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Started by crimsonquill, February 13, 2010, 03:08:00 AM

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And after digging out from a week of snowmageddon here in Virginia  :wacko:.. I finally finished my latest skope...

I promised after doing Martha that I would continue Xorn's Special Class and Beak seemed like the most in demand since he was a part of Morrison's New X-Men but Exiles as well...

Those that took a look at my preview in the Hex section ( would notice that I replaced the base with Ink's Kinetic because it had the short sleeves on the jacket that I needed but pants that looked much better. Plus I made huge improvements in finding better pieces to complete his bird-like look and decided to make his hands more 3-finger claw like after all. And if you look at my skin very closely maybe you might get the inside joke I threw into his clothing design (bonus points if you can pick it out).

You can download the skope here:

- CQ
"He said let there be light... CLICK! It was a lightbulb. And It was good."