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Reporting for Duty

Started by BlueBard, March 29, 2010, 12:37:18 PM

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Science Lieutenant G'eek, son of N'erd, reporting for duty.  I am hoping that I can find more experienced captains for instructional purposes.  It seemed to me to be only logical to open a hailing frequency for that purpose.

OOC: Having a bit of trouble getting used to the interface and mechanics, but otherwise enjoying myself thus far.  I was relieved to find out that my issues getting in for the first time were due to a major outage and not the incompatibility of my laptop.  As it was, I had to complete my upgrade to Windows 7 in order to get a suitable display driver.
STO/CO: @bluegeek


I am Ryan Patton@deathbahamutxxx
"That is not dead which can eternal lie, and with strange eons even death may die."


@bluegeek ... not sure if the short name appears as "G'eek" with the apostrophe or not, I'll have to look.

I finally had an 'aha' moment and figured out how scans work... it really helped with my exploration missions!  Actually, I'm having a lot of 'aha' moments right now.  Tips and Tricks are more than welcome.

I'm using LClick+RClick to steer my starship, but I can already see that it's going to cripple me with carpal tunnel if I play that way too long.  Has anyone found a better way?  (bearing in mind I'm playing on a laptop with no number pad...)

How much anomalous data do I have to collect before Commander Romaine will talk to me again?
STO/CO: @bluegeek


the memory alpha stuff you need to upgrade I believe 70,000 energy credits worth of items before you get the next tier of items
"That is not dead which can eternal lie, and with strange eons even death may die."