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FFX Squared and the danger Room

Started by Naathez, April 07, 2010, 11:43:03 AM

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I've recently built some custom characters, including attributes and powers from FFX (such as Enhanced senses and weapons master)... but when i try them out in the danger room (we're talking FF 1 here) the special powers stemming from such attributes don't come up. Is it me who doesn't know how to activate them, or is it that they can't work in the danger room, only in a campaign, or is it strange but there's a workaround...?

I feel more than a little stupid...


something that isn't always clear (or always remembered; I forgot last week) is that FFX is a mod, and has to be run separately from FF1. If you have added any FX since you installed FFX, it may have messed uo your FX DAT file (there used to be a guide as to what order to  install stuff in). And I've just plain messed up when I merged dat files before (always back up your files!)

Sometimes the install goes awry, and the attrribite may show up as ATTRIB_somethingorother and may not work. This is a problem I need to fix myself, right now.


You're very kind, daglob, but I've done nothing of the sort. Cold it be that since those attributes are not multiplayable, they don't work in Danger Room either?


Almost every ffx 2.6 attribute is designed to work in the danger room (with exceptions like psychotherapy).

The ffx manual gives instructions on making custom characters. The manual is stored in the FreedomForce/ffx install path I think, and the information is under Freedom Force X: "How to" guide, so that could help you out.


Oh! And I just realized, you should start up FFXEdit (the control centre) and, making sure you have the right mod selected (or the data folder for the original campaign) make sure that under FFX RULES the box next to "Enable FFX-Squared" is checked.

But if that doesn't help, then I'm out of ideas. Sorry man.