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Laser Eye Surgery....any stories?

Started by thalaw2, August 19, 2009, 10:27:25 PM

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I'm thinking of having laser eye surgery.  I'm reviewing the different procedures.  I am tired of having vision problems and wearing glasses and I just can't do contacts.  It's expensive, but I think it's time for me to look for some kind of alternative.  Have any of your been through or know something about it?


I think it's pretty neat stuff. I have a friend who got it a couple years back, and now he shoots lasers from his eyes. He's happy with it, although his cats hate it.


Memorize the doctor's instructions about what you need to do. FOLLOW THEM!

One person I know got it and kinda skimped on following the instructions and ended up needing glasses again. Less potent glasses, but glasses all the same.

Uncle Yuan

Be very selective in who you go with.  Check out their complication rate and check them with the state licensing board.  Having laser surgery go wrong can often be more serious than still needing glasses.  Poor night vision or having star/halo effects around any light source can be much more debilitating than you think (i.e. "computer monitor" = light source).  Do NOT let price be your primary consideration.  The technology has advanced quite a lot in recent years, but you really don't want to f!@*$ around with your eyes.

Oh, and don't ask for stories, ask for people's own experiences.  Stories = "horror stories."  People like the scary stories.  Every hear anyone tell a pregnant lady about their friend who had an uneventful pregnancy and smooth delivery?
"But there's no use crying over every mistake
You just keep on trying 'till you run out of cake
And the science gets done, and you make a neat gun
For the people who are still alive."


Quote from: Gremlin on August 19, 2009, 11:23:35 PM
I think it's pretty neat stuff. I have a friend who got it a couple years back, and now he shoots lasers from his eyes. He's happy with it, although his cats hate it.

Yes this is what is most attractive about it!  I just worry that something could go wrong and I'll be unable to control the beams and have to wear ruby quartz glasses.   :D

Thanks for posts.  I'll make my decision by next Summer, but while I'm in town I will go for the free consultation.  I'll ask about the things you mention, Uncle. 


My father-in-law got it done. His eye lens flap from the surgery came open a few days later. That's gross. Good luck!
I apologize in advance for everything I say on here. I regret it immediately after clicking post.


i had it done about five years ago and its a very quick and easy soon as i raised up off the table,i had better than 20/20 your eyes heal which is very quick also.your eyes will go to 20/20.its one of the best things ive ever done.just follow their instructions and you'll be fine.its over so fast you'll be pain what so ever. :thumbup:


I had the free consultation today and...I am not a candidate for the procedure.   :(  My left eye is too weak and my right eye is close enough to 20/20 that they don't want to risk it.  I was really hoping they would say yes, but I am glad that it seems they're not lying to me to make some quick money.  It's kind of depressing but I'll get over it.

Thanks alot for your replies guys.


That's a shame - I had it done several years ago, and it was easy as can be. 
- Bujin


So one eye was too bad to do surgery and the other was too good?  :wacko:
Yellow Lantern smash!


Well...yes.  The one good idea they don't want to risk any problems with and the bad one can't really be helped.  So, if I had the surgery and had some problems down the line I could be worse off than I am now...or maybe they thought I couldn't afford the procedure.  I have read reports on a website that you have to go in to the consultation dressed up or something like that.

I'm thinking I will get a second opinion when i get back to China and compare and contrast.