' and 'Shapeshifter' attributes; and running across a unique problem.  Here is what occurs:
I test my character in the Danger Room. The character itself works fine, and the transformation into a Temporary Form works fine too.
The issue is that the Temporary Forms fall over quite often and are down and immobilized for what seems a long time.
This, in turn, causes them to get KO'd rather quickly.  They are not stunned, or have any affect on them.  The animation for falling over and getting up/react from getting hit, seems to simply take 5 times as long. 
I have removed the 'Temporary Form' attribute for these characters and tested them in the Danger Room, and the problem does not occur.

Does anyone have an idea what causes this?  And/or how to fix/correct it?
Any responses/suggestions are much appreciated.  Thank you!


Ha, ha, this is me. From one of my other times creating an account here. lol. Up from a pauper to a master of the revels...
Never did find out why this issue was occurring. But it hasn't happened since. I think I resolved the issue by only choosing russian doll instead of russian doll and shapeshifter.
I remember I was creating a hero whose powers were based on quantum dimensional realities. He was a russian doll of himself. And basically could not die. The idea of course is that when he died he simply tapped into an alternate reality where he made a different choice that did not kill him.


That was an interesting problem... weird. Mind you, mixing powers which both replace the character can often cause unexpected issues. Because FFX is only an hack with limited access to the game engine, we're particularly handicapped here.
FFX add-on for FFvsTTR at