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Macau ain't Vegas

Started by thalaw2, February 16, 2010, 03:12:09 AM

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Just thought I would let y'all know that in case you were thinking of traveling there for some gamblin'

It's a cool place with cool peeps, but it just don't feel like Vegas.  It's like gamblin' in a library.  The Sands was the only Casino I took a likin' to, a cuz they had cheap alkyhol and some o dem perty dancin' girls...fer free.  No free drinks while you gamble....can you believe that?!?!?!   Plus dem servin' ladies is fully dressed!?!?!!?  Fully dressed!!!!!!!!!  What up wit dat?!?!?!

Tawodi Osdi

I have never been to Vegas.
I have never been to Macau.
There seems to be common connection there.  Are you sure Macau ain't Vegas?


Does a bear <Do it's business> in the woods?

I could probably venture into the woods to answer that question, but I choose to take the forest rangers word for it.   :lol:

By the way...forest ranger says the answer to that question is "yes".