Volted DDS's : Balrog , Sin City Marv , (AoA) Weapon X

Started by electro, February 07, 2010, 01:37:54 AM

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Dusted off the Ol' paint program & this is what happened :blink:

skin & skope : http://electros115.web.officelive.com/default.aspx

Marcus Fenix from Gears of War 2

Also made this original skin for fun "Lord Bynum"

laughing paradox


Marcus is a really interesting and detailed design, although the border lines look rather awkward. I'd suggest putting the separate elements on as different layers and using shading effects to get them to look a little more continuous, at least for the layered stuff.

Bynum looks pretty cool, although I'd suggest a different border for the chest logo.


Those are pretty cool. The lines on Marcus Phoenix look pretty jagged though, you might want to work on that. Make sure you use anti-aliasing.
Get my skins at:
my Google page


Thanks for the suggestions - I really suck with paint programs & rarly use them so I have some learning to do - I found some Gimp tutorials on layers but making smooth diagonal lines seems to be my achilles heel - hopefully my next skin will turn out better :blink:


I'm really impressed with the amount of details you managed to put on these skins particularly Marcus.

Lord Bynum is a pretty cool design too. The helmet strap, collar,metal pads ,gauntlets and the eyes are very nice ideas and I think drawn pretty well too.

Hope to see more in the future. ^_^


Nite Owl II movie version 70% complete - Basically got the costume body finished minus a few touch ups in the armor - Hopefully fixed some of the jagged diagonal lines for this skin with the smudge tool - Feedback to improve will be helpfull :blink:


WOW! This is fantastic! Just a few personal opinions about the colors on this one. the scale male(which looks a little generic, but that's okay) should be more of a copper/ bronze color(like a slightly lighter version of this: http://www.ubergizmo.com/photos/2008/3/bronze-psp.jpg ), the lines over it(moeing through the mid stomach to the arms and through the thighs) should be darkened a little bit more, and also his face is a tad too tan.You should try to scope that single owl-rang on his belt,  I thought more of a white boy when i think of Dan. Fantastic work! I Can't wait to get this!
"Roads, Where we're going we don't need... Roads"


huge improvement. i cant wait to see the finished version. :thumbup:


Thanks for the tips - I havn't touched the face, helmet , cape yet, just the body so that's why his face is the same color as his suit - Hopefully finish this by tonight :blink:

laughing paradox

Electro, that Nite-Owl is coming out so friggin' good. Keep up the good work!



Quote from: electro on February 08, 2010, 12:56:36 AM
hopefully my next skin will turn out better :blink:

It's better. ^_^ Great job on those fish nets? :P If you could apply what you did with the seams/shadows on his underpants with the other parts of his costume, i think it would turn out even better. :)


electro, that looks AWSOME!!! i think LP's straight haired blackwidow skope would make an excellent movie version silk spectre.


Fantastic Dreiberg, electro!

The level of detail in that costume is amazing. Looking forward to seeing the finished version, with head and cape completed.


He's done except for some detail on the back of the cape & his little point at the bottom of the cape but, releasing it as is - Hopefully somone with more talent than me can touch him up & find a cresent moon to skope onto the belt :blink:


wow! amazing work, i really like the details on the gloves and boots.
i'm not a big fan of his bodysuit's color though, it's a little "yellowish". it looks like a dark gold or a bright copper, i think a deep copper (maybe add a little more brown or even dark red to the mix) would suit him better. oh well, it's just a matter of test i suppose ^^
anyway, great skin, keep up the good work!


laughing paradox


Thanks everyone I just wish I didn't become frustrated on the cape & not completly finish this - I have been working trial & error more with the Gimp paint program & some plug-ins on trying to color some line art i'm working on of Hulk vs Wolverine mini comic which i'll be previewing soon in the art section - I wonder if my problem with diaginal lines has anything to do with me painting on a 50,in HDTV instead of a normal Computer Monitor - If I can fix this i'll try to update him soon & release a few more skins i'd like to do like the marvel character Fracture http://www.marvunapp.com/Appendix4/fracture.htm :blink:


He looks great, and I think you don't need to modify a thing.

I'd like to see what you can do with Fracture. I personally didn't know him, but his appearence can motivate you to create a truly unique skin.


"Volted"?    Hmmm.  I'm having a flashback about someone's lovelife. :doh:

(This message was intended for any of the really longtime forum members.)
My Amazing Woman - A Romantic Comedy of Super Heroic Proportions.

Also what Lightning Man and Kenn-X have been doing lately.


Weapon X & alternate skin design from a statue that I thought looked cool :blink:



Cool. I like the rugged look you've given him.
Get my skins at:
my Google page

laughing paradox

Very cool skins. I like the way it came out.



Thanks everyone - I was putting together my AoA section & found most of characters I needed - I actually was going to use your Wolvie Detourne because I always enjoy your ideas on skopes & skins but for some reason the hex you had was stretchy looking in ffvttr - Not sure why - So i just threw this together last night & made the alt this morning :blink:


Painting on this mesh was a bit tougher than normal since the skin was so small & mirrored thus alloweing for little detail - (From my favorite comic artist Frank Miller's) Marv :wacko:

Alternate costume


laughing paradox

Electro, that is friggin' awesome.. I love the black and white look of Marv.

Were you contemplating doing some of the other Sin City characters? I would love to have a black and white map to fit with the characters.