Mindgames (updated again... pretty much done)

Started by rain, February 13, 2010, 11:02:03 PM

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Hiya Folks

For those who've been in game a fair bit lately you probably know I've been creating SG specific story arcs in the MA. These were known as the Rogues Gallery Strike Force and the No Remorse Task Force.

This project has been a little labor of love of mine for the past couple months as I've tried to squeeze in time between the copious amounts of actual playing I've been doing. The idea first came in a conversation with Eph when the MA was still in development. The idea being "how cool would it be to take our existing toons and fight against them" (granted his idea was way cooler than just that).

Anyways a couple months ago as we struggled with the eternal question of "whatdoyouwannado?" and "idunnowhatdoyouwannado?" I said to myself it would be cool to have something else to do than yet another ITF. That's when the Rogues Gallery SF was born.

All in all, the RGSF (arc 1) and the NRFTF (arc2) were fun to play and I really got into the storytelling and learning the MA. I realized about halfway through the creation of Arc 2 that the story would probably take 4 full arcs to tell. I also realized that it wasn't specifically a "Rogues Gallery" story, because it actually involved toons from the Freakie Deakies.

That's when I realized that as I finished the story, the first two arcs needed to be repackaged and a few small changes made based on feedback.

These two arcs are known as "Mindgames I" and "Mindgames II" now.
Mindgames I is the RGSF (the original villian arc). Mindgames II, which picks up the story from the hero side, is the NRFTF.

I've made changes to the existing two arcs based around how much we were getting smoked by the mobs and people laffing at my poor spelling.
Some minor Nerfs were done to Frost Heave and the Nightlife Faction in Arc 1
Some major Nerfs were done to The Freakazoids and Nuvuk in Arc 2
Alot of polish/spelling and grammar errors were fixed in both Arc 1 and 2.

Things to know about these arcs:
1.They are designed for team play. Unless you can easily solo a monster/EB, these arcs are brutally hard at points. I wouldn't try them solo with anything but an IO'ed scrapper or brute. There is an EB/AV/GM in most every mission. Really they are meant for 3-5 people.
2.They are made to be "Endgame Content". The level range is 45-50.
3.They are filled with in-jokes and references that really make them of little use outside this community (the "ipod game" encounter in Arc 2 specifically will make little sense to anyone who hasn't said ipod game).
4. Episode 3 is essentially "unsoloable".

Thats about it...

Mindgames I - Arc ID 375545
Mindgames II - Arc ID 375546
Mindgames III - Arc ID 376625
Mindgames IV - Arc ID 379980



Every time a Hammyo'ed MoG scrapper falls to an elec snipe in the arena, an angel gets his wings


Sounds groovilicious.  I miss MA writing and these sound cool.  I might try it out on the free weekend coming up.


Actually MG3 was at times groovy... at times ummmmmmm

lets just say there was debt.

That said, I did a fair bit of nerfing to the "mission 3 experience"
(removed one of the mezzer mobs and a fair number of the popup mobs)

Also made some tweaks to the custom group in Mission two that had a couple of us... well...
barfing alot.

Hoping to get a few peeps together over the next few days to see if I got it right.

The point I am slowly learning... just because you can make it imposibly hard doesn't mean you actually should. There's a big difference between challenge and aggravation. I think Mission 3 crossed that line. It should be fixed now.

That said, for those who played it... I've left the monster in for story reasons.

Once that test is done and I am happy that it's right, I'll get down to finishing the story with Mindgames 4

Every time a Hammyo'ed MoG scrapper falls to an elec snipe in the arena, an angel gets his wings


And a big cleansing breath....

For those keeping track.

I finished Mindgames 4 tonight.

I'll be hopefully playtesting the arc over the next couple days (today is quiet and tommorow is Lost night so who knows when)

What can you expect?
1.The world gone mad as the Impossibility Engine is set off
2.Less Custom enemies than ever before!
3.A story that manages to wrap up just about every plot line!
4.The death of one of Flying Infant's alts!

There will not be a Mindgames 5
Not a freaking chance.
My next arc will be two hellions on a warehouse map with no dialog and Defeat All.

Every time a Hammyo'ed MoG scrapper falls to an elec snipe in the arena, an angel gets his wings


Finished Mindgames 1 tonight, after escaping to finally play the damn game again, heh.

Very awesome, my friend.

And to answer Natalie's info question, it's close, just change her top to the t-shirt and its perfect.

Just about to grab my poo brute and run the third one.
"My word and world holds ground and is real
Your word is like floods of poisoned water
A language spoken with spit from different tongues
You can never corrupt me again"


For those keeping track:

We ran Mindgames 4 last night which is the final 5 missions in the story.

Based on feedback and my own personal impressions I made a couple of final changes this morning

1.Corrected Jade Gibbon's Costume/Powers:
Jade Gibbon should now look a lot less like Go'rilla Warfare and use the proper mace powerset and corrected Rularuu mace.(I gotta admit to dropping the ball here and getting confused by the scope of apes in TW's personal pantheon.... seriously, this guy has like 5 monkey toons)

2.Changes to the Edict of the New Lord custom group:
Made changes to this group's bosses. They were taking 4 times longer to kill than a normal boss and were awarding the same XP. Made significant changes to Detectives and Enforcers, in order to make the group feel less "grindy". This should particularly help missions 1 and 4.

3.Various spelling/grammar fixes.

4.Changed two instances of the word Reconstructed when it should have read "Reconstituted".... sorry cat. This is what you get for giving me permission.

It's up and ready for play Arc ID:379980


Every time a Hammyo'ed MoG scrapper falls to an elec snipe in the arena, an angel gets his wings


This was a great, epic arc with some cool concepts.  Yeah, I said it already when we were playing, but now I'm putting it down on an internet message board so these words will be permanent.  Two million years from now, your descendants will read these words and know that their takeover of the planet was fated by your pushing of buttons to make this thing.  Dig it.


it is dug!

of course I'll need to procreate at some point.


Every time a Hammyo'ed MoG scrapper falls to an elec snipe in the arena, an angel gets his wings